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Everything posted by kelkel2

  1. Your pics are awesome! I’d love to go on a trip like this someday.
  2. We have Megan’s review coming up to keep us extra hydrated!
  3. I have a friend who’s dog gets out all the time. They attached one to his collar.
  4. Just shows you the value of the air tags. My husband thought I was nuts when I bought them. But we flew southwest a few weeks after their meltdown and I wasn’t going to find myself a victim, just in case. AirTags save the day!
  5. I can’t even believe it!!! And honestly, if you’d left it up to the airline, they’d probably still be “lost” and you’d be cruising without it
  6. That is so rude! Like you’re not going to get far with doing that. Just get off the ship.
  7. I don’t blame you. I feel like getting a live person in front of you is your best chance. Good luck!!!
  8. Oh it absolutely is. Boarding there is really smooth though. what kind of cabin did you book?
  9. Oh wow, i just found this today and I’m now caught up. This is going to be an epic week or so on cruise critic. Also, Megan has been a scorned. 😂
  10. We had that on our cruise on the Mardi Gras in January. I wonder if it varies from ship to ship?
  11. I’m. Very impressed with your packing. I’m going to need you to give us lessons when you get back. I feel like I pack lighter than I used to, but I still would have a hard time with just a carry on.
  12. Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry for how the start of your trip has been. Fingers crossed luggage comes today.
  13. My kids loved it! I would suggest on embarkation day to go to their open house. You can take your kids in and show them around and kind of ease their minds and yours. The carnival app will have listed what they’re doing and at what time. My kids usually went in the evenings after dinner. There was always some sort of activity or craft planned. They came back to the cabin almost every night with something they made etc. I don’t believe they do any water activities and honestly at that age group I don’t think they take them anywhere. They stay in the camp location. There were a few occasions I went to pick my kids up and the activity they were doing wasn’t done yet and they begged to stay, so I hope your kids love it too!
  14. I’m glad they’re back. Now if we could just get actual menus back that would be great. I’m the only one who uses my phone on the cruise so I had to pass my phone to my spouse at dinner. Which is fine, but then the waiter would come and one of us knew what we wanted and the other didn’t because we didn’t get time to look.
  15. I just don’t get the whole debacle then. If the flight isn’t full what happened to B’s reservation and why was it such an issue? Was it just a computer glitch?
  16. Meh honestly, our last flight we sat right next to the bathroom on purpose (twin preschoolers with us) and it wasn’t too awful honestly. I think sitting apart would be way worse.
  17. Air tags can make you really nervous. Like randomly alerting you your bag has been left behind etc. it could be just in an area that isn’t pinging an iPhone or perhaps the baggage handler has an android! Ours randomly didn’t work. Hopefully hers makes it! Does the airline have a bag tracker number or a way to track it with them?
  18. I am so excited for reading yet another awesome review!! Have a great trip!
  19. Yes it’s open. My kids were just there in January on the Mardi Gras and loved it. Can I answer any specific questions for you about it? My twins were 4 on our cruise.
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