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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. LOL. Whatever it is called. I wouldn't be eating it anyway. 😁 But thank you.
  2. LOL. We were at a house in the Outer Banks one year, and the flies were really bad when we were BBQing. (Wild Horses) . So, we bought a flyswatter at Food Lion. Poked around the cabinets some more...and found 5 of them, that others had purchased. 😁 I do remember the can opener lady! 😁
  3. My family on my mom's side are Urquhart's. I've always thought it would be interesting to see the ruins of the castle. Thanks for the live and fabulous photos!
  4. I read one today that I thought was funny. We have a lot of crows and one that is very persistent for peanuts. She lost her fledgling a few weeks ago, I think he might have hit the fence and the stairs. We found him on the stairs) she has been hanging around a lot. And she purrs at me. "Before crowbars were invented, most crows tended to drink at home." ☺️
  5. LINK light rail is the cheapest (Tram) . Probably after that taxi or Uber will be about the same.
  6. Happy Birthday Greg! It sounds like an excellent day. We don't usually do much for holidays. Bill usually gets me a B&N gift card in June for my birthday and I get him an Amazon gift card for his in August. I told him not to bother this year. He has been selling things on eBay like mad and just transferred over $600 into my account. My dad's WWII flight jacket just sold for $275. I really loved that jacket when I was a teenager. I probably shouldn't have worn it out so much. Amazing. ☺️ We have a lot of photos from the 1906 earthquake from the Oakland side of the Bay, that my grandfather took. The newspaper used to borrow and publish them every year. I think we will see about donating them to the Oakland Museum. I already gave them an intact California mole to freeze dry. (And then took it off my taxes. 😛)
  7. Aww. I'm so sorry. It is so sad and difficult to lose a beloved pet and family member. My apologies that I hadn't read further before I posted. Poor Oliver. I'm sure he was much loved and a very good boy.
  8. LOL. ☺️ My childhood home looks the same. We moved here when I was 11 and I have been here for 54 years. 😀 We are getting it done. The termite people will be finishing up on the exterior by the end of the week and then starting on the bathroom. And the exterior painting contractor came today to give us a (very reasonable) quote. And he is eager to start. We should have spread all this work out more.
  9. You could. We see them. Laugh about them. And leave them where they are. I sometimes read the tag and put them back. We are not on Facebook to post photos. Children will probably enjoy the experience. 😊 But we don't really have any use for them.
  10. Now I'm getting duplicate pages on my desktop. 😊 I do love the mini cars though. I am driving my first SUV, after getting rid of my Celica. And I dislike not being able to see very well over the hood.
  11. Still packing and disposing away. The termite people started work today. In order to replace the subfloor, they will be remodeling the guest bath, that we hadn't planned to remodel. I hadn't really developed a plan for a sudden disassembly and replace. 🤔 The weather has been very nice. A little chillier today though. Thanks for asking. ☺️
  12. Kind of looks like apricot and peach maybe, Helen. They are fuzzy for plums. Your photos are great! Thank you so much for sharing them with us. What a lovely and beautiful country. I had no idea. ☺️
  13. I had my winter hat alright. I purchased it on clearance at Walmart for $5. It was during their Dog fur/China fur scandal. LOL. Which prompted me to look at the label, which said "Unspecified Fur". It was REALLY cold that year. And I will continue to take it on future trips. ☺️
  14. Please let us know how that goes Deb. Or post a link on here please. We are booked for our first Celebrity cruise as well. TY.
  15. I went out with my phone camera. And I could see the white light, but I just figured it was light from downtown coming up into the hills. There have been lots of fabulous photos. I am sure, that as I get older, I will tell people that I remember seeing the phenomenon. ☺️
  16. We would never rent a car or consider driving there on our own. The traffic is too busy, and somewhat insane.
  17. Public smoking is now prohibited, cigarettes, cigars, anything.
  18. I wish I could do a Like, Like, Like! That is so cool. Thank you for sharing with us. ☺️
  19. Maybe pins and screws/plates? I'm so sorry this happened. Things like that happen so quickly and unexpectedly. The kitties will be happy when you get home and happy to have your lap.
  20. Hydrocodone makes me really sleepy. And morphine injections make me throw up. Only once, and it still seems to work fine. Just not tolerated well. ☺️ I thought Tramadol was the best to dull the pain without associated sleepiness.
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