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Everything posted by MJSailors

  1. Thank you for taking the time on your vacation to write this review and to post so many scenic photos of the places you and your wife visited. I especially enjoyed the photos of the Na’Pali coast and that knockout resort in Kauai ! MJ🙋🏻
  2. Bon Voyage John and Lala! I hope you enjoy Bermuda as much as my DH and I have enjoyed our visits there. Following your thread especially to see photos of ,possibly,familiar places. MJ🙋🏻
  3. Thank you,Wildra for another happy and humorous review. Glad that you enjoyed your cruise vacay. I will be sending up a prayer tonight thanking Him for blessing you with the gift of words and asking the good Lord to watch over you for your next travels. MJ🙋🏻
  4. @TravelGirlinDallasMy goodness, you and you hubby and son had a frightening experience at the fair.Seems to me that causing a stampede should be illegal as calling out “fire”in a crowded theater. Hoping you can remember the good part of your day spent together. @jagsfanThank you for sharing your photos. Your son-in-law is exceptional that he could do all the cooking for the company ! He looks like he is a very kind man. @Sunshine3601 Good that you are feeling better. Fresh air and sunshine,plus water are all good medicine ! Hoping your health continues to improve. Sending good wishes to all- MJ🙋🏻
  5. Greg- I did not want to imply that you were inebriated,but that alcoholic drinks can cause dehydration. Dehydration can be a tricky thing. How do I know? My DH was taken off an early morning Southwest flight because he passed out due to eating very little breakfast, drinking very little water since the evening before the flight and taking anxiety medication before the proscribed time. Luckily it happened as the plane was waiting on the runway for take-off and there was a doctor on the plane who stepped up to help him before the paramedics arrived. He was taken to a local hospital ER and I was assigned a police officer to see that I drove to the hospital without any problems of my own. He underwent a battery of tests in the ER, to determine that it was a case of dehydration and medication taken too close to the previous dose. Absolutely a good outcome,but if DH had used some common sense we would not have had to go through a very apprehensive experience. The silver lining in all of this was that the Southwest crew was very helpful and understanding. The paramedics did their job very professionally. The police officer was most kind. And the passengers on the plane were also very kind. Southwest even refunded our fares and returned the checked bags without a fee. Remember,water is your friend. MJ
  6. Wow,just wow! Yourwife must have been very concerned that you needed ER medical assistance. Hope that your collarbone heals quickly and without too much discomfort. You may be aware of this,but alcohol is a diuretic. The drinks at dinner may have factored into your situation. Wishing you good days and happy cruising! MJ🙋🏻
  7. @Sunshine3601 I hope you have a quick recovery 💐. @ReneeFLL You are on a remarkable journey- a trip of a lifetime for sure ! Enjoy your travels. By any chance,are you plannng to meet up with the poster from Australia that shares the beautiful photos from there ? I cannot recall her CC name at the moment. Wishing everyone who is home today or enjoying some traveling, a very pleasant day ! MJ🙋🏻
  8. Bon Voyage,Greg and Linda ! Are you there yet?- only kidding. Safe driving today. MJ🙋🏻
  9. Bon voyage to you and your wife! Safe travels to the ship ! MJ🙋🏻
  10. I have to join in with the posts about Bermuda. My husband and I spent our honeymoon there in 1983 and we have returned twelve times over the years. Our vacations were both cruises and resort stays. We liked it when the ships could dock at Hamilton as we could walk off the ship and explore the town. The Royal Naval Dockyard is far from most of the interesting sites.iMHO, the Dockyard has become very commercial over the years and seems a bit cluttered to me. However, the mini golf course located there seems interesting. We have yet to try it. The ferries going to Hamilton and St George’s are convenient transportation from the Dockyard and provide scenic views of the small islands that make up the country of Bermuda. We have enjoyed Elbow Beach and the beach club at the Fairmont Southampton Princess. Horseshoe Bay is pretty,but it can get very crowded at times. We have enjoyed lovely dinners at the FourWays Inn and the Waterlot Inn. We have found the Hog Penny good for lunch or a drink before taking the ferry back to the Dockyard. As for shopping, so many of the wonderful stores have closed in Hamilton. We used to shop at Trimmingham’s, Bluck’s and the Irish Linen Shop ( which may still be in business). There is an interesting liquor store on Front Street. I don’t recall the name of the store,but I do recall they had a wide variety of liquors in stock with beautiful displays. We had planned a vacation in March of 2020 where we were supposed to stay at the Fairmont Southampton Princess and play golf on the lovely golf course at the hotel. However, that trip was cancelled due to Covid. We would like to plan such a trip again,but we are waiting to see if the present travel protocols will be lifted in the near future. We have fond memories of our visits to Bermuda and we can only hope to return someday. MJ🙋🏻
  11. Lenny- I am sorry to read that you did not have a successful appointment with the Parkinson’s doctor. It must have been very deflating to experience his approach. As I wrote in my post to Lucas, our friend also has Parkinson’s. He has started to see a doctor who is affiliated with Stonybrook hospital and,so far, he and his wife are pleased with this doctor’s care. If you would like, I could get the name of the doctor for you. Not to make light of your recent experience, but I am thinking that you must also be disappointed that the Mets have been put out of the running for a World Series appearance. Well, there’s always next year. Hoping the Yankees will have a better outcome. They won tonight’s game and the Braves lost,so there is hope for an interesting Series, at least for New Yorkers ! Bonnie- That is not good news that you are experiencing pain in that foot. Although the boot is cumbersome, hoping the support it gives takes some if the pain away and that the podiatrist can offer you some good insight as to what is happening with that foot. @Ozark_Kid- Your dear Kenzie is a beautiful child with a loving heart. She must light up a room wherever she goes. You and your family are blessed to have her in your lives. To all those dealing with illness, pain or discomfort these days, I hope you have some comfort with whatever you are dealing with now. To those that celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada- happy holiday! To those traveling by ship,car or plane,safe journeys and wishes for an enjoyable trip and vacation. Take care everyone ! MJ🙋🏻
  12. Dear Lucas- You have been on quite the life’s journey taking care of your Mom.She is fortunate to have a son who is so dedicated to taking care of her. Hoping that hospice will give you the support you need in taking care of her. Keep in mind that it is okay to ask for help because the help you receive will help her also. My Dad was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s and he passed at 73. I was 27 at the time. Since I am an only child,I helped my Mom care for him at their home for four years. It was often difficult, but it was an act of love and I have never regretted helping my parents in those years.Whenever I think of my Dad, it is not as he was during those last years,but when he was a strong and vital man who loved my mother and me very much. My Mom lived to be 93 and spent the last twenty years of her life as a widow. She came to live with my husband and me when it came to the point in her life when she no longer wanted to be alone. Luckily, she retained all her mental faculties as she aged, but had to deal with significant physical problems. During the last three years of her life, we had help from two wonderful aides. I considered theses women angels and they became part of our family. She was a wonderful mother and I considered our taking care of her as a way to thank her for the loving care she gave to me. Now, we are supporting a good friend who has been dealing with Parkinson's Disease for a number of years. Recently, he has begun to experience some hallucinations which apparently present as confusion of thought. He sometimes thinks his wife is someone else and he is confused in his house as he is convinced that he is in a former house that was sold some time ago. At other times,he is like his old self, joking and having good conversations. We feel for his wife who has been caring for him by herself for so many years.They both are dear friends and we try to support them by helping with household tasks,doing errands and sometimes just listening. At times, I wish I had a magic wand that would take the disease away from our friend as then he would have such a pleasant life. Whenever I hear of someone who is afflicted with a serious disease such as Alzheimer’s,Parkinson’s ,cancer or other serious diseases, I often think of their caregivers. Since being one for both of my parents, I realize the struggles they face. As someone once said to me, when you see a person in a wheelchair,look up and give the person pushing the wheelchair a smile. That person needs care and support too. Lucas, I wish you good days as you continue to care for your Mom. When her life journey is over,you will not have regrets over what you did to care for her. MJ🙋🏻
  13. I have.not read through this entire post, but I have to say that my empathy goes to the OP’s wife. After such a traumatic accident,multiple surgeries and a bout of Covid 3.5 months ago, the thought of preparing for a cruise vacation would have certainly been daunting for me. I am thinking that after some time at Disneyworld in the heat,she may have suffered from dehydration. I do hope she recovered from the symptoms the OP mentioned in his initial post. In my view, this woman needs TLC ,rest and relaxation to aid her recovery. Perhaps a stay at a lovely, nearby resort would have been a better vacation choice. At this time, I would think her recovery from such a traumatic accident would take priority over the concern about RCL refund policy. But, that’s just me. I wish the OP and his wife good days of healing and comfort. MJ🙋🏻
  14. @Sea Dog Greg- I have been reading your interesting review and I realize the time and effort it takes to write and post photos as you did after the cruise. Thank you. Both my hubby and I reached lifetime membership in Weight Watchers many years ago. We try to stay with the guidelines of the program- sometimes with success and sometimes not so much. At one of the meetings we attended,a woman,who had also reached lifetime status ,returned from a cruise. Much to her chagrin she had gained twenty-one pounds . So, in that context,twelve pounds is something you can deal with now that you are back home. We have found that cruise ship food contains a lot of salt. Wether we can taste it or not,we know salt is there. It causes a bit of water retention and that affects weight gain. Once you are eating your regular meals at home, the scale will go in the right direction because of the water weight. Wishing you good luck in your endeavors. MJ🙋🏻
  15. As usual, I have been reading Dani’s thread, just not commenting. George please accept my sympathy to you and your family for the recent loss of your mother. John,it is good to see you posting again,especially sending the photos of Bella. Graham,hoping the surgery to remove the questionable spots on your face goes well. Lenny, I hope you continue to feel well and that your BP stays in check. Also,we are hoping for a subway series also- let’s go Mets ! and Yankees too! For all those with Florida homes,hoping the effects of Ian are not seriously problematic for you and that any damage/loss can be taken care of in a timely manner. And finally,for those celebrating happy milestones I am sending congratulation. Wishing all a very pleasant week. MJ🙋🏻
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