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Everything posted by kalos

  1. I have noted that Europe will be starting the EES (Entry and Exit System) That means UK resident folk will need a €6 for a 3 year visa ? @molecrochip Has anyone at P&O got any updates of how this could affect future cruisers ?
  2. Strange that it did not ask you to press number ? to pay for a cruise or ?? for a other options you can select . I did for me a few Sundays back, ring back was offered ,once I had selected an option I wanted to talk about . That rang for about 5mins and then gave me the offer of ring back .. About 35 mins later I got the call. Good luck with tomorrow, the link I sent you does say open tomorrow but being a bank holiday would ring first thing .
  3. https://www.pocruises.com/contact-us 0344 338 8003 Try this number at 10am prompt tomorrow , if your call is not answered,wait for the option of a ring back (Think it will be option 1 ) Better than holding line for 25 mins .
  4. Not all idiots are on two wheels. Only yesterday we were traveling on a 40mph road and a driver in front wanted to turn left . To his left is a deacceleration lane about 70 yds long, he did not want to use that and stayed on the main road until he was about 3 ft off his turning with his left indicator on for about 80 yds, slowing all the traffic behind him down to around 5mph . Not the first time either ,question is ,what the hell do they think these lanes are for ?
  5. I think the cyclists are pretty safe going through speed cameras ,as not that many have a Reg plate strapped to their rumps 😉
  6. Oh dear ,not a good start to a Bank Holiday weekend .. What we need is a sing song 🎵🙃🎵 All together now .....
  7. Good morning on this Bank Holiday weekend,when the banks are shut. Nowt new there they shut half of ours years back anyway . They rather we use them online ,which can be annoying , have you ever tried to get a ten pound note changed for pound coins,on your PC ?🤔 The biggest joke is when your computer wants you to tick a box to prove that you are human . A bit ironic that one . Hope the rain clears for everyone and you have a good weekend - Take care .🙂
  8. The winds were not too bad around here ,the wheelie bins stayed where we had put them out on the street ready for collection this morning . The windchimes outside our back door were giving value for money . Some would say ,a pretty sound investment 🙃😉 Just as the winds are calming ,I saw this which made me think of some of our posters who are not having it easy at the moment . To those (you know who you are ) and all other posters - Take Care 🙂
  9. Have a lovely anniversary Pauline and Graham.❤️🙂
  10. Don't raid the crusty rolls but you can open the new biscuit tin and close it again🙃 Seems to me you have two options ,weight or wait 😉😄 Morning everyone ,nice clear blue skies at the moment and I hope you all have a good day whatever your up to , Take care 🙂
  11. Hope this link helps ... See who can use the pools in FAQ https://www.pocruises.com/onboard-activities/daytime/swimming-pools-test#:~:text=Children are welcome to use,Aft) and the Coral Pool
  12. Morning everyone,hope everyone is feeling positive and ready for today. We called by to see our great grand daughter yesterday and she was not a happy bunny ,bit of a temperature and teething,horrible time for baby's to go through but she showed us the way forward with a lovely smile for us. Hope you all get to have a good day - Take care 🙂
  13. Hi Avril, sorry you have had problems, but you are a Barnsley lass and you have lost a round but never the fight.Nowt up with having a breather . You and Frank have been through a lot and it's great to read Frank is making good progress too.🙂 Thanks for letting us know you are safe and well,Take care and remember .... Your cyber buddies are only a keyboard away .❤️🙂
  14. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas cruise with P&O and I'm sure you will love the Cunard Queen Victoria ,she is one very pretty ship . (We love her) Thank you for your reply - Take care .
  15. I was thinking of them this morning and a lot of others who stopped posting some time ago. Hope all are well and decide to post again ,in their own good time of course .🙂 In the Kalos household.. 🎵 Just another manic Monday 🎵 ...Doing nowt.🙃 Our dairy today consists of .. Pop Master and a go on Wordle, maybe research a few cruise related matters and then see what the rest of the day brings . Have a great day everyone and take care .😀 Then I stop for a break 🙃
  16. I am just happy that I now have time to cruise and the only moan I had was that our work got in the way that stopped us from doing more . Some folk love to moan ,my mate was bending my ear about a mug of tea £1.50 and a ham sandwich costing £2.50. I told him ,he does not have to eat or drink when he visits me .😉🙃 As Zapp said "some are better than others but we have enjoyed all "
  17. Or you will do what most of us do and find a cruise line that suits your needs But to others the lack of what you desire is what makes P&O their winner. Last time I looked Skeggy Butlins was full of water slides etc just like Royal who you sail with. Problem is if P&O copied Royal then all the ships would be samey and both expensive ? @Ichabod123 Are you out of curiosity keeping your P&O or changing it to Cunard to go with your other booking in March 25 ?🤔
  18. A lovely day for doing nothing and that includes cooking! So went out for Sunday dinner.
  19. Morning hope everyone's ok on this fine looking Sunday morning . Had a day off from the pc yesterday and we tidied up the garden and cut the grass. The last few days I had runny eyes so nipped to the chemist first thing to buy an Optrex actimist spray for dry irritated eyes. Now I bought one a few years back and it wasn't cheap,think it was around £13-£14 mark ? The chemist had them in stock but the price was pennies short of £20 😲 ! She could not understand how the price had gone up but offered me a own brand at £9 and after 4 uses seems to have done the job. Why is it that some top brand names seem to think we owe them a living ?🤔 Catch you all later, have a good day 🙂
  20. I'm sure they will be back when time permits ,Andy was posting the other week on a Britannia post . Lets hope they are all happy and will drop in at sometime. Looking forward to hearing @brian1 is ok ? Most likely sat in a pub wearing an eye patch ,singing Dr Hook songs to his Mrs 😉🙃
  21. All this talk of food has got me on one 😋 Today we have Crispy chicken and salad with garlic sauce.😍
  22. P&O send you the link around 13 weeks before departure
  23. Same here as on a salt free/low diet , as for the jams and creams I avoid both ,so was what I used to do . These days I have my tea black and no sugar .
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