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Everything posted by mrlevin

  1. Has anyone else had the problem where the booking number has been changed?
  2. My booking totally disappeared and then the cruise showed up as a different booking number that needed to be deposited within five days. TA said Regent issue; still no fix from Regent; and I am sure that all my booked excursions will be gone even when the correct booking is reinstated. edited to add: Deposit and excursions now show up under new booking number. $600 of $850 shipboard credit also shows up. Attestation forms do not show up but that is minor. I will be really interested to see the breakdown of all my payments; this could be interesting. Date of deposit shown as 20 May 24 whilst initial deposit actually made on 30 Jan 23 which is what I told insurance company; insurance company is going to have a cow.
  3. Just returned from 31 nights on Explorer Tokyo - Tokyo - Vancouver; one of the best of my 35+ Regent cruises. Service excellent; food extremely good; and ship (given design flaws) was pretty darn good. Never an issue with internet. Never an issue with excursions (except one description was significantly wrong). Entertainment very good. Officers, staff, and crew all fantastic. Why would I go on Oceania and pay more for similar cabin and food and excursions and share it with more people????? Just my two yen; YMMV.
  4. β€œA suite will be assigned. . .” edited to add: actually doesn’t say β€œa suite;” I guess they technically can put us in five different rooms.
  5. I booked a Grand Voyage in a guaranteed cabin almost two years ago; the cruise is four weeks away and I have yet to receive my cabin assignment. This Grand Voyage is five segments; will be interesting to find out how they were able to get me the same cabin for all five segments. Time will tell. Marc
  6. The two new ships will have a fourth reservation only restaurant; it will be an Italian restaurant. La Veranda will be open each evening as a casual buffet restaurant with both indoor and outdoor seating.
  7. No, if you choose to afford a big suite you can choose to afford a few dollars for dry cleaning.
  8. It is free if you have reached a certain level; either platinum or titanium.
  9. I meant Winchester; capital of England before London. Burial spot of Jane Austen.
  10. Exursions offered were to Winchester (Cathedral and one other stop plus free time) or to Stonehenge.
  11. Yes. We added Cape Town to Lisbon and then cancelled fall Grand Voyage on Navigator as that became totally redundant.
  12. Susan, these cruises were just announced a few weeks ago; I am sure that anything that was offered to World Cruisers this year with exact same itinerary changes will be offered to those of us on Voyager. We are on Auckland to Lisbon, will you and David be on for one segment or two? Marc
  13. One of the best cruises we have ever taken; officers, staff, and crew fantastic. Lecturers and entertainers wonderful. We won cumulative trivia just icing on the cake. Orchestra one of the best. Alvi and geovanni behind the bar even more fantastic. I love Regent.
  14. Mariner has a gap 3 - 26 November; Voyager now has a gap of only three days, 26 - 29 November. I guess the Voyager dry dock has been cancelled; more nails in her coffin (just my thoughts I have NO inside information).
  15. I agree. It is far better not to speculate than to have to constantly explain the context of your speculation; I will stop speculating.
  16. Nothing like staying onboard whilst 500 are disembarking. Let the adventure continue!
  17. As I stated earlier, this is purely conjecture based on my time onboard, my observations, and comments I have heard over the years from both crew and fellow passengers. We sailed Voyager a number of times including twice in its maiden year. I have definite opinions regarding the three older ships based upon my time aboard.
  18. I am definitely NOT β€œin the know.” I just share my opinion in order to generate discussion so that I may learn and thus evolve my opinion.
  19. Jim, done; and he returns the well wishes. Marc
  20. Brandon replaced Vlado as F&B. New Head Housekeeper, too. 42 crew left yesterday.
  21. Two new ships will be hybrid so they can go into Norwegian fjords and other protected waters. Voyager will be gone in 2026.
  22. Andreas will be replacing Alessandro as GM. Paul is CD, Zhivoli [sp] is ACD, and Christina is Social Hostess. I only see Christina at Mensa but she seems very nice and personable. I have favorite waiters but I am not going to share that info as I don't want to have to fight for a table. 😁
  23. We are continuing to have a fantastic cruise. Excellent service in every restaurant and every bar. We have taken just one excursion, Miyajima, it was fantastic; peak of cherry blossoms on the island. Explorer definitely has its quirks but it has been great to be back on board after seven years. One thing we noticed immediately is that the "golf balls" are gone; don't know if I like the replacement; maybe someone knows the history on when and why they were removed. Three wins and a second at trivia; I am waiting for the cumulative trivia on the crossing; our team is on until Vancouver. I am amazed how many are onboard for just the twelve day segment. If anyone has any specific questions I can try to answer. Marc
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