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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. To be fair, I can understand the fact there are table positions, and then there are table positions. Then there are large tables with the occasional 'character' one wishes to avoid for the rest of the cruise. We have been very fortunate after our 'boondocks table' on our first cruise as we were blessed with one particular large table [no bribes involved] on QV thanks to linking up bookings with Q1'ers and then being known in our own right, apart from one horrendous table when four of us asked to move due to a particularly obnoxious 'gentleman'. No problem at all. That table for seven became a table for three and we each had a two top elsewhere. Since Covid, we prefer two tops and again, have been very fortunate but that's probably due to our cabin as much as being regulars.
  2. I agree or colloquially a la buchanan101...big bum! 🙂
  3. It was the wind wot did it in for us!!! 😀 The Fjords can be scorching so take your SPF 50 along with a blanket. Be prepared! 👍
  4. To be fair, the weather wasn't exactly basking in the sun or escaping to the shade weather. More a case of 'where's the blanket as we're British and we will sit out in the howling wind and slight mizzle' weather. So many folk commented on this issue of 'what if', I cannot believe it will get to be Grillgate as staff are so aware.
  5. Non Grills in the Grill's area happens on QE and QV too but it isn't a huge issue and I don't think it will be much of a problem on QA. Yes we pay a premium but I can't get too excited about it. The crew/staff get to know who is 'pukka' for the most part and the Concierge was definitely on the ball as far as one couple were concerned and swiping a card for an emergency exit isn't a great idea.
  6. Incentives usually take time to have an effect but as staff, senior staff here don't need incentives because looking after their guests is part of their remit, it's insulting of any guest to assume a bribe will enhance their chance of whatever it is they're hoping for when in fact, a quiet word would have the same effect if the request was feasible. Try the quiet word next time and change the bribe to an extra gratuity at the end of your cruise.
  7. Sounds delicious. I might try that at home.
  8. Seemed to be plenty of lobsters on QA in QG. I managed to deplete the supply three times in two weeks. 🙂
  9. I can't think many Cunard regulars would advocate the bribe system as opposed to a quiet word as Cunard regulars would be aware change of table is usually facilitated by the M d'h after the first day if at all possible. As to giving the staff a few extra $$, I'm all for it, at the end of the cruise.
  10. As do I but with the knowledge plans often have to change so plans are 'fluid' until confirmed.
  11. If this is the cruise you mentioned a couple of months ago, there is still nearly two years to go and 'things' can change in that time so use all info as a guide at the moment rather than set in stone. 🙂
  12. The conditioner smells nice but it's weedy. Not much use when once onboard, but my advice is take your own.
  13. WE were by the window so got rather warm when the sun [yes, the sun did shine ...occasionally] shone. I was also glad of a pashmina at times too but we were never cold so just be a boy scout and go prepared. 🙂
  14. Great if you like the same lectures/films/duplicate Bridge/quizzes/golf nets etc. We don't. 🙂
  15. All this sounds terribly high tech. We used to put messages in our cabin fan/letter slot out side our cabin door if communication was needed when apart. Not an immediate solution to 'come here quick', but it worked for us as nipping back every now and then to check wasn't onerous on QV but then there were very few 'come here quick' scenarios.
  16. Oh good news and kudos to the power of Cruise Critic Cunard forum.
  17. Perfect. Sling a sweater over your shoulders in case the air con is a bit chilly but no need for a jacket.
  18. We came across 'the pods' at the Mayflower terminal last month. There was a chap at a small portable table/desk telling you which pod to take your luggage to. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to know which pod was which so I queued at the incorrect pod for ten mins before having to go to the correct pod, where I queued again.
  19. Don't get too jealous. It's not all plain sailing. There can be some extremely unwell passengers during tendering ashore and back. Happens every time when anchored in The Firth of Forth for example. Last year, an elderly lady needed the attention of the medical centre she was so unwell during tendering back.
  20. They do and I lost my top FF status with an airline after a year when we took to cruising more than land holidays. Cunard do have a ten year no activity discretionary 'clause' in their world club t&cs. No idea if it's ever actioned.
  21. Nothing to do with me either as I think you will know if you have read my contributions to previous threads but one comment slightly implied British passengers aren't part of service charge removal. Most nationalities will have their share of those who remove and it is entirely personal and no aspersions should be levied at any one, never mind any particular nationality.
  22. Beware lethal [euphemism for downright unpleasant] Bridge players too. Some don't seem to realise The Town Clock is not up for grabs and they're onboard a ship with different nationalities playing the same game but with different nuances in their play,
  23. and I have heard plenty of British accents, over the years, removing service charge/grats. from their account.
  24. We have three Alaska cruises under our belts. I don't recall a truly wet day. Damp and cool, yes along with warm and hot dry weather but no weather wet enough to require the wringing out of shoes.
  25. and I'd admire the line if it had enough books to 'service' the five books per passenger!! ☚ī¸ Two books is ample sufficiency!👍
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