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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Thought you were misquoting Bizet for a moment. I read it as corriador!! My brain is obviously wired bizarrely 🥴
  2. I don't think those of you in the UK should feel left out. We certainly don't feel left out at all. 🙂
  3. Really LOVE the carpet design, whilst sober!! Might look a little iffy after dinner wine and a couple of L.I.I.Ts 😄
  4. Apart from the fact QA's Maiden seems booked out, we turned down the original Maiden as we didn't like the idea of the BoB in January especially as we didn't want the cabin position offered. If the itinerary suited and our cabin choice available, we'd have no problem sailing on a Maiden. Glitches would be part of the fun. I'm sure the following couple of cruises will have their little quirks, before being ironed out for the rest of her schedules but who books, however inadvertently [🙂] a new ship without being prepared for little quirks!
  5. If we arrive on an early flight, we’ve generally booked the hotel for the night before so we go straight to our room. We book our own hotels but it’s worth seeing if you can do the same. For departure, lounges are great and we get them as part of our flights, but as an alternative you could always see if you can book a day room at an airport hotel.
  6. Thank you without reservation.🙂 You're not overthinking. It was a horrible thing to have occurred and even though I didn't think Cunard responsible, some TLC without any acceptance of liability along with communication would have gone a long way to help. If nothing else, this should make folk want to read the very small print and be aware of the company's limited liabilities.
  7. Still would have complained at the time but too late now. Water under the bridge now as you say but thank goodness Covid panic stations are less panicky now.
  8. The Covid measure you had to endure is now a thing of the past and now at least you can stay in your cabin and have access to other telephone numbers. I still find it incredible non medical staff were even contemplating fielding calls to medical staff. That to me is worth an official complaint, to the Hotel Director/Captain when onboard and one to the complaints dept. once home.
  9. Didn’t the Butler keep in touch? Did you page him/ her? Did the medical centre check in with you daily as you were poorly enough to be concerned about the anti virals for your husband? Poor show if none of this happened.
  10. Interesting. I had to see the doctor last July and the Front Desk had nothing whatsoever to do with my requests. The Grills' Concierge would have heard the comments made in my cabin, in the lounge had I been denied access to the medical centre without explaining my needs to unqualified staff, Covid or no Covid. The Captain, or his/her PA in the first instance, would have been verbally cc'd into my tongue lashing of unqualified staff making medical decisions.
  11. Would I? At that stage, I would hope most of my interactions with authority would be monitored by the Grills Concierge and again, mostly facilitated by the Butler and Grill's M'd. As to the Front Desk, I wouldn't see any facial features which was the point I was making #9.
  12. I would doubt anyone is going to come forward and say 'sorry chaps, hands up, t'was us, we misloaded a cage' if indeed they did. The mills ground very slowly but they did eventually grind. Whatever goes on behind closed doors, the port seems to have taken responsibility and the terms and conditions have been met by Cunard, again, however slow the process was.
  13. As I said, anything Covid is not a normal everyday interaction and differences have obviously occurred. Plus, if I had Covid, I would not be encountering a non smiling Front Desk as I would be confined to barracks.
  14. I don't count anything Covid as normal interaction however unpleasant it might be seen. I count smiling and generosity of spirit to be a Grill's Concierge necessity. As long as the Front desk is efficient, and they have been for me, I couldn't care less if it's service with a smile or not. I want efficient service. That's all.
  15. I guess unsmiling efficiency can be misconstrued as disinterest by some, but obnoxious? Not in any of my dealings with the Front Desk.
  16. They should have facilitated our claims being handled by the Port. Cunard did nothing. Zip. I spent hours trying to ascertain what happened to our luggage, finding someone at Cunard to answer questions and finding a person at the Port to help me locate the one piece of luggage that was recovered. All they did was set up a claims email that NEVER RESPONDED. My expectations have to do with customer service, caring about passengers, and helping valuable clients when something unexpected occurs. Cunard gets an F in my book. We had cause to make an official complaint to Cunard May'16. A case number was raised and we waited for the company to get back to us. They did, and with an apology for the time taken to respond, the reason being they were investigating the complaint. I can't say I was particularly pleased with their answer but at least they acknowledged our position with an apology. My complaint was acknowledged and they replied. What we would like/expect a big conglomerate to do, PR wise and what actually happens can be far apart. The claim re floating bags was lodged and eventually the company responded with the amount set down in the T&Cs. Although I agree some TLC from Cunard would have helped, I am not surprised at Cunard's stance.
  17. I guess it depends on the organisation. They don't all leak like a sieve.
  18. Not a clue. However, having overheard conversations on the train where names were named and actions going forward discussed, if it had been an employee of the company my husband was with, they would have faced the sack or at the very least, disciplinary action. Do not discuss business in a public setting. The lack of communication with the outside world was THE reason we started our cruise life. Once the company found out how expensive it was to phone the ship, they soon left us alone.
  19. Depending on fare type and assuming you're a UK booker, you can transfer your deposit to another cruise as long as it's the same or just £1 more in cost, time scale to be researched. If you cancel, you lose your deposit under UK T&Cs. However, I will repeat what I've already said, Cunard will most definitely not want to risk an enormous payout should anything happen to their passengers as a result of any conflict never mind their ship. I'd wait it out. if 'things' get to the point the FO advise against travel, you will get your money back. If they don't and Cunard aren't bothered about re routing, then I wouldn't be bothered either. If they re route, you might find you can claim deposit back because of significant itinerary change.
  20. I am by no means a legal beagle, but we both have a brain and a tongue in our heads. Between us and our agent, we would have followed a similar route. Our only difference is we would have held the port responsible and not had any expectations from Cunard other than their statuary stance.
  21. Irrespective of the fact a public zoom business meeting is potentially disturbing to others, it's hardly good practise to conduct business in public.
  22. As did we and the latter was heaving and apparently so was the former but one large crowd was enough. First CWC 'do' for many years and it will be many years before the next one for us.
  23. not sure she will sell all we collected from Cunard! 😁 I wouldn't dream of selling any of our Cunard mementoes. I will eventually give them away, and have already done so with a few pieces but mementoes are very personal it depends on the proposed recipient's interest as to whether they would like to receive them. Apart from two model ships of QV, pre and post stern mauling, and teddy bears, oh and the Diamond loyalty pins I have none of the bumf acquired on our Cunard cruises, but I do have some of my parents collection. As my son has been motion sickness ill on all the ships he's cruised on with us, from the age of four to first year at college, he hasn't the slightest interest in Cunard or any vehicle involving sea travel! I shall have to find a suitable recipient who will value them and not take them to a charity shop.
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