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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. I have not been to Peru but it may be the law in countries where hotels collect passports that the hotel collect them. It was standard practice once upon a time when I traveled abroad.
  2. They used to take my passport at hotels 40 years ago. But they stopped some years ago. At least at the hotels I use. I have had the cruise line hold my passport a bunch of times. Depends on the itinerary.
  3. I advise booking it direct with DolphinQuest. The price will be less.They won't check your childs Birth Certificate. The cruise line will know the birth date. Who knows if the cruise line will will care? I doubt nayone here can answer. Dolphin Quest is a short walk from the dock on the grounds of the National Museum. Absolutely no reason to book through the cruise line unless you have large OBC. My opinion is 30 minutes is enough time for aa 6 year old. They also have shorter times available. https://dolphinquest.com/bermuda/
  4. You don’t need Real ID as picture ID to cruise. You will need Real ID if you use a drivers licence for ID on domestic air flights in May 7 of 2025. So you don’t actually need Real ID for anything right now.
  5. Seven Mile beach starts near the tender drop off. You can take a shared taxi to different parts of the beach. It is about $6. You could go to Public Beach where there are chairs for rent and no entry fee or Coral Beach Club which hs a $5 fee.
  6. You are too funny. Facts don't matter to you only your pre concieved notion. It never reached 65% or higher in the US and went down. The all time high was reached this year and that was going over 50%.
  7. I see where the confusion lies. That article is reporting sales for one month. December 2020 and comparing to December 2019. So it was 64% of sales in December but if you look at the whole year. iPhone sale were 45% in 2020. IPhone yearly sales were not 64%. It was not until June of this this year that yearly iPhone sales were over 50%. Here is an article from one of the premier Android websites that explains that iPhone sales reached 50% this year. Cherry picking one quarter can mislead because iPhone sales are always strongest at the end of the year when traditionaly Apple releases new product. Apple market share continues to increase yearly in the US and did not reach 50% until June. It may be higher now. https://www.androidpolice.com/more-people-use-iphone-than-android-us/ Anyhow whether it is AirTags, Tile or Samsung Smartags I think that travelers will find them useful.
  8. if you change Android phones a lot then Tile makes sense. I don't know why you are bringing up marketshare but the iPhone was never 65%. It just passed Android to be over 50% in the last quarter for the first time. Does it matter? No. And quarter figure vary because companies issue their new products in different quarters. Buy what you like. You dislike Apple. I don't like Android phones mainly because Android is not as secure as iOS but I don't tell anyone to switch. Somehow they decide to switch on their own and all of sudden I see blue message bubbles....... LOL. I hope though that neither Apple or Google ever get a monopoly. That would be bad. I don't dislike Samsung, I even have a Samsung TV which is great but it does not run Android. https://www.engadget.com/iphone-overtakes-android-us-market-share-223251196.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGxFWwdAz_MiLFRx8PRBXj7r1tA8jd7AiE5wDY2pLfX__rvRQjQOpmaeyXcxR-qETslRIpHYHawNUn_0phlgZdqdZHbWeVmtzAvPHPukezWUC-dahUDJlD5eAv9pdfzQoHlHroRBDIsmLH_Hbb1ZCDscmMkgocLvxCxrPBlIFRxI
  9. You need a passport, or passport card. Children 15 or under can cross with a birth certificate. .
  10. My disagreement is that I don't believe the reason is weird. Most travel that requires a passport is far away and expensive. In the USA we have sea shores, mountains , lakes, a great National Park system, resorts, vineyards, California, Florida and Disney World. And you can cruise the Caribbean without a passport. A passport is nice to have but not necessary to have for travel for most people.Also a $100 or whatever the fee is now does not sound like much but multiply that by the number of family members and it adds up. In addition unfortuayly unlike Europe and other countries Americans don't get much vacation time. So not weird at all.
  11. Tile can be used with any brand. Apple tags and Samsung tags can only be used with their own brand, So Apple and Samsung hvae the advantage of how many devices can track their tags. Each has 1 billion. Tile only has 35 million who have installed Tile. Tile has the advantage if you don't want to be locked in but Apple nd Samsung will have better tag tracking. I am unlikely to switch brands but I don't worry about being locked in because if iI did switch I can sell or give away the AirTags. It seems likely that competing against Apple and Samsung will be difficult for Tile so i expect that either Amazon or Google will buy Tile. Google could use a device of their Pixel phones to compete or Amazon as Amazon like to buy companies for tracking info to get data on consumers.
  12. I can read it now. When you posted it there was a notification that you replied but I could not see your reply. Reading your reply I don’t have a clue why they reviewed it. It all looks fine. Anyhow good that you will get the UWB enabled in the future. The way most of the phone tech happens is that when one platform has something first the other one will have it later. I am glad that there are competing platforms. They have to copy each others good ideas.
  13. That is good. Understand though as I explained that UWB will only work with devices that have the UWB hardware chip. A list is in the link below. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UWB-enabled_mobile_devices
  14. Worldwide phones but in the USA iPhones are over 50%. Then there are iPads and Mac computers....... As for UWB it is not just incorporating the API. Your phone has to have a UWB chip. An API is not any good without the chip on the device to use it. The only Android phones with UWB are Pixel 6 and 7, some recent Samsung phones. Only Apple, Google and Samsung are putting the UWB chips in devices. My Apple Watch has UWB too. Sweat. Also I doubt if Tile will ever be near Apple because Samesung users should use the Samsung trackers and Google Pixel a has small market share. Apple is way ahead......
  15. AirTags and Tiles.use Bluetooth which has a range of about 20 feet and your personal phone or other network devices will detect your tag within that range. AirTags and iPhone 11 and later also have UWB which allows for the precision tracking. Tile does not have that. The Tile network has 35 million devices. The AirTag network has 1 billion devices on it. So the odds are a lot better that an AirTag will be in range of an Apple device on their Find My network than a device on the Tile network.
  16. Airtags don't make a sound when tracking. AirTags only make a sound if you click Play Sound in the Find My app.
  17. And it should be known that the cruise line transfers that they charge $49 per person for are the same type of minivans that the $7 shuttles use. So $14 versubs $49. I would only use the cruise line transfer if I had a lot of OBC I had to use. Personally I am spoiled these days and prefer prefer private taxis. A private taxi still a better deal then the cruise line transfer.
  18. A taxi would be about $32 for the taxi at the current rates. Not per person. There is a surcharge on Sunday. They intend to raise taxi fares but it will still be a much better deal than the cruise line transfer.
  19. Do you have an unlocked phone? Hopefully you are arriving in advance of your cruise. Likely there will be a carrier store or one of the others I listed near your accommodations.
  20. Considering the value of the Canadian Dollar that roaming charge does not seem high. I would pay $10 in Caribbean ports. (Canada and Mexico are free) on my AT&T plan. They could buy a SIM card for visitors to the US from AT&T or T-Mobile in the US but it would only include the US. For both the Caribbean and US they would need a global card probably available on Amazon. US SIM cards are sold at carrier stores or Target, Walmart, Costco, CVS and Best Buy. If I don’t want to roam and want a SIM abroad I don’t go to a store. My iPhone has had an eSIM. So I buy it electronically on my phone.
  21. My TA does keep my credit card on file. She won't make the final payment though without instruction from me. She contacts me about ten days ahead to remind me. Then I tell her what date to put it through.
  22. Yes, if you have an iPhone 11 or later you can do precision finding with the arrow. Earlier iPhones find but not with precision. In my experience Precision finding works very well.
  23. I like lobster but the lobster served on lobster nights on cruise lines is a letdown to what is served in good land restaurants. It is work but if it is cooked right it is delicious. I like taking it out of the shell but at a restaurant that has Maine lobster on the menu you can ask them to take it out of the shell for you.
  24. Some people foget where they park. Or park in huge parking lots. Really has come in handy at the Rangers stadium lots. While maps shows me an aprox location of my car the AirTag is precise with late model iPhones.
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