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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. You would love this sunflower then, this is my Mom years ago in their garden in NJ. These sunflowers were not even planted, it was a sunflower that came up by itself from last years seeds that just fell on the ground from previous years. My Dad planted sunflowers only 1 year, they would come up by themselves ever since and he would just transplant them into a row where ever in his garden. Bottom picture is a clematis we had at out house in NJ. It was huge.
  2. Yes, Bought it here the last 2 years, It's very good. https://www.ebay.com/itm/283823722333?hash=item4215364f5d:g:uU0AAOSwdppecWqI
  3. Haven't looked at eggs lately, we usually buy 2 or 3 dozen at a time. Price of gas went down here in Virginia now to $4.19 a gallon.
  4. Just received the free test kits in the mail today if testing continues. They were ordered before the CDC's new announcement.
  5. Tex Mex Chicken and Zucchini https://ifoodreal.com/chicken-and-zucchini/?fbclid=IwAR0PfK7FBApZO2MODW6jtJs1PwxvPySYxwPCgWa-GDD_0o88slWNhOsiW9g I made like a Double Batch. Love the leftovers too. Zucchini, Peppers from the Garden this year, corn frozen from last year. Melt the Colby Jack Cheese on top. Green Onions and Cilantro added at the end Needless to say it went over pretty well with my Wife and I.
  6. Less percentage on land because people are more spread out then on a cruise ship. Those percentages will never change.
  7. I think the tests worked for your group, had they not tested before boarding the infection rate of your group may have been higher then 4%. Do you agree?
  8. That's is completely correct, the test isn't going to catch everyone. No one every said testing 2 days prior would catch everyone. If it catches some that were positive, the test has done it's job. All it did was lessen the percentage onboard that were positive. Sounds like a good thing to me.
  9. Guess if they drop testing we will find out quick if testing really did anything to prevent the cases onboard to be a certain number. If you still think numbers onboard for positive will be the same with testing or no testing. Doesn't seem it will turn out that way in my opinion.
  10. You are a 100% correct no test is going to keep a cruise ship 100% Covid free. But if you keep some of the all ready positive passengers from boarding, the test has done it's job. Will be a lot less passengers this way spreading it a around the ship. The test is never going to catch everyone, that's a given, everyone knows that. If you can't understand this, sorry I can't help you.
  11. Your post and reasoning makes to much sense for a lot of people on this cruise board. They only care about themselves and don't care about anyone else onboard. Really why are people so against taking a test before getting onboard a ship? If it makes it a little more safer to take a cruise? why not just take the test. People are making a big deal out of a test that takes like 10 to 15 minutes. Come on people, wake up it's just a simple test. Take it and enjoy your cruise.
  12. I haven't been staying home. Not sure what you are talking about. Just think with shorter cruises people will get on and off the ship without coming up positive and feeling sick and spreading it to other passengers as easily as longer cruises.
  13. Sounds like a potential Powder-Keg. Much different then it has been onboard lately where things have settled down. Pretty sure this will just assure more positive passengers walking around the ship. One thing to start feeling bad when on land where you can go home to your own house and ride it out. When being on a ship you are locked on there for 7 days or longer. Best bet right now once the cruise lines choose how they handle this is to do is take shorter cruises 5 days or less. Just my opinion.
  14. What part of Virginia is your house and where are you looking to move to?
  15. Reason I said entice...was because you said prior people on here would come on here and complain about getting kicked off the ship. The way to defuse that kind of issue would be to entice people to leave that sailing with offers to leave that full ship.
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