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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. After he becomes pinnacle why would he care? You think he is going around in his head after this cruise I have this many points and after this cruise is done I have this many more points..........I really doubt it.
  2. Just trying to cut down the odds of someone getting me sick on a vacation I spent a lot of money on. My vacation time means a lot to me I only get so much time per year.......? For someone that has unlimited funds and time to take vacations this doesn't matter to. Testing takes only a matter of minutes, why not do it. Correct it will not catch all infected, but if it catches some it is well worth the time. Use your thinking cap on that.
  3. When we moved from NJ to VA a year and half ago we used one of these. Our 4 cats traveled in style, in a large cage that sat in the middle of the RV. Had a litter box, food and water. The whole 10 hour trip all 4 cats never used the liter box or food and water in the cage. They just sat quietly on their pillows and blankets. Few days later we had our vehicles shipped to our new house. CruiseAmerica.com for the RV
  4. Will he be able to cruise when sleeping like this? Sounds like he isn't making as much progress as you both thought by this time? Was thinking by this time he could sleep through the night. What would happen now if he can't go do you have cancel for any reason insurance? or would just regular cruise insurance cover this?
  5. Every time I see those Tomatoes on the Vine in a Grocery Store I think of this: Living with the Land...... Disney Ride That isn't how tomatoes are supposed be to grown is it? Hot House Red Cluster Tomatoes Seasonality: Year Round Hot House Red Cluster Tomatoes are a medium sized beefsteak variety grown indoors on tall trellis-type systems. These are a medium sized beefsteak variety grown indoors on tall trellis-type systems. The fruit is vine-ripened, then harvested from “mother plants” still attached to their stems in groupings of 5 or 6 tomatoes called “trusses” or “clusters”. These tomatoes are prized for their uniform shape, size and rich red color. Their flavor is mildly sweet with a firm, pleasing texture that is great for slicing raw into salads or as a base for many traditional sauces. Select tomatoes that feel heavy for their size with no bruises or over ripe softness. Vine should be bright green and pliable. The most flavorful fruit will have a rich tomato aroma. Store fresh tomatoes in a cool, dark place, stem-side down and use within a few days. Tomatoes should not be refrigerated; it nullifies flavor and turns the interior mealy.
  6. You need to find home grown tomatoes like these, red all the way through sweet n' juicy and hardly any seeds.
  7. Free Wifi really gets you nothing since half the time the Wifi doesn't work correctly...All free Wifi does is save you from visiting guest relations desk and asking for credit when your Wifi wasn't working. Time and Aggravation Saver.
  8. Does a Kg = 2.2lbs How much is $11.90 in US money. Trying to figure how much you are paying per lb. In the grocery stores here you can get plum tomatoes for .99 cents a pound.
  9. Difference is if you are going to get someone sick at least they are at home , instead of stuck on a cruise ship in a tiny cabin that they paid a lot of money for which they thought was for a vacation and ruined it for them and got them infected. Take a simple test like the cruise lines want right now and don't complain about, it's not a big deal. If the cruise lines don't require the tests at a later time then it's fine. In the end you have a choice, if you don't like doing what they are asking, don't cruise at this time.
  10. Yes, In August temps will be high 80's, low 90's but that isn't the worse part. Humidity will be 75% or higher most days.
  11. What do people do with them? Mine have been in the boxes they came in that day I got them and haven't been looked at or taken out of the boxes since then? Plenty of them on ebay, Go for it. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=royal+caribbean+crystal+blocks&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_osacat=0&_odkw=royal+caribbean+crystal+blocks
  12. Didn't say people weren't doing it, here in the US they said at one time get any brand of shots if that is all you can find. We just rather have the same brand in our systems. We never had any kind of reactions from any of the shots, not even a sore arm where injection was. Maybe it was or maybe it wasn't because we stuck with the same brand vaccines. No one knows for sure why people have different reactions to the shots.
  13. Pretty much none, just some Doctor's offices is all we have seen.
  14. Thanks for the info, really no reason or plans to go to the (UK).
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