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Everything posted by jwlane

  1. Go where you want when you want and they will feed you.
  2. Run those numbers by us that equate to a "high" probability.
  3. I vote yes in the poll. FYI, here's the latest (and probably last) update. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/notices/travel-updates
  4. Here's the latest (and probably last). https://www.royalcaribbean.com/notices/travel-updates
  5. I'd be running this by X & NCL before I'd solicit opinions from this forum.
  6. Then again, are we sure the items in the "Good to Know" section are specific to each day/port?
  7. As best as I remember, I recall the Greece restrictions being applicable for most (if not all) cruises we've ever taken. Aside from water (we even had to ditch the coffee), nothing can be taken ashore. (Saw the dog sniff someone out in Cozumel a couple of months ago)
  8. Who are you going to believe? https://www.portcanaveral.com/About/Severe-Weather-Awareness
  9. I'd expect an acknowledgement (maybe), but confirmation? No so much. That said, I have no doubt they'll do it.
  10. Don't think they've ever been part of the deal for Aqua---Concierege, yes.
  11. "Recent" news! Polio outbreak on Hispaniola! https://www3.paho.org/english/sha/be_v21n4-polio.htm
  12. In the app, tap the calendar top center, scroll to/look at bottom of screen, touch Change Ship/Dates, touch Browse our Ships and select accordingly.
  13. Which of these threads are you going to read while you eat it?
  14. Yeah, I pointed that out a couple of days ago, but someone got their feelings hurt and the censors jumped in. Maybe they wanted to get this out there to mention the use of Ivermectin (the most effective sure) and try to promote its use for something it was never demonstrated useful for---Covid-19.
  15. The award for "Click & Post Without Perspective" goes to........
  16. Today's award for resurrecting a 5 year old thread goes to.....
  17. Why not go to the source and find out? https://www.nationwide.com/lc/resources/home/articles/cruise-travel-insurance
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