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Everything posted by Tatka

  1. I do not think vaccination is mandatory too now. Booster was never mandatory
  2. Well, you are supposed to answer questions truthfully (to the best of your knowledge ) . First 3 are protecting Cruiseline. Actually all four. Just in case of lawsuit I guess.
  3. It was for a short time There was no questions of sickness symptoms back then. We had them for our January cruise.
  4. 4 questions now. Vaccination Booster Pregnancy Do you have any symptoms etc
  5. We don’t spend much, but we always buy internet. Used to be for work, but now mostly for fun. Must have it for me, so we watch prices constantly (we have 5 cruises a year)
  6. It is now Maine Lobster. Of course it is previously frozen I suspect, but still...
  7. We received the first one in 2021 (Anthem), and waiting for the second one since June 2022 (Oasis).
  8. Our last one was on Crown Princess for New Year of 2020. They did have Medallion internet etc. Yet, I do not remember reservation system available.
  9. We sailed with Princess 7 times, always used ATD. I do not remember ever making reservation, remember lines and pagers...
  10. What about photos? You need to send new photos, correct?
  11. This option existed for many years… We did it in 2011 and 2020. You still need to send documents of course.
  12. Cheaper than on board for sure. On board it’s about $29 per day if you buy by day. Gets cheaper if you buy for many days, but still much more expensive than if you purchase before. There is not Surf option anymore. Just Surf & Stream.
  13. I am soooo sorry. Hopefully both situations can be resolved 😞 We also sail alone (prior we sailed with our son when he was a student)...
  14. We sailed on Grandeur several times, but during holiday. This ship is smaller that Jewel and has even less amenities. Our friends sailed with teens and they seemed to be enjoying themselves even though they sailed on Oasis class. There were many kids, but again it was during holidays.
  15. Always in the first group. Yes, we log in at 12:01 AM when check-in opens. My first cruise day starts ASAP. I am also the first off the ship during disembarkation
  16. We love Princess and it used to be #1 line for us even though we had only 7 cruises with them. Crown Princess during New Year 2020 made us to seriously rethink Princess. We had RCI Explorer for Christmas and Crown for New Year… surprisingly Explorer even though it was a quick 5 dayer won over Crown in quality. Food was nowhere near Princes food, paint was peeling all over elevators, there was some weird smell etc. We like NCL Jewel class.. and it’s fun, but nowhere here Oasis or most other classes of RCI. We were wowed buy Queen Mary 2 experience overall - history on the walls, quality of PAX, entertainment in lounges, cozy state rooms - … but food was weaker than even RCI much less comparable Celebrity. We were in Britannia accommodation so maybe in higher ones it would’ve been better. HAL still needs to be tried more. Zuiderdam in 2004 had very questionable service (room wasn’t made till we called at 1 pm 3 times a week, long and with many mistakes service in MDR). Veendam in 2016 offered good service, but ship itself was in questionable conditions ..
  17. Hahaha. I see many things like that here. Russian salad, borscht etc. I did not even know that corn was not for people's consumption in Germany. Almost like buckwheat here in US. A great product. P.S. Our son was stationed in Vilseck in 2011-2013. He was supposed to be in Grafenwöhr, but due to last minute change was sent to Vilseck. 🙂
  18. Yes. McDonalds adjusts food to cater to local people tastes. McDonalds though invented successful model, but food in MD is not something completely new.
  19. I wonder if people feel the same way about Italian vs Americanized pizza? Most of pizza types in US do not exist in Italy even though pizza came from Italy.
  20. Thank you! I asked this question at Antigua group and got answers: Galleon Long Bay Deep Bay Of course it away of beaten path and we will probably have problems getting taxi.
  21. We are pretty adventurous and not from US originally … Of so we thought. We went to our local Dim sum (Chinese restaurant) and ordered from menu… not looking at presented items. Our 5 years old ordered Chicken fingers. Well… they turned out to be real chicken fingers with nails and everything! I am from country which went through some rough periods so people did use many chicken entrails like liver, hearts etc, but that was completely waste-free cooking.
  22. Seems like a popular dish https://www.google.com/search?tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:9&tbm=lcl&sxsrf=AJOqlzWUl2DIEYjwVIkqj2BOmMPUvMZNrQ:1674415885578&q=fish+tacos+new+jersey&rflfq=1&num=10&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1qMOg9dv8AhWHF1kFHfrSC04QjGp6BAgREAE&biw=1355&bih=588&dpr=1#rlfi=hd:;si:;mv:[[41.059916799999996,-73.97806969999999],[39.332320599999996,-75.1408252]];tbs:lrf:!1m4!1u3!2m2!3m1!1e1!1m4!1u2!2m2!2m1!1e1!1m4!1u1!2m2!1m1!1e1!1m4!1u1!2m2!1m1!1e2!1m4!1u22!2m2!21m1!1e1!2m1!1e2!2m1!1e1!2m1!1e3!3sIAE,lf:1,lf_ui:9
  23. You can have Taco with anything. I ate one with Bison meat and another with Ostrich in Arizona in very authentic restaurant. And there were many other interesting choices.
  24. We have been many times in Antigua and visited following beaches: Dickenson Jolly - several times Turners Ffryes Honeymoon (very briefly) We found some snorkeling in Turners and Ffryes, although I cannot describe it as very interesting. Are there any beaches with better snorkeling in your opinion? In some reason I thought Ffryes was recommended for it, but we were not impressed. Thank you!
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