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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. The usual, and is what happened to us this last time when we had to change cabins, is pack everything in your suitcases...but leave the clothes in the closet on the hangers. They will come in with one of those hotel carts and move everything for you. I normally won't book a B2B unless I can keep the same cabin, but sometimes I have to if adding another week too late to match up.
  2. The few that escaped Sunday night dinner for the crew that lives on the island. 😄
  3. RCI allows it...so it is done. No sneaking two bottles of wine on board any longer. Proudly carry those through security. 😉
  4. I like mine for a glass of wine...(or two...or three 😉 ) to enjoy in the cabin/on the balcony. Sure, we also get 3 comped wines delivered to the cabin...but there are 7 nights on a seven night cruise. 😮
  5. Sure, you may sneak her in...and get away with it. Is it against the rules...yes. Is it right to do so...no.
  6. Love...love...love the vouchers! So much so, it pushed us to start really enjoying the many various "drinking stations" around the ship. We never go in the lounges for happy hour drinks any longer. And in fact...happy hour is now "any hour" at any place you choose! 🤗 The lounges? Coffee in the morning, and a place to hide on a sea day while cabin is being cleaned...that's about it. 😉
  7. Here may be one view of Coco Cay dislike..... So where is the nature trail? And the natural beach feel? And being able to sit up at the point on the other end for the great view? And the Peacocks, the Iguanas, and even the roaming chickens? Not to mention the natural birds. And I am not talking obnoxious, aggressive Seagulls (AKA "Beach Chickens"). "Paved paradise...put up a parking lot" Granted many love the Disneyfied commerical tourist trap the island has become. But not nature lovers. 😞 If I want theme/amusement park...I will stay home and go to the "land of the mouse".
  8. Pinnacle on the WC...does not really get you a whole lot. 😉
  9. Thanks Ellen...I knew you would come through with the goods!! Your halo is still in place. 😄
  10. Loved those as well....and most especially the upper tier party as we pulled into Nassau. Best ever! 🙂
  11. Our first one was on Freedom. Also...no DLs on any ship yet, and was just after they kicked Ds out of the CL. Gotta admit, those nights in the forward lounge on Freedom out of PC at the D event were some of the best memories ever. Free beer/wine/cheap bubbly and discounts on liquor drinks. Cups of bar munchies passed around. The place was always packed, and we met many life long cruising friends. 🥰
  12. LOL...you bad girl. Danger....could be losing halo!! 😄
  13. I don't. But half of mine are "drive to" cruises. Not all of us fly all the time to get to a ship. For RCI San Juan departures, there is a duty free wine/water/soda/liquor shop inside the terminal. You can pick up just before heading up the escalator. Many others stay overnight before their cruise after a flight...can pick up on the way to the ship that way as well.
  14. That's odd. I have never failed to receive an email from the SL concierge, usually about Monday morning, the day after previous sail away. I know you can email the concierge, but unfortunately have never done so except for a return on their email to me. Perhaps someone can chime in here that has that. Otherwise, most likely you will be just fine to simply make your reservations as soon as you board, with the dining room host/hostess. Grace was still there when we were on board last month, but I know she was leaving soon. You may want to do it that anyway, since you are trying to bring in your daughter and her boyfriend with you.
  15. Okey...dokey. I was, at that time...one of those invincible 20 somethings. 40 plus years ago learned this the hard way. 😉 Have...as I stated....never used it again
  16. Many years ago, being prone to motion sickness...I elected to use the patch just before boarding my very first cruise. Within hours I had dry mouth, was dizzy, nauseous, and felt all over weird. Took the patch off and was fine in a couple of hours. 40+ years of cruising later, have never used it again....and am fine on each cruise. FYI for your friend.
  17. The only real reservation you need to make is to the Adult comedy club. You can make that with the SL concierge, or on the App.
  18. I am on Sept. 18th. Again.... 😉 I have not seen the wrist bands...but really did not look for them...as I don't like them.. I also sail in Suites. As soon as we board the ship, we take the elevator up to 17 right away. You won't have your sea pass cards yet (you get them when you are able to access your cabin later when they are ready). You will have to be let in the door if it is not left open. Go right to the host desk once they are on duty and explain about your daughter and boyfriend, that you would like to have them join you in Coastal Kitchen. It will be under their discretion according to how booked up they are. "Better to ask permission, than to beg for forgiveness" I always say. 😉 You will also get an email from the Suite's concierge about 6 days prior to boarding. Return that email to make your dining reservations. Disembarking for suites guests is very easy. The last time, we simply met in the Bionic bar for our escort off the ship by the SL concierge. Easy peasy, follow him/her right on out. Facial recognition is super quick once you enter baggage claim, then collect your "red tag" bags in the suites/pinnacle area...then off you go. I think the first time to meet was 7:30, then the next one at 8:00. Enjoy your cruise. 🙂
  19. If you are in a full suite (GS and above) you can check in up to an hour before your assigned check in time, at the terminal entrance. The lounge is inside the terminal...so you have to adhere to your check in time to get inside to sit there. So in your case...you can check in at noon...and most likely the ship will already be boarding...so no need to sit in the waiting lounge. D+ does not get you anything except earlier boarding than D and under once inside the terminal.
  20. It is indeed kind of cool standing on the deck there with Bloody Mary in hand and looking at the Harmony next door as our new home for the week. 😉
  21. Ahh...yes. Almost the same as you, pertaining to travel when we were kids. It was the station wagon with tent camping, and then later on....the little slide in camper on Dad's truck... my sister and I slept in a tent outside most of the time. Dad did make sure we got out and traveled while we could. Lots of fond memories for us as well. Boarded an airplane for the first time about two years after I got married. And that was rare event not repeated again for years. Still camped as travel trips....most of my early adult life. Probably how I got the travel bug, and still have it. 😉
  22. You are most welcome! Enjoy your cruise. 🙂
  23. Yeah, I can sure see how that can get tiring. 😉
  24. We also had a 10:30 boarding time this last time. Though when I asked...the boarding time was to start at 10:15, which it did. That is always assuming something has not held it up. We did not walk back over until after 11 am, but with booking suites...you can arrive an hour earlier or later. The porters actually start taking bags for drop off by 7:30 am! 😮 (yes, I asked). We got there around 9:30 to get that inside garage parking spot. If I am reading you right...you book full suites (GS and above)? If so, take the elevator up to 17, and have a relaxing lunch in Coastal Kitchen. Wine, bubbly, beer included for no charge. If not a suite, one of our favorite alternatives is Solarium Cafe, all the way forward. Am with you...no..no...won't do the WJ on embarkation day. 😮 Or...as you said "don't mind paying" Chops is a great place for lunch, or Jamies. Can book in advance online. Enjoy your cruise. 🙂
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