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Canal archive

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  1. Cannot open link evidently because of location issues, never mind. In my years involved with a certain U.K. canal, I have never encountered issues with the running of it until recently and it’s been indicated as Red on a canal section nowhere near a river. I’m now tasked with researching any other instances, busy busy busy!
  2. Sincerely hope it’s nothing like the one a few years ago. Hope all are well.
  3. I’ve been river cruising since 2011 and I know that others on these boards discovered it many years before we did, I really feel for those who’s first try has been this year, somehow or other we’ve missed low/high water levels etc. We’ve had indifferent tour guides but never a bad one mostly good to absolutely excellent. I sympathise with your dislike of the lack of self service but it’s a throwback/ ruling from covid which for river cruise vessels may still be in place. Yes this year we had a couple make a b-line for us with the dreaded cough and snivelling, unluckily I have a heart condition so it didn’t turn out well for me but they insisted that they had tested themselves and were free of Covid - yes but not the sniffles and snuffles. Bonus I could do the cruise for a third time after a few others. We’ve made acquaintances from around the world wonderful people we would never have met otherwise. Afternoon sitting up front with a glass delivered by a very pleasant young person to a group of, okay yes getting on or nearly getting on members of the Commonwealth with a few honorary members from below the border nothing better. I’d say give it another try and enjoy.
  4. Also ships may be built in one yard and fitted out in another. On one Scenic cruise we ended up with four captains on board at on time, which I thought was just a little over the top. So two as is normal captains, one new to Scenic learning Scenic’s ways - we met him again on the Bordeaux cruise and as it was a new vessel the Dutch Captain from the shipyard. He at one stage decided to make changes to the raising and lowering system of the bridge he was a really lovely man and huge but ready to talk ships to anyone interested and held court on the front deck regularly.
  5. That is one book of many my DH has in his copious library appertaining to management and he says he doesn’t read fiction. Ohh and reference to the lock incidence in some ways I can understand the powers that be allowing the boats to carry on as it’s not that easy to ‘do a runner’ to big and heavy. Looking at it again was it by chance a combination of boat crash and gate fail as in the gate needing maintenance.
  6. See what you mean I didn’t scroll down. To do that amount of damage would take a lot of speed, I wonder what his load was.
  7. Crystal dinning usually opens about 7p.m. Sit wherever you like you don’t have to get stuck with anyone you’re not keen on. If you’re not keen on your table mates just have a quiet word with your waiter or restaurant manager. The staff are there to ensure you have a fantastic holiday. You’ll really enjoy yourselves.
  8. Oops! Looks like the barge was supposed to be entering the lock but certainly not at that speed.
  9. Goose cooks a little like duck and tends to be fatty like duck so if you roast it do it on an open wire trivet so the fat drains into a container beneath, it tastes and eaten just fine not strong or stringy. I’ve only done it once when as a family we attempted an old fashioned Christmas. Really a lot of fun but I don’t think we’ll be doing it again.
  10. The guy controlling the multiple horses wow but that little donkey is something very special, he’s (she’s) had to work so hard, but I have a soft spot for donks.
  11. Packet pastry is one of the best inventions ever, saves so much phaphing about.
  12. Now watching The Lord Mayors Parade in London one of the features was a Swiss Alphorn. If you can get the beeb it’s well worth a watch.
  13. On Scenic it would not be a waste of money as apart from Aquarium cabins all have balconies. It’s horses for courses personally I enjoy my balcony if you don’t then it’s your choice. Put your feet up with a glass of excellent wine and a good book nothing better in this world, DH can do what he wants, it’s just occasionally a joy to relaxe.
  14. Thank you Jazz I got so enthralled with watching them being made I forgot the recipe.
  15. Must have a go at that recipe. Thank you.
  16. Don’t forget the Hindu festival of Diwali next week.
  17. Look for Bridgewater Carnival 2023 it was on 4th November then on to various other towns in the West Country - floodlit and absolutely fantastic, so many people have never heard of it, if you see it, it will knock your socks off absolutely brilliant.
  18. Even better but it does cost a few pennies more have your baggage couriered we did for the first time this year, ohh what bliss.
  19. Hey at twenty if you decide to do it you can. To curl up anywhere with a good book is bliss!
  20. At least it doesn’t add up to Triple six only double.
  21. At my age now I completely agree with your mother. In the past I’ve negotiated huge airports including those two on my own but definitely not now.
  22. Vikings North American payment terms don’t wash in Europe due to our R & R/s nothing to do with filling a vessel or not. It does seem to work overall it’s a suck it and see situation if you don’t like it go with another company.
  23. Good one never heard it called the basement room, aquarium class or swans view yes. Any other expressions to add to the list?
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