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Everything posted by Ourusualbeach

  1. Add me to the list that will be boarding as you depart. It is odd at how they treated each of these cruises so differently with regards to itinerary modifications after St. Petersburg was pulled. With ours no overnights were added and they added 3 ports. We actually lost a sea day. They added Arhus, Denmark; Klaipeda, Lithuania and Gdansk, Poland to our itinerary
  2. Here is the relevant paragraph. Looks like they are implying that unvaccinated guests will be able to sail. "Last week, the CDC ended its COVID-19 Program for Cruise Ships. Based on this change, we are continuing to adapt our protocols to align more closely with how the rest of society and other travel and leisure businesses are operating. This means that we're transitioning to the point where everyone will be able to vacation with us while always working with our destination partners to meet their regulations. Starting Aug. 8, testing will be required for unvaccinated guests on all voyages and for vaccinated guests only on voyages that are six nights or longer. "
  3. Funny how you get singled out like that. We have Nexus and never been questioned except this past March flying to and from Florida. My son got singled out both times at the airport. The only time we have ever been pulled into secondary was crossing in Windsor at the tunnel for the first time but that was entirely our fault and not random checking. We were there just before they closed and there was no one in the Nexus lane. we were proceeding through slowly not quite sure where we were to stop and we looked up and saw a glass window and someone waving us through.....hmmm that's odd, we don't even have to stop anymore, must be a new system. We carried on our way and then about 20 minutes later we get a call from US customs asking if we had just passed through the border. We had to turn around and go back. They were waiting for us. I must say the supervisor we dealt with was awesome. I'm sure he could tell we were more than a little nervous at this point and once I walked him through what happened he kind of laughed about it and saw how it could happen. They still had to do a thorough search of our car and run a detailed check on us as they had protocols to follow but in the end they let us pass and our trip south was only an hour and a half behind schedule. Because there was no one else ahead of us we had no reference of where to stop. The actual booth you are to stop at was set back slightly and not totally visible if you are looking straight ahead. What is very visible is the Port Authority office which is where we thought we saw someone waving us through. The supervisor said in his 10 years he had never seen that happen but when I walked through it with him he totally got how we were confused.
  4. Only ever crossed at Windsor a couple times. It's our back up plan if the weather does not look good on the I77/I79 route. Bridge a couple times and the tunnel once, very quick
  5. Yep, definitely the Peace Bridge. It was only twice that we ran into really bad traffic. Once it was just me driving south nearly 20 years ago and it was backed up to the duty free on the Canadian side. Poor planning on my part, I timed my drive to coincide with the Leafs playing in Buffalo that night. Can't remember what the other time was but it was a while ago as well. I now have the app and check out the wait times at all the crossings.
  6. Not sure what would happen. It is random testing. They provide you a kit and you have to d it with a proctored company by 11:59pm the day following your arrival...you'll be long gone.
  7. I know, just frustrating for those of us North of the border. Definitely agree that most of the rest of the world seems to be making progress dealing with this but Zippy seems to follow the 2 steps forward one step back rule.
  8. The worst pat at Buffalo is sitting on the bridge in line with everyone until you can make your way clear to the dedicated Nexus lane.
  9. Except for the idiots in Ottawa who resumed Random testing after not having it for a month.
  10. Yes all guests are exempt from testing if they have a positive PCR test more than 10 days old and a positive COR. That is the point of the positive test and the COR as you can continue to test positive for a period after. The only qualifier is that unvaccinated guests would have had to been eligible to sail unvaccinated anyway...meaning children. An unvaccinated adult cannot use a positive PCR test and a COR to get around the vaccination requirements.
  11. I was referring to booking on the ship through the app. Sounds like you are booking from land and not through the app ahead of your cruise You cannot make reservations ahead of time with the package.
  12. There was a time period that yours fell under where if you cancelled in December you received an FCC. If you cancelled that same cruise in January it was eligible for a refund. There is no going back and asking for a refund for the one cancelled in December as those were the terms you agreed to when you cancelled.
  13. Based on your daughter becoming pregnant after the cruise was booked you may find a sympathetic agent who will issue you a FCC without any penalties applied. I would have your TA explore this route. I know I would. I have found Royal to be accommodating in exceptional circumstances
  14. Remove the child first, then cancel the booking and you will have a $100pp penalty and the rest issued as a FCC.
  15. No. As biker stated, one name must remain. You cannot skirt the system like that
  16. I've looked through all the policies that I have access to and there was nothing that covered this situation. When CWC first came out the policy was written that if one guest cancelled after final payment then they would receive a FCC for their portion and sailing guests cruise fare would not be adjusted. This was later changed so that the first guests would be adjusted. Nothing was ever published on how it would affect if someone cancelled for testing positive
  17. There are 2 different policies. CWC and Cancellation for Covid CWC does not cover testing positive Cancellation for Covid does You can cancel for covid if you test positive at any time. ROYAL CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL REFUND AND CANCELLATION POLICY FOR COVID-19 The following information applies to residents of North America who book passage on Royal Caribbean International (referred to herein as “RCI” or the “cruise line”) sailings scheduled during the nationally declared Public Health Emergency involving COVID-19. Except as specifically stated below, or as otherwise provided in the Cruise/CruiseTour Ticket Contract (the “Ticket Contract”) for your cruise, the standard cancellation policies and penalties described in the Ticket Contract apply. The below updated policies are effective from the Effective Date at the bottom of this document and, except as otherwise noted, apply to all bookings on RCI cruises scheduled to sail between the Effective Date and April 30, 2023, inclusive. Cruise Cancelled By RCI* If your cruise is cancelled by RCI or boarding is delayed by three (3) days or more and you elect not to embark on the delayed cruise or a substitute cruise offered by RCI, you are entitled to a refund of the cruise fare paid to RCI, or an optional Future Cruise Credit (“FCC”). Cruise Booking Cancelled By Guest* • If you, or someone in your Traveling Party, cancel a cruise booking due to testing positive for COVID-19 within 10 days of embarkation, you and they are entitled to a refund, or an optional FCC, for the cruise fare paid to RCI. If you had close contact with a positive or suspected COVID19 case within 10 days of embarkation, and RCI deems you are unfit to travel, you, and anyone else in your Traveling Party who cancels, are eligible for a refund of the cruise fare paid to RCI, or an optional FCC equal in value to the same. To qualify for a refund or the FCC, if your COVID19 test was administered by a provider other than one retained by RCI, you must present your verified positive test result in a form acceptable to RCI. • If you report, or we identify, that you may have been exposed to or are likely to have been infected by COVID-19 within 10 days of embarkation, we may require that you and others in your Traveling Party do not travel to the departure port. This is in order to prevent the transmission of COVID19. Anyone effectively denied boarding in these circumstances will be entitled to a refund, or an optional FCC, for the cruise fare paid to RCI.
  18. Kinda sound like it should be located in Mexico and not Canada.🤣
  19. Muster stations are set when the ship is built and have specific directions and a map to the musterr station on the back of the door. They cannot change it cruise to cruise based on people travelling with others.
  20. I am actually surprised thst it has taken this long with still nothing released. They knew this day was coming. I would have thought that they would have had scenario upon scenario already planned out ready to go based on different variations of restrictions easing.
  21. We've had it for 8 years and it has only been this year that we have actually used it for flights. Before that it was just for driving and getting into the Nexus lane at the border that can save a lot of time.
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