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Do the "Cheerleaders" help or harm NCL?


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So who exactly is spreading false information?


Well that would be topic specific.


An example that comes to mind occured on these boards back in mid-December...


There were a bunch of threads, posted over and over, "reporting" a serious noro-outbreak on the Gem. Posters had it as high as 50% of the passengers being sick...all the while claiming that NCL was involved in a massive cover-up to keep anyone from finding out about it.


People who came on here reporting to be on the Gem were "shouted down" if they stated that there was no illness.


Despite many people pointing out that there was nothing in the Press, nothing on the CDC website, nothing on the news, etc...these folks kept up the accusations...their "excuse" was that CDC wouldn't update their site until the following month.


Now here it is 2+ months later...NOTHING on the CDC site about any noro-virus outbreak on the Gem or any other NCL ship in December.


And the "conspiracy" posters are strangely silent.



Now...should we let new posters see this type of false information, or should it be refuted?





To me...its no different than the guy who started the recent post accusing NCL of canceling the Olympic Charter when, in fact, it was NewWest Travel who cancelled.....


There is a big difference between

"Norwegian cancels cruise at only hours notice"


"NewWest Travel cancels charter leaving NCL and booked guests holding the bag"

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Since I didn't know what desist meant, I checked the thesaurus and found this definition as information for those of you who are as illiterate as I am. It would seem that DU is telling you not to eat or drink.


Verb1.BFE02-desist.jpgdesist - choose not to consume; "I abstain from alcohol"





Please desist from spreading erroneous information.

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There is a perfect example...


Instead of adding to the discussion we have people, who apparently feel it is their job to do the Mod's job, telling people that providing the meaning of a word is "spreading erroneous information".



Yet you'll never see the same exact people telling themselves to desist from telling other people what to do...



The boards would be better if people addressed the subject instead of worrying about what other people were doing.



All of the above is just opinion and observation ;)

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So who exactly is spreading false information?


If you'll indulge me, I'll give you another example.


Right now, there is a thread started by a new poster to Cruise Critic on the NCL board. The title of this thread is "I Am On Board NCL Jewel Right Now "


The poster is providing information "live" directly from the ship.


In his latest round of answers to people's questions, he has stated that the two main dining rooms and the Garden Cafe are the ONLY places to eat for 'free' on the Jewel.



Now the fact is that in addition to the above three venues,

The Blue Lagoon is free

The Great Outdoors is free

Topsiders Grill is free

Room Service is free

Additionally, there is often food put out in the Casino late at night that is also free



Now....should this misinformation be allowed to remain as is, or should we address and correct it so that someone doesn't get incorrect information about dining options on the Jewel?

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There is a perfect example...


Instead of adding to the discussion we have people, who apparently feel it is their job to do the Mod's job, telling people that providing the meaning of a word is "spreading erroneous information".



Yet you'll never see the same exact people telling themselves to desist from telling other people what to do...



The boards would be better if people addressed the subject instead of worrying about what other people were doing.



All of the above is just opinion and observation ;)




Oh dear!

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If you'll indulge me, I'll give you another example.


Right now, there is a thread started by a new poster to Cruise Critic on the NCL board. The title of this thread is "I Am On Board NCL Jewel Right Now "


The poster is providing information "live" directly from the ship.


In his latest round of answers to people's questions, he has stated that the two main dining rooms and the Garden Cafe are the ONLY places to eat for 'free' on the Jewel.



Now the fact is that in addition to the above three venues,

The Blue Lagoon is free

The Great Outdoors is free

Topsiders Grill is free

Room Service is free

Additionally, there is often food put out in the Casino late at night that is also free



Now....should this misinformation be allowed to remain as is, or should we address and correct it so that someone doesn't get incorrect information about dining options on the Jewel?


And you are incorrect with your ASSumption. See my post in that thread and the link I kindly supplied for you.


You are spreading misinformation stating Topsiders and Great Outdoors is a restaurant. Also, room service is not a restaurant. The OP of that thread stated restaurant.


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The fact is...and it's backed up by the literature on the subject (since I've been back I've cited references) that while the level of tidiness might be acceptable, the level of cleanliness is not. That fact is also made worse by the fact that there are no EU standards as of yet and the Jade is not required to meet CDC standards.


Just to clarify this. All NCL ships adhere to USPH (United States Public Health) standards whether they are ported in the US or not. These are some of the highest standards in the world. The ship's Hotel Director would be the one responsible for maintaining the condition of the ship. Just because they are not in the US doesn't mean that they slack on upkeep. It is not in the cruise-line's best interest to do that.


During Noro outbreaks EVERYONE on board has to help in disinfecting the ship from the ships engineers wiping down areas on the crew decks to DS helping his crew to wipe down each and every seat back and armrest in the theatre. All cruiselines really do try their hardest to keep the ship and it's passengers healthy and to stop the spread of Noro. Unfortunately, 1 passenger can recontaminate a shipload of people before they even begin showing symptoms.


As far as the main message of this thread.... I do understand what you are saying. Sometimes it's easy to feel intimidated on the boards. I think that some NCL fans have strong feelings for "their" cruise line and feel a need to defend the line. And that's fine as long as they realize that things do happen that can be upsetting to someone else and be respectful of the posters feelings.


However, as a passenger, you do have a responsibility to try to have problems corrected while on board the vessel before coming here and complaining that it was "all terrible". I believe a balanced review is well received and appreciated here.


I do wish that when someone posts a "troll-like" review or rant that people would just ignore them and let the post fall to the wayside. I never respond to these posts. It's not worth my time.


I've been on these boards for 10 years now and only have the 600+ replies posted and about 500 from the old boards. Almost all on the NCL boards. Am I an NCL cheerleader? No. My son works for them. I have sailed on NCL and I have enjoyed each of my cruises but I have no experience with HAL, Carnival or any of the other lines. Maybe someday I will try them. Now I cruise to spend time with DS and travel. Have they all been perfect cruises? No, but pretty close! There haven't been any huge problems for me so I've been quite happy. I enjoy NCL's Freestyle concept and energy.


And now I will step down from my soapbox.......next! :D

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And you are incorrect with your ASSumption. See my post in that thread and the link I kindly supplied for you.


You are spreading misinformation stating Topsiders and Great Outdoors is a restaurant. Also, room service is not a restaurant. The OP of that thread stated restaurant.



I'll post it here for everyone's benefit.


Here is the Freestyle Daily from the Jewel http://travel.webshots.com/photo/2459616210102934491xOgIyB


It plainly shows all of the places to eat that were mentioned...additionally it lists the Sky Bar as well.



Point is...there are more than 3 places to eat...but there are people who are more interested in proving people wrong on the Internet than they are in making sure the information is correct.

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I'll post it here for everyone's benefit.


Here is the Freestyle Daily from the Jewel http://travel.webshots.com/photo/2459616210102934491xOgIyB


It plainly shows all of the places to eat that were mentioned...additionally it lists the Sky Bar as well.



Point is...there are more than 3 places to eat...but there are people who are more interested in proving people wrong on the Internet than they are in making sure the information is correct.


You are still wrong. The OP of the other thread specifically stated RESTAURANTS...not places to eat. Was he wrong? Yes....but, so were you.

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Hey sjbdtz


Not once have I mentioned compensation so please stop with that accusation.


Mkkt: I'm not sure that I specifically meant YOU demanding compensation. I tend to respond to the post, not the poster....so I'm not clear on WHO said what. What you're written here, I have no contention with.


sjbdtz, you have frequently referred to the fact you were on this ship about 4 months ago. You also know that we were also on that cruise in the Black Sea.


Yes, I believe you might have been. Of course you had that little bit of drama where you stamped your feet & said you weren't going to attend the meet & greet....so even though I wore my Scotland t-shirt in your honour, I don't know whether I know you were there.... :confused:


Unlike you, we were also on the ship earlier this month and even you must agree that makes me better placed than you to assess the scale of the problem and the atmosphere on board.


Here's the problem, Hamrag.... if almost anyone else had made these same statements, I'd have graciously admitted I might have over-attributed my experiences to later sailings. BUT it's you, and I've read too many of your posts to accept them at face value.


It was a totally different experience, and ship,


AHA! So it was a different ship! I see now where you've been confused!



For the record we enjoyed the cruise,


I'm happy for you.



and are already anticipating the Gem later this year, but for others the experience was traumatic


If you read what I said.... I perfectly understand that the experience was traumatic. I mentioned earlier that my SO had full-blown noro on our first cruise. MY issue was with the accusations of lying. NONE of the accusers could have known there were any lies...they were SPECULATING/ASSuming etc. that there were lies. That's the only thing I was calling out.



....that is a fact, not speculation!


And you are incorrect with your ASSumption. See my post in that thread and the link I kindly supplied for you.


You are spreading misinformation stating Topsiders and Great Outdoors is a restaurant. Also, room service is not a restaurant. The OP of that thread stated restaurant.




Definition of restaurant:

An eating establishment in which diners are served food at their tables





A restaurant prepares and serves food and drink to customers. Meals are generally served and eaten on premises, but many restaurants also offer ...




and if you give me a few minutes to update Wikipedia to say EXACTLY what I want, I'll then repost THAT link :rolleyes: ;)



If a restaurant is a food provider whose patrons may dine in-house or take-out or delivery.....then Topsiders, the Great Outdoors, and Room Service all count as restaurants.


If I order pizza and it shows up at my door, is it from a restaurant? I believe so....because sometimes I go & eat there too....unless I'm gate-crashing someone's living room. But it calls itself a pizza restaurant....

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We're 'Sunshine Cruisers'. :)


Quite a while ago now - a couple of years I think - someone started a thread just expressing how much they enjoyed cruising, and that while nothing was ever 'perfect', every cruise they went on was 'perfect enough'. That's paraphrasing, but the gist of it was that for many of us, most of the things that others complain about - and get really upset over - just don't impact us at all. That doesn't mean we don't respect others' right to be upset by whatever upsets them - just that we tend to enjoy cruising enough that the small stuff just don't bother us - and in the bigger picture, it's all small stuff.


Interestingly enough, it didn't take long for someone to post on the thread that we were all idiots and obviously just didn't understand how bad things actually were - and listed all of the horrible things that NCL does that we should have been complaining about. He was quite relentless, actually, even when he was politely asked to ignore the thread. :)


In any case, those of us who were being accused of being 'sunshiny' and wearing 'rose coloured glasses' took both as compliments and started calling ourselves the 'Sunshine Cruisers'.


Anyone with a positive outlook is still welcome to join. :)


The correct term for this group is the NCL Cheerleaders - Professional Style.

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I ASSume you called me out for a reason. Care to elaborate? :confused:


Since I did the same thing in BOTH threads and contributed nothing else to either' date=' what is your point?


Or is this your typical drive-by tactic? :rolleyes:





You ASSumed correctly. I just love to push the buttons of a bully. :eek:

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Been thinking about this thread.


People should be able to post their experience, be it positive or negative, just so it is respectful. Comments to the contrary should be aimed at the post not the poster.


I had one exchange I can think of (and that person might know I speak of them, but I will not mention) and although we disagreed we managed to debate and leave the discussion where we could meet on cruise face-to-face and shake hands.


I could be called a cheerleader because I have had three NCL cruises that were great! (Four, if you count the Norway). I have only had three negative things happen to me on NCL. I have posted about two of those, in the event that my experience could help others. The third transgression I attribute to one NCL individual at disembarkation. I just never brought it up. One of our issues were on the Jewel, when my mom got sick. We had no issues on the Dawn. And finally, we had two issues on the Sun, but they were so overshadowed by the positives.


I can't for the life of me see how some people cannotfind anything positive to say about their NCL cruise, but I have come to realize that usually speaks more of that person than the cruise. I have also come to realize that most people see right through that.


I have learned from both the cheerleaders and the bashers and the 90% in between.


What I see as frustrating are those one (or two) individuals who begin threads that have no place here. And I have used that little red triangle to success.


Although I am very pro-NCL, I will try to be more understanding that others don't share my views. But I will still try and post a different slant on an issue if I think it should be told.


I wish you all many happy cruises.

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You're so smart SeaShark....I stand corrected. She didn't say the poster was stupid, just what they were saying was stupid. Huge difference, my bad.


My point was she had a valid point without adding in the "stupid" commnent. Everyone who has been on cruisecritic or other "cruise boards", know she is a TA, so all she had to do was explain that and as part of her job, she monitors these boards.


For all she knows, some of these posters she puts down, could be her clients :D


you are right, I guess I didn't need to use the word "stupid" at all, but You have to agree when someone persoanlly attacks you, dandor does fly. As for my clients, I really don't think so, as I have only a few that have not been totally happy with their cruises, regardless of the line, not to mention, if anyone post negatives and doesn't discuss their concerns with their TA first they are going to the wrong sourse...sorry if I offended you, that was not my intent..


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And you are incorrect with your ASSumption. See my post in that thread and the link I kindly supplied for you.


You are spreading misinformation stating Topsiders and Great Outdoors is a restaurant. Also, room service is not a restaurant. The OP of that thread stated restaurant.



Topsiders and GReat Outdoors, may be listed under bars but are considered both bars and grills...So, no he isn't wrong. The poster did indicate there were only 3 places to get free food, she should have clarified that..I think you are taking this and spinning, but if you want to take what she said literally I guess you are right, she still forgot to mention "Blue Lagoon":



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that or too old to remember her true age!!!! LOL


by the way, how do you guys get the icons by your names, etc? I can on some boards, but not this one...


Go into the user control panel and under settings and options select edit avatar. You can select one of the ones they have or upload your own.

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