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Carnival cruise ship bartender accused of raping teen

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I gotta say, C6, you made me LOL. True, very true. When did it start becoming a good idea to dress our little girls up as baby hookers?


There is NEVER a time when little girls should be dressed up as baby hookers. But it is the society in which we live. I remember several national news outlets doing stories on the "provocative" style Halloween costumes that were on the shelves this past October. I recall seeing some outfits in the store I thought were risque for small children.


My nephew is a high school teacher and I've had the opportunity to assist him with several outings. It is absolutely incredible the clothes, the make-up, the attitude, and the awareness of flirting some girls have that are not the age of consenting adults. But, they certainly want you to think they are!


In fact on one trip, I saw one girl that was so mature looking that I questioned my nephew as to what she taught. He then told me she was a student and was only 16 and to stay clear. I thought I would fall over right there from the disbelief. And this story repeats itself everyday somewhere.


Now, having said that, I certainly do not take any responsibility for what happened away from the 30-year old bartender. But, every story has three sides. His, hers, and somewher in between, the truth.

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LOL. Actually, I meant to say it the other way around, but have decided it's funny either way. Not at your expense, I hope you know! :D


That is kind of how I thought you were joking...maybe my CC comprehension scores and humor capacity are ever so slowly starting to rise.:p.

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LOL. Actually, I meant to say it the other way around, but have decided it's funny either way. Not at your expense, I hope you know! :D

Ok your forgiven for me misinterpreting you:D

But I am afraid if I reminded anyone of Nancy Grace I'd have to kill myself, stab myself repeatedly in the head or maybe "fall off" the ship??? JK :p

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That is kind of how I thought you were joking...maybe my CC comprehension scores and humor capacity are ever so slowly starting to rise.:p.

Nope he said my being on a GJ scared him as much as Nancy Grace!!!

But he didn't mean it :D;)

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I gotta say, C6, you made me LOL. True, very true. When did it start becoming a good idea to dress our little girls up as baby hookers?


There is NEVER a time when little girls should be dressed up as baby hookers. But it is the society in which we live. I remember several national news outlets doing stories on the "provocative" style Halloween costumes that were on the shelves this past October. I recall seeing some outfits in the store I thought were risque for small children.


My nephew is a high school teacher and I've had the opportunity to assist him with several outings. It is absolutely incredible the clothes (or lack thereof in some cases), the make-up, the attitude, and the awareness of flirting some girls have that are not the age of consenting adults. But, they certainly want you to think they are!


In fact on one trip, I saw one girl that was so mature looking that I questioned my nephew as to what she taught. He then told me she was a student and was only 16 and to stay clear. I thought I would fall over right there from the disbelief. And this story repeats itself everyday somewhere.


Now, having said that, I certainly do not take any responsibility for what happened away from the 30-year old bartender. But, every story has three sides. His, hers, and somewhere in between, the truth. We don't know the full side of any of these.

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Nope he said my being on a GJ scared him as much as Nancy Grace!!!

But he didn't mean it :D;)


Good..like your posts. And just read what you'd have to do if found like her..me too..did you catch I even had a haircut like her once...got home saw whole affect and redid it all IMMEDIATELY..I just can not stand her!!:):o:)

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I wonder the same thing. It's horrible that we cannot always protect our children from predators. I do hope that he will be severely punished for his crime.

We will see. In many cases such criminals are merely sent home.There's not much punishment anymore.

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Indeed it is. To make the point that you're allowing your moral outrage to overshadow the fact that this man is standing trial for his actions. And that you aren't on the jury. So while you're entitled to you opinion, you're not entitled to paint this man guilty because you're morally outraged. That's as ridiculous as blaming it on aliens.



Yes, I know that -- you're clear that it's your opinion based on what you read. And you threw in the nice caveat "if it's accurate". What if it's not? What if this guy is found innocent of all charges?


What moral outrage???????

Where do you sense outrage on my part?


Drama again on your part....



Actually, no, I may have...IF I showed any moral outrage, it was aimed at the parents for allowing their kid free roam of the ship alone.

If the guy proves to be truly guilty, THEN you will see moral outrage from me.



you make a valid point here....but another valid point can also be made....that people we just meet and can seem to be safe, may not be and there is no way that one can be totally comfortable in making friends with a stranger...be it an hour a day or a week.


This case proves that they picked the wrong person to befriend...that's all. But how can you really blame them...as this person was truly a stranger to them and they had no way of knowing anything about him other than how well he took care of them at the bar....or how nicely he spoke to their daughter....especially regarding her looks.....because he did comment that she didn't look her age. However, regardless of how she looked...she is still protected by law.


I don't blame them for befriending the worng person. That can happen to anyone. But why on earth would you allow your kid to roam free like that on a ship at night??

THAT I do blame them for.


I know 14 year old girls are not babies...and if she were in a group with other 14 year old girls I wouldn't be feeling this way but she was alone.

A teenage girl alone is never a good thing...hell, a teenaged boy alone isn't really all that good either.

Safety in numbers.....I know we've all heard that at one point or another during our childhood.


I agree about her being protected by law. I don't care if she totally instigated this (which is always a possibility) or if she was totally innocent. If the guy had sex with her, (as he stated he did once he failed the lie detector) he committed a crime.

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What moral outrage???????

Where do you sense outrage on my part?


Drama again on your part....



Actually, no, I may have...IF I showed any moral outrage, it was aimed at the parents for allowing their kid free roam of the ship alone.

If the guy proves to be truly guilty, THEN you will see moral outrage from me.





I don't blame them for befriending the worng person. That can happen to anyone. But why on earth would you allow your kid to roam free like that on a ship at night??

THAT I do blame them for.


I know 14 year old girls are not babies...and if she were in a group with other 14 year old girls I wouldn't be feeling this way but she was alone.

A teenage girl alone is never a good thing...hell, a teenaged boy alone isn't really all that good either.

Safety in numbers.....I know we've all heard that at one point or another during our childhood.


I agree about her being protected by law. I don't care if she totally instigated this (which is always a possibility) or if she was totally innocent. If the guy had sex with her, (as he stated he did once he failed the lie detector) he committed a crime.

I just so happen to have both a 14yo and a 15yo....who never roam the ships and the only time they have ever been out of our sight is when then do go about the ship with their 19yo sister and the 9yo (who is well protected by her sibs). I recall on the Freedom Grand Med cruise that I told them it was ok for 2 of them to go to the room alone in the middle of the day to get something.....they thought I was nuts and told me so because they understood how barren the hallways can be regardless of time of day...and how easily they could be pulled into a cabin. So they went in 3's that time. Now, I don't hold them back from much...but what I do insist on is that they stay safe...and have ingrained that in them since babyhood......and I insist that they recognize danger and not have a la di da attitude about serious issues like that. So, in my case, my kids would never be roaming the ship alone...not because they are tied to me...but because they would know that roaming the ship alone...especially at night..is just not wise.


I have to say that this 14yo in question is plain stupid and not well guided.......but innocent still the same.

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I just so happen to have both a 14yo and a 15yo.....


Hang in there...you're almost over the 'hump' :D These next years will ZOOM by.

I feel like mine were just that age......now I'm planning a wedding :eek:

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Hang in there...you're almost over the 'hump' :D These next years will ZOOM by.

I feel like mine were just that age......now I'm planning a wedding :eek:

OMG, we would freeze them at their current ages now if we could. They really are pleasant to have around the house....even the college one is fun to have home now. I have trained them to not ask for Chinese food as often anymore, so we save some money there. And the 3 younger ones are anxiously awaiting our next cruise....connecting cabins of course:)


All have great plans for the summer with dd the eldest off to Italy once again...this time on a full ride......but that program is only for 11 days.

And DH is on my wavelength again about getting them all back to The Med in 2012 and is perusing the Princess brochure I brought home. He sees time slipping by ever so quickly. I have to say that my kids like being kids and are in no hurry to grow up beyond their years thankfully....they saw how fast their new baby sister went from infant to 9yo and want no part of speeding through life.:) Walking slowly and smelling the flowers suits them very well.

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....they saw how fast their new baby sister went from infant to 9yo and want no part of speeding through life.:) Walking slowly and smelling the flowers suits them very well.


Just don't blink your eyes.

My oldest will be 25 this summer. It's hard to imagine because I still feel 25....well, when I don't have the smell of Icy-Hot drifting into my nostrils that is, LOL!!!

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But, if the data is not there, then it's her word against his as to how it happened since "if" it happened is apparently not in doubt. I would still like to know if anything was captured and if so what it shows or if the data was lost due to the time element between the occurrence and when it was reported and the investigation began.


If I can interject just a piece of information here.....Recently, Florida passed a law called the Stepanski Act. Under this new law, if a cruise starts and ends in Florida, the state can prosecute any incident defined as a crime in Florida. And I don't mean occurred in State Waters, I mean anywhere on the cruise.


The problem with Federal investigations has been the District U.S. Attorneys willingness to prosecute minor cases or cases where the elements of the crime are in question. If this is not prosecuted federally, Florida can prosecute based solely on the age of the girl.

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If I can interject just a piece of information here.....Recently, Florida passed a law called the Stepanski Act. Under this new law, if a cruise starts and ends in Florida, the state can prosecute any incident defined as a crime in Florida. And I don't mean occurred in State Waters, I mean anywhere on the cruise.


The problem with Federal investigations has been the District U.S. Attorneys willingness to prosecute minor cases or cases where the elements of the crime are in question. If this is not prosecuted federally, Florida can prosecute based solely on the age of the girl.

Thx Paul!

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If I can interject just a piece of information here.....Recently, Florida passed a law called the Stepanski Act. Under this new law, if a cruise starts and ends in Florida, the state can prosecute any incident defined as a crime in Florida. And I don't mean occurred in State Waters, I mean anywhere on the cruise.


The problem with Federal investigations has been the District U.S. Attorneys willingness to prosecute minor cases or cases where the elements of the crime are in question. If this is not prosecuted federally, Florida can prosecute based solely on the age of the girl.


Sincerely doubt said law would pass a supreme court challenge, but on the other hand I doubt a 30 y.o. bartender could afford a supreme court challenge.

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Sincerely doubt said law would pass a supreme court challenge, but on the other hand I doubt a 30 y.o. bartender could afford a supreme court challenge.


It's already been used and prosecuted. Case law exists. It has already been challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court and upheld.


The basis was several-fold, but the Fla state supreme court agreed (upheld by U.S.) if a cruise ship's itinerary starts and ends in Florida, the state's jurisdiction over crimes committed on that ship are extended throughout the voyage.

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Until a person is 18, they are a child and their parents are responsible for their care. So, yes the parents should have some accountability for what happened to their daughter. They should feel guilty. I hope they were enjoying whatever it was they were doing when their daughter was getting assaulted (was it worth it?).


Read my post #26....I have a very plausible theory as to the timeframe


I have read through page 5 then skipped to the end. If this has been noted, sorry.

First I agree with those who noted the time difference. I’m pretty sure the 14 year old, (probably 15 by now), discovered she was pregnant. I believe the perpetrator knew her age, and is guilty of the offense. It was rape; IMHO, a 14 year old cannot comprehend the situation they were put into.

That said, and I want people to really think about this:

If the 14 year old killed someone, would you be calling them a child? Would you come to their defense saying they could not know better? In many States, a 14 year old can be tried as an adult.

We have a problem in the United States. They are a Minor to protect them from society, but they are an Adult to protect society from them. I find age discrimination all around.

As someone noted, would this thread be as long if it was a 30 year old female with a 14 year old male?

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I have read through page 5 then skipped to the end. If this has been noted, sorry.


First I agree with those who noted the time difference. I’m pretty sure the 14 year old, (probably 15 by now), discovered she was pregnant. I believe the perpetrator knew her age, and is guilty of the offense. It was rape; IMHO, a 14 year old cannot comprehend the situation they were put into.


That said, and I want people to really think about this:


If the 14 year old killed someone, would you be calling them a child? Would you come to their defense saying they could not know better? In many States, a 14 year old can be tried as an adult.


We have a problem in the United States. They are a Minor to protect them from society, but they are an Adult to protect society from them. I find age discrimination all around.


As someone noted, would this thread be as long if it was a 30 year old female with a 14 year old male?

Your thinking goes astray when you get to the 14yo killing someone...because then they are NOT the victim but the perp...and yes, society needs to be protected from them. a 14yo that is raped...or anyone who is raped...is the victim...and society protects that as such.


To answer your female30yo question...all I can say is that while adult females have been convicted of rape...it is far more prevelant that it is a 30yo male perv and a child victim...sorry but true.

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BTW, he admitted to it...so he admitted to committing statutory rape.....if you don't want to believe him, ask him why he admitted to it then.


While I definitely DON'T want you to believe 'everything you read', here is what that article actually said:


Krispiyanto "Denied the incident."




Maybe he was lying. Maybe the article 'improved the truth' a little bit. We don't know.


But in this country people are still innocent until proven guilty.

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Thats so sad that it would happend like that and i wonder why she waited til August to tell her mom if it happened in April....


I think there's a LOT more to the story we're not being told about. Up front, it's a case closed; he IS guilty of rape due to her age, he even knew that up front, but what really happened? And, if a bartender on a cruise ship said to your 14 yo daughter "you certainly don't look 14" wouldn't that send a red flag to the parents? And, why the heck was she even allowed to be wandering alone in the first place?

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Anyone could conjure up a story about this. They were familiar with the man. I remember 14. She easily could have developed a crush on him, and was out on deck waiting for him to finish his shift. We don't really know. I know during the day, I would let my teens roam the ship but at night? Not alone. No way. Maybe in a small group, but never alone. I'm not convinced it started out as rape. It's just CALLED that because of her age. He was wrong, yes, but in this situation so were the parents and I think she was way too trusting of someone she didn't know. But thats how kids are. They think nothing can happen to them, and if it WAS a crush or something, well then she probably wasn't thinking much at all. I feel sorry for the family. Lessons learned the hard way!


Precisely and well said!

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While I definitely DON'T want you to believe 'everything you read', here is what that article actually said:


Krispiyanto "Denied the incident."




Maybe he was lying. Maybe the article 'improved the truth' a little bit. We don't know.


But in this country people are still innocent until proven guilty.

Read the article again....to the end this time...and you will see that you are mistaken and hed did admit it.

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Read the article again....to the end this time...and you will see that you are mistaken and hed did admit it.


Did he admit it in a court of law? In front of a judge or a jury?




Then it's just evidence against him at this point.

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Did he admit it in a court of law? In front of a judge or a jury?




Then it's just evidence against him at this point.


Way too many times, the truth and what I read in the news are on both ends of the spectrum. Who knows what facts the author had before writing the article.


I will wait to see what is presented in a court of law.


And I'm neither exhonerating nor condemning him.

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Did he admit it in a court of law? In front of a judge or a jury?




Then it's just evidence against him at this point.


So you're saying that any admission is just joshing until it is in front of a court of law or a jury?


WOW! Do I want you on my jury or what???????????????? :)

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