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Cruise 'Snobs'


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When the wife and I were on our 1st cruise last month, we found that generally, most passengers were very friendly toward us, but, there were a few occassions when we were felt to feel 'lower class', for example, eating in the windjammer on Indy one night, we both decided to have something a burger.


On a table nearby, there were a group of people, tutting, and muttering under their breath about "these young people always eating junk food!" (we're both in our 30's, and this was the only time, apart from JR's we ate burgers!)


Another time, my wife was told to "Shut up, girl!" by a woman reading, when she was talking to someone else by the pool. Others were complaining about the amount of 'young people and families'. It seemed to me that some of these people felt that cruising was the reserve of the upper classes, and the more 'senior' folk. I even said to one that if they felt that way, don't book a cruise on a ship like Indy, which is a family-ship.


do others experience this? Or is it a rare thing?

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When the wife and I were on our 1st cruise last month, we found that generally, most passengers were very friendly toward us, but, there were a few occassions when we were felt to feel 'lower class', for example, eating in the windjammer on Indy one night, we both decided to have something a burger.


On a table nearby, there were a group of people, tutting, and muttering under their breath about "these young people always eating junk food!" (we're both in our 30's, and this was the only time, apart from JR's we ate burgers!)


Another time, my wife was told to "Shut up, girl!" by a woman reading, when she was talking to someone else by the pool. Others were complaining about the amount of 'young people and families'. It seemed to me that some of these people felt that cruising was the reserve of the upper classes, and the more 'senior' folk. I even said to one that if they felt that way, don't book a cruise on a ship like Indy, which is a family-ship.


do others experience this? Or is it a rare thing?


Sorry to hear this. I have also noticed some VERY VERY rude older people on ALL of my cruises so far. I don't let it ruin my holiday. Keep your chin up you have nothing to prove to any of these people. As for the woman who told your wife to "Shut Up Girl" I would have told her where to go.

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I would just like to add however, that yes whilst I have experienced rudeness (although luckily for them not towads me or my wife) I have found that 99% of cruisers on RCI to be extremely friendly regardless of their age or nationality.

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On our Indy cruise over the weekend we experienced two incidents of rudeness: On one occasion we went to the MDR for breakfast and were seated with an older couple who didn't speak to us at all (to be honest, they didn't even speak to each other, so I'm sure they're a barrel of fun on holiday!). The only time they made conversation was when I asked if they were going on to the France portion of the cruise later in the week, and I was informed that they were not, and that it was the first time they had cruised "on THIS ship." Whatever.


The second time was when we were queueing to get back on the ship and there was a crew member bringing his family on board. There were quite a few family members so it took a few minutes and we had to wait. The woman in front of us tut-tutted about how he was holding up the queue and how it was disgusting that we were all being made to wait to get back on the ship because this crew member insisted on bringing his family on board (who he probably hadn't seen for quite some time). Once we got on the ship we got in a lift and she came running, saying "hold the lift." We let the doors shut on her. *shrug*

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We had the same issues on the Explorer last month. It seemed like the older people (walkers, wheelchairs, hover-rounds) were the rudest of the bunch. They spoke down to us constantly. DH and I are early 50s so we're not young by any means. Also, we tried to be polite ... like we were both raised.

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well, I am reading this thread and getting anxious as I have never encountered this kind of rudeness on a cruise. In one month I will be on FOS and my first RCI cruise. I am shuddering to think my temper may very well get the better of me if I encounter this kind of rudeness...especially if someone is rude enough to say "shut up" that would trigger me like the fuse on a stick of dynamite. I am in my 40's but look a bit younger thanks to good genetics. I hope I do not encounter these issues.

However, I am fascinated with the stories. Keep them coming.:p

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My family & I are really down to earth and we don't put up with people like that so if there are any snobs on our ship, be warned, you'll only get back what you give out!


I think it's funny to bring the snobs down a peg or two if they ask for it - The simple/quick way is to ask them if they have some sort of problem, and they'll usually have no more to say :D They expect the people they tell to 'shoosh' just to sit back and take it.


I will not be using a knive & fork is Pizza is served up

I will not be using a knive & fork to eat a burger

I will laugh out loud if something funny is said in a public place...


Cruise ships are not just for snobs, they are for everyone!

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I think you can find rudeness anywhere. In all the examples, there are a few rude people on a ship with thousands of passengers. I think you guys just had bad luck. For the most part, whether passengers are old or young, people are people and exhibit the same level of rudeness you will find anywhere. Better luck next time. :)

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YEs, I have to reiterate that the majority of people were lovely. some people (and it was mostly the blue-rinse brigade) were just very very rude. also, they were ALL british.


I would have told the woman who told my wife to shut up where to go had I been there, I wasn't there at the time sadly, she told me about it later.


these sort of people though are best ignored. It's none of their business what I want to eat, or how old I am, or why I think i deserve to cruise, being only "lower middle class, what, what, what...."

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Sorry you had this happen. It's sad that some people just can't seem to mind their own business and feel compelled to interject themselves and opinions where they're not needed.


Just remember, there are more horses a**es in the world than there are horses.

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YEs, I have to reiterate that the majority of people were lovely. some people (and it was mostly the blue-rinse brigade) were just very very rude. also, they were ALL british.


I would have told the woman who told my wife to shut up where to go had I been there, I wasn't there at the time sadly, she told me about it later.


these sort of people though are best ignored. It's none of their business what I want to eat, or how old I am, or why I think i deserve to cruise, being only "lower middle class, what, what, what...."



My first cruise was on Ocean Village (probably the least snobbiest of all cruise ships apart from Thomsons).


There was a British woman on day one in Barbados who was probably lates 60's/early 70's who went to the pool bar to make a complaint.


What was her complaint ?


"It's too hot up here on deck !!!!!"


"Why are there no parasols"?


"It's ridiculous to expect people to put up with temperatures like this" !!!!!


"What are you going to do about it" ?




Silly Cow


3 days later I held a door open for her, she walked through without saying a word.


"Oh THANK YOU" !!!! I said to her sarcastically


"RESPECT YOUR ELDERS"!!!!!! She shouted back in my face.


As I say - SILLY COW !

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When you encounter those folks, just remind yourself, you do not have to live with them!

When they attempt to "control" a situation, smile, and irritate the H*** out of them...it will drive them nuts.

When the are rude, ask if their mama forgot to teach them manners.


Belittle those that attempt to rule over you, it feels so good.

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Just remember, there are more horses a**es in the world than there are horses.


LOL, I love it


Only been on two cruises so far but can honestly say everyone I met personally was very nice and no one sticks out in my mind as being rude or snobbish.

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Put a few thousand people in a confined space and you are going to run into this ... sometimes its an extension of people being snobby, other just that they are being oblivious. My pet peeve is people who choose to stop and talk/form groups at choke points (entrances/exits, etc). However, thankfully some of my upbringing does kick in and all sarcastic comments are muttered only in my head. ;)

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There are some people in the world who forget that you can't always judge a book by it's cover.


My husband and I were on our honeymoon in our mid- 30's and got seated with an older couple dressed in their best at breakfast on the day of disenbarkation. We wanted to be comfortable for the long wait we had in the San Juan airport so looked a bit disheveled.


At first they tried their snobbish routine but their tune quickly changed once we started talking to them. Their tone was initially very snobbish in the way they were initiatiting conversation. I guess our career choices and places of employment were acceptable to them:D They were tolerable after that:rolleyes:

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Or is it a rare thing?


I think its a rare thing, but when your on a ship with several thousand people you will find some. My mindset when I am cruising is I paid a lot so I am going to make sure I have a good time and go out of my way to do so. Some of the snobs don't really bother me, but I am amused.


My memorable, but not most severe, was on my 2nd cruise. Back then RCI thought I was worthy enough to be invited to the "Welcome back party" We were so happy to be experienced cruisers and recognized as such. The invitations said that bringing the invitation was required. We got in line a few minutes before the door opened, 2nd in line. When the gentleman came out and asked for the invitation of the lady at the front of the line, she said, " I left it in the cabin, and waved her hand dismissively, while actually looking down her nose at the man and said, "Its ok, I'm Diamond plus! She then signaled the rest of her crew and walked by everyone into the party .


I made a point to have my invitation out and showed it to the doorman and thanked him for accepting it. That said, on any of my 4 cruises so far I could list situations of great people going out of their way to be friendly. Now to read your replies, good subject!

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We always ask for a table for two or four if my in-laws come with us. We sat in a large table once and people wanted to find out our entire life in one meal, I dont care for that. We have actually met very nice people waiting in line or maybe out of coincidence seeing each other in the same places several times, or taking the same tour, otherwise, we keep to ourselves and enjoy our cruise. I have never been made to feel "low class" by anyone, because nobody has that power over me. Ignore rude people, eventually they go away. :cool::D:cool:

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I would just like to add however, that yes whilst I have experienced rudeness (although luckily for them not towads me or my wife) I have found that 99% of cruisers on RCI to be extremely friendly regardless of their age or nationality.


Does that mean the other 1% are less than friendly?


I thought I read about 2% of the cruising public are cruise critic members.


Half that would be one side of the "tastes great, less filling" discussion on almost any topic here...1%:D


If anyone has met Mrs. E. they know she is a chatterbox. But she also has this unique little giggle at the end of almost every sentence. I could find her in a busy train station, even if I was blindfolded. I just have to listen for the giggle.


One evening in the MDR, when they had the Grand Gala Buffet, we were sitting at a table talking. Then this "lady" came over to the table. She had a plate full of food. A waiter brought her over two additional plates at the same time. Now they should be engineers working on solving this oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Only a graduate with a Masters degree in engineering could have figured out how to fit more food on the plates. I mean 12" dinner plates, stacked 15" high.


Then the lady asked Mrs. E. to pass her the salt. Mrs. E. said "sure" and ended with the usual giggle. The lady barked out, "you don't have to be ignorant", and slammed down the salt shaker. About 1\3 of her "leaning tower of pizza" fell off the plate and on to the table. The lady scooped up the pizza, placed it back on the plate, then picked up the three plates (by herself) and went to another table.


We were actually in awe of her. How, (not to mention why), would someone put so much food on three plates, and then manage to storm off with them without dropping a crumb.


As she left, Mrs. E. giggled again. This time it was actually because of what the lady did.:)

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Does that mean the other 1% are less than friendly?


I thought I read about 2% of the cruising public are cruise critic members.


Half that would be one side of the "tastes great, less filling" discussion on almost any topic here...1%:D


If anyone has met Mrs. E. they know she is a chatterbox. But she also has this unique little giggle at the end of almost every sentence. I could find her in a busy train station, even if I was blindfolded. I just have to listen for the giggle.


One evening in the MDR, when they had the Grand Gala Buffet, we were sitting at a table talking. Then this "lady" came over to the table. She had a plate full of food. A waiter brought her over two additional plates at the same time. Now they should be engineers working on solving this oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Only a graduate with a Masters degree in engineering could have figured out how to fit more food on the plates. I mean 12" dinner plates, stacked 15" high.


Then the lady asked Mrs. E. to pass her the salt. Mrs. E. said "sure" and ended with the usual giggle. The lady barked out, "you don't have to be ignorant", and slammed down the salt shaker. About 1\3 of her "leaning tower of pizza" fell off the plate and on to the table. The lady scooped up the pizza, placed it back on the plate, then picked up the three plates (by herself) and went to another table.


We were actually in awe of her. How, (not to mention why), would someone put so much food on three plates, and then manage to storm off with them without dropping a crumb.


As she left, Mrs. E. giggled again. This time it was actually because of what the lady did.:)


well that was a truly entertaining story, thanks! I am wondering why she thought she had to take so much food...did she think they would not let her go back?

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Another time, my wife was told to "Shut up, girl!" by a woman reading, when she was talking to someone else by the pool. QUOTE]


I would never expect to have peace to read a book by the pool anywhere where people generally are noisy. This woman could easily have found more peaceful spots in the sun.

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I may get slammed for this, but I'm a big boy, so I can take it.


On every cruise we have been on I have seen or had to deal with incredibly rude older passengers. There seems to be a segment of the older population that believes once you hit a certain age, manners and common decency are no longer required. It doesn't help that most folks (with the best of intentions) allow that kind of behavior to go on as they don't want to insult a senior citizen. Unless there is some medical reason that a person cannot control their behavior and what comes out of their mouths, I find this behavior obnoxious.


Please note that I am not painting ALL senior citizens with the same broad strokes. I have also met and spent time with some wonderful seniors on cruise ships an no doubt will continue to do so. On our last cruise we had lunch one day with an absolutely charming couple in their 80's. We saw them around the ship quite a bit and we always stopped to chat with them.

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I've encountered rude people of all ages everyday. Some of it is my line of work, but they're everywhere. :rolleyes: They aren't only on ships. Do they ruin my day? Nope - won't let them. Instead of being annoyed, pity them because they must lead miserable lives. Life is way too short to give them one minute of my hard-earned vacation time. :D


BTW - I've been called obnoxious once or twice myself. hehehe.

Edited by twoputt.plusone
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well, I am reading this thread and getting anxious as I have never encountered this kind of rudeness on a cruise. In one month I will be on FOS and my first RCI cruise. I am shuddering to think my temper may very well get the better of me if I encounter this kind of rudeness..




Let me put you at ease. On Freedom you will encounter 500 incidents of hospitality, friendly gestures, and polite conversations for every 1 rude incident. From the time you first see Freedom and through the entire Voyage, you will be enjoying yourself enough to laugh off the rare bit of rudeness. As I said in another message, when your onboard with 5000 people you will fill always find one.

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