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HELP- Calling all Computer GURU'S!!!


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There is another (really painful) option. You could allow her to fail the year. No summer school. The following year she will repeat her grade. That would be a natural consequence of her choices.


(and yes, before the crew begins to flame me, yes, I know the statistics of grade repetition, etc... I am a lifelong public school servant who works in the field of educational research. I am just posing it as an option).

Far from flaming you, I'm giving you a standing ovation (well, figuratively -- too lazy to stand up).

Let her fail. Even if you could work out a reasonable Internet charge and even if she were able to access what she needed without blowing up the system for everyone else and suffering through excessive downloading delays, how is a vacation with your daughter on the Internet seven hours a day going to be relaxing or fun for anybody, especially you. Not that you should care about her relaxation or fun -- she's kind of lost any sympathy there, but do you really want to have to monitor her work all cruise long? Have someone stay back on the ship with her on port days so she can do her work?

It's not like failing the semester is going to irreversibly screw up her future -- believe me, I know people who were left back in elematary school, totally tanked in high school, even flunked out of college, and who turned out to be productive, contributing members of society. Heck, one or two of them even have graduate degrees. Maybe some of them are even my fellow doctoral candidates!

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From a retired teacher and principal:


Failing four classes is a bit much. I can understand one class (like math) but not four.


This might be a symtom of a much deeper problem I would strongly suggest contacting her school counselor ASAP.


If she has any hope for college you do not want her to fail especially a whole grade level at her age. It is important that she stays with her classmates. Holding her back a grade will make the situation of not liking school a whole lot worse. Failing a grade may destroy any self confidence and self esteem she may still have. This is important for high school aged kids.


Usually the school will send out progress reports indicating there is a likelihood of failure. You should have received four of them. If the school was lax in sending these out you may have some leverage in making a deal with the school. (Just say law suit! Even if you don't mean it). If they did notify you, then you don't have much of a case.


Contact her counselor and tell them you prepaid for a cruise. See if they can work out a compromise. If it is a 7 day cruise you may get lucky. It seems to me that believe it or not maybe some kids do not have access to a computer. So the school should have some programs available for those kids in terms of home study without internet access.


Personnally I can think of no greater a punishment than taking her on a cruise and making her stay in the cabin doing school work while everyone else is out have the time of their lives.


Good luck

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I know how the OP must feel and there may be more of an explanation than any of us deserve to know.


I think that, if the OP doesn't want to use disciplinary action like no cruise, they could work out something with the school. None of us know the circumstances (perhaps no one to watch the child and all would have to cancel). So we need to be less in a hurry to pass judgement.


The only thing I would agree with is the child needs to complete the work and get a passing grade the second time around. Whether home study or taking the classes again next year, no free passes on this one. I have 2 kids (both graduated now :)) and I know the struggle at times.


Our daughter took a school project with her on our last cruise together. It cracked me up, she didn't have to do it but just wanted to.

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I feel awful for you as a mother and grandmother, "but" (that three letter word with alot of meaning) I personally would suffer the consequences and either change cruise plans with the loss of money or have DD stay home. The adage "work before pleasure" would seem to be in play here. Seven hours a day on line would be tedious for anyone and for a child who has has an entire year in class and has not mastered the four subjects that she failed in I cannot personally see success via an internet class. She needs more than that right now..don't flame me CC'rs..this a cruel world and will not get easier for the parent or the child if this is not addressed now.

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I feel awful for you as a mother and grandmother, "but" (that three letter word with alot of meaning) I personally would suffer the consequences and either change cruise plans with the loss of money or have DD stay home. The adage "work before pleasure" would seem to be in play here. Seven hours a day on line would be tedious for anyone and for a child who has has an entire year in class and has not mastered the four subjects that she failed in I cannot personally see success via an internet class. She needs more than that right now..don't flame me CC'rs..this a cruel world and will not get easier for the parent or the child if this is not addressed now.


Grandmaa is 100% correct (love the name!). There appears to be a real problem here and a cruise is NOT the answer- sorry!

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Connection on the ship's internet can be very, very slow and I have been aboard when there was no internet signal at all... for 3 days. Some folks were very unhappy about that!


I am not sure that I would ever rely on the ship's internet as a consistant method of communication. In my experience, it has been really scatty.


I hope that you can work this through. Have you tried calling your insurance provider to see if you can have a refund?


That hadn't occurred to me until I read this, but, the same thing happened to us on a Princess cruise earlier this year. Spotty connecting on several days.


Be ready to answer questions on what kind of content she'll be using. I seem to recall that some providers charge by the amount of data downloaded, so video lessons would be more expensive than plain interactive text. Video will also be slower to load on the ship's network. Some providers may block access to video chat, etc.


I don't suppose a suite is feasible/available on your cruise?


If there is any "downloading" of material, you must have your own laptop. You cannot download anything onto the ships computers. They won't save files for you, just in case that is needed too.


On port days, you should be able to find internet places with reasonable fees ($1-2 per hour). They'll have the same requirement about saving files and downloading as the ship. That would help to reduce costs somewhat, but, some of those places have time limits because they are so busy. If they are close to the ship the crews use them, too.


If you can find a place with no time limits and she had to work a total of 35 hours for the week rather than 7 hours per day, maybe most of the time can be in port. That would keep your costs down, significantly. I think the least expensive plan on board ship is about $0.55 per minute. So, $1-2 per hour compares really favorably.


Whether on board or on land, you will need someone to watch her to make sure she is doing what she is supposed to be doing (putting in her time, safely). That means at least two vacations are going to be messed up.


You would hate to pay for summer school, pay $1000 for internet access, spend most of the time required and then find out that one day late in the week the internet cut out and she lost her summer school credit for missing time.


If there was no other sessions she could attend as an alternate, I don't see any way around leaving her home.

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I know how the OP must feel and there may be more of an explanation than any of us deserve to know.

I think that, if the OP doesn't want to use disciplinary action like no cruise, they could work out something with the school. None of us know the circumstances (perhaps no one to watch the child and all would have to cancel). So we need to be less in a hurry to pass judgement.


The only thing I would agree with is the child needs to complete the work and get a passing grade the second time around. Whether home study or taking the classes again next year, no free passes on this one. I have 2 kids (both graduated now :)) and I know the struggle at times.


Our daughter took a school project with her on our last cruise together. It cracked me up, she didn't have to do it but just wanted to.


Thank you for saying this in a way that I tried to earlier but seemed to have some difficulty because posters continued to tell the OP what "they" would have done if it were their child rather than offer some form of constructive assistance or solution. I do find it rather confusing that the OP has not come back on thread to at least acknowledge some of the responses, but it is possible that she hasn't logged back on since her original post.

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its a shame the op formed the question the way she did. i too would give background info but people have latched onto that. thank you to the posters who answered her question without making value judgements on her parenting.


i agree with dfields1814: are there options for the families without computers or internet? could you print off the assignments at home to bring on board?

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Thank you for saying this in a way that I tried to earlier but seemed to have some difficulty because posters continued to tell the OP what "they" would have done if it were their child rather than offer some form of constructive assistance or solution. I do find it rather confusing that the OP has not come back on thread to at least acknowledge some of the responses, but it is possible that she hasn't logged back on since her original post.


I think this is happening as the OP is confused about what she can purchase for unlimited internet access, and has been given wrong info by Comcast. This may work on land internationally, but not out at sea (unless they installed towers out in the middle of the ocean now ;)). So, since there is absolutely no answer to what the OP can do for guaranteed internet access, others are just saying "what they would do in this situation". It is the only advise that can be passed along. And I think many here have given lots of sound advise, from leaving the child at home, to working with the school system to delay her summer school and allowing her to catch up when she returns, to booking a full suite with unlimited internet. ;)

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If you are a parent and reading this thread, this is another thing to think of before final payment. If you have been keeping in contact with the school for the year, you should know your child's performance and if they are doing well in school. If they are not, cancel before final payment. If you are eligible for the Princess upgrade insurance, to cancel for any reason, purchase it, or purchase a comparable policy that would allow you to cancel for any reason. I'll bet a lot of parents, have never even thought of this OP's problem and we all learn from others that post here. Those of you that post on family boards ought to bring this subject up to help others.

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From a retired teacher and principal:


Failing four classes is a bit much. I can understand one class (like math) but not four.


This might be a symtom of a much deeper problem I would strongly suggest contacting her school counselor ASAP.


If she has any hope for college you do not want her to fail especially a whole grade level at her age. It is important that she stays with her classmates. Holding her back a grade will make the situation of not liking school a whole lot worse. Failing a grade may destroy any self confidence and self esteem she may still have. This is important for high school aged kids.


Usually the school will send out progress reports indicating there is a likelihood of failure. You should have received four of them. If the school was lax in sending these out you may have some leverage in making a deal with the school. (Just say law suit! Even if you don't mean it). If they did notify you, then you don't have much of a case.


Contact her counselor and tell them you prepaid for a cruise. See if they can work out a compromise. If it is a 7 day cruise you may get lucky. It seems to me that believe it or not maybe some kids do not have access to a computer. So the school should have some programs available for those kids in terms of home study without internet access.


Personnally I can think of no greater a punishment than taking her on a cruise and making her stay in the cabin doing school work while everyone else is out have the time of their lives.


Good luck


This is the best answer. I know we don't have all the facts, so just guessing at a couple of things.


1. Once a child turns 18 (in HS) does the school have to notify parents of anything? I say this because:

2. Perhaps she is in college. Then parents know nothing......:(

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She must know something or she wouldn't post here.


Northender probably meant "knew". We have college aged kids and the schools will not release the grades to us. They have to go to the kids addresses. Luckily, our kids are eager to tell us how they have done so far.

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This is the best answer. I know we don't have all the facts, so just guessing at a couple of things.


1. Once a child turns 18 (in HS) does the school have to notify parents of anything? I say this because:

2. Perhaps she is in college. Then parents know nothing......:(


When someone is in college and flunks four subjects, that's it, you flunked those four subjects. There is no second chance by taking home some school work for the summer.

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When someone is in college and flunks four subjects, that's it, you flunked those four subjects. There is no second chance by taking home some school work for the summer.


Though - if those college students want to graduate on time (and fail classes during the school year), they may be taking summer classes and many of them are online.


It does sound like this is a junior/middle/senior high school student.


I wish the family the best. It is not an easy situation for them and this may be the once in a life time family trip!

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When someone is in college and flunks four subjects, that's it, you flunked those four subjects. There is no second chance by taking home some school work for the summer.

OP did not provide any specifics so some people have speculated about the background to the story.

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Though - if those college students want to graduate on time (and fail classes during the school year), they may be taking summer classes and many of them are online.


It does sound like this is a junior/middle/senior high school student.


I wish the family the best. It is not an easy situation for them and this may be the once in a life time family trip!


Thanks. They can also do "make ups" at local Community Colleges too.


Paul you are right we still don't know the facts......the poor Mom is probably tearing her hair out right about now.:(

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Though - if those college students want to graduate on time (and fail classes during the school year), they may be taking summer classes and many of them are online.


It does sound like this is a junior/middle/senior high school student.


I wish the family the best. It is not an easy situation for them and this may be the once in a life time family trip!


Thanks. They can also do "make ups" at local Community Colleges too.


Paul you are right we still don't know the facts......the poor Mom is probably tearing her hair out right about now.:(


Things sure have changed since I was in college.

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When someone is in college and flunks four subjects, that's it, you flunked those four subjects. There is no second chance by taking home some school work for the summer.


HOWEVER, I am in a similar situation where my son is on academic suspension after an unsuccessful freshman year and he must take online classes this summer in addition to his appeal for re-admitance. Kinda ruining our summer vacation. So yes, he has a seconod chance.

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HOWEVER, I am in a similar situation where my son is on academic suspension after an unsuccessful freshman year and he must take online classes this summer in addition to his appeal for re-admitance. Kinda ruining our summer vacation. So yes, he has a seconod chance.


That bites. Hopefully he can overcome this bump in life and redeem himself so that the whole family can vacation at another date.

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HOWEVER, I am in a similar situation where my son is on academic suspension after an unsuccessful freshman year and he must take online classes this summer in addition to his appeal for re-admitance. Kinda ruining our summer vacation. So yes, he has a seconod chance.


I had a bad semester in college but thankfully for the second chance my university gave me because I went on to excel in undergrad and graduate school. Bummer about the summer but I am sure your son will get the extra support he needs and have an academic breakthrough! :)

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I had a bad semester in college but thankfully for the second chance my university gave me because I went on to excel in undergrad and graduate school. Bummer about the summer but I am sure your son will get the extra support he needs and have an academic breakthrough! :)


Your post is very encouraging! Thank you. We are booked for a cruise in November when he goes back to school...that is IF he goes. His effort was there, but he's got a reading disability. Changing his major to one less academic and more artistic. Crossing my fingers for his success!

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I got hit with a legal pleading which had to be answered during my prepaid cruise. I finsihed about half of it before I left, but had to finish the other half on the cruise. It took half of the 10 day cruise to finish, but the pleadings which had to be uploaded to a federal court website (about 60 pages) took over 400 minutes to upload to the website on Princess's internet. I really sweated the uploading (and had murderous thoughts about opposing counsel who scheduled it knowing of the vacation) but you do what you need to do. The upload speed is highly variable in the Caribbean and my experience is that you couldn't do it even if you wanted to because the demand on the ship is such that sending or receiving large amounts of information (including research) is very problematical and is definitely expensive.


You might want to ask what, if any of the information he/she needs to be logged on for can be made up on weekends, evenings or holidays. If the log on is not for live interaction, but canned lectures with computerized responses, they may be able to allow him/her to do extra sessions before and after the vacation, and the student should also be required to spend part of the vacation doing school reading and studying, lest they think life is that easy.


Good luck.

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Doesn't the school have a CD-Rom? This way she can do the work on her laptop anywhere without having to use the internet. Or is it possible to download everything from the internet on the laptop before leaving home? She can then upload the answers online every day using just a few minutes of internet time. We continue doing business that way whilst on board a cruise ship.

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