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Disappointed in Oceania


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You obviouslty have neaver visited the Holland Ameraica Board.


I'll second that about HAL board.


When I went on Celebrity Xpedition in the Galapagos Islands in 2007 the internet was as fast as at my office. Go figure. Best thing to do for internet access is go to a McDonalds while in port, where there is free wifi. Take your laptop/netboofk and surf away.

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It doesn't matter which board you visit. They're all the same. Proponents of the cruise line they prefer defend to the death the attributes of that line. Voltaire be damned! I have often compared it to criticizing the piano recital of someone's grandchild. In other words, Don't go there!


I simply don't understand why anyone cares what someone else thinks about Oceania or Seabourn or any other line. As long as I am happy (and I love Oceania) who cares? Let someone else hate it. It's his or her prerogative and right, just as it is mine to love it.

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I simply don't understand why anyone cares what someone else thinks about Oceania or Seabourn or any other line. As long as I am happy (and I love Oceania) who cares? Let someone else hate it. It's his or her prerogative and right, just as it is mine to love it.


Ditto - well said.

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In terms of the Internet reliability question: Cruise ships are the victims of the current fleet of INMARSAT satellites, with low data rates and bandwidth....

I also seem to recall that the cruise that is the subject of this thread spent some time in Northern longitudes. I've never been in that area of the world myself, but I recall hearing that satellite system just don't work as well, the further North one gets. For example, this seems to be a common complaint on some parts of an Alaska cruise If so, that would provide a logical reason for the intermittent internet coverage that cannot be attributed to the ship


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I was on the July 11 Insignia cruise and while I disagree about the food (I thought it was great and my very persnickety BIL thought so too) I did see a number of people with issues about the specialty dining mostly folks getting shut out but I did hear several people complaining about lost reservations.. When we boarded we were told their computers were down and I was not able to fix a minor glitch in my res but it was remedied to my satisfaction promptly and without animus. Presumably by the same guy who was so unhelpful to the OP. Shouldnt be true but perhaps some of the attitude coming at you is motivated by the attitude you project. Not defending that behaviour, just saying.;)



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Positive or negative reviews, factual or not, I want them all. This is not a court of law, it's only a cruise board, something to be taken lightly. Yet some people take themselves (and their opinions) so seriously. I can appreciate a negative review because I'm the one to decide, no one else, if it's relevant to MY experience or expectations. Comments such as "OP should have known.., should have done.." are not helpful, just getting old.

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Most folks take Cruise Critic very seriously -- when one is spending thousands of dollars on a single event, one must be very diligent about understanding how things work. There have been dozens upon dozens of stories on this forum regarding folks who spent to much or missed out on valuable experiences because they had not done enough homework.


Running the risk of "elitism", I wonder if there is any significance to the apparent fact that most of those who are doing the complaining, or who overly appreciate the complaints tend to have the least experience on Cruise Critic. Many of us lurked for months, reading the posts and absorbing the flavor and culture before commenting. Overwhelmingly, those who fit in these categories have recent "join" dates and posts in single or double digits, often less than 20. This in itself is not a bad thing, as we all started somewhere. But, when the less informed comments have the same common denominator, one begins to wonder.

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I too am one of those people who lurked for months before my first post. I have to say it was many of the "criticisms" that made us decide that Oceania was great for us, ie. nothing for kids to do, not much entertainment at night, small ship, all the things we love about it!

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Running the risk of "elitism", I wonder if there is any significance to the apparent fact that most of those who are doing the complaining, or who overly appreciate the complaints tend to have the least experience on Cruise Critic. Many of us lurked for months, reading the posts and absorbing the flavor and culture before commenting. Overwhelmingly, those who fit in these categories have recent "join" dates and posts in single or double digits, often less than 20. This in itself is not a bad thing, as we all started somewhere. But, when the less informed comments have the same common denominator, one begins to wonder.


Don, I wasn't going to say it, but am glad I wasn't the only one who noticed...


Lately there have been two threads--This one and the recent one titles "Never Again"...Both were started by OPs in their VERY FIRST post on Cruise Critic...


It's not that there's anything particularly wrong with it...but my first thought in each case was that perhaps these individuals had an axe to grind...and, only at that point, came looking for a forum...


Most of us, at some point, joined cruise critic IN ANTICIPATION OF cruising...came on to these forums, asked questions, sought advice, joined the Roll Calls, compared notes...or, if we were more experienced cruisers, did all of that plus answered other people's questions, offered advice and opinions, shared experiences, shared info on planned tours or excursions...and still do ALL of that today...


That has been more the Cruise Critic experience...it is a "community" where, generally, we discuss issues related to cruising...


It usually includes BOTH praise and complaints...positives and negatives...along with all of the advice, suggestions, opinions, etc.


And that is why I often tend to look with a little suspicion on those who seem to join just for the purpose of posting a particularly negative tirade...


It's not that they might not have valid points regarding parts of those tirades...or that they aren't entitled to their opinions...


It is more that they seem like snipers...they show up suddenly and lurk somewhere out of sight, firing random shots...


I would have more respect for those who PARTICIPATE in other sections of the boards, who have shared in the planning stages, who offer both positive comments and helpful advise as well as the criticism...


And, just maybe, those of us who participate in all aspects of these boards tend to have better cruise experiences...We know what to expect going into each cruise, we plan better for contingencies, we learn the ins and outs of the ships and cruise lines...and by the time we get to the cruise, we are not shocked and appalled at the minor negatives we encounter...



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Don, I wasn't going to say it, but am glad I wasn't the only one who noticed...


Lately there have been two threads--This one and the recent one titles "Never Again"...Both were started by OPs in their VERY FIRST post on Cruise Critic...


It's not that there's anything particularly wrong with it...but my first thought in each case was that perhaps these individuals had an axe to grind...and, only at that point, came looking for a forum...


Most of us, at some point, joined cruise critic IN ANTICIPATION OF cruising...came on to these forums, asked questions, sought advice, joined the Roll Calls, compared notes...or, if we were more experienced cruisers, did all of that plus answered other people's questions, offered advice and opinions, shared experiences, shared info on planned tours or excursions...and still do ALL of that today...


That has been more the Cruise Critic experience...it is a "community" where, generally, we discuss issues related to cruising...


It usually includes BOTH praise and complaints...positives and negatives...along with all of the advice, suggestions, opinions, etc.


And that is why I often tend to look with a little suspicion on those who seem to join just for the purpose of posting a particularly negative tirade...


It's not that they might not have valid points regarding parts of those tirades...or that they aren't entitled to their opinions...


It is more that they seem like snipers...they show up suddenly and lurk somewhere out of sight, firing random shots...


I would have more respect for those who PARTICIPATE in other sections of the boards, who have shared in the planning stages, who offer both positive comments and helpful advise as well as the criticism...


And, just maybe, those of us who participate in all aspects of these boards tend to have better cruise experiences...We know what to expect going into each cruise, we plan better for contingencies, we learn the ins and outs of the ships and cruise lines...and by the time we get to the cruise, we are not shocked and appalled at the minor negatives we encounter...




MHO TOO. A superb post. Thanks for expressing beautifully what many of us were thinking.

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Some of the less favorable reviews are posted to the reveiw section. Maybe because the reviewer does not want to argue about their opinions. See the last five for the Regatta, none are as positive as O would like IMHO. The discussion boards can have alot of tone for people not used to the internet; if you are used to it, you take the bad with the good. :)

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Some of the less favorable reviews are posted to the reveiw section. Maybe because the reviewer does not want to argue about their opinions.

Or, maybe because the reviewer doesn't want to be called out for misconceptions, inaccuracies and false assumptions.


I respect negative reviews that are thoughtfully written and prepared by reviewers who have done their homework and understand how things are supposed to work. I firmly reject negative reviews that are shot from the hip.

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Lately there have been two threads--This one and the recent one titles "Never Again"...Both were started by OPs in their VERY FIRST post on Cruise Critic...


I'm the orignator of this thread and it certainly wasn't my "VERY FIRST" post on cruise critic, nor am I a new subscriber. I registered in 2006 and have posted on earlier Oceania related-threads. My wife subscribed in 2007 and several of our earlier posts went through her ID.


I posted a review of our experience on a cruise. Nothing more, nothing less. It's irrelevant whether I "should have known" about certain things that Oceania does badly, because it's a review designed to relate to future passengers the things we experienced on our recent vacation. Future cruisers should read it and decide whether this review and the many others posted by other reviewers add up to the vacation experience they seek.

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I think your "nothing more nothing less" review was very misleading - especially to newer cruisers.


Generally, when I read a criticism, I interpret to be something the cruise line did badly that should not have happened. So, if you tell me the food on O was bad in the MDR (and it is supposed to be good), that is helpful. But when you report that had to pay for laundry -- when that is the regime on the ship -- how is that helpful? You got what you bargained for. Same for lack of shuttles and all the other well known "minuses" of O.


If you were promised shuttles and didn't get them -- fair criticism. If you were promised free laundry and had to pay, fair criticism.


Other than your issue with the Specialty Restaurants, you received exactly what you bargained for -- and now you criticize -- hmm

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I posted a review of our experience on a cruise. Nothing more, nothing less. It's irrelevant whether I "should have known" about certain things that Oceania does badly, because it's a review designed to relate to future passengers the things we experienced on our recent vacation. Future cruisers should read it and decide whether this review and the many others posted by other reviewers add up to the vacation experience they seek.


Good for you. I see no problem mentioning ongoing issues for folks to know, even if you knew them already. I myself haven't done Oceania yet, and like to be reminded of the limitations that I might encounter when I am lucky enough to book. Thanks for your honest and balanced review, and relating your really bad experience with specialty dining.


And folks, he complained about NO internet, not slow internet.

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Good for you. I see no problem mentioning ongoing issues for folks to know, even if you knew them already. I myself haven't done Oceania yet, and like to be reminded of the limitations that I might encounter when I am lucky enough to book. Thanks for your honest and balanced review, and relating your really bad experience with specialty dining.


And folks, he complained about NO internet, not slow internet.



+1 -- Perfectly said Wendy.

+1 -- and the OP is entitled to his opinion -- even though many of us know of certain deficiencies of Oceania.

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I'm the orignator of this thread and it certainly wasn't my "VERY FIRST" post on cruise critic...


I am sorry that I did not recognize you as a long time poster...Honestly, there would be no way of knowing that...Each post tells you how many posts have been posted by that particular screen name...


...and yours appeared to be at least very close to your first...The "Never Again" OP was definitely their first...


I was speaking more about the general appearance of these negative posts rather than anything aimed at you personally...


The points I made still stand...I attribute more credibility to those who visit here and contribute widely...


And, sorry, but that credibility, on a site where screen names are pretty much anonymous, can not be assumed based on contributions under some unknown alternate screen name...


Other than that, I have no great problem with your review...I don't see it as 100% negative like some others I have seen and had problems with at times...OTOH, I do tend to notice on MOST negative reviews, the reviewers seem to harp on some fairly trivial points--which, IMHO, you did here...


On just about every cruise we've been on, we've encountered several very minor negatives which we tend to ignore...I think when one is happy, one tends to do that...there are always going to be negatives, but usually overshadowed by the more important positives...


But, when one is unhappy...and wants to make a point, to justify one's unhappiness...the tendency is to add emphasis to the minor negatives...


Would one really choose never to cruise with a cruise line again because they charged $4 for a load of laundry? Because the onboard currency exchange rate was a bit high? Because they had the misfortune of encountering a few rude passengers (Heavens knows, Oceania is not Carnival)?


Negative reviews often tend to either nitpick or to exaggerate...


I meant nothing personal by my comments, just my overall observations of many such reviews I have seen on these boards...not only on the Oceania board, but on other boards as well...

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FYI - there is a join date displayed in the top right corner for each post ie.

Yours shows:

Join Date: Dec 2002


Mine shows:

Join Date: Jan 2007


I am sorry that I did not recognize you as a long time poster...Honestly, there would be no way of knowing that...Each post tells you how many posts have been posted by that particular screen name...

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...just some thoughts and observations regarding this thread and an earlier one that was of similar tone. Based on my own cruise experiences it is very important, almost imperative, that one do thorough homework on the various cruise lines they may be considering. Read up on their ships, how they differ, what they offer, compare itineraries, compare ship sizes, layout and designs, read reviews and ask others you know who've already been. Then ask yourself what your own preferrences are and make some educated decisions. I've also found you can't automatically trust everything you may hear from a travel agent as they all have their own personal preferrences...

...if you've read up on Oceania, you knew all of the following facts: they don't cater to children, the cabins are marginally smaller, they don't have much in the way of entertainment or casino's, the interior spaces are intimate with no large atriums and shopping malls, there are fewer dining venues, and finally, the ships themselves are, by todays standards, very small, something you may either enjoy or dislike. All of the things I just mentioned can be either good or bad points depending upon your own preferrences. From our personal point of view these are all very desireable attributes...

...from what I've read in this and the other thread, its seems apparent to me that these two sets of cruisers really chose the wrong cruise line. Clearly they won't be satisfied with anything other than the lines that are above Oceania's level or those that operate larger ships with more in the way of overall glitzy spaciousness, entertainment and dining venues. If one has done their homework they'll know that the cruise industry has clearly delineated the value levels, and that O has also clearly positioned themselves in a definitive niche market within those values. For many of the unsatisfied O cruisers I've been reading about, I feel you really haven't done your homework adequately and you need to return to the value level you seek or are more familiar with...




the Imagineer

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FYI - there is a join date displayed in the top right corner for each post ie.

Yours shows:

Join Date: Dec 2002


Mine shows:

Join Date: Jan 2007


And so?


If someone "joins" a web community, then neglects to post for several years, it does not show they have participated in any way...They might be lurking and reading, but they might also have registered a screen name and forgot about it...The number of posts talks more about the level of participation...

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Negative reviews often tend to either nitpick or to exaggerate...
So do positive reviews, not to mention the counterpoints to all reviews, your posts and others being a fine examples. It is the nature of anonymous message boards, that's what we do... nitpick. My post is another example. If there wasn't tit for tat, then there wouldn't be any postings.


Negative reviews tend to get to those who feel the cruise line they love is being attacked. Well I got news for you this is Cruise CRITIC, not Cruise Compliment, so take it all with a grain of salt. Of course I am sure this same dialog will happen by the same posters again just as it did with the last negative review.


Also the VAST majority of posts, including this one, are complaints as that is the nature of these message boards. The OP complained, and then people posted and complained about the OP, and then I posted and complained about those complaining about the poster. Who's next? We take ourselves, and these topics, way too seriously IMHO.


BTW, I want to thank Libertyman who has made 15 posts in 4 years. A man of few words. I tend to respect folks like Libertyman who have longevity and a low post count as what they say usually carries more weight IMO than someone who just posts a lot. I would venture to say they have not repeated the same post more than once, probably something that cannot be said of many on these boards, myself included.


FWIW, I have yet to cruise on Oceania but will be doing so next September so have no skin in this game. Even though my decision is made, I thank all of you for both the negative and positive reviews, the OP included. I'll be sending my laundry out, I'll be on vacation.

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I realize that, however, trolls tend to register and flood post and then disappear. They won't join, post little over several years and then cause issues.


Of course # of posts doesn't necessarily = quality posts


And so?


If someone "joins" a web community, then neglects to post for several years, it does not show they have participated in any way...They might be lurking and reading, but they might also have registered a screen name and forgot about it...The number of posts talks more about the level of participation...

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So do positive reviews, not to mention the counterpoints to all reviews, your posts and others being a fine examples. It is the nature of anonymous message boards, that's what we do... nitpick. My post is another example. If there wasn't tit for tat, then there wouldn't be any postings.


Negative reviews tend to get to those who feel the cruise line they love is being attacked. Well I got news for you this is Cruise CRITIC, not Cruise Compliment, so take it all with a grain of salt. Of course I am sure this same dialog will happen by the same posters again just as it did with the last negative review.


Also the VAST majority of posts, including this one, are complaints as that is the nature of these message boards. The OP complained, and then people posted and complained about the OP, and then I posted and complained about those complaining about the poster. Who's next? We take ourselves, and these topics, way too seriously IMHO.


BTW, I want to thank Libertyman who has made 15 posts in 4 years. A man of few words. I tend to respect folks like Libertyman who have longevity and a low post count as what they say usually carries more weight IMO than someone who just posts a lot. I would venture to say they have not repeated the same post more than once, probably something that cannot be said of many on these boards, myself included.


FWIW, I have yet to cruise on Oceania but will be doing so next September so have no skin in this game. Even though my decision is made, I thank all of you for both the negative and positive reviews, the OP included. I'll be sending my laundry out, I'll be on vacation.


No, my friend, 15 posts in 4 years would be a "man of few words"...four years of silence and 13 posts on one self started thread is a man with an axe to grind...


You can defend that and veil a personal attack on me...but I will defend my participation over many years on this and the other Cruise Critic boards as being far more than just "posting a lot" or "repeating the same post more than once"...I have done my best to help people, to share my experience with ports, with cruises, with ships...I have activiely participated in roll call for every ship I've cruised...I have put together group for private tours and offered advice on guides and tours for others...I have asked advice of my Cruise Critic friends on tour and cruises and pre- and post-cruise visits...and, yes, I have participated in debates and discussions regarding cruise issues...

I do NOT merely get defensive about "the cruise line I love"...If you've read any of my posts, you would know that Oceania is not even my favorite line...I like them, but I myself have pointed out the things I think they do not do well...Though they are not my favorite, I do think they offer an excellent product...and I do cruise with them--along with several other lines...


But, if you "respect" those who come onto the board, for the most part, only ONCE and just to be critical, then good luck to you...I pity your sense of priorities...Yes it is called "Cruise CRITIC", but, if you haven't paid attention, it is set up as a site for a lot more than just "criticism"...


Good luck and good riddance...


...I AM OUT.

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Wow Bruin Steve, you took my post a little personally didn't you. Not my intent. My comments were not directed to you but to Libertyman, who I mentioned by name in my post. Of course you are more than welcome to disagree with me, but please keep it civil.


I will say it again, we take ourselves, and these topics, way too seriously IMHO. There are so many things in this world that are so much more important than postings on a message board. Everyone have an awesome Labor Day weekend.

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