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Future Cruise Reservation On Board- Got beat by paying too much

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Anyone else in this boat so to speak?..On my RCI cruise last year on LOS,I spend my precious vacation time where? In the `Future Cruise Sales` office. I am told I get the best rates here.So I book my Allure sailing on board to get my c&a discount,combined with a $100OBC and `best price now`.So I monitor it all year.NO changes. Final payment day comes, I pay the balance.Then ,presumably after cancellations from those that backed out prior to pmt day, the price (combined with a discount for my home state),drops $300pp from what I paid,but AFTER final pmt.

In the old days they would refund the difference,or at minimum issue you OBC relative to the amount.Today`s policy,your basically SOL if your crusie goes down in price and you`ve made the final pmt already (or the final pmt date for all has eclipsed).We were told by the Future Cruise rep on board that `this is the best price` and we would be able to get credit if the price came down.

Any suggestions on (the cruise is this Sept) on how to get any form of renumeration (OBC,adjustments etc)?. The final pmt date was 1 month ago.The cruise is next month.I called they said no way. I believe I was misled b/c in no way would I need to book on board if I can get the same cruise less than 2 months out for less by booking on land. Even if their policy is no credits after fp,and the price miraculously goes down after fp, shouldn`t I ,by booking on board have some sort of better position with them on this? (I am c&a emerald will be diamond w/this cruise).

In other words- WHY BOOK ON BOARD,waste your vaca time,and pay more? (oh yes the phone CSR told me that I booked so early I `had a choice of premium locations for my cabin and that is worth something as well` as opposed to those booking now with `limted selections`. (always love i when a csr from any company tries to opinionate).Anotehr csr told me `it`s like gambling`.I was steaming.I said I`ll restrcit my gambling to the casino not when I`m paying to go on vacation.

Any help? Opinions?

As of now I suggest no one wast their time at Future Cruise Sales on your vacation b/c of this issue

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This changed last year and I believe your are ... as you say ... SOL. I always get a FCC while on board and then decide what ship I want to sail on when I'm ready. It normally takes just a few minutes with the Loyalty Ambassador. Your other option is to wait to book last minute but if you fly, your pricing could be even worse.

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The main advantage of booking onboard is the OBC and reduced deposit...there is no discount on prices...sorry your cruise went down after final payment, but it would not have made any difference if you booked the cruise onboard or from home...RCL's new policy is no price drops after final payment...if the OBC is not important to you & you are concerned about airfare then you may as well wait until close to sailing date to book your cruise...course the prices could go UP instead of down or cabin selection may be limited...if I'm not happy with the price of the cruise at the time of booking I simply don't book...don't book with expectation of the price going down or as you found out you may be disappointed...

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Unfortunately, for everyone who booked their cruise on/after May 17, 2010, they are in the same situation as you are. Price reductions only honored up until final payment.


The only thing you are eligible for is if a higher cabin category is priced lower than the cabin category you are booked in due to a price reduction and not for "new bookings only", you can request an upgrade.


Booking on board not only got you a reduced deposit of $100pp, but it also earned you an OBC plus the ability to combine a balcony discount or the ability to use a C&A savings certificate if one became available for your cruise. You don't get these benefits when booking from home.

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Nowadays you have two choices: you can book on-board early for all the obvious reasons (reduced deposit, combinable OBC, more choice cabin locations to choose from) or you can play the waiting game for lower prices. It is definitely a gamble. Whatever you have in writing from the future cruise consultant rules. If you are frustrated, you are not alone. The consumer has been taking a beating from business a lot lately. I guess we can all be grateful that the cruise lines haven't yet adopted the airline's tactics.

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...for future 'unknown' cruise. That is to get my extra OBC.

I then wait for my 'deal' with an internet TA. Usually prepaid gratuities, specialty restaurant & spa certificates & MORE OBC like I got for my cruise next month.

On that cruise I will again front $100. for another 'unknown' cruise that I am sure we will book in the future.

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...for future 'unknown' cruise. That is to get my extra OBC.

I then wait for my 'deal' with an internet TA. Usually prepaid gratuities, specialty restaurant & spa certificates & MORE OBC like I got for my cruise next month.

On that cruise I will again front $100. for another 'unknown' cruise that I am sure we will book in the future.


You can't always use the Future Cruise Booking with a promotional cruise that has perks. I was unable to use mine on my upcoming cruise for that reason. A Future Cruise is considered an existing booking. Most of the promotionals for pre-paid gratuities with spa & restuarant perks are for new bookings only.


For the OP - I hear you. I don't plan on visiting the C&A Ambassador on any future RCCL cruise. Princess does it better.

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You can't always use the Future Cruise Booking with a promotional cruise that has perks. I was unable to use mine on my upcoming cruise for that reason. A Future Cruise is considered an existing booking. Most of the promotionals for pre-paid gratuities with spa & restuarant perks are for new bookings only.


For the OP - I hear you. I don't plan on visiting the C&A Ambassador on any future RCCL cruise. Princess does it better.


That is true it is considered an actual booking & you do get a booking number.

But I have been able to use it with different agencies. Any really established agency is familiar with how to get around any problems using this.They fax you a 'reassignment' of booking paper & you 'sign over' that booking number to the agency.

On the cruise we are doing next month it was a bit different. When we booked, it had to be immediately to get the perks & we were within the full pay period. The agency just did their own booking to get it through, we then submitted the papers & the other booking number replaced he TA's & kept everything else intact.

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.....that is the type of issue you have to discuss with your TA BEFORE you book. If they seem confused, I would not book with them.

I always book online & contrary to what some posters have said, I have never had a problem talking to a 'real person' before I complete the online booking.

Seems there is always something I want to clarify before pushing that 'bought it' button.

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The same thing happened to us for our B2B on the Allure and we didn't book onboard so we don't even have OBC. Within a week of making final payment, the price dropped $300/person.


I now recommend to anyone that wants to go on the Allure, to wait until final payments have been made and then book it unless there is a specific room you want.

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The CL's IMO once again backed themselves into a corner on this one....they told me back a while ago they didn't see any reduced amount of bookings prior to final since changing the rules....I simply don't believe that...I see lots of availability on most sailings after final payment and prices almost always dropping....that leads me to believe that lots of people either have got burnt and learned a painful lesson just like the OP in this case or are being very cautious in booking vacations and waiting till 30-60 days out to book....all I can say is be happy it's only $300/pp...I have seen some people get burnt for a lot more than that. The booking window has definitely shortened. There is a very good saying..... 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me'

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Unfortunately, for many of us, waiting until after final poses significant issues with airfare and especially if we need to cruise during a popular school break window.


If I am looking for something out of the NY/NJ area, I can wait it out. But for a FL sailing, unless I book airfare and hope that one of the multiple cruises drops after final (and I can live with the remaining cabin choices) I have no choice but to book in advance.

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Unfortunately, for many of us, waiting until after final poses significant issues with airfare and especially if we need to cruise during a popular school break window.


If I am looking for something out of the NY/NJ area, I can wait it out. But for a FL sailing, unless I book airfare and hope that one of the multiple cruises drops after final (and I can live with the remaining cabin choices) I have no choice but to book in advance.

I know just what you mean. What good does it do me to get $200 off the cruise and have to give it to the airline;). We also are looking to cruising more from NYC and Bayonne. The park-and-cruise promotions from the hotels makes this a real money saver for us. Bon Voyage!

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Wow.I didn`t expect the flurry of replies so soon.Thank you all for your insight.As the OP, I wtd to address= yes I forgot to mention I`m aware of the category upgrade option, (should price drop on the higher category)however we always book JS or above, and the GS from JS is 246.00 (123pp) per day difference and I don`t see that happening, in fact after confronting the CSR on phone to show me an example fleetwide of a JS being same price or near price as the GS,she admitedly couldn`t,so I gather the category upgrade may be closer to a move from an interior to a balcony etc,but I would LOVE to see the stats since the new policy of what % of guests get the category upgrade when being fleeced on price drop. In all, I wish to spread the word to avoid the future cruise sales office now-in today`s climate, you are almost sure to get the bookings you want when you want.No need to spend your precious vaca time to assist RCI sales goals.You are paying for your time on board- Ive learned a lesson. I will be sure to spread teh word to my tablemates,m&m members,and all who will listen- while we still enjoy the product, we will not encourage anyone to waste time or effort at Future sales office. I suggest wholeheartedly,and not malicously,to STAY AWAY and book online at your leisure or for those who still use TA (really?), to book at your convenience. If you have to fly in,it is what it is.

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This happened to us with our past cruise to Bermuda. Right after final payment, there were a lot of price drops. However, I was aware of their policy change when we had booked on board, but I wanted the reduced deposit and the OBC along with the cabin selection so I was fine with it.

I did continue to check for price reductions and found that a better cabin catagory had a huge price drop and was able to upgrade to that no problem.

I did book our upcoming cruise with them again. I will continue to look for price drops, but I do like not putting the full deposit down and I appreciate the obc no matter how much or little. Better keeping the money in my pocket than theirs. Who know, maybe I will be able to upgrade to a better cabin again. If not, I am very happy with our hump balcony cabin.

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You didn't "get beat" as your title suggests - you picked the cruise you wanted, the cabin you wanted, the date you wanted and received all the previous mentioned perks for doing so. The Price Drop policy has been in effect for over a year. If holding off and booking last minute is of more interest, get a nextCruise Certificate. That takes no time at all with the Loyalty Ambassador. Fill out the form and drop off and it will be delivered to your cabin. Then use it when you want.

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I will be sure to spread teh word to my tablemates,m&m members,and all who will listen- while we still enjoy the product, we will not encourage anyone to waste time or effort at Future sales office. I suggest wholeheartedly,and not malicously,to STAY AWAY and book online at your leisure or for those who still use TA (really?), to book at your convenience. If you have to fly in,it is what it is.


I think you are being a little dramatic here. Why waste all that time and energy? There is nothing you can do about it. :rolleyes:

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get a nextCruise Certificate. That takes no time at all with the Loyalty Ambassador. Fill out the form and drop off and it will be delivered to your cabin. Then use it when you want.


I am sorry to say that I have never heard of a Next Cruise Certificate. :o Could you please explain how it works with RCI? :confused: Thanks. :)

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I am sorry to say that I have never heard of a Next Cruise Certificate. :o Could you please explain how it works with RCI? :confused: Thanks. :)


That is what I was talking about earlier when I called it an 'unknown' future cruise.

Example...I am sailing on the Oasis next month. I know I will take another cruise on Royal but do not have a clue when & I choose not to book a particular cruise while onboard.

We usually book about 2 months before a cruise. Anyway, since I am not booking a particular cruise, I buy a 'next cruise certificate' for $100. It has no expiration date but does have a booking number.

When we finally decide on a cruise, I tell the TA that I have a Royal booking number & sign it over to them. The $100. I paid goes towards the down payment. I automatically get $100. on board credit. So because I had bought the certificate, I basically have doubled my money. I used the last one for this Oasis cruise.

While I am onboard the Oasis, I will front another $100. for another certificate for my next cruise.

I kinda look at it like getting my dinner wine for free with my on board credit :O)

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I think what you need to learn is there is some slow months for cruising in which most times the prices come down because ships aren't full, Those are the cruises you can afford to wait and book last minute.


On the months that are really busy though if you book early you will get the best price and best cabin selection, and those are the times it is best to book early because when there are fewer cabins left the price goes up.


After you have cruised for a awhile you will learn when those times are to better know when to book or wait it out.



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Thank you so much for explaining that to me. :D That is exactly what we will purchase on our cruise in October.

On our cruise last year, we booked the Allure because our group knew which cruise we wanted to go on. :) But this time around, my DH and I would like to go on a Mediterranean cruise, but don't know exactly when. :confused: We are looking into 2013 and the cruises aren't available right now. :( It is a bonus that we will still receive the OBC too! :D

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