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Rude Guests on the Eclipse

Chicago Boy

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Hello auggiemom,


We were on your cruise, too. Unfortunately, we weren't able to make the get togethers based upon timing, etc. My husband and I were also discussing the rude people we encountered on this cruise. Especially the family that went to the library, came to the pool deck with about ten books, placed them on deck chairs early in the morning, and then didn't show up until around noon. We were also disappointed with parents taking diaper-aged children in the pools and hottubs. Unfortunately, several of the cruisers on our trip were definitely in the "me first" state of mind and actions. :(


Oh, yea, I did forget about the fight that broke out by the pool. We were sitting in our chairs for about an hour and a half, and several chairs by us had been "reserved" by a towel. Several people came over and then made themselves comfortable as we had indicated that no one had been sitting in them since we had been there. About another 1/2 hour later a couple came out and started throwing a fit. Stated they had only been away about a half hour (which we knew wasn't true). Well, the people that were there and the couple that showed up had words and the couple finally left. I did give the people that took there chairs credit because they held their own very well....lol

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There was one cruise that we took, and my husband and I went into the pool, then sat in the Hot Tub, then went back in the pool and when we went back to our chairs (mind you we were wet), and a couple had taken over our chairs! Yes, we were enjoying the pool and hot tubs, and headed back to the chairs to dry off and they had moved our stuff! They did tell us where our stuff was, and they were kind enough to give us the chairs back. They did not know we were in the water! I feel if you are using the pool and hot tubs by where your chairs are, someone should not take your chair. I love swimming and could swim for a long time! My husband loves sitting in the hot tub for a long time too! :)

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Oh, yea, I did forget about the fight that broke out by the pool. We were sitting in our chairs for about an hour and a half, and several chairs by us had been "reserved" by a towel. Several people came over and then made themselves comfortable as we had indicated that no one had been sitting in them since we had been there. About another 1/2 hour later a couple came out and started throwing a fit. Stated they had only been away about a half hour (which we knew wasn't true). Well, the people that were there and the couple that showed up had words and the couple finally left. I did give the people that took there chairs credit because they held their own very well....lol

OMG -- I also forgot about the fight in the Tuscan Grill! One table had asked another table to kindly lower their voices and things escalated from there. It was so bad that security was called. It kind of ruins the atmosphere of "fine dining"!

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OMG -- I also forgot about the fight in the Tuscan Grill! One table had asked another table to kindly lower their voices and things escalated from there. It was so bad that security was called. It kind of ruins the atmosphere of "fine dining"!


Omg...seriously? This was recently? The Maitr'd and his staff must

have loved that:eek::(:rolleyes:

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Like my mom always told me. It starts with the parents. The Me,Me, generation is out of control. A remote control to change the tv channel, are you kidding me, we had to get up off the couch to do that! A telephone with push buttons!! lol I sort of miss that click, click sound on a rotary phone. Power windows in the car!! WOW, No more cranking..lol Yup, a spoiled no manners society, How did this happen?

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Sadly, I think there is an increase of rudeness and crankiness everywhere--on and off ships. I guess the best we can do to counter it is to keep positive and polite. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "Wag more; bark less."

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Omg...seriously? This was recently? The Maitr'd and his staff must

have loved that:eek::(:rolleyes:

Yes, we just got off the ship yesterday. The Maitr'd and the wait staff couldn't apologize enough. It's not their fault, but I do think the parties' tables should have been separated at the first sign of trouble. The one table of four was quite loud, but I don't believe the staff wanted to offend them. However, they should also consider all of the other guests, as well. It was a unique experience, to say the least.

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Yes, we just got off the ship yesterday. The Maitr'd and the wait staff couldn't apologize enough. It's not their fault, but I do think the parties' tables should have been separated at the first sign of trouble. The one table of four was quite loud, but I don't believe the staff wanted to offend them. However, they should also consider all of the other guests, as well. It was a unique experience, to say the least.


Were there empty tables available? I know the Maitr'd in there and it

must have been quite a scene if security had to be called.:eek:

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The string quartet was scheduled to play inside Michael's Club on the Summit once. This was a particular good quartet and about 60 people showed up. This one loud drunk (no, actually wasted) guy was sitting at the bar in the corner and was oblivious to the fact that a concert just started. He was shouting at the top of his lungs in the typical slurred manner. Not sure who he was talking to. During the first song everyone who showed up to hear the concert was quiet but clearly distracted looking back at him with the evil eye. But none of us near the bar and not even the bartender wanted to tell him to tone it down. I felt bad for the quartet members and was getting annoyed myself. Right after the leader of the quartet announced to us the name of second song, the drunk was still shooting his mouth off. Finally I thought to myself enough is enough and I quickly yelled out "QUIET" once towards the direction of the bar. Then I overheard in the background, "uh, no sorrrry bout that, I'mmm soorry, hiccup." He never uttered a peep after that.

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It seems that in the last month or two we've seen more posts concerning "rudeness". I had a discussion with an Asst. Maitre 'd on a recent CS cruise who commented that he's noticed more complaining and rudeness. Don't know if this is just coincidence or a trend, but absolutely no excuse for this type of behavior.


Sorry people this "entitled rudeness" is a growing factor in our whole American society. I retire in 2 weeks after 25 yrs as an ER/Trauma nurse and I have seen this behavior significantly increase over the last 10 years. Patients demand, threaten, and curse at the very care givers that are in our 52 bed ER to help. EVERYONE is dying and expects immediate care or else.

My favorite story, if I may. I was triage nurse, all beds were filled, three traumas going on, lobby filled. Patient came over and threatened me because, "you're discriminating against me and not taking me back because of the color of my skin." With all due respect, I informed the dear soul that we do indeed look at ones color. If you are white, red, black, yellow or any variation there of, you go back according to the acuity of your illness or injury. However, if you're blue, I'll have you back in a bed instantly. Looking at the complainer, I informed her she was not blue! :)

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Thankfully we didn't witness anything that bad on last week's Ecliose sailing. The worst I saw was a table of elderly, very demanding men in Blu one morning chewing out the waiter because they'd been waiting 20 minutes for their prune juice (it hadn't been more than 5 minutes) and a "very frequent" X guest barking orders at Tony, the Murano Maitre 'd. Honestly, I doubt very seriously if even the CEO of the company would act like they owned the ship the way this guy carried on. And there was the woman who brought her 8 year old to the late night comedy show and didn't even "take a hint" when it was suggested the kid should be in bed!

I must comment that in my experience the rude, demanding behavior I have witnessed on land and sea hasn't been from baby boomers but from their elders. Not generalizing, of course there are far more polite people than rude ones, but it shouldn't be blamed on the me generation.

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We were part of the "great deal" cabins, which on a senior "paycheck" is what we look for to be able to cruise.

We are in no way pushy or rude!! In fact we tolerate a lot of things that many would and have complained about, we think it petty.

When our ship did'nt make port in Madeira I was truly dissapointed, and yet knew it was beyond CC control, and accepted it.

But we were 2days away from that port and I had a tour put together and had to be paid . having my Visa # I was concerned I would be charged. so I went to guest relations and told "Claire" who right away phoned the tour comp for me and I was able to talk to them and straiten it out. I was so pleased for that sevice that I wrote a thank you to G/R . Next thing we know we had a bottle of champagne from them!!!

So sometimes it's best to just be polite with out an ulterior motive and , in this case praising the action of crew, and somtimes it comes back to you.:p

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On our recent cruise it was the parents that were the problem, and by that I mean those >70 years of age and not so much the kids or those <70 years of age. How did that happen?



Like my mom always told me. It starts with the parents. The Me,Me, generation is out of control. A remote control to change the tv channel, are you kidding me, we had to get up off the couch to do that! A telephone with push buttons!! lol I sort of miss that click, click sound on a rotary phone. Power windows in the car!! WOW, No more cranking..lol Yup, a spoiled no manners society, How did this happen?
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Fortunately I didn't see TOO many instances of rudeness on our 11/18 Silhouette cruise. For the most part, people were very classy and everyone was relatively considerate of others. I did see some boorish people in the MDR treat the waiters like servants, but that was really just in one or two instances.


There were only 2 times during our entire trip where I actually confronted some d-bags. Both of them were off the ship (fortunately). One time was in Labadee when this wannabe loser felt the need to walk out of his bungalow and talk at the loudest possible speaking voice EVER on the beach about some stupid conference call or business deal or whatever. He was quite loud, and my wife and I actually wanted to say something, but someone beat us to it. Another older couple asked him to pipe down or take his call elsewhere. After he wrapped up his call, he turned to them and said in the rudest possible voice, "there's a way to ask people to do something, and that wasn't it". That set me off and I yelled over to him, "nobody cares about your stupid conference call, wannabe. if you want, I can tell you about my stupid conference calls" to which he walked off and gave me a rude gesture LOL. After that he went back to his stupid area on the beach, lit a few cigars and ordered his expensive drinks. Grade A tool right there, but it was fun calling him out (the older folks who called him out weren't even rude about it).


Another time when I ran into a rude bunch of idiots were these folks who showed up to our bus late on one of the excursions (in St. Martin). The tour guide said everyone had to be back no later than 4:05pm because they didn't want to risk everyone missing their ships. So of course these two ladies (and I use the term loosely) decide to show up late. Actually the bus was already full by 4:00pm, aside from 3 other stragglers who showed up just after 4:05pm. After 4:10pm these 2 ladies still weren't there and the tour guide was thinking of ditching them (at the encouragement of many on the bus lol). These two women final stroll in, much to the chagrin of everyone on the bus. After seeing all the unhappy faces, one of the "ladies" say out loud "gee, my watch says 4:05", shaking her head. Some angry German tourist next to me yells out "NO it's 4:15" (my wife and I, along with many others also verified the time), and she just gives him a dirty look. When I saw these two women again on the ship (who btw were very fussy during one of the evenings when I saw them in the MDR), I really felt like kicking them overboard, but I thought that would probably ruin our honeymoon :D

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Folks, face the facts. For example, those "elders" whom you discovered were rude were probably just as rude when they were much younger.

Also, those younger folks, who are the product of our dysfunctional public education system, both high school and university, will not be any better when they are elders unless there is a significant change in our way of life.

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Thankfully we didn't witness anything that bad on last week's Ecliose sailing. The worst I saw was a table of elderly, very demanding men in Blu one morning chewing out the waiter because they'd been waiting 20 minutes for their prune juice (it hadn't been more than 5 minutes) and a "very frequent" X guest barking orders at Tony, the Murano Maitre 'd. Honestly, I doubt very seriously if even the CEO of the company would act like they owned the ship the way this guy carried on. And there was the woman who brought her 8 year old to the late night comedy show and didn't even "take a hint" when it was suggested the kid should be in bed!

I must comment that in my experience the rude, demanding behavior I have witnessed on land and sea hasn't been from baby boomers but from their elders. Not generalizing, of course there are far more polite people than rude ones, but it shouldn't be blamed on the me generation.


Boy, it sounds like the group of men REALLY needed their prune juice!

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Write a letter and/or call Celebrity while names and incidents are still fresh in your mind! It would be good for X to know how well their staff performed so that these people can get the extra credit they so richly deserve.



Your suggestion is a very good one and we did that as soon as we returned home. In fact, we gave those people who took care of glowing reviews on the comment cards as well.

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OMG -- I also forgot about the fight in the Tuscan Grill! One table had asked another table to kindly lower their voices and things escalated from there. It was so bad that security was called. It kind of ruins the atmosphere of "fine dining"!


If the language was off colour I would too ask them to shut it.

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Folks fight fire with fire. Ask politely, Ask again, Ask for security, Ask for resolution.


Be proactive, bullies and the pompous are looking to challenge, but most will back down, just like they did in grade school.


Besides, the cruise line checks for weapons at the security scanner:)

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Aside from everything else, I read of some experiment with rats, ( all ages) where the rats got along with each other in a confined space when there were 3. Then they kept adding rats, ( same space) and after more and more rats entered the box they started becoming more and more agitated, anti social, agressive ( maybe rude too)


Might there be some relation ship between the rapid growth in size in ships. It used to be 600 was a big ship, then it went to 1200, Soon that became 1800, 2000 , now 3000 and some , good God, are over 6000 !!!


Maybe just maybe puting more and more people in a confined place. And too having 3000 passengers on one ship might also increase the number of just regular jerks and oafs than are normal in society, but more widely distrubuted so as to not be noticed as much.;)


At the same time as others have pointed out, society and manners in people as a whole has eroded. Whether new generations, Stress of society, the economy or just being self absorbed.?


Years ago, I used to sail on ships with less than 600, and never say any problems. Today at 2000+ I see tons. ALso ship travel was not marketed to the masses as it is today. No Kids programs, no discount brokers. It was a travel option if you wanted luxury travel and advanture. and It was marketed pretty much to those who has a lot of disposable income


Lots of factors, Price, Numbers,Society

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Aside from everything else, I read of some experiment with rats, ( all ages) where the rats got along with each other in a confined space when there were 3. Then they kept adding rats, ( same space) and after more and more rats entered the box they started becoming more and more agitated, anti social, agressive ( maybe rude too)


Might there be some relation ship between the rapid growth in size in ships. It used to be 600 was a big ship, then it went to 1200, Soon that became 1800, 2000 , now 3000 and some , good God, are over 6000 !!!


Maybe just maybe puting more and more people in a confined place. And too having 3000 passengers on one ship might also increase the number of just regular jerks and oafs than are normal in society, but more widely distrubuted so as to not be noticed as much.;)


At the same time as others have pointed out, society and manners in people as a whole has eroded. Whether new generations, Stress of society, the economy or just being self absorbed.?


Years ago, I used to sail on ships with less than 600, and never say any problems. Today at 2000+ I see tons. ALso ship travel was not marketed to the masses as it is today. No Kids programs, no discount brokers. It was a travel option if you wanted luxury travel and advanture. and It was marketed pretty much to those who has a lot of disposable income


Lots of factors, Price, Numbers,Society



There is no relationship between disposable income and manners.


Our society isn't geared toward manners anymore. Example: call waiting. What is worse than being interrupted mid sentence while someone takes another call?


As to the topic of rude people. I think a lot of them are unhappy with themselves, so they take it out on others.

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