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Okay, I know this is a taboo subject, but...


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I can't believe how nervous I am to even broach this subject. But, before you stop reading and send me flame after flame, I truly am looking for suggestions.


First maybe some generic info:


I am sailing on the Oosterdam to Alaska this June. This will be my first cruise as an adult. The first was in the Caribbean on the Westerdam in 1993 when I was 17. My daughter and I have had a few rough years and have been wanting to do an Alaskan cruise since forever. We are finally doing it and will be in an aft suite...hooray!!


Okay...here goes.


I am a smoker (ducks and covers). After coming to these boards recently I see that this is a huge issue among sailers. I don't smoke very often, and as my daughter has NO idea that I smoke I am very careful about it. This means I only smoke maybe 2-3 times a day and sometimes not even that much (usually late at night or early in the morning. Maybe once or twice mid-day if the kiddo is off with friends).


But even if I don't smoke often, I know it smells badly to non-smokers (and to me in excess). I want to enjoy this cruise, but I also don't want to be inconsiderate of my neighbors. I will, most likely, have a few cigarettes on my aft balcony during the cruise, but I won't be out there more than 1-2 times a day.


What can I do to ensure my neighbors don't want to throw me overboard? Is it a good idea to ask them to let me know if it's bothering them? Is there anyway to smoke on a balcony and not be ostracized?


Now, maybe this is a silly question and I certainly never thought I would be asking it. But after looking around on the threads I can't believe the amount of time that is spent being so upset about it on both sides on the spectrum.


I just want to enjoy my cruise and am so thankful that we are finally able to take a break from reality. I am pretty easy going and try to roll with the punches, but I don't want my relaxation time to make someone else uncomfortable. So I thought if anyone has any advice or suggestions it might be worth asking.


Or it's possible that this is something that has no solution and I might as well gear myself up for some major hate no matter how infrequently I indulge or how careful I try to be? I hope not. It's vacation for all of us afterall.


Did you hear that? I think it was the sound of pandora's box opening. :)


Sorry this is so long. If anyone read my mini novel, I'd love to hear your thoughts.



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Welcome to Cruise Critic.

Oosterdam -- Alaska -- wonderful.

The biggest problem I see is with your daughter not knowing that you smoke -- not your neighbors on the ship for as little as your smoke.

You may want to go up the aft pool area and smoke there whenever your daughter is in the cabin.

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There will not be a problem for you from 99% of the passengers. I just came off today from Noordam and I was the only smoker around and sall my neighsbors said the only way they knew I was smoking was when they heard my verandah door close. The 3 ladies above me told me they allergic to smoke and it never bothered them.


Do not let what you read by a few on these boards cause you any worry:)



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It is permitted by the cruise line. You have paid nicely for your suite with a balcony. As you stated this is your trip to relax as much as it is the other passengers. Your neighbors may choose to go in their cabin during those times and that is their choice. They can return a few minutes later. Enjoy your vacation and try not to worry.

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I think asking them to let you know if it bothers them is a very considerate gesture and more likely to generate tolerance. I personally have Asthma and cigarette smoke will trigger my lungs to start constricting and a migraine. while this is my problem, not someone elses, I would greatly appreciate a warning before someone lights up so I can at least head inside before I'm exposed to it. Once an attack starts, it usually takes a few hours before it calms down. I will be using meds the whole trip in attempt to minimize issues, and I have every smoking area on the ship mapped out and will be completely avoiding those areas. I live in California where smoking is completely banned in all public places so am very spoiled now ;)


I was very concerned about the balcony situation so we booked an aft suite on the corner with the wrap around balcony. Hopefully if someone is smoking, we can move to the other side and avoid it (I'm hoping).


I think someone who lights up a couple of times a day is not a big deal, and with a friendly warning, I would feel very friendly and appreciative back. I think its the chain smokers who spend most of the trip on the balcony not caring about their neighbors that angers so many others. A little consideration can go a long way.

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As far as I can see you paid for your cabin and are allowed to do what you want. HAL allows smoking on the verandna so don!t feel bad to do it. I also don!t want to cause trouble however I have always found it hard to see how someone smoking on their verandna in a 20 mph wind can ruin someones vacation.

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HAL allows smoking. Those who say that they do not are ill-informed. While I will do most of my smoking in the casino while I lose my on-board money :D I will also enjoy a cig on my balcony from time to time. It will be short. It will be sweet.


I do like the idea of asking the neighbors. I think I will do that. Just so I know whether I will get dirty looks.


Smoking is terrible. And terribly enjoyable on vacation.



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You didn't say how old your daughter is now, but I'm willing to wager that if she's over the age of five she already knows that you smoke. Don't think you are kidding anybody - the smell of smoke remains on your body and clothes throughout the day and is easily detected by a non-smoker.


I would worry less about what my neighbors, who you don't even know and will never see again, care about your smoking and be honest with your daughter. Tell her when you are going out on the deck for a cigarette - and promise to quit once you get back home.

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Thanks for all the replies. I feel much better about the situation. I know I am overthinking it.


My daughter is 12, and while I know it sounds silly that she doesn't know I smoke, I am 100% sure that she doesn't know. I don't smoke at home and I have my last cigarette hours before I get there. Ridiculous maybe, but it works for me.


And yes, quitting is the smarter option but after the last few years I'll take the relaxation where I can get it. I don't think non-smokers understand just how hard it is to give up...Plus, my daddy didn't raise a quitter! ;)


I will take your advice and let my neighbors know, and I also won't worry about it so much (knew I was being silly). Besides on HAL I'm guessing most people will be snoozing away by the time I get out there to light up.



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Thanks for all the replies. I feel much better about the situation. I know I am overthinking it.


My daughter is 12, and while I know it sounds silly that she doesn't know I smoke, I am 100% sure that she doesn't know. I don't smoke at home and I have my last cigarette hours before I get there. Ridiculous maybe, but it works for me.


And yes, quitting is the smarter option but after the last few years I'll take the relaxation where I can get it. I don't think non-smokers understand just how hard it is to give up...Plus, my daddy didn't raise a quitter! ;)


I will take your advice and let my neighbors know, and I also won't worry about it so much (knew I was being silly). Besides on HAL I'm guessing most people will be snoozing away by the time I get out there to light up.




I know this is off topic a little but, where do you keep your cigs such that you are 100% sure she's never seen them? Personally I know as a 12 year old I'd gone through my moms stuff without her always knowing...


My guess is your daughter knows.


I'm with the others, quit smoking :-) But if you aren't going to, I'm happy to hear that you're very considerate about it, especially considering you have every right to not care since smoking is permitted on all verandahs on HAL and you dont need to consider anyone if you don't want to.

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When I was on the Nieuw Amsterdam a few weeks ago, people were smoking at tables between the Lido and the Sea View Pool on the Starboard Side of the ship. As someone said here that if is more of a problem on this board than it is in reality.

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On an aft balcony, while the ship is in motion, I seriously doubt anyone would know or care if you were smoking. Docked may be a different story, so if you know your neighbors are outside, it would be good form to inquire if they mind.

I'll reiterate what someone said previously. Assuming your daughter isn't a small child, it's likely she's aware that you smoke. My husband is a similar type of smoker and when he comes in from having a smoke outside, he smells like an ashtray. I'm sure he's unaware of it & thinks I don't know. (His on-and-off smoking has been a bone of contention during our 28 year marriage, so he tries to "protect" me from knowing.)

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I used to smoke, however I found cruising so relaxing that I NEVER smoked while cruising, although I always carried them with me for the first ten years of cruising.

Happily I am now a non smoker, and, with luck you can follow in my footsteps.:)



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I know this is off topic a little but, where do you keep your cigs such that you are 100% sure she's never seen them? Personally I know as a 12 year old I'd gone through my moms stuff without her always knowing...


My guess is your daughter knows.


I'm with the others, quit smoking :-) But if you aren't going to, I'm happy to hear that you're very considerate about it, especially considering you have every right to not care since smoking is permitted on all verandahs on HAL and you dont need to consider anyone if you don't want to.


Thanks for the reply. Well, with this one we will just have to agree to disagree that my daughter knows that I smoke. If you knew my daughter it might be easier to believe, but if she knew that I smoked she would be very vocal about it.


And to answer your question about where I keep them? As I mentioned, I don't smoke at home. They stay at work. On the weekends it's a bit different, but she's at my ex-husband's on the weekends.


You are right, I need to quit smoking and hopefully I will find the will-power to do so. For now though, I appreciate all the advice.



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HAL doesnt allow it as far as I know. ANd the age old question that never gets answered is "Why is it so imperative that one smokes?";) Quit and enyjoy a longer life with your daughter. Enough from me.:)



What misinformation!.......HAL most certainly does allow smoking on verandas and in other designated areas. You paid for a veranda so enjoy your cruise.

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I am a light smoker as well and can totally understand why you smoke AND why you don't want your daughter to know. On another note, I don't know why the cruise line does not have one side of the ship smoking and one side non-smoking on your balcony. Seems like it would make everyone happy. Those that it bothers could be on the non-smoking side and the smokers wouldn't have to worry about offending anyone.

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JULES, you are over-thinking this and most definitely over-worrying. Relax and enjoy the anticipation of your cruise. Hiding your smoking from your daughter is your private decision and advice seems not to be needed. The rest of it is not your problem.


Holland allows smoking on verandas. If non-smokers book a veranda smoking has become their problem, not yours. There isn't a reason in the world to ask permission of anyone and frankly you would just be opening up a can of worms. Your neighbors might be folks who are on their balcony for hours at a time and once you ask for their permission you are committing yourself to not smoking while they are out there if they say they object. Smoking is allowed yet you are putting a guilt trip on yourself. It's their problem and Holland's, not yours. Of course the non-smokers here are going to praise you for asking and encourage you to do so. They want to book smoking-allowed verandas with no consequences to themselves.

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I think asking them to let you know if it bothers them is a very considerate gesture and more likely to generate tolerance. I personally have Asthma and cigarette smoke will trigger my lungs to start constricting and a migraine. while this is my problem, not someone elses, I would greatly appreciate a warning before someone lights up so I can at least head inside before I'm exposed to it. Once an attack starts, it usually takes a few hours before it calms down. I will be using meds the whole trip in attempt to minimize issues, and I have every smoking area on the ship mapped out and will be completely avoiding those areas. I live in California where smoking is completely banned in all public places so am very spoiled now ;)


I was very concerned about the balcony situation so we booked an aft suite on the corner with the wrap around balcony. Hopefully if someone is smoking, we can move to the other side and avoid it (I'm hoping).


I think someone who lights up a couple of times a day is not a big deal, and with a friendly warning, I would feel very friendly and appreciative back. I think its the chain smokers who spend most of the trip on the balcony not caring about their neighbors that angers so many others. A little consideration can go a long way.



If your'e that sensitive to smoke, why don't you try Celebrity? No smoking anywhere on the ships except for a few out of the way smoking areas (all outside). That might help you with your health issues??:)

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I am chuckling over this thread....Jules, I could have written this myself not so long ago...

Those who've never smoked will never understand the attachment to the little white devils. Never mind the physical addiction aspect.


What many don't know anything about is the ridiculous lengths some closet smokers will go to to cover-up and hide their habit....that's how great a grip it can have on a person. Due to the disgust so many people show towards smokers (of every kind) it should be no wonder so many take it 'underground'....but I do agree most are oblivious to how bad they smell, but for those of us who KNOW, and are as yet unable to quit.....there are some pretty clever (and time consuming, and expensive) tricks to employ....I'm pretty sure Jules knows just what I'm talking about. I was one of those smokers for years....only smoked about 5/day...but NO ONE KNEW. My guilty, shameful, anxiety-producing little nasty, nasty habit. Trust me...when I spilled the beans to some of my CLOSEST friends, they had no clue. Nor did my DH...that's how clever I was. Pathetic, isn't it? Believe me if you wish, don't care if you don't.


I see it now for the shame-inducing pathetic-ness that it was....the very heart and soul of addiction. Did I mention the grip of denial?? I have been happily NOT smoking for about 12 weeks and I can tell you, I never thought I'd survive without them. But EVERYTHING is so much better this way....so much better....and the anxiety produced from running around trying to sneak and hide is gone....hallelujah.


Thanks for letting me unload that. It felt good:)

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On another note, I don't know why the cruise line does not have one side of the ship smoking and one side non-smoking on your balcony. Seems like it would make everyone happy. Those that it bothers could be on the non-smoking side and the smokers wouldn't have to worry about offending anyone.


Except that they'd make half of those balconies smoking when most likely less than 50% of passengers are smoking (just going by general smoking statistics, not venturing an opinion of how many HAL passengers smoke!)


And then you have the issue of smokers/non-smokers insisting on having a balcony on the other side of the ship.

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