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Toddlers and the MDR - AHHHHHHH


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It was funny.


I thought so too. But then again, I'm never having children and have no shame when it comes to addressing horrible child behaviour to their parents.


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For the life of me, I can't see why ANYONE would want to bring a toddler to a specialty restaurant.


If I were sitting next to a toddler who was loud and I had paid extra to eat, I'd be REALLY upset! (and BTW, I take my baby medium rare!)



While I completely realize your comment was 100% in jest I felt the need to mention that I like my dogs rare. In China you can have fantastic meals made from dog meat ;)


Do agree though at some point the parents need to at least make an effort to faciliate others. My sons (3 and 8) wear tuxes to dinner and if they even get slightly out of hand they get the look from me. After that all bets are off and its back to the stateroom right away. 99.99% of the time the look cures all issues. However no matter what, kids will be kids and there is that .01% when other measures have to be taken.

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The operative phrase that I took from the OP's comments was that the parents did nothing to try to curb the actions of their child. If that is the case, I too would get annoyed.


Children are just that - children - and they will act out as the mood dictates. (We have three - now adult - children of our own so trust me, I get it). The key is that parents need to be parents and realize that they are not in a vaccuum and that the rest of the world may not see their children as they do through their loving eyes. It really has nothing to do with their rights since they paid as well - it has to do with common courtesy to those around them and the environment they are in.


We've cruised since our children were young and they were with us early on. I'm sure our kids weren't angels all the time and they probably annoyed people around us from time to time. But we also were parents who when this occured, tried to change the behavior or took them out of the room until the episode passed. I think that is what is exptected and to simply ignore it night after night with no effort to change it is rude. OK - flame away........

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The solution to this issue is so blindingly obvious that I hate to insult your intelligence by pointing it out. Nevertheless, here goes: parents need to parent. They need to understand what is appropriate behavior and what is not, and they need to know that some behavior will range from appropriate to inappropriate depending on where it occurs.


Parents should know their kids well enough to know whether or not they stand a good chance of being able to make it through a sit-down meal without becoming fussy. If so, the MDR is fine. If not, I think the Windjammer is a good alternative -- NOT because the patrons there deserve to suffer, but rather because it's easier to eat quickly and leave if need be.


But even the best-behaved kids have their off-moments, and this is when the parents need to remove their kids from the venue unless and until they can calm down. I think this is the crux of the matter. And I think that if most parents did this, the CC anti-kid brigade would have a lot less ammunition.


Lest you think I'm of the "ban kids from anyplace where an adult might be present" mindset, think again. I have two kids, ages 5 and 3, and I have no compunction about taking them where we are allowed to be -- including the MDR. However, if they start to act up, out they go. I've removed my kids from McDonald's for misbehaving, so I'll certainly pull 'em out of a more adult-oriented restaurant such as the MDR if the need arises.

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These same parents will also let their kids misbehave at the pool, playground, halls, etc. just so they can enjoy their vacation. Not only is it disruptive, but at times, dangerous! I have seen unruly kids act wild and my heart is in my throat watching because I am afraid someone will get hurt - possibly my own children!


I was at a resort once sitting by the pool with my two kids. No lifeguard on duty - signs everywhere. I observed about 10 kids ages ranging from 4 - 17 swimming and horsing around. Only 1 adult from their family present. At one point I noticed one of the smaller ones just standing under the water and not able to swim so I yelled and jumped in - I got the child out of the water and he proceeded to cough up and throw up water. My daughter had called security in the mean time - they came and thankfully the child was ok.


The adult came over and thanked me and then began to leave with the one child - leaving the others behind. I told her she should probably get the kids out of the pool while she took the younger one back to the rest of the family and she tried to get the kids out of the pool but they wouldn't listen to her so I yelled at them all to get out or I was calling security back again. They listened then.


What happened next is even more shocking... The mother of some of the children (including the one that almost drowned) came back and yelled at me for kicking the kids out of the pool. My husband who was listening from the balcony called security again and they asked the other family to leave and that they were not to use the pool again unless there were adults present.



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I like my dogs rare. In China you can have fantastic meals made from dog meat ;)


Oh PoopBag....haven't you heard that eating rare dog meat will give you worms!!!!:eek::eek::D

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Unfortunately if parents do not know how to parent before the cruise, they are not going to learn how during the cruise. Kids, ALL kids, will do and get away with exacty what they can - no more, no less.


If parents allow them to act out in public everywhere, why would a cruise ship be any different? And if they don't all that behavior, the same holds true.


The problem is not the kids, it is the parents - unfortunately convincing any parent that they are doing a lousy job is not going to happen.

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Does anyone else feel sorry for the child who was crying and miserable being there?


Not only were these parents TOTALLY inconsiderate of their fellow passenger ... but also to their own child. What awful parents they were! :(

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The solution to this issue is so blindingly obvious that I hate to insult your intelligence by pointing it out. Nevertheless, here goes: parents need to parent. They need to understand what is appropriate behavior and what is not, and they need to know that some behavior will range from appropriate to inappropriate depending on where it occurs.


Parents should know their kids well enough to know whether or not they stand a good chance of being able to make it through a sit-down meal without becoming fussy. If so, the MDR is fine. If not, I think the Windjammer is a good alternative -- NOT because the patrons there deserve to suffer, but rather because it's easier to eat quickly and leave if need be.


But even the best-behaved kids have their off-moments, and this is when the parents need to remove their kids from the venue unless and until they can calm down. I think this is the crux of the matter. And I think that if most parents did this, the CC anti-kid brigade would have a lot less ammunition.


Lest you think I'm of the "ban kids from anyplace where an adult might be present" mindset, think again. I have two kids, ages 5 and 3, and I have no compunction about taking them where we are allowed to be -- including the MDR. However, if they start to act up, out they go. I've removed my kids from McDonald's for misbehaving, so I'll certainly pull 'em out of a more adult-oriented restaurant such as the MDR if the need arises.


Do you know what they call people that parent like you do? Responsible. :D

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Noooooooooooo :eek: :eek: :eek:


Please not ANOTHER discussion on toddlers in restaurants - can't you find something else to discuss - it's been done to death on the toddlers in speciality restaurants thread :mad:



....O.K. How about a discussion about nasty older entitled people who cruise and think they are the experts on everything. You know those who pay as little as possible, smuggle booze, stiff the waiter on the tips AND complain while trying to weasel as much OBC as they can.....I would think there would be more stories......:cool:

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....O.K. How about a discussion about nasty older entitled people who cruise and think they are the experts on everything. You know those who pay as little as possible, smuggle booze, stiff the waiter on the tips AND complain while trying to weasel as much OBC as they can.....I would think there would be more stories......:cool:


Can you guys talk about that????

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I know that I will get all types of hate posts, but I'll say it anyway - if your kid (age 0 to 80+) is crying, squawking, or otherwise making all types of loud noises in the MDR, PLEASE take them outside, to the babysitters, eat at the Windjammer, etc…..PLEASE!!! If your kid can sit still and be relatively quiet, feel free to dine in the MDR, otherwise please make other arrangements!!!!


I get it.....I have kids. We didn't go out to dinner until they were old enough to behave in public and could sit still for an hour. I also totally get that kids make noise, SOME noise - but the kid sitting at the table next to us cried through every meal…..and the parents did NOTHING!!! It was especially bothersome on formal night. The last night the kid was so cranky that the parents just took him out of the high chair and let him run around the dining room!!


I DO understand that they paid for the cruise as well and that they have the ‘right’ to eat in the MDR, but when your kid is preventing me from having a conversation or is incessantly squawking at the top of his lungs, maybe it’s time to go to the Windjammer or get a sitter for a few hours. Come on people….use a little common sense here!


Why is it just sooooo hard to be considerate??? Flame away, but it won’t change my mind!


Did anyone say anything to these inconsiderate parents? Since they were able to tune the crying out, do you think they thought everyone could? Believe me, I'm NOT defending them. I'm just wondering if they were made aware of how uncomfortable the child was making other guests?


I have a DIL who is oblivious to an amazing number of things including how loud & disruptive her children could be when they were younger. If she wasn't told to take them out or make them stop running, yelling, crying, whatever, it was like it wasn't happening.................... Needless to say, we didn't spend nearly as much time with that part of the family as we would have liked until the kids were older & had learned some manners!

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The whole "I paid for the cruise..." doesn't wash here. Since back on land if kids were acting like in the restaurant, it would still be considered rude.


Having said that, if they would let the kid run around, they probably do that in restaurants at home as well. So the parents are probably in need of someone with a clue-by-four anyway.

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On the last several cruises we have been on, kids in the MDR were well behaved and there were no problems.


But on the nights we decided to eat in the windjammer, it was total chaos! Kids everywhere running, laughing, and yelling.


One little girl, maybe about 4, was wandering from table to table asking for her Mommie.


Nobody has a "right" to disrupt the MDR or the Windjammer. Nobody has a "right" to allow their kids to run wild either.



Parents, Do Your Jobs!

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The last night the kid was so cranky that the parents just took him out of the high chair and let him run around the dining room!!

Child 1, parents 0. The parents have just taught the child how far it needs to go to get what it wants.

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Well where do I start.... Guess first of all I have to say that I'm 60 years old. On our last cruise we had a group of other Old Farts, a table of eight, sitting all week long in the MTD section on the FOS last March. Talk about rude and loud! I must say that these folks were the worst!!... If the seating in the MTD would have had a table for four else were we would have moved in a heartbeat. We have six children ourselves with many grand kids. I have yet to have had any children in the MDR upset our dinners. Not to say it can't happen. Guess we've just been lucky...


Enjoy Your Dinner!

Earl & Kathy

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I know that I will get all types of hate posts, but I'll say it anyway - if your kid (age 0 to 80+) is crying, squawking, or otherwise making all types of loud noises in the MDR, PLEASE take them outside, to the babysitters, eat at the Windjammer, etc…..PLEASE!!! If your kid can sit still and be relatively quiet, feel free to dine in the MDR, otherwise please make other arrangements!!!!


I get it.....I have kids. We didn't go out to dinner until they were old enough to behave in public and could sit still for an hour. I also totally get that kids make noise, SOME noise - but the kid sitting at the table next to us cried through every meal…..and the parents did NOTHING!!! It was especially bothersome on formal night. The last night the kid was so cranky that the parents just took him out of the high chair and let him run around the dining room!!


I DO understand that they paid for the cruise as well and that they have the ‘right’ to eat in the MDR, but when your kid is preventing me from having a conversation or is incessantly squawking at the top of his lungs, maybe it’s time to go to the Windjammer or get a sitter for a few hours. Come on people….use a little common sense here!


Why is it just sooooo hard to be considerate??? Flame away, but it won’t change my mind!


Okay, you made your point. Now I'll bet you $10 and give you five to one odds that the person it is aimed at will not only not read it, (s)he will never even know it exists.

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I've seen people drop things on the ground at the Windjammer and say "Oh it's my vacation. I paid enough" and walk away!


I've spilled on occasion and have been soundly scolded by the crew if I try to pick it up off the floor. They are very conscientious about keeping our hands clean. Not that I would just leave it and walk away, but they've trained me to call for backup.


Child 1, parents 0. The parents have just taught the child how far it needs to go to get what it wants.


Ain't that the sad truth. Payback will be a b**** when the kid's a teenager.


OP, if this happens to you again, speak to the headwaiter for your section immediately. If s/he throws up his/her hands and says they can't do anything, escalate it to the maitre d'. Although it's not their fault that the parents aren't controlling their kid's behavior, they do have a responsibility to make sure that all of their dining guests are enjoying their experience.

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Our worst experience with other's children...specialty restaurant: 2 tables one for children, one for parents..parents totally ignoring whatever was going on at the children's table...kids running around, jumping, bumping into diners and waitstaff. I talked to the maitre d, who watched and then talked to the parents and they were asked to leave because of how the kids were behaving. Did it make me angry, you bet, did the crew handle it, you bet, because I expected them to do something and they did. I don't take, we can't do anything about bad behavior from the maitre d, because they can! Was I concerned that the parents meal wasn't pleasant, no, because they weren't concerned about other diners!


Our best experience...last cruise in MDR. We were seated next to a table of 5, parents and 3 children, all younger than 10/12ish. The last night of the cruise I approached the parents and told them what a joy it was to sit next to them. The kids were some of the best behaved kids I've ever seen. I thought Mom was going to cry she was so happy.

So yes, if the kids don't behave make sure someone (parent or crew) knows about it, but if they do behave make sure the parents know it.


I'm one of the old ones :eek:...9 kids, 32 grandkids and 17+ (July) great-grandkids and we've traveled with 4 generations...a little experience :rolleyes:


As an old one: The only thing I think I'm entitled to is a relaxing cruise...other than winning the lottery so I can finally retire and cruise more!:p

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Our worst experience with other's children...specialty restaurant: 2 tables one for children, one for parents..parents totally ignoring whatever was going on at the children's table...kids running around, jumping, bumping into diners and waitstaff. I talked to the maitre d, who watched and then talked to the parents and they were asked to leave because of how the kids were behaving. Did it make me angry, you bet, did the crew handle it, you bet, because I expected them to do something and they did. I don't take, we can't do anything about bad behavior from the maitre d, because they can! Was I concerned that the parents meal wasn't pleasant, no, because they weren't concerned about other diners!


Definately the right way to handle it! And as Critterchick points out if the waitstaff/head waiter for your section doesn't handle the situation, appropriately esclate the matter.

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