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End of Elite cocktail party?


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You're missing the point, the point is that there was no discussion or warning, they just did it or in the process of doing it. All they needed to do to keep me in their corner is to explain what they are going to do before they do it. It's not only common sense, it's good business practice. I'm loyal to a fault, to people who treat me the way I expect to be treated as a paying customer.You don't dangle a carrot out in front of someone for several years then yank it away with no explaination.

If they need to cut cost, eliminate the printed luggage tags like the other cruislines did. Based on 4 tags per person, you're probably talking well over a$100k per year by the time you add the postage, labor and material. I even got luggage tags for the second leg of my b2b cruise that I didn't ask for even though we stay in the same cabin for the whole journey.have no problem printing my own tags and it didn't upset me because I knew it was happening.

We are a 3star with Holland, Diamond Plus with RCL and 2nd tier with Princess so we wouldn't be giving up all freebies by spreading our business around more than we do.

I see all these other cruiseships in these ports and they all seem to be pretty full, so they must all have something going for themselves to attract returning customers. It may be upgrades, obcs or yes even free drinks. The person paying the bill has the right to go to whomever he wants and shouldn't be criticized or chastized by people who do not agree with their choice or reason for it. We have a group of cruisers that hang out and we all have favorit lines, ours is Celebrity, two couples like Princess, one couple like Holland America, and yes one even likes Norwegian. We don't argue about it because we respect their right to freedom of choice.

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Thanks very much to Celebrity for their reply. As suspected, it's due to the large number of Elite Members onboard, and their response to the large demand for the Happy Hour, makes perfect sense.


Host Andy, assuming you have read the earlier and later posts you will be aware that Celebrity have chosen NOT to answer many of the issues raised. In fact it seems that the vouchers are NOT being used solely on overcrowded TA's.


The issue which vexes many posters regarding the number of vouchers to be issued has not been addressed, neither has the loss of canapes, or the loss of the social gathering . Neither is it clear which venues can be used by voucher holders.


Far from answering concerns, the statement, by failing to address posters concerns with a full and frank explanation, raises yet more concerns in peoples minds.


Could you please go back to X and ask for further clarity.


On a personal note, I have been turning this over in my mind since I discovered the OP.


I can see the difficulty posed by large numbers (how many IS too many) of Elite members on the TAs, however there is no doubt that many Elite members value the Cocktail Party/Social Hour/Happy Hour very highly for whatever reason.


To lose this part of the Captains Club Elite tier offering is taking a significant chunk of the Elite benefits away, and frankly just replacing it with 2 drinks vouchers to be used in some as yet unspecified bars devalues the original offering severely.


If a compromise cannot be found where the event can still be held, and vouchers issued instead to those who would prefer them, my suggestion would be to adopt the following for TAs:


"Where an individual ship is unable to hold the Elite gathering, 3 daily vouchers per Elite passenger should be issued for drinks available from the existing gathering menu. In compensation for the non-availability of the gathering, these vouchers should be usable at any bar except poolside, theatre or dining areas, and use of vouchers to be available between the extended hours of 3-8 pm."


I suspect that would satisfy the majority of concerns, and also allow the Elites who have previously chosen not to attend the gathering because of late dinner/crowding or other such issues to benefit.


I would be prepared to accept this as a reasonable solution to the problem on TAs (however "normal" cruises in other parts of the world would be a different matter).

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Elite Captain’s Club Benefit: My Take

Access to the Captain's Club Lounge for coffeehouse style breakfast and evening social hour (open daily except embarkation and the evening of the Senior Officers' Cocktail Party)”

When this benefit was first introduced from 4-6pm there were many complaints from pax that only early diners could take advantage because elites could not rush from the pool area in their bathing attire and casual day wear and take their drinks out of the lounge. The time was shifted to 5:00 to 7:00 so that early diners could enjoy a drink before dinner and second seating guests could enjoy the 6-7 time slot.

Since the day the elite perk was introduced there have been complaints and the Captain’s Club host(ess) took the personal attacks and insults from passengers that just refused to follow the guidelines.

· Every day someone would show up in shorts, t-shirts, flip flops and became angered when turned away

· Every day someone would order drinks minutes before 7 and attempt to take their drinks from the lounge.

· Every day people who were non-elites were angered because they could not enter the lounge

· Many elites couples would share their keycard with non-elite friends to sneak them into the lounge.

· Some elite passengers would argue that their best friends or family members not in their cabin should be able to get free drinks.

The policy about to be adopted (I think) fleet-wide is designed to deal with a situation that cannot be solved in any other way. There is no lounge large enough to deal with 800 to a 1,000 elite guests. Elite guests can still gather in the sky lounge where the “menu” will remain the same. There will no longer be someone at the door excluding non-elites nor monitoring the dress code nor preventing anyone from leaving with a drink. Friends who wish to meet in several other lounges such as the Passport Bar, Martini Bar, Ensemble Lounge will be able to get drinks with non-elites. It should be noted that Celebrity calls this the Elite Social Hour not Hours. The only downside of the new policy is that elites will be limited to two drinks during the social hour. In every other way I believe that the new policy is more flexible with fewer hassles and less strain on personnel.

However the change in policy might have been introduced so that a couple of coupons could be added for sailaway day, a nice way to smooth the waters when so many feel that their elite perk has been devastated.

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Do you believe that this is the new policy on all sailings? Do you believe that there will be a new Elite Plus Level where the Cocktail Hour remains? Thanks for your knowledgable comments. I do agree that this program has been very hard on the host/hostesses.

Elite Captain’s Club Benefit: My Take

Access to the Captain's Club Lounge for coffeehouse style breakfast and evening social hour (open daily except embarkation and the evening of the Senior Officers' Cocktail Party)”

When this benefit was first introduced from 4-6pm there were many complaints from pax that only early diners could take advantage because elites could not rush from the pool area in their bathing attire and casual day wear and take their drinks out of the lounge. The time was shifted to 5:00 to 7:00 so that early diners could enjoy a drink before dinner and second seating guests could enjoy the 6-7 time slot.

Since the day the elite perk was introduced there have been complaints and the Captain’s Club host(ess) took the personal attacks and insults from passengers that just refused to follow the guidelines.

· Every day someone would show up in shorts, t-shirts, flip flops and became angered when turned away

· Every day someone would order drinks minutes before 7 and attempt to take their drinks from the lounge.

· Every day people who were non-elites were angered because they could not enter the lounge

· Many elites couples would share their keycard with non-elite friends to sneak them into the lounge.

· Some elite passengers would argue that their best friends or family members not in their cabin should be able to get free drinks.

The policy about to be adopted (I think) fleet-wide is designed to deal with a situation that cannot be solved in any other way. There is no lounge large enough to deal with 800 to a 1,000 elite guests. Elite guests can still gather in the sky lounge where the “menu” will remain the same. There will no longer be someone at the door excluding non-elites nor monitoring the dress code nor preventing anyone from leaving with a drink. Friends who wish to meet in several other lounges such as the Passport Bar, Martini Bar, Ensemble Lounge will be able to get drinks with non-elites. It should be noted that Celebrity calls this the Elite Social Hour not Hours. The only downside of the new policy is that elites will be limited to two drinks during the social hour. In every other way I believe that the new policy is more flexible with fewer hassles and less strain on personnel.

However the change in policy might have been introduced so that a couple of coupons could be added for sailaway day, a nice way to smooth the waters when so many feel that their elite perk has been devastated.

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You last name on our email list caused me to wonder. If Sandy did not sleep nude, she would probably wear that sweater to bed! :eek: We are in process of ordering Rogers Victoria cremes gift boxes to give as gifts on our Asia cruise. Sandy wants to order very early so that she will have to order again closer to the cruise. :p Again, many thanks for the beautiful sweater!


Warmest regards, Bill


Bill...that's a little toooo much information!!! LOL:D:D;)

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This sounds like a logical solution to the problem of trying to satisfy a large number of Elite passengers. I don't see a problem. There have been many times when the Sky lounge has been so full that it was impossible to find a seat and because of the crowding the service was not great. I applaud Celebrity for the excellent service we have received over many years in all venues and for addressing the current situation. As far as the mingling with other Elite passengers goes, this new situation makes it easier to mingle with all the other passengers, Elite or whatever class. We like the newbees, the inbetweens and the veterans. They are all GOOD and we are on the same boat together.

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This sounds like a logical solution to the problem of trying to satisfy a large number of Elite passengers. I don't see a problem. There have been many times when the Sky lounge has been so full that it was impossible to find a seat and because of the crowding the service was not great. I applaud Celebrity for the excellent service we have received over many years in all venues and for addressing the current situation. As far as the mingling with other Elite passengers goes, this new situation makes it easier to mingle with all the other passengers, Elite or whatever class. We like the newbees, the inbetweens and the veterans. They are all GOOD and we are on the same boat together.


Perfectedly put thank you

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Have a question... Before it was a rule: you couldn't leave SL (or Elite Hour place) with a drink. I just wonder if you can leave a Bar with a drink you get for your daily coupon and go to your stateroom?


Yes, yet another question which will need an answer although I don't really see how anyone could stop you doing that........................

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I thought you could not use the coupons in the martini bar, Cellar masters and one other bar. That leaves passport bar and outdoor bars. If it is cold or raining that would not work. Also heard from Eclipse passenger that games were being held at that time in the Sky lounge so that would not work. The bars that you can use coupon in would be very busy.

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Have a question... Before it was a rule: you couldn't leave SL (or Elite Hour place) with a drink. I just wonder if you can leave a Bar with a drink you get for your daily coupon and go to your stateroom?


Celebrity is trying to cut costs.


One way to make the change more appealing is to allow guests to use the coupons during dinner or in the theater. They would be managing costs by limiting the coupons to two per day (or whatever the number), but selling it to past passengers that the times/locations would be less restrictive.

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Celebrity is trying to cut costs.


One way to make the change more appealing is to allow guests to use the coupons during dinner or in the theater. They would be managing costs by limiting the coupons to two per day (or whatever the number), but selling it to past passengers that the times/locations would be less restrictive.

I like your idea of "during dinner or in the theater". But it will open another discussion.

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This is somewhat of a repeat of what I said on another thread. This policy change could be the opening of a new Elite level where Elites will receive coupons and the new level will includethe Traditional Elite Hour. Could be a major cost savings to Celebrity since they can limit drinks, eliminate snacks and reduce staffing requirements. At the same time they include a "new" benefit for a higher level that doesn't add significant cost if they make that level difficult to attain. Perhaps they follow the Diamond Plus model or require a minimum of 50 points. Jut a thought. Remember how Bayley answered the question concerning a new level. Pretty much promised an announcement when he returned to Cruise Critic.



I'm late coming to this thread but want to add my posts that it's a good idea to spread the elites to other bars and go ahead with a Deluxe Elite status reward for the top 20-30 most loyal Celebrity passengers on each itinerary, let's call them Cruise Stars (smile) and give them a nice lounge for their recognition perks.


The other paying passengers can then use the Sky Lounge with bar service, and should have a coupon for a limited amount for drinks of any type anywhere on the ship. Say a coupon for 6 or 8 dollars with the passenger paying the difference on a Molecular drink or Martini Flight.



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I thought you could not use the coupons in the martini bar, Cellar masters and one other bar. That leaves passport bar and outdoor bars. If it is cold or raining that would not work. Also heard from Eclipse passenger that games were being held at that time in the Sky lounge so that would not work. The bars that you can use coupon in would be very busy.


Indeed they would; and might yet have similar overcrowding problems to the Sky Lounge if groups of Elites from the 800 plus turned up in large numbers at the same or similar times!

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It is likely that we will have to wait and see what happens on sailings over the xext few months. I do know that since royal Carribbean and Celebrity status were interchangeable to some degree the numbers of Elite guests has increased dramatically and certainly on sailings such as TAs, something had to be done.


When numbers are very high it was difficult to ensure those attending were eligile and some passengers didnt play the game - I know one couple came in on the husbands card and the wife had switched hers with a non-elite coupl so they could enter! What people wil do for a free drink!


We have a drinks package so our main issue is missing a good social with a chance to meet up with friends old and new. The fixed time every day means people get to know one another.

Maybe offering a choice would work - vouchers or social. That would reduce the problem somewhat and give most people what they want.


Perhaps we should wait and see rather than attack people with inflamatory language - I'm going to Asia and Aussie next but the heat on this board is greater than I'll experience there!!:eek:

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Simple solution, if a cruise has too many elites for lounge social hours, would be to give elites an OBC of some number of dollars per day. The OBC could be used to drink whatever, wherever or not drink at all. We certainly are not thinking of changing any of our booked Celebrity cruises over a few drinks. We love Celebrity! :cool:

Sorry, I posted this before post 296 appeared with the same message.

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Elite Captain’s Club Benefit: My Take

Access to the Captain's Club Lounge for coffeehouse style breakfast and evening social hour (open daily except embarkation and the evening of the Senior Officers' Cocktail Party)”

When this benefit was first introduced from 4-6pm there were many complaints from pax that only early diners could take advantage because elites could not rush from the pool area in their bathing attire and casual day wear and take their drinks out of the lounge. The time was shifted to 5:00 to 7:00 so that early diners could enjoy a drink before dinner and second seating guests could enjoy the 6-7 time slot.

Since the day the elite perk was introduced there have been complaints and the Captain’s Club host(ess) took the personal attacks and insults from passengers that just refused to follow the guidelines.

· Every day someone would show up in shorts, t-shirts, flip flops and became angered when turned away

· Every day someone would order drinks minutes before 7 and attempt to take their drinks from the lounge.

· Every day people who were non-elites were angered because they could not enter the lounge

· Many elites couples would share their keycard with non-elite friends to sneak them into the lounge.

· Some elite passengers would argue that their best friends or family members not in their cabin should be able to get free drinks.

The policy about to be adopted (I think) fleet-wide is designed to deal with a situation that cannot be solved in any other way. There is no lounge large enough to deal with 800 to a 1,000 elite guests. Elite guests can still gather in the sky lounge where the “menu” will remain the same. There will no longer be someone at the door excluding non-elites nor monitoring the dress code nor preventing anyone from leaving with a drink. Friends who wish to meet in several other lounges such as the Passport Bar, Martini Bar, Ensemble Lounge will be able to get drinks with non-elites. It should be noted that Celebrity calls this the Elite Social Hour not Hours. The only downside of the new policy is that elites will be limited to two drinks during the social hour. In every other way I believe that the new policy is more flexible with fewer hassles and less strain on personnel.

However the change in policy might have been introduced so that a couple of coupons could be added for sailaway day, a nice way to smooth the waters when so many feel that their elite perk has been devastated.


The point is not that they are changing the program it is that they are doing it without any notice. They are blind side there best customers. That is not how you take on new polices. you give notice of changes so people can adjust there cruises in a manner they see fit. You dont piss off your best customers when they are about to leave on a long cruise. That is customer service 101. For me it is an easy fix move back to Royal Caribbean for the Diamond Plus party and 300.00 off the cabins.

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When I first heard about this I was a little sad at the possibility, but after sitting on it and reading for the last few days it really doesn't seem that bad. The drinks are not a big deal. It would be nice to get coupons, of course, but I think what I'll miss is the ambiance of it all. The Captain and staff can't be at every bar, the bands are usually pretty good, it's kind of fancy having appetizers brought to you, it was really easy to meet other people because people expect you to join them since room is limited and we are all pretty seasoned cruisers, and having the hostess welcome you is also really nice (she can't be at all the bars either). I think the drinks are just a small part of the overall experience.


That said, we could do many of these same things at other bars. It just seems more awkward since this party provided a great environment for it.


I certainly wouldn't cancel our cruise because of it, but I have to confess I would miss it.


I know some think, and have said here quite graphically, that all Elites are snobs and, what was the term, "blood suckers". I haven't found that to be true. Like anything else, there are some who are over the top rude, but some of those types are not Elites as well. We just started cruising years ago. My wife got a job part time to save up for our family vacations and we found that cruising was a great way to do lots of things for an affordable price. She used to joke, "I work to cruise". We've only been in a suite once (we were upgraded) and we don't eat in specialty restaurants every night. We live within our means and are saving for retirement, but vacations are important to us so we save and do it every year.


We are Elite on Celebrity (from cruising) and Diamond on RCCL (from cruising).


I think we're pretty typical. If you live long enough and like cruising enough eventually the number of cruises adds up. I think it's nice that Celebrity does such a great job of rewarding repeat cruisers (we felt really special even on our second cruise). Just because I would miss some of the perks that we've had, it doesn't mean that I'm whiny or entitled or anything. I have just enjoyed what they've done and I'll miss it if it's gone. It does list it as a benefit on the website so I can see how some would count on that as part of the deal. They might want to think about changing that text to be more clear about the "could change at any time even after booking" idea (to be fair). I consider the Elite benefits as part of the cruise package and it's part of our decision making. Who wouldn't? I suspect that's why Celebrity gives us the benefits (to keep us coming back for more).


Lots of things change and we try to roll with the changes, but that doesn't mean we don't miss the things we've lost. Or, in this case, think we may lose :rolleyes:




It is likely that we will have to wait and see what happens on sailings over the xext few months. I do know that since royal Carribbean and Celebrity status were interchangeable to some degree the numbers of Elite guests has increased dramatically and certainly on sailings such as TAs, something had to be done.


When numbers are very high it was difficult to ensure those attending were eligile and some passengers didnt play the game - I know one couple came in on the husbands card and the wife had switched hers with a non-elite coupl so they could enter! What people wil do for a free drink!


We have a drinks package so our main issue is missing a good social with a chance to meet up with friends old and new. The fixed time every day means people get to know one another.

Maybe offering a choice would work - vouchers or social. That would reduce the problem somewhat and give most people what they want.


Perhaps we should wait and see rather than attack people with inflamatory language - I'm going to Asia and Aussie next but the heat on this board is greater than I'll experience there!!:eek:

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Wow, tempest in a shotglass!


My take is that this is an attempt to solve the real problem of overcrowding on certain cruises--like the TAs. Have been on a number over the years, and the number of folks at the happy hours has increased by a factor approached by the number of folks on food stamps. The crew and host/hostess, in my opinion, have tried valiantly to make things better--but have been overwhelmed. We've been know to wait until the first batch left for their dinner--only way to get a seat. Have also been know to go to the martini bar instead.


Have been on other cruises where there were a relative handful of Elites and have enjoyed the happy hour.


Is there a cost-savings involved? Maybe, but I doubt that is the main reason.


another TA coming up in Nov. We'll see for ourselves.

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You're missing the point, the point is that there was no discussion or warning, they just did it or in the process of doing it. All they needed to do to keep me in their corner is to explain what they are going to do before they do it. It's not only common sense, it's good business practice. I'm loyal to a fault, to people who treat me the way I expect to be treated as a paying customer.You don't dangle a carrot out in front of someone for several years then yank it away with no explaination.

If they need to cut cost, eliminate the printed luggage tags like the other cruislines did. Based on 4 tags per person, you're probably talking well over a$100k per year by the time you add the postage, labor and material. I even got luggage tags for the second leg of my b2b cruise that I didn't ask for even though we stay in the same cabin for the whole journey.have no problem printing my own tags and it didn't upset me because I knew it was happening.

We are a 3star with Holland, Diamond Plus with RCL and 2nd tier with Princess so we wouldn't be giving up all freebies by spreading our business around more than we do.

I see all these other cruiseships in these ports and they all seem to be pretty full, so they must all have something going for themselves to attract returning customers. It may be upgrades, obcs or yes even free drinks. The person paying the bill has the right to go to whomever he wants and shouldn't be criticized or chastized by people who do not agree with their choice or reason for it. We have a group of cruisers that hang out and we all have favorit lines, ours is Celebrity, two couples like Princess, one couple like Holland America, and yes one even likes Norwegian. We don't argue about it because we respect their right to freedom of choice.


Amen brother

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The point is not that they are changing the program it is that they are doing it without any notice. They are blind side there best customers. That is not how you take on new polices. you give notice of changes so people can adjust there cruises in a manner they see fit. You dont piss off your best customers when they are about to leave on a long cruise. That is customer service 101.



Exactly; in a way those of us on Cruise Critic are the lucky ones - we now have an idea of what will happen on this and future years TAs and an inkling of what may happen on all future cruises.


Picture the dozens, if not hundreds, of Elite members who either are not Cruise Critic members or don't follow the line boards just their roll calls - the first they wil know of this is when they board ship. Who would like to be a Captains Club Host on their ships? Not many of us, I suspect.

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