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Enchantment not so enchanting...

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My boss & his wife were on Enchantment...May 3rd...and getting off were pulled aside by customs...they are frequent cruisers & this was a first for them...White, Upper Middle class...Middle age couple...the agents tore them APART!!! checked all their luggage..questioned EVERYTHING from the jewelery the husband wore to the medication the wife was taking...they spent at least 45 mins. going thru everything they had...and for what reason they never knew...at the end...they gave them a booklet of their "rights" during a customs search....makes me wonder just what is going on at PC...

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My boss & his wife were on Enchantment...May 3rd...and getting off were pulled aside by customs...they are frequent cruisers & this was a first for them...White, Upper Middle class...Middle age couple...the agents tore them APART!!! checked all their luggage..questioned EVERYTHING from the jewelery the husband wore to the medication the wife was taking...they spent at least 45 mins. going thru everything they had...and for what reason they never knew...at the end...they gave them a booklet of their "rights" during a customs search....makes me wonder just what is going on at PC...


EXACTLY! They went thru all of our documents looking for receipts and kept asking us over and over if there was a possibility that they were going to find anything. Are we living in Venezuela??????


This is American people! Their behavior was nothing less than harassment.


Enough said by me. I am thru with this post. All of you who lurk and just read be advised of Custom's tactics in PC.

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I say "thank you" to all the custom agents, who make a split decision to detain whom ever they have a gut feeling should be detained.


If it weren't for them we would have many more problems going on. They're not just looking for booze or a T shirt.


We have been asked to step aside before many years ago. I would not have a problem with it if it happened now.



I would think, you being an airline pilot, would have more respect for custom agents. Are they the not ones that kept your aircraft safe?


This all might sound mellow dramatic .... but it is what it is.

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Becuse random searches are standard practice. IMO, what the OP experienced has nothing to do with profiling. The US has adopted many of the practices that have been in use for decades around the world. CBP decides on a screening pattern (say every 20th person through station one and every 17th person through station two). You hit the line at the wrong time and your number comes up. In Heathrow they tag your luggage with colored dots. If your Color hits the head of the line when that Color's number comes up - bingo you're searched.

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My boss & his wife were on Enchantment...May 3rd...and getting off were pulled aside by customs...they are frequent cruisers & this was a first for them...White, Upper Middle class...Middle age couple...the agents tore them APART!!! checked all their luggage..questioned EVERYTHING from the jewelery the husband wore to the medication the wife was taking...they spent at least 45 mins. going thru everything they had...and for what reason they never knew...at the end...they gave them a booklet of their "rights" during a customs search....makes me wonder just what is going on at PC...


Targeting certain people is now approved by our government...watch Cspan and hear it for yourself. The culture to harrass CERTAIN TARGETED citizens is no doubt spreading throughout these agencies...because as was testified...PROFILING THEM is NOT criminal.


Profiling others gets you fired. I think targeted ANY one should get you fired. But ourgovernment disagrees.

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i say "thank you" to all the custom agents, who make a split decision to detain whom ever they have a gut feeling should be detained.


If it weren't for them we would have many more problems going on. They're not just looking for booze or a t shirt.


We have been asked to step aside before many years ago. I would not have a problem with it if it happened now.



I would think, you being an airline pilot, would have more respect for custom agents. Are they the not ones that kept your aircraft safe?


This all might sound mellow dramatic .... But it is what it is.


+10,000 !!!!!

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While I am also tired of some rude government employees, I must say I think you are reading too much into the "well dressed" thing.


I go through PC a lot since several of my favoriate ships depart there. My buddies and I get pulled quite a few times between us. We get pulled when we dressed well. We get pulled when we dressed like ****. Makes no difference.

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I say "thank you" to all the custom agents, who make a split decision to detain whom ever they have a gut feeling should be detained.


If it weren't for them we would have many more problems going on. They're not just looking for booze or a T shirt.


We have been asked to step aside before many years ago. I would not have a problem with it if it happened now.



I would think, you being an airline pilot, would have more respect for custom agents. Are they the not ones that kept your aircraft safe?


This all might sound mellow dramatic .... but it is what it is.


No .. customs agents are not the ones keeping planes safe .. they are the ones who rifle through passengers belonings AFTER they have deplaned.

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My boss & his wife were on Enchantment...May 3rd...and getting off were pulled aside by customs...they are frequent cruisers & this was a first for them...White, Upper Middle class...Middle age couple...the agents tore them APART!!! checked all their luggage..questioned EVERYTHING from the jewelery the husband wore to the medication the wife was taking...they spent at least 45 mins. going thru everything they had...and for what reason they never knew...at the end...they gave them a booklet of their "rights" during a customs search....makes me wonder just what is going on at PC...


I wonder what the skin color of the head of Customs in PC is. Hmmmm.

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I'd like to add that the customs agents in Port Canaveral were the only people on the entire cruise that gave me any trouble over cruising solo.


What an interesting comment. I was recently on a 12 nighter when the Enchantment repositioned to Florida. When I was heading through Customs. The agent really grilled me. I had no expensive jewelry or had declared any items (I rarely buy stuff, where would you put it all anyway?). I thought it was odd and I was a male cruising solo. Anyway, I didn't say anything I just responded to the questions; I would probably lose in a confrontation anyway. He was also typing away like a fiend. I would love to know what he was writing in my record. As the agent was beginning to hand me my passport he asked what town I was born in. I answered and then he handed me my passport. I thought the whole moment was odd, especially as I noticed others sailing through the checkpoint. I understand they have a tough and perhaps tedious job but I did feel singled out.

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Amazing how so many "minorities" will take any opportunity to twist and turn any situation around to how they are being victimized.

Interesting, though, when other "minorities" feel they are being singled out or profiled, somehow it's perfectly OK to scream like a stuck pig and get people like Al Sharpton and his followers involved for a protest, but when a white person feels the same, "minorities" will get offended over that as well! So just stop being so paranoid and get over yourself... it's not always about you. White people can be targeted too .. I should think you'd enjoy seeing that.


Get over myself??? I made a comment about what the OP said concerning minorities was not being pulled aside because they were somehow different then him and now I have twisted things around and we are ow talking about minority people screaming racism like stuck pigs and calling Al Sharpton??? And people's on here saying they wanted to say that too??? This quickly took a turn to getting into racial overtones so after this post I think I better just stay out of it! This thread is one I hope gets deleted. Wow unbelievable!

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I have to disagree with you on this one; Spring Break is already over. They were definitely targeting us, and frankly it is was just plain harassment from Government employees. Nothing like ending a vacation cruise and getting roughed up a bit by some "peon" Customs guys with way too much power for their intellects to handle. I thought I would let you know how I really feel, lol.


Thanks for the info on the ship changes. I knew this was strictly rumor, but interesting.




I'd say you are a little full of yourself. I doubt you were roughed up by a peon. If you were singled out there was a reason Mr Rolex.:eek::eek:

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No, not entitlement. What I do expect is not to be harassed by Customs while getting off of a Cruise Ship vacation as I would also expect for all of you. We are hard working people (I still have another job even though I am retired from the airline) who pay high taxes. I don't expect Customs to search me so they can possibly catch me smuggling something which would allow them to extract more money from me. We were honest on our Dec Form, and the supervisor tried to tell me that we were singled out because we put down 0 for our amount of purchases. What???? So the morale is to lie on your form? That's baloney. I displayed no attitude at all towards the agent. I did get aggravated after I saw him spot the watch and pull us aside. It was so obvious. I regret saying that it was a Rolex because of the comments I am getting, and I stated exactly what I perceived to be happening. People are taking offense to that. Well it may have not been PC to say that, but I am so sick and tired of people sanitizing their opinions to be PC.


Just for my future reference when dealing with customs. What amount of taxes do I need to pay to be above the law and allowed to smuggle to not have to pay any more Money for stuff brought into the Country?:rolleyes:


But sure that´s not some entitlement:rolleyes:


For those saying his attitude just started after the fact he was pulled aside - well I doubt you were there to see it and from the OP we will get a one sided Story. I know it´s just my opinion and not a fact, but I highly doubt the attitude just started then.


I´ve been pulled aside to have my luggage searched before. No Problems there at all, they are doing their Job, it was rather random, nothing was found and I was on my way again. If you start to act like an idiot it just gets unpleasant and a lengthy procedure for both sides. Can´t see where´s any sign of harrasment.

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I had to deal with FAA, TSA, DHS, and Customs personnel on a regular basis in the course of my airline career spanning 28 years, and they all had complete power over us. We were always told to never challenge them because it would only make things worse. Instead you were supposed to remain quiet, go along, and then contact your Company Supervisor. I have seen Flight Attendants harassed over a couple of bottles of liquor they wanted to bring back for friends. Seeing fellow Pilots threatened with costly fines and suspensions for making honest mistakes. There were serious double standards between how they treated us and how they were admonished when they made mistakes.


I guess I do have some dis-taste for government employees, and in this case I was not suppose to question their motives. BS! I called them out, and I would do it again.


Now I see your Point FA´s of course don´t Need to declare and pay duty on Liquor if it´s for friends:rolleyes: How rude of customs, they should know tax paying People and FA´s as well as other Airline employees are above the law.:rolleyes:


There´s no guessing you have some dis-taste for government employees, it´s well documented by your Posts here:rolleyes: Again with this attitude I can clearly see how much fun those government employees have with you. What goes around Comes around.

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What an interesting comment. I was recently on a 12 nighter when the Enchantment repositioned to Florida. When I was heading through Customs. The agent really grilled me. I had no expensive jewelry or had declared any items (I rarely buy stuff, where would you put it all anyway?). I thought it was odd and I was a male cruising solo. Anyway, I didn't say anything I just responded to the questions; I would probably lose in a confrontation anyway.

I guess my experience wasn't unique. So it looks like guys/men cruising solo should stay away from Port Canaveral. Oh well. Not big enough of a deal to upset me. Most cruises out of Port Canaveral go to Bahamas, anyway. And now that I've been there once, even though I had an awesome time, I'm pretty much Bahama'd out. I had an OK experience in Miami, so that's something to take note of.

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I can agree with some of the OP's origional thoughts.


1) Yes, when the EN was stretched, it caused problems in the Windjammer and the Theater. I have been on the EN over a dozen times, and this is a constant problem.


2) I had the same experience in Port Canaveral. I was doing a back to back cruise, but decided to leave the ship for the day to meet some friends who live in the area. I was put in the "special room" for several minutes ( as was every other single i saw) and he wanted to know why i was doing a b2b, etc..

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I say "thank you" to all the custom agents, who make a split decision to detain whom ever they have a gut feeling should be detained.


If it weren't for them we would have many more problems going on. They're not just looking for booze or a T shirt.


We have been asked to step aside before many years ago. I would not have a problem with it if it happened now.



I would think, you being an airline pilot, would have more respect for custom agents. Are they the not ones that kept your aircraft safe?


This all might sound mellow dramatic .... but it is what it is.


Uh...no. I'm pretty sure customs agents have nothing to do with aircraft safety.

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DW and I were on the Enchantment for 15 days recently and had one of the best cruise experiences because of the crew and officers. They are simply the best.


Now the however. However, the ship was dirty and in need of rust removal (coverup?). Several of our (cruise) friends also commented on this and we feel that this may be due to the many cruises we have done on the Monarch. John Denton (HD) and the Facilities Manager had that ship in near perfect condition despite her age. The Enchantment was not being swept clean in the Solarium with food debris seen on the floor from the day before. Sand (?) deposits on the floor of the Solarium pool for days until I complained - then they shut it down for vacuum cleaning.


Why go to the Windjammer when the ship has Park Cafe? Because most boarding PAX don't know about this little gem!


Now about Customs. The agents at Port Canaveral do appear to be more diligent than the other Florida ports and using profiling techniques. I am all for profiling, and we were profiled (in our humble opinion) when getting off the Monarch in March. Surrounded by many college students (not implying they might be bringing back drugs!)who were not pulled aside -not a single one, the customs' agent asked rolex wearing DW and I to step aside and go with an agent to the inspection room. The room had several other (retired-looking)couples having their baggage examined.


A thorough inspection of our luggage was laced with questions, over and over again, "Did you buy more (than two) packs of cigarettes", "Did you buy any jewelry?". DW has a particular, multi-chambered, bag that she brings her jewelry in, and the agent asked where she bought each and every one of these pieces. (slight exaggeration/embellishment) When it was over (approx. 20 minutes), they handed us their official rule book, seemingly because they expect to get hassled. I handed it back with a "no thank you" and the comment that "I would just throw it away - so save it for someone who would actually read it".


So, no punch line, no Timmy getting a life lesson, just an experience.

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Interesting thread, as a Canadian I view coming into the States as a privilege and expect to be queried by Customs when entering the United States or any country for that matter.


We travel so much now that we are retired that we applied for and were granted NEXUS & Global Traveler status. One must supply finger prints and a retina scan plus submit to a in depth personal interview with an agent.

This would be considered invasive by most people but the privilege of walking past Customs at most airports or driving in and out of the US with just a card scan makes it worth while.

Of coarse we can be stopped and questioned at anytime.


On the subject of profiling, as a 'White" male with a wife not of European descent I can state with confidence that you have no idea what profiling is.

My wife has been stopped so many times it is laughable and my adult children have been questioned recently by both US and CDN customs about there identity and validity of their passports as they reportedly "do not look like they should have an English given or surname".

I assume they should considered themselves lucky not to be questioned on their vacation purchases but be asked about their drug use habits?


Life truly is a burden when one can be judged not by the colour of ones skin but by the watch one wears.


I also have a Rolex but leave it at home when I travel, it can draw attention from far worse people then US Customs.

I found a Rolex a great aid to help people to profile me when I was working but don't need it anymore.

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I guess my experience wasn't unique. So it looks like guys/men cruising solo should stay away from Port Canaveral. Oh well. Not big enough of a deal to upset me. Most cruises out of Port Canaveral go to Bahamas, anyway. And now that I've been there once, even though I had an awesome time, I'm pretty much Bahama'd out. I had an OK experience in Miami, so that's something to take note of.


The reason I thought it was odd is because I have traveled all over and this was the first time I was questioned so thoroughly and looked at so suspiciously. It was an experience to be sure. I did keep one thing in the back of my mind; Boston had just occurred the prior week, but still... I have sailed out of PC a few times, I consider this experience an anomaly.

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They "picked" on him prior to the "attitude." The incident started with THEIR attitude. This type of "targeting" is being exposed everywhere in our government today. If a wide percentage of certain folks are singled out...it is called "profiling" and RIGHTLY, there is an uproar and outrage and perhaps even lost jobs and criminal complaints.


But TODAY, we learn that if it is done in REVERSE...it is "bad cusomer service" and nothing is done about it.


I have nodoubt this attitude runs rampant in all parts of the government today. And it results in....BONUSES and PROMOTIONS...not lost jobs and criminal complaints.


You know this, how? :confused: I don't see the Customs agent here to defend himself. Customs agents are trained to spot and target persons with evasive attitudes. How do you know that's not what happened? In fact, based on the language spoken here by the op, I would be willing to bet that's exactly what happened. It's classic of today's entitlement society. Give the officer an attitude and then blame him and insult him for his response. :rolleyes:


I almost always get questioned about my watch when coming off a cruise. And every time, I politely show it to them and politely explain it. Not once have I been pulled into secondary.

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DW and I were on the Enchantment for 15 days recently and had one of the best cruise experiences because of the crew and officers. They are simply the best.


Now the however. However, the ship was dirty and in need of rust removal (coverup?). Several of our (cruise) friends also commented on this and we feel that this may be due to the many cruises we have done on the Monarch. John Denton (HD) and the Facilities Manager had that ship in near perfect condition despite her age. The Enchantment was not being swept clean in the Solarium with food debris seen on the floor from the day before. Sand (?) deposits on the floor of the Solarium pool for days until I complained - then they shut it down for vacuum cleaning.


Why go to the Windjammer when the ship has Park Cafe? Because most boarding PAX don't know about this little gem!


Now about Customs. The agents at Port Canaveral do appear to be more diligent than the other Florida ports and using profiling techniques. I am all for profiling, and we were profiled (in our humble opinion) when getting off the Monarch in March. Surrounded by many college students (not implying they might be bringing back drugs!)who were not pulled aside -not a single one, the customs' agent asked rolex wearing DW and I to step aside and go with an agent to the inspection room. The room had several other (retired-looking)couples having their baggage examined.


A thorough inspection of our luggage was laced with questions, over and over again, "Did you buy more (than two) packs of cigarettes", "Did you buy any jewelry?". DW has a particular, multi-chambered, bag that she brings her jewelry in, and the agent asked where she bought each and every one of these pieces. (slight exaggeration/embellishment) When it was over (approx. 20 minutes), they handed us their official rule book, seemingly because they expect to get hassled. I handed it back with a "no thank you" and the comment that "I would just throw it away - so save it for someone who would actually read it".


So, no punch line, no Timmy getting a life lesson, just an experience.


So I am not a lone wolf.


I saw the dirt, yet several on here insinuated that I was seeing something that didn't exist. I didn't mention the rust, but we noticed it too. Especially on our balcony. We noticed the old balcony furniture. We noticed that the solarium roof was never opened even though it was like a sauna in there (we suspect it is broken). Having said that, I did say that other areas looked good, just showing wear. As I stated, IMO the Enchantment is not up to the RCCL standards we have grown accustomed to. Am I not allowed to say that on this board? Apparently it ruffled some feathers.


I was targeted by Customs. But for saying that I am labeled a cry baby entitled rich paranoid guy with a attitude who needs to go back to my mobile home park. Really?


BTW, Customs has nothing to do with the safety of our Jets. Maybe you are thinking of the TSA. Actually it is our awesome Flight Crews and their training, our Corporate Security Division, and our highly

Competent Maintenance Department that keep our Jets safe.


I am so sorry for posting this. It has turned into such a boondoggle.


Note to self. Never post anything while you are still angry, and never post on this board! I am sure that will draw some comments as well. Let them fly.

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