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NYC - Spendor, 10th June blog. (full day by day blog will incl pics.


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Well here we go, the first instalment of my blog for our Summer holiday 2013. 2 nights in New York

then 8 nights on board the Carnival Splendour cruising to Grand Turk then the Bahamas and back to NY

for another 2 nights before we head home on Thursday 20th June. (or 20-06 as it should be written in english.

But thats enough about them)


Before we start I have to say I write my blogs as the person I am, try if you can, to read in a Scottish accent.

I always look for positives and hope to have a great time but if something bothers me I will let rip and

the blog will have a full rant about it. There may even be a little industrial wording but please do not be offended.

Hopefully that is not gonna happen.


Our travelling party will be myself, the handsome happy smiling cheery cheeky but sometimes crabbit dad Ernie

Ma wee wifey, The lovely Hobbit or Kay to be exact and the pocket tornado 9 yr old Stuart, or Stinky Stu.

Now I have another son 18 yr old Jack, and I have 2 neices but I had never smelled anythng like the poohs that came from

Stuarts wee bum when he was a wean. He was rotten. Seriously stinky. Hence the name Stinky Stu.

A wee bit about us all. Stuart obviously is still in school, Kay works in a large LARGE Supermarket

and I work in a mortgage centre. Kay is old - 51, I am still young - 50 and when I am not working I play

a lot of bowls and watch a lot of football. (real football, Soccer. Not the game Americans call football) and

my fav team is Glasgow Celtic ''mon 'e' hoops'' I also love American TV shows as long as there is no canned laughter.

24, Dexter, Homeland, Entourage, The Wire, NCIS, Hawaii Five-0 etc etc and of course Star Trek. Too many to mention

but the one thing I hate is canned laughter. It kills the show for me hence I have never watched 'Friends' or the likes.


So thats the introductions done suppose I better start bloggin then.



Well as I write this its presently 4.25am on Sat 8th June and Kay (The lovely Hobbit) is upstairs finishing

ironing and packing. My job is to sort out the docs and important stuff like iphones laptops cameras etc.

My wee pal 'Buzz' the dug is lying on his chair next to mine snoring away. He knows something is going on, he will

miss us and we will miss him but at least Jack will be here for him.


Anyhoo, I managed to grab an hours kip on the chair earlier but I woke up like Johnny Rotten pogoing with cramp

in my calf. A direct result of my non stop moving around doing this and that and an awful lot of heehaw.

I have taken a lovely pic of a Scottish sunrise which I will add the the thread later.


We leave here around 7am to head to Glasgow airport where we will fly to London Heathrow and then onto JFK arriving

around 2pm local time (7pm real time) hopefully.



Well we actually left around quarter to 8 but still made the baggage drop comfortably, then headed up through security

where my laptop bag got pulled, whe had to wait around 10 mins before an officer had a look at it, put it back

through the scanner and I got the all clear! What was up with it in the 1st place? Just the way the wires were sitting!

Oh ok! Now we wander into the shopping area at half 8 and notice our flight is on final call!!! 30 mins before departure

Good stuff!! So we head to the gate board the plane at 0850 and sit at the gate for around 25 mins before taking off

20 mins late. I'll be fine I says, not to worry, I says, the pilot will make the time up and we will land on time, thinking

he will have a landing slot pre booked. Sure enough I was right (I remember I was wrong once before) we made good time

but still missed our slot so had to circle above LHR for another 20 mins before touchdown. We land at 1030 - Bang on

time for us to walk over to our next plane. But no!! they taxi us to the furthest possible point and we wait for a few

mins and now we are getting worried. Fear not says I the hero of the story, all will be fine. We see a wee wummin standing

with our flight no on it. Go there she says straight thro and up the escalators, Follow signs for Gate 44. OK on we go

pop into the shop for a magazine and some water and head straight to gate 44. Down the lift to the raillink - Wherels the

fkn train!!!! sign says 1 minute, no train, then one comes in and people get off the other platform but our doors stay

locked!! Right this is getting uncoformtable. Dont worry says I, the hero of the hour, I will prevail!! Doors open, off we

go, doors open out we go, up the escalators gate 44 this way. Walk, walk a bit more, walk some more following signs FK sake

where is this, Just done a bloody london marathon between planes. Aha gate 44, crew giving it hurry up move, blah blah

Then this arrogant bint comes out with 'did you book this online? You have not met the minimum connecting time here'

Well that was me off on one, Yes I booked it online, I booked to fly on the 1205 AA flight so we could have a bit of time here.

I am aware of the MCT but you guys British Airways, called me in Jan and changed my flight times!!! You cancelled the AA

flight and gave me this schedule. I queried it at the time and was told the MCT was 60 mins and we just made it!!!!!



Anyway in we go last people on board and we take off around 10 mins behind schedule thanks to us apparently!! 'Bite me'!!!

An uneventful flight, Hobbit slept, Stu jumped about and twisted and turned and general made a pest of himself (his wee

special talent is talking non stop!!) We land bang on time in JFK and then at immigration our names come blaring over

the tannoy!! 'Please contact a BA person re your luggage!!!'

Yes you are correct!! Our luggage never made to our flight!!

Not to worry says BA its on the next flight and we will forward it to your hotel as soon as it clears customs.


So we jump in a 'Yellow Cab' I was hoping for 'Cash Cab' but with our luck today not a chance!


Arrive at hotel, upstairs quick wash and same smelly clothes on again get ready to head out but we hit a problem!!!

We fall asleep!! only for an hour mind but it was a wee recharge. So we head on into NYC!!! 1st time ever.

Head to Times Square so have a nosey, LOve it!! Wandered around a bit and by now Kay''s feet are starting to hurt in her sandals

(no wonder to be fair) So we pop into a TGI Friday's and have a bite to eat then head back to the hotel around 10pm.


So not a great start to our holiday, 1st impressions of NYC - Big!! Bejeebus its big!! and some parts are a bit smelly!!



BTW its 6am in on the Sunday morning as I do this blog and there is still no sign of our bags!!!!




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Keep it coming!!! NYC is always stinky in the heat.


There are some great restaurants on 8th, 9th and 10th ave between 42nd street and 50th. Ask your concierge to suggest a reasonabily priced - local place.


TKTS is great for half priced broadway tickets (you will have to wait in line) - get details if you have time for that.


The subway is pretty safe but the ticketing and tain lines can be confusing so again ask concierge for help. South Street Seaport is fun. While down there take the Staten Island ferry for a beautiful view of the city and statue of liberty. Just stay on ferry and come right back. Also World trade center in that area.


The Cloisters (washington Heights) are beautiful but a long subway ride and you must stay close to subway/cloisters. Dont wander the neighborhood. A non new yorker can be a target.


Wait staff at local restaurants are a great source of information on tourist and non touristy things to do.


Have a wonderful time. I look forward to your blog!

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BTW, if you're looking for suggestions for what to do today, one of my favorite places to send visitors in summer months is Governors Island. It's a free ferry ride there, and there's always something fun going on.


This is one of today's events. There are also ongoing exhibits, pop-up shops, and happenings.

Saturday June 8 and Sunday June 9, FIGMENT NYC, 10am to 6pm

FIGMENT is a free, inclusive, participatory arts event held in multiple cities and drawing tens of thousands of participants each year. Now in its 7th year on Governors Island, FIGMENT NYC removes the barriers of museum and gallery walls and entrance fees, and blurs the lines between those who create and those who enjoy art. At FIGMENT you will find works in every imaginable medium including sculpture, installation, performance, music, workshops, games, social experiments, and heart-stopping technological innovations that change the way we see the world… and visitors are invited to bring something, too! FIGMENT NYC has been named the Best Art Festival in New York by the Village Voice, and BBC Travel writes, "If FIGMENT were a country, it would be the happiest in the world—and I would apply for citizenship immediately." See you at FIGMENT! What are you bringing?



For more info how to get there:http://www.govisland.com/html/visit/directions.shtml

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BTW, if you're looking for suggestions for what to do today, one of my favorite places to send visitors in summer months is Governors Island. It's a free ferry ride there, and there's always something fun going on.


This is one of today's events. There are also ongoing exhibits, pop-up shops, and happenings.



For more info how to get there:http://www.govisland.com/html/visit/directions.shtml



Thanks for the info but today we are heading upto Central Park Zoo.


Thats where the weeman wants to go so will just follow him.

I have given him the map of NYC and he can take us there. He is in total of control today.

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Happy Chappy - Looking forward to meeting you and your family tomorrow. We are also sailing on the Splendor! Have a wonderful day in NYC today. It's going to be a hot one with lots of sunshine. Tomorrow, not so much - but I'm thinking positively!

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Happy Chappy - Looking forward to meeting you and your family tomorrow. We are also sailing on the Splendor! Have a wonderful day in NYC today. It's going to be a hot one with lots of sunshine. Tomorrow, not so much - but I'm thinking positively!


CyberKat I had no idea you were sailing tomorrow. Thats amazing. :D


Cant wait to meet you, wait till you hear about our escapades this morning when the bags got delivered. :)


Tomorrow will be absolutely fine. Even f the weather is rubbish, we will still make it a special and memorable day.

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Thank you for initiating this blog, Ernie. It’s so entertaining and just what I need to kill some time before my sailing next month.

I just want to make a clarification in case you decide to follow some of the advice on this thread while in NY: If you take the ride on the Staten Island ferry (highly recommended) passengers are required to get off the ferry in SI and go through the terminal to re-board. You will not be allowed to stay on the boat.

That said, enjoy your time in Central Park. I hope you get your luggage in time for your cruise tomorrow. Looking forward to the next installment!

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Thanks for the info but today we are heading upto Central Park Zoo.


Thats where the weeman wants to go so will just follow him.

I have given him the map of NYC and he can take us there. He is in total of control today.


Enjoy! One of my favorite places from my childhood.

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I am really enjoying this! We were on the Splendor on 5/9. You will have a great cruise! Just had to add: we live about 20 minutes from the cruise terminal. Our DS picked us up, drove out of our driveway at 10:45. We had heavy rain and construction on our local highway, so some delays. By 12:10pm we had arrived, checked our luggage, boarded the ship and were FINISHED with lunch! :D;) Hope your luggage arrives and you have a great day in beautiful NYC. BON VOYAGE! (And to you, too, Kat! :p)

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Stuart met some mates on their way to enlist



Then he got lifted by the polis.



Sorry folks!! forgot to resize this picture.


Day 2 NYC all day.


Well as usual my body clock kicked in ridiculously early ao I was up footering around on line.

I waited till around 6 then headed down to reception to find that....Euraka!! Our bags had arrived.

So around 10 mins later they were finally in the room. But our padlocks had been removed and my large holdall had a

hole where and air vent had been.

Anyway so happy to have them back, we just stuck on some clothes and went down to breakfast just after 7.

My god those hot cinamon buns are amazing. Must be around 1000 calories in 1 but they are something else.

So back up to the bags, Now here is the problem, we were looking for some stuff to shove on today but I canny remember

packing anything in particular so have no idea where anything at all is. I also noticed I gorgot to pack shampoo and shower

gel for me and a tie for formal night. Kay is looking for her wee sewing kit but I think I might have forgot that too.

And after her spending hours ironing I have put things in what would be awrite for me but not awrite for her.

Teanrs and snotters were the order when she clocked the state of the clothes. My ears were burning. I thought everythng was

ticketyboo but apparantly not. well me being me I went 'aye awrite, im away for a shower' Cue a little bit of abuse from the

lovely wee hobbit. And then the biggie, when she opened the toiletry bag her hair mousse stuff?? Had somehow managed to unload

itself all over the toiletries bag. Everything was covered in foamy stuff. I thought 'Oh ****!! here we go' but in fairness she

started laughing. So that kinda broker tension in the room. So I finished my shower, Kay continued ironing and me and Stu headed

out round the corner to see the big cruise liner that is sitting there.


We quick wander, can only be 200 yards from the hotel to the terminal - Result!! No taxi fare.

Anyway it was kinda busy with some other liner in. Something from norwayland or something. Looked awrite but did not have splendor

on it so it disnt matter. Walked passed the Intrepid, took a couple of pics then started to wander back home. Went round the block

crossed at 42nd St and came back up 10th Ave. And on 10th Ave we found the greatest shoppe ever. A shop so wonderous it defied

belief, a shop so good that Homer Simpson and NYC plods live out it. I give you................Dunkin Donuts!

There used to be one in Glasgow many years ago but it closed down. A sad day in Scottish history that. Worse than the day that

woman came down to power. I had a lemon one Stuart had a rasberry or strawberry one and I bought Kay a lemon one too.

It got scoffed as soon as we got back to the hotel. 'OOh my goodness oh my goodness' to quote one of society todays great Americans.


So today is not passed 11.00 and I have already scoffed a sexual hot cinamon bun and an almost orgasmic Dunkin Donut!!!



Next stop Central Park. Was maybe gonna get a taxi but quite simply Fk That!! We are walking!! Got to shift those calories.

Well we trekked from our hotel to Central Park via 5th Avenue following the parade. It was fantastic. A real Carnival atmosphere

Kath thanks for the heads up about it. Only thing wrang for me was the colours. A lot of red white and bloo. I am more of a green & white man myself.

I reckon all in we walked the guts of 6 miles today. And by baldy bonce is nipping!!!



Back to the hotel around 5 for a chill and will head out later on to pick up some last minute stuff.

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HONESTLY, I have had a VERY BAD 3 days, but reading this has so perked me up. Oh, I am just cracking up. Glad you enjoyed Dunkin' Donuts and yea, those cinnamon buns...if you are at the airport and see a CINNABON stop in. You will never get on your plane. You don't even have to see it, you can smell it a mile away! THANK YOU for lifting me out of my "misery."

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wish I was leaving on that ship tomorrow, seems like there is a great group of people on this cruise,,, everyone better hit the dollar store for some cheap rain poncho's looks like a wet sail out of NY.... and from there on NO RAIN or ruff seas!!!! Enjoy can't wait to read more! and see your photo's Take care of the ship!;)

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Day 2 NYC - contimued.



So out we head just after dark o'clock and as soon as we are out the hotel we turn right and within around 30 yards a velociraptor ran right in front of us, honestly no more that 5 yards in front of us this monster, this absolutely huge thing, sprinted from the road across the pavement and into the shrubs at the side of the pavement.

A velociraptor I tell ye honestly!!! and judging by the Hobbits reaction it had stopped, done the spitting, Hannibal Lector thing they do with their teeth and decided we were its next meal.

Well truth be told it more like something out of Ratatoullie. A big rat with a tail like a small snake. This thing was easliy 18 inches in length.

We continued on our merry way and next thing Kay is screaming like a banshee when she noticed a cockroach type thing wandered out in front of us.

So we were barely 100 yards from the hotel and we had been accosted by a velociraptor and a Komodo Dragon.


Our night could only get better and it surely did.

Times Square was fab tonight with the TONY awards on in town. there was lots of TONY activity going on. Stuart and I done the picture thing in front of the media boards.

We then had a cracking meal in Planet Hollywood and headed home around midnight.


So that's days 1 & 2 gone already.

The preparation has been done and if we have missed anything then tough s**t! We will have to do without.

Tomorrow is 10/06/2013. The day we have been waiting on for almost a year since we booked it. Judging by the Cruise Critic Roll Call we seem to have a good crowd with us and I am sure we will have a brilliant cruise.

Will I keep yeez all informed? You bet yer bottom dollar I will.



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I'm subscribing to your report, I'm certainly enjoying it so far! Except if you think Dunkin Donuts is orgasmic, your private parts would explode in delight if you experienced Krispy Kreme!


There's one of them in Edinburgh. I have heard the are good but it's East Coast of Scotland.

Have you seen Trainspotting? Us west coast types avoid Edinburgh, they think Braveheart only happened a year or so ago and they play a 'game' where all these men chase an egg!!! In fact Americans have something similar.


We have our own city called Glasgow.


We get hot sugary donuts at The Barras.

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I give you................Dunkin Donuts!

There used to be one in Glasgow many years ago but it closed down. A sad day in Scottish history that. Worse than the day that

woman came down to power.


Point of order!! I understand you are upset but nothing could have been worse than that. nothing.


close mind!!


enjoying the review! Carry on and ynwa..

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Point of order!! I understand you are upset but nothing could have been worse than that. nothing.


close mind!!


enjoying the review! Carry on and ynwa..



I should have said 'almost as bad'


I agree with your point.

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