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Smoking Thread from a little different point of view


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Well I have gotten fed up with all these smoking laws and rules! There are less and less places for me to smoke! I live in Illinois and there is no smoking in any indoor places. I attend a lot of High School sports and there is no smoking on any school property. So if I want a smoke I have to leave the school premises have my smoke then pay again to get into the game. I also have season tickets for The Chicago White Sox, my tickets are in the 500 level upper deck. If I want a smoke I have to walk down 5 stories to Gate 5 and have a smoke and at least I can take the Escalators back up if the are still running. As of January 1, 2014 my company is banning smoking in all of the company vehicles. Now Royal Caribbean is banning smoking on balconies and all indoor venues with the exception of the casino. Well that was the final straw! I throw my hands up and surrender. I figured I could quit going to restaurants, sporting events, theaters, shopping, cruises and I could quit my job. Then I could smoke in my backyard whenever I wanted to. Instead I decided to Quit Smoking after 40 years. Today was day 3 of no cigarettes. I am tired of having to find ways to smoke, I felt like I was back in high school trying to sneak a smoke. Not the price or health effects have ever made me want to quit. But I really am tired of finding places to smoke. I really hope I quit and stay quit and make my life less complicated. I stopped drinking 21 years ago so I think I can do this. To all the smokers I do promise that if I do quit I will not be one of those ex smokers that we all hate. Please don't wish me luck but wish me the courage to help me through this!

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If you have made it to day 3 you have made a big milestone. Next is a week. It gets easier, I promise. Drink. Lots. Of. Water. Like 5x as much water as you think is reasonable. That seemed to quell my cravings. Almost at 6 months now (and $500 saved, a good deposit on a future cruise!)


Edit: Didn't know people hated me for quitting :)

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Congrats on quitting! I just lost my mom to bladder cancer 2 weeks ago. Caused by smoking for 40 years. Through the course of the last 16 months, I watched my mom almost die once and then take her last breath with her family by her side.


I know I have crazy wishes that everyone will quit so another daughter, husband, grandson, mother and brother doesn't have to go through what we went through. But I do realize how unrealistic that is.


You can do this!

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CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR QUIT !!!! You have the courage ... you've already passed the most difficult part of quitting smoking ----- FINALLY MAKING THE DECISION!!! I always say the quit is easy if the decision is firm - and you certainly sound like you've come to the end of your rope and have made the ultimate decision. GOOD FOR YOU!!!


I celebrated 8 months quit yesterday - after 40 years of smoking. If I can do it, so can you ... and believe me you're gonna love the convenience of not having to find places to smoke, and how much better you're going to feel!!!! I'm absolutely loving it!


Like you, I refuse to be one of nasty, hypocritical non-smokers that are on CC. I have adverse reactions when around anyone wearing strong perfume or cologne. I can't breathe and my mucous membranes become very irritated. I know I'm not alone. This is a very common problem. Many, many people find colognes and perfumes suffocating. Thank goodness I work for a Fortune 100 company where wearing perfume or cologne isn't permitted due to the adverse effects it has on others. I often wonder how many of the self-righteous non-smokers on CC wear perfume/cologne, with nary a thought on how they might be affecting others.


Apologies for going off-topic and having a little rant. I'm so happy for you that you've decided to quit. If you need any online support, you should look into Quitnet. I found the support there to be wonderful!



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One of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. I actually did it twice, once because I became pregnant. Started back because I enjoyed it so much. Quit the second time because of coughing etc.


Hang in there it will get easier with each passing day. The trick is to keep your self busy in the moments you most enjoyed the first puff. Change your routine, get up after your meals and walk around the block etc.


YOU can do it!!!! I got a trick from a friend, I used a cinnamon stick for the oral fixation thing and jalepeno peppers when I thought I had to have a fix. One bite into a pepper will reroute your thought waves off a puff. Of course I now love jalepenos, but that is a good thing.


One step at a time, stay busy, and find a support buddy.


I love your attitude about not being an ex smoker that gives the lectures etc.


Last day for me was 8/24/84...... the begninning of being kind to myself.

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Well I have gotten fed up with all these smoking laws and rules! There are less and less places for me to smoke! I live in Illinois and there is no smoking in any indoor places. I attend a lot of High School sports and there is no smoking on any school property. So if I want a smoke I have to leave the school premises have my smoke then pay again to get into the game. I also have season tickets for The Chicago White Sox, my tickets are in the 500 level upper deck. If I want a smoke I have to walk down 5 stories to Gate 5 and have a smoke and at least I can take the Escalators back up if the are still running. As of January 1, 2014 my company is banning smoking in all of the company vehicles. Now Royal Caribbean is banning smoking on balconies and all indoor venues with the exception of the casino. Well that was the final straw! I throw my hands up and surrender. I figured I could quit going to restaurants, sporting events, theaters, shopping, cruises and I could quit my job. Then I could smoke in my backyard whenever I wanted to. Instead I decided to Quit Smoking after 40 years. Today was day 3 of no cigarettes. I am tired of having to find ways to smoke, I felt like I was back in high school trying to sneak a smoke. Not the price or health effects have ever made me want to quit. But I really am tired of finding places to smoke. I really hope I quit and stay quit and make my life less complicated. I stopped drinking 21 years ago so I think I can do this. To all the smokers I do promise that if I do quit I will not be one of those ex smokers that we all hate. Please don't wish me luck but wish me the courage to help me through this!


I really hope you are successful and can do this. I did many years ago and am so glad I did. And please don't hate us ex-smokers.

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I have thought about this a lot. My Mother dranked her self to death, at 42, and my Dad a few years later. Leaveing 4 small kids behind for me to raise. Now I never see anyone talking about how bad drinking is for you, or having to much to drink and hitting a school bus, killing most of the kids, I have never heard about a marriage breaking up over smoking, or kides going with out food so the parents can buy smokes . I stop smoking 5 years ago, but I will side with smokers everytime. It is like smokers have no rights anymore. They pay their taxes, raise the kids and PAY the same amount for their cruise, just like you. Don"t you think it is funny that they can still smoke in the cansino,,,,,,,,,? The cruise line makes to much money to ban it in there. We saw a girl so drunk one night she was asking for her car so she could drive herself home, (she didn't even know she was on a ship ) or to see puck in the hallways and other places. So smokes not every one is aginst you, but I would like to see more threads on the drinking. I can't smell it with out thinking of my Mom. I should say I am sorry about the rant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But I not. I don't know what it is like being a drunk,,,,,,,,,,but I know what it is like be a child of drunk parents. I hope your kids don't have to say that when they grow up. They say being a drunk is a illness, but it is the only one I know that you can by in a bottle.

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Congratulations! Take one day at a time. We lost my MIL to lung cancer 2 years ago. She was a smoker, and watching someone you love die from a horrible disease is the hardest thing we have ever had to do. It taught all of her grandkids to not start smoking (ages 6-17). She died just 5 months after she was diagnosed. For each pack of cigarettes you don't buy, use the money to do something for yourself and enjoy life! You can do this!

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I quit 29 years ago ...I would rather go through labor and delivery than quit smoking. It took a solid 3 weeks for me to get over the hump, did it and never looked back. If you are already 3 days into it then your chances for success increase daily! Keep focused on the benefit to your health, quality of life, and your wallet!:D One day at a time....we're rooting for you!

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Sending lots of courage your way:)


You are indeed over the biggest hurdle and that is the first 3 days!


My biggest tip is: Cravings only last 3 minutes at a time. So when you get one (you can actually time it)...................it will be gone is 3 minutes:D


At first you think your having a craving every 5 minutes, but they do get further and further apart.


That's what got me through it 8 years ago.

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Every day is one day closer to quitting I am sure you will do it you have done the hardest bit, I have now stopped for eight months after 28 years of smoking and looking forward to my first cruise where I don't have to keep running out onto the boat deck or casino for a quick smoke when were in the bar and even more looking forward to not wishing the 9 hour flight would hurry up so I can get off and smoke:eek:


all the best:)

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My grandfather quit cold turkey about 31 years ago after he was diagnosed with lung cancer. They did surgery and since it was small, were able to get it all. He had smoked for 50 years, started when he was 16 and just quit. Unfortunately, he died a couple of years later from stomach cancer unrelated to the lung but related to smoking and diet. Besides the obvious health benefits from quitting, think of all the extra cash you'll have to spend on vacations. From other threads I've read and family members in NY who still smoke (even those on welfare) the cost runs into the 2-3 thousand $ per year. Also, all the time saved and no more missing out on seeing the games you attend.


The small percentage of people where I work who still smoke go outside 4-5 times a day for 15 min at a time. A lot of non-smokers have complained about that because not only are they getting breaks that none of us are, they aren't working as many hours, but being paid their full time salary all because they have a habit. If I got up and disappeared every couple of hours for 15-20 minutes, my boss would not be thrilled. Just a viewpoint of what smoking costs everyone involved.

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