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Is Oceania over priced?


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Have commented several times regarding the 10%+ rebates and they are completely within Regent and Oceanias policy and completely allowable. In fact our TA is on the board of TA's who advise Regent and Oceania regarding issues and Regent/Oceania is completely aware of these rebates and has no problems with them since the TA follow all of the rules completely. They don't advertise the rebates and there is no limitation on rebates that are not advertised as you correctly stated. No reason to be removed from any list.


Just because your TA only provides 5%, please don't pick on TA's who follow the rules and provide better rebates and service.


Plus 1

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So, you say exactly what I said and berate me for it? I specifically mentioned "advertised" rebate. If any TA advertises a rebate over 5% they are going against the rules. Since we are not permitted to state who our TA is, why would you assume you know who mine is ? Please stop the harassment! I am not picking on anyone -- just stating the rules. Besides, how can I "pick on" a TA when I don't even know who you are talking about? If you would like to refresh your memory of the policy, here it is www.rssc.com/media/hostedfiles/PDF/AntiRebatingPolicy.pdf · PDF file.


As we head into a new year, it would be really nice if posting on Cruise Critic became a bit more civil. Leaving my post stand would not have hurt anyone and was providing information to help answer a question.


Harassment???? You are the one who said my TA could be bared from the list of approved Oceania/Regent TA's for breaking a rule and while I agreed with your interpretation of the specific rule, I further stated that they were NOT breaking that rule as they don't advertise their discounts and that Oceania/Regent are completely aware of the rebates and have no issues with them. Don't need a link to the policy as am quite familiar with it and the policy was written specifically to allow what my TA does rebate.


Leaving you post stand as written would have allowed others to believe my TA does not follow the rule as written which is totally incorrect. As to your TA, while they cannot be identified, am 100% sure I know exactly who you book thru and their policy is advertised and shown on their website.


Any harassment during this discussion has come from you specifically saying that my TA could be bared which is completely untrue. Agree it would be nice if posts were more civil in the new year and that applies to EVERYONE.

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I think the OP's question should have been --


Does Oceania's pricing represent good value to you?



For some it obviously does; for others not. Same could be said of almost anything.


"Overpriced" is in the eye of the beholder.

Edited by pacheco18
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Am really shocked that someone who will do all the comparisons and compare dollar for dollar to get the best bang for the buck would also say and proudly that they don't use a TA.


You are leaving 10% or more of your cruise cost on the table by not using a TA who rebates that much or more. Plus you are allowing the fox to guard the hen house so to say as a good TA will go to bat for you if any issues come up and provide you much more help than a cruise line (any cruise line) in house salesperson who of course will side with the cruise line rather than you if any problems occur.


It is truly a no brainer to use a TA rather than go direct; simply can't fathom anyone who uses the in house salespeople. In addition, we all know how misinformed the customer non-service is at cruise lines; no doubt that goes double for their salespeople as their only job is to bring in the biggest revenue so of course they are more concerned over pricing than anything about the ship or cruise you choose. Difficult to believe that any group could be worse than the PCH customer non-service people but, would certainly put the salespeople in that category.


Dave - a friendly FYI - the discounts provided by TAs in Canada do not in my experience compare to the more lucrative discounts provided by TAs in the US so unless someone knows otherwise the "no brainer" comment does not apply to the person to whom you refer

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Dave - a friendly FYI - the discounts provided by TAs in Canada do not in my experience compare to the more lucrative discounts provided by TAs in the US so unless someone knows otherwise the "no brainer" comment does not apply to the person to whom you refer


Can't speak for Canadian TA's however, just because Canadian TA's don't rebate does not stop Canadians from using a US TA. True we use different currencies but, you have to pay in US Dollars to the cruise line so that doesn't matter.


There is absolutely no reason why Canadian cannot use a US TA and get the identical discounts we get. As a matter of fact, I did do one cruise with a TA based in Toronto and got the 10% rebate so they do exist on your side of the border as well. Even know some Europeans who book thru US TA's. A little more difficult for some across the pond as I understand that Australians have to book in Australia and more than likely that is the case in other countries however, not as restricted as you seem to think.


There are excellent TA's out there who provide rebates and are accessible to people who do not live in the US.

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Harassment???? You are the one who said my TA could be bared from the list of approved Oceania/Regent TA's for breaking a rule and while I agreed with your interpretation of the specific rule, I further stated that they were NOT breaking that rule as they don't advertise their discounts and that Oceania/Regent are completely aware of the rebates and have no issues with them. Don't need a link to the policy as am quite familiar with it and the policy was written specifically to allow what my TA does rebate.




You are spending a lot of time going on and on defending your TA. It is quite funny since no one even knows who your TA is (as it should be).


Perhaps returning to the subject is in everyone's best interest!

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I do believe you pay for what you get. The mass market lines have been dumbing down the included food for years and in the past 2 years I've noticed a decline in extra charge venues as well. We are currently awaiting our first O cruise if it is half as good as described it will be no contest. Everyone has to make a. Choice. Quality or quantity.


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There is absolutely no reason why Canadian cannot use a US TA and get the identical discounts we get.


It is unfortunate that you feel your choices are the only correct choices and that they should be everyone else's choices. I have a preference. You have a preference. I know you feel a need to justify yours. I don't have the same desire. I am happy with my choices, but I am concerned that it is causing you such stress.


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It is unfortunate that you feel your choices are the only correct choices and that they should be everyone else's choices. I have a preference. You have a preference. I know you feel a need to justify yours. I don't have the same desire. I am happy with my choices, but I am concerned that it is causing you such stress.


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No stress here. I made a comment that would save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars. You responded that you couldn't use a US TA. I responded that you could. Had you simply replied that you are happy with leaving money on the table and booking with the cruise line thus increasing their profits, I would not have responded. Of course that is your preference and I have mine. Never said mine was the only correct choice. Only said that you would get the same onboard experience, better customer service and more money in your pocket.


You choose to not change; that is your choice and this discussion is over with no stress. You don't need a reason however you first reason was incorrect.

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Hmm, well, I definitely didn't think I was sending a message of pride. But if that was the way it was received, I will try and be more careful. You're experience has been with a TA, and since it is a no brainer I am assuming that you have never used the in house service. Well, I have used them to book 6 cruises in all, and have been quite pleased so far. I have gone on three of those cruises, and any concerns have been handled in a timely and helpful manner. My experience so far with Oceania has been great. Is that worth it to me not to have to deal with a middleman? Yes, and to send you into more shock, I also booked my air, hotels and excursions with them. Not pride, just fact.



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I have booked both ways.... using the direct method like you I paid full rack rate...They even , when asked about a discount or on board credit bluntly told me..".If you want that, you have to use a travel agent." The lines love you, no discount to give no commission to pay ...150% profit.


On the other hand my agents arrange on board credit plus, 9 to 10% off the lowest fare, and offer super personal service because they make commission


The folks in the Cruise line are salaried and make no commission as I understand... they are order takers and salesmen.

You are their dream customer.... no questions asked and you seem eager to plop down whatever they ask you.


Question when you buy a car do you always pay the full sticker? When you bought your home did you offer full list price ? Would you?


Its your money you can spend it as you see fit. Myself however, I am rather careful when spending $10,000 to $20,000

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I have booked both ways.... using the direct method like you I paid full rack rate...They even , when asked about a discount or on board credit bluntly told me..".If you want that, you have to use a travel agent." The lines love you, no discount to give no commission to pay ...150% profit.


On the other hand my agents arrange on board credit plus, 9 to 10% off the lowest fare, and offer super personal service because they make commission


The folks in the Cruise line are salaried and make no commission as I understand... they are order takers and salesmen.

You are their dream customer.... no questions asked and you seem eager to plop down whatever they ask you.


Question when you buy a car do you always pay the full sticker? When you bought your home did you offer full list price ? Would you?


Its your money you can spend it as you see fit. Myself however, I am rather careful when spending $10,000 to $20,000


+2 Dan

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This is new to me. I always thought that if I go through a TA I would get the same price as in the brochures or online, but the TA gets a commission and for this gives me personal service plus possibly some OBC.

So...do I have this right, that if I go through a TA I should ALWAYS get something off the price listed in the brochure or online?

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This is new to me. I always thought that if I go through a TA I would get the same price as in the brochures or online, but the TA gets a commission and for this gives me personal service plus possibly some OBC.

So...do I have this right, that if I go through a TA I should ALWAYS get something off the price listed in the brochure or online?


A great TA will ALWAYS give you more than you get from the cruise line

On some lines it is a discount off the price where permitted


A great TA gives you PART of his commission

It could be in several forms

Free gratuities -- I have NEVER paid gratuities on an O cruise -- I am always shocked when I meet folks on board who pay gratuities

OBC -- varies with cost and length of cruise

Plus -- personal service -- your TA is your advocate with the cruise line.


Find a TA who does lots of business with the cruise line you are most interested in. There is clout in volume. LOL


It makes no sense to book directly through the cruise line UNLESS YOU ARE HAPPY PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICE POSSIBLE FOR YOUR CRUISE.

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I was totally clueless when I booked my first few cruises. Paid full $ asked no questions. I later found CC. and started reading and joining RollCalls etc.. I am now more informed of what is out there. I feel with all the info posted I am able to make better choices that suit my personal needs. I am now asking for & receiving OBC, rebates etc but had to switch TA's to get them. The only drawback I have personally found is that the large online U.S. agency I currently use is not as hands on as the one I previously had; but they gave no perks....a choice I am willing to make until I find that 'dream TA' that I have read about that so many of you seem to have... ;) In the mean time I sail O for the itineraries & discrete service and comfort. Where I find they are costly(IMO) is the shore excursions, hotels & transfers because I can easily plan those myself. Some choose to pay to have those arrangements done for them & find it worth it. O's a la carte system is better for me than a lux. all incl. line, you get to decide.

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I was totally clueless when I booked my first few cruises. Paid full $ asked no questions. I later found CC. and started reading and joining RollCalls etc.. I am now more informed of what is out there. I feel with all the info posted I am able to make better choices that suit my personal needs. I am now asking for & receiving OBC, rebates etc but had to switch TA's to get them. The only drawback I have personally found is that the large online U.S. agency I currently use is not as hands on as the one I previously had; but they gave no perks....a choice I am willing to make until I find that 'dream TA' that I have read about that so many of you seem to have... ;) In the mean time I sail O for the itineraries & discrete service and comfort. Where I find they are costly(IMO) is the shore excursions, hotels & transfers because I can easily plan those myself. Some choose to pay to have those arrangements done for them & find it worth it. O's a la carte system is better for me than a lux. all incl. line, you get to decide.




On our first Oceania cruise (May, 2013) we used Roll Call to set up small group tours. It worked well - we meet some lovely people and paid a fraction of the cost of Oceania excursions. It is definitely worth checking out.

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A great TA will ALWAYS give you more than you get from the cruise line

On some lines it is a discount off the price where permitted


A great TA gives you PART of his commission

It could be in several forms

Free gratuities -- I have NEVER paid gratuities on an O cruise -- I am always shocked when I meet folks on board who pay gratuities

OBC -- varies with cost and length of cruise



So I guess from your input and others that I need to insist on benefits from my TA and switch TAs if necessary !



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Can't speak for Canadian TA's however, just because Canadian TA's don't rebate does not stop Canadians from using a US TA. True we use different currencies but, you have to pay in US Dollars to the cruise line so that doesn't matter.


There is absolutely no reason why Canadian cannot use a US TA and get the identical discounts we get. As a matter of fact, I did do one cruise with a TA based in Toronto and got the 10% rebate so they do exist on your side of the border as well. Even know some Europeans who book thru US TA's. A little more difficult for some across the pond as I understand that Australians have to book in Australia and more than likely that is the case in other countries however, not as restricted as you seem to think.


There are excellent TA's out there who provide rebates and are accessible to people who do not live in the US.


Agreed. Let me clarify - a Canadian can certainly book through a US TA or US based online company etc. However many individuals who reside in certain provinces in Canada choose to use a TA in that province (i.e. Ontario) because of the strict consumer protection (TICO -Travel Industry Counsel of Ontario) afforded them should a company cease to exist between booking and travel. Canadian TAs who give comparable discounts to US TAs are few and far between.

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Agreed. Let me clarify - a Canadian can certainly book through a US TA or US based online company etc. However many individuals who reside in certain provinces in Canada choose to use a TA in that province (i.e. Ontario) because of the strict consumer protection (TICO -Travel Industry Counsel of Ontario) afforded them should a company cease to exist between booking and travel. Canadian TAs who give comparable discounts to US TAs are few and far between.


If TICO is the ONLY reason they book with Canadian TAs, I would reconsider as Oceania is not about to go out of business anytime soon.

Also, as discussed elsewhere, some CC will give you that protection "for free" when using that CC to book the cruise.

Edited by Paulchili
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Hello. I'd like to get back on the original question asked....we have booked our first Oceania cruise for September 2014 and are very excited. I've read much useful and interesting info on CC and will continue to learn from fellow cruisers. We are not huge larger ship cruisers, have done a few on other lines, however we have done quite a few river cruises in Europe and enjoyed the small ships and found it so easy to meet fellow travelers. That said, we too choose Oceania for the itinerary first. To us inexperienced cruisers, the initial cost seemed higher, however when you see what is included, air, most drinks except alcohol, apparently lovely cabins, etc it actually became quite affordable.


And no, we did not use a TA, haven't used one in ages, but we did book via Oceania and they had several fantastic perks.


Anxious to get down to the actual planning and as Travelcat2 mentioned, I'll begin looking at roll calls and the possibility of joining or booking our own excursions.


Please, keep the info coming.




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And no, we did not use a TA, haven't used one in ages, but we did book via Oceania and they had several fantastic perks.



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It's your choice -- but no matter what "fantastic perks" the cruise line offers, you will get even more with a great TA. You are paying more or getting less for the same cruise, same cabin category as others who are using great TAs. If that's ok with you, fine.

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Why do certain people keep nattering on about the rebates they get from their TA

If people are happy with with the way they book their cruise that is their choice ..no need to keep badgering people :eek:


Yes you may get 10% rebate for referring people to YOUR TA but that would be like being an outside sales rep IMO




If people want to know about your rebate program discuss it onboard



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Why do certain people keep nattering on about the rebates they get from their TA

If people are happy with with the way they book their cruise that is their choice ..no need to keep badgering people :eek:


Yes you may get 10% rebate for referring people to YOUR TA but that would be like being an outside sales rep IMO




If people want to know about your rebate program discuss it onboard




I think all the people who wrote did so out of empathy for the original poster.


Seeing someone innocently throwing away thousands and thousands of dollars begged to have a response out of sheer concern; money , all money comes hard.


Offering travelers and all others, options for which they never knew of and for which they were entitled was not badgering just support that there were and are better ways

Being aware the their are options is what we all were telling....paying not only full price but above it is a personal choice.

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