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Article: One Nation Under Dressed


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The Pittsburgh Tribune Review recently had an interesting article called One Nation Under Dressed. It noted that the amount spent on fashion in the US alone tops $250 Billion annually, yet it is considered uncool to care about what one is wearing. Comfort is the stated deciding factor. We certainly hear that a lot among some cruisers.

The article went on to say "Can anyone truly visualize Audrey Hepburn going to enjoy Breakfast at Tiffany's while wearing a pair of sweatpants? What if James Bond opted for a pair of saggy jeans instead of his iconic suit?"

However, it ended on the hopeful note that fashion is very cyclical, and in time, trends repeat themselves.

Do you think we will someday see a return to virtually all cruisers dressing up as they did years ago? And will it happen in your lifetime?

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Forget cruising, how about dressing appropriately period?! I do a lot of work in the courtroom and I am amazed at how people come to court dressed-you might not have the "perfect" clothes, but you can still look clean and appropriate. Ditto going out to dinner or community event-people look like they don't take showers, don't iron their clothes, no sense of pride in how they look. If you look at the likes of Audrey Hepburn and others of the "golden age" they still looked cute and presentable even in their "play clothes". My mom is from that era and the pictures of her, even in high school and college..they all looked so glamorous! Hollywood stars today are another joke-hardly glamorous at all. Parents today do their teens no favors by not teaching them good grooming-I mean, if your daughter wants purple hair and piercings, at least spend some time educating her that she'll pay consequences if she chooses to present herself like that. Sorry if this sounds cruel, but even though we are taught to "not judge" others by how they dress, in the real world people do.


The Pittsburgh Tribune Review recently had an interesting article called One Nation Under Dressed. It noted that the amount spent on fashion in the US alone tops $250 Billion annually, yet it is considered uncool to care about what one is wearing. Comfort is the stated deciding factor. We certainly hear that a lot among some cruisers.

The article went on to say "Can anyone truly visualize Audrey Hepburn going to enjoy Breakfast at Tiffany's while wearing a pair of sweatpants? What if James Bond opted for a pair of saggy jeans instead of his iconic suit?"

However, it ended on the hopeful note that fashion is very cyclical, and in time, trends repeat themselves.

Do you think we will someday see a return to virtually all cruisers dressing up as they did years ago? And will it happen in your lifetime?

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I fully believe in being comfortable but don't think that means you have to look messy, sloppy, inappropriate, etc.


The baggy britches, the (intentional) bra straps showing, and sliced up jeans will likely go away in time but I'm not sure we will ever see a return to the elegance of cruising as it once was.

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I….don't know. I look around me at the general public and see a bit of everything, plenty of it not to my taste. But…keep your mouth shut as many will come down on you harshly if you voice opinions.


I just don't understand current style, some women with clothing 2 sizes too small that accentuates all their curves, good or bad. Over dyed hair in unusual colors, it kind of reminds me of little kids screaming "look at me!, look at me!. Men in baggy pants and wrinkled shirts, not to mention looking like they haven't shaved in 3 days. They are in style right now. Shaved heads and armloads of tattoos, trying to be individuals, yet they all look alike to me. It makes me feel a bit old :rolleyes:


Mentioning stars of the past, some of them could walk right into life right now and be appropriately dressed, classic and beautiful. I'm not remembering right now what movie star said this..but the gist of it was "never allow yourself to be photographed in something that will embarrass you in 10 years". I've rarely succumbed to trendy style, preferring classic clothing that I can keep for several years (budget control).


Life would be boring if we all dressed and looked alike, so even though I notice and naturally pass a bit of judgement (so does everyone even if they won't admit it) I try to not assume the person is defined by the clothing they wear. I'd rather give them a chance and talk with them, the vast majority of people are really nice and friendly no matter their garb and hairstyle.

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I think we have become an all too casual society. I grew up in the era where you dressed to leave the house. Church, funerals, weddings, dinner out were all occasions to dress up, not down.

I hate some of the trends right now, baggy jeans that show your underwear, bra straps showing, pj's in public, ball caps inside. Society has just gotten lazy.

I do notice a trend, however, that more ladies are beginning to want to wear dresses on non formal nights on cruise ships. That is a positive sign. I also have noticed many parents comment that their kids actually like to dress.

I believe the cruise lines should enforce the guidelines they set. Then these dress code threads might be reduced by 50% if we are lucky.

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Forget cruising, how about dressing appropriately period?! I do a lot of work in the courtroom and I am amazed at how people come to court dressed-you might not have the "perfect" clothes, but you can still look clean and appropriate. Ditto going out to dinner or community event-people look like they don't take showers, don't iron their clothes, no sense of pride in how they look. If you look at the likes of Audrey Hepburn and others of the "golden age" they still looked cute and presentable even in their "play clothes". My mom is from that era and the pictures of her, even in high school and college..they all looked so glamorous! Hollywood stars today are another joke-hardly glamorous at all. Parents today do their teens no favors by not teaching them good grooming-I mean, if your daughter wants purple hair and piercings, at least spend some time educating her that she'll pay consequences if she chooses to present herself like that. Sorry if this sounds cruel, but even though we are taught to "not judge" others by how they dress, in the real world people do.


What a great post!


We went out to the Capital Grill (upscale steakhouse) on Thanksgiving. DH and DS both wore chinos and Oxford style shirts, DH wore a sport coat and DS wore a tie. Yes, a 27 year old voluntarily wore a tie. We tried to instill upon him the manners to dress suitably, and fortunately it seems to have worked. His girlfriend also was taught good manners and social skills, and I have never worried about her not wearing appropriate attire when we are taking them out. Around the house they both tend to look like slobs, but they clean up nicely when they are actually going into public.

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I think we have become an all too casual society. I grew up in the era where you dressed to leave the house. Church, funerals, weddings, dinner out were all occasions to dress up, not down.

I hate some of the trends right now, baggy jeans that show your underwear, bra straps showing, pj's in public, ball caps inside. Society has just gotten lazy.

I do notice a trend, however, that more ladies are beginning to want to wear dresses on non formal nights on cruise ships. That is a positive sign. I also have noticed many parents comment that their kids actually like to dress.

I believe the cruise lines should enforce the guidelines they set. Then these dress code threads might be reduced by 50% if we are lucky.


I don't think it matters whether a woman wears a dress or dress slacks with a pretty blouse or top. I was going to wear a dress to dinner the other day, but it was 48 degrees and the dress was sleeveless and I don't wear hose. So I switched to black dress slacks, a silk top, and a pretty scarf along with black high heels. I looked as dressy as I would have wearing the dress.

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No one can predict the future but when it comes to clothes and styles they are always changing and that has been going on for as long as we know. We certainly don't wear what was worn by others who came many generations before us but that does not mean that casual is here to stay.


Often the younger generation (we were all part of that too) wants to do things differently than their parents generation. So, one day they might want to be dressed nicer than even there own parents.


The key that was mentioned is that one can dress casually but still look very nice as they can be dressier and look nice.



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While women wearing pants and pant suits has become very acceptable in almost all situations, many places of business still have dress codes. Anyone working in big city law firms, accounting firms, bank officers and many other professions still require suits/dresses and business appproriate clothing. While there may be fewer three piece suits worn these days, many men still wear a suit and tie to work daily. Woman put on their business suits/pant suits/dresses/skirts/pumps and are dressed professionally.



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While I love to get dressed up (when I worked too) remember that most businesses have dress codes and the word dress code applies to not only places where one gets dressed up but also companies that go with casual attire. Most do have a dress code noting what is acceptable attire and what is not. Very few companies do not have a dress code.



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I don't think it matters whether a woman wears a dress or dress slacks with a pretty blouse or top. I was going to wear a dress to dinner the other day, but it was 48 degrees and the dress was sleeveless and I don't wear hose. So I switched to black dress slacks, a silk top, and a pretty scarf along with black high heels. I looked as dressy as I would have wearing the dress.


You can look as nice in dress slacks and a nice top as in a skirt or dress. But, jeans are not dress slacks and many people today think that jeans, flip flops and t-shirts are dressy. In my opinion that is not the case.

My point was that women are wearing more dresses and I am not sure why. But I for one like the trend. You yourself said you were going to wear a dress but changed your mind due to the weather.

I am just old fashioned and like to wear jeans at home or to run to the grocery store. For most other occasions I wear dress slacks and dressy tops or skirt/dress. That is just me.

I don't think we really disagree on this.

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While women wearing pants and pant suits has become very acceptable in almost all situations, many places of business still have dress codes. Anyone working in big city law firms, accounting firms, bank officers and many other professions still require suits/dresses and business appproriate clothing. While there may be fewer three piece suits worn these days, many men still wear a suit and tie to work daily. Woman put on their business suits/pant suits/dresses/skirts/pumps and are dressed professionally.




BS. I worked in NYC for a consulting firm, I worked for two of the largest banks in the US, and I worked for a Fortune 100. While ALL of them had a business attire dress code, NONE of them required women to wear a skirt or dress over slacks or a pantsuit.


My husband works for a very conservative Fortune 100 that finally ditched the business dress code a few years back, but still has a stringent business casual dress code which requires a short with buttons (polo, Oxford, or dress), slacks or chino's--NO JEANS, a sport jacket available at a moments notice in case of a meeting with customers (ie leave one on a hanger in your cube), and appropriate footwear that doesn't include sandals, sneakers, athletic shoes of any style, Crocs, etc.


By the way, three-piece suits are so out of vogue that even Brooks Brothers is only offering one style of them.

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You can look as nice in dress slacks and a nice top as in a skirt or dress. But, jeans are not dress slacks and many people today think that jeans, flip flops and t-shirts are dressy. In my opinion that is not the case.

My point was that women are wearing more dresses and I am not sure why. But I for one like the trend. You yourself said you were going to wear a dress but changed your mind due to the weather.

I am just old fashioned and like to wear jeans at home or to run to the grocery store. For most other occasions I wear dress slacks and dressy tops or skirt/dress. That is just me.

I don't think we really disagree on this.


I have always been a dress girl. This is no fashion trend for me. It was very frustrating for the past decade or so, as dresses had fallen out of style and it was harder (but not impossible) to find them.

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Although I'm not one to wear dresses and high heals (I wear to work nice slacks, nice blouses, and those oh so ugly orthotic shoes), I will not wear baggy sweatpants, barely matching sweatshirt, and slippers to the grocery store - I saw that last week and just gasped. :eek: I was thinking, really? Do you think you're invisible? What if you run into somebody you knew from high school? It happens...

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Although I'm not one to wear dresses and high heals (I wear to work nice slacks, nice blouses, and those oh so ugly orthotic shoes), I will not wear baggy sweatpants, barely matching sweatshirt, and slippers to the grocery store - I saw that last week and just gasped. :eek: I was thinking, really? Do you think you're invisible? What if you run into somebody you knew from high school? It happens...


Your post made me laugh. If I choose to just run to the store without a mirror check, or very sloppy attire, that is definitely when I run into someone I know.

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Back in the 80s I wore skirted suits and heels every day (and the men wore suits and ties), but I don't see even the most conservative workplaces going back to that sort of dress code. If the "Dress for Success" look hasn't come back in 30 years, I don't think that it ever will.

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I keep hearing about today's style being about comfort, but it seems to me that baggy jeans must be the most UNcomfortable clothes that men can wear today. Those who wear them are continually pulling on them to keep from losing their pants, or to just be able to walk. I don't get it. I guess that I'm just too old.


My DW and I like to dress in tuxes and formals on formal nights. Some have stated that they will wear slacks, ties and sport coats but not a tuxedo on formal night. Again, I don't get it. My tuxedo jackets are just as comfortable as my sport coats and my bow ties are just as comfortable as my long ties. One does have to take a little time to learn how to tie a bow tie properly.


I could be wrong, but I agree with luvscruising that people are just getting lazy.

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Although I'm not one to wear dresses and high heals (I wear to work nice slacks, nice blouses, and those oh so ugly orthotic shoes), I will not wear baggy sweatpants, barely matching sweatshirt, and slippers to the grocery store - I saw that last week and just gasped. :eek: I was thinking, really? Do you think you're invisible? What if you run into somebody you knew from high school? It happens...


I am often in the grocery store in my yoga clothes, because rather than using the gas to make a special trip, I stop on my way home from yoga class. That said, even in yoga clothes I'm still better dressed than many of the people I see there, and I think it looks fairly obvious I'm in my way to/from class, as I am not just in yoga pants/capris but also a yoga top and sports bra.



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All the references to baggy jeans are a little puzzling -- you do realize that baggy jeans are now out and SKINNY jeans are in? (For everyone, not just women.....) ;)



Some have stated that they will wear slacks, ties and sport coats but not a tuxedo on formal night. Again, I don't get it. My tuxedo jackets are just as comfortable as my sport coats and my bow ties are just as comfortable as my long ties.


I think the issue here may be less about laziness and more about having to pack and carry a tux -- especially when flying to a cruise -- when a suit or sports jacket with tie is allowed by the cruise line. Having just purchased a tux for my son, I am very aware of how much extra stuff that involves in terms of packing weight and volume.


We are driving to our next cruise, so we'll bring it. If we were flying to Europe, however, I doubt that we would.

Edited by cruisemom42
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All the references to baggy jeans are a little puzzling -- you do realize that baggy jeans are now out and SKINNY jeans are in? (For everyone, not just women.....) ;)


Not in certain demographics.



I think the issue here may be less about laziness and more about having to pack and carry a tux -- especially when flying to a cruise -- when a suit or sports jacket with tie is allowed by the cruise line. Having just purchased a tux for my son, I am very aware of how much extra stuff that involves in terms of packing weight and volume.


We are driving to our next cruise, so we'll bring it. If we were flying to Europe, however, I doubt that we would.


The lines we'll be sailing on moving forward have a country club casual dress code full time, so no need for a tux. We attend enough black tie charity events at home that his is getting plenty of use, although we've noticed that many of them are even beginning to relax their dress code.



Autocorrect responsible for most typos...

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In long gone days, cruising was a way to get to somewhere else. My Great, Great Grandfather went over to England and brought back my G,G, Grandmother and their daughters. (Just learned this through Ancestry.com, I actually saw the manifest, very cool) I know they really dressed then, and were really dressy in their normal life.

Now, cruising is a vacation, and as such most people wish to be more comfortable. Now they fly to their port which cuts down on baggage, and the ability to be extremely dressy.

My conclusion, No, I don't think cruising will ever be like it was in the glory days, nor would I consider some of those ships they were on either.

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Not in certain demographics.




Maybe it depends on location. My son goes to college in a pretty urban environment which was also ground zero for the whole "baggy, loose-hanging jeans" look. You don't see baggy jeans there anymore the way you would've a decade ago. It's passed.


Perhaps such trends take a while to percolate.

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I use to interview a lot of folks for technical IT jobs at a large Hospital group. I didn't care much if you wore a suit, sports coat or just a dress shirt as long as they were neat, clean and pressed. you would not believe some of the things we would see. evidently a lot of folks no longer own an iron or know about dry cleaners, some were never shown how to shave properly or use a fingernail brush. also shoe polish must no longer be available. I would much rather hire a guy in chino's and shirt who had polished shoes then a guy in a sloppy suit and worn down unpolished dress shoes. I know the first is proud and pays addition to detail.

Edited by Sherlock43031
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Dressing appropriate to me is about "decorum". Clothes make the man and the women. I'm always amazed at the makeover shows with the women (and men) who insist they are perfectly happy with their sloppy look, see no need to change, and when the makeover is done are "wowed" and you see their entire demanor has changed.

Also, very overweight women and men who wear lose, bigger clothes with no style-I know it's a limited market for those people, but sometimes in their attempts to "disguise" their weight they make themselves look bigger. At least many manufacturers caught on to making nicer clothes for larger people


Some of us have been posting on the thread "second hand clothing stores, any fans?" and I am amazed about what you can get on a budget and still look great. Even those stores are carrying stylish clothes for larger people now.

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I don't know where you live but the baggy trend here hasn't passed. I wish it would-some placed even have ordinances and it's a $100 for a violation.


Another clothing decorum issue I have is women who dress "too sexy" for work then get upset when others leer at them. If they aren't dressing like that for the men, then who are they dressing like that for...the women??


Maybe it depends on location. My son goes to college in a pretty urban environment which was also ground zero for the whole "baggy, loose-hanging jeans" look. You don't see baggy jeans there anymore the way you would've a decade ago. It's passed.


Perhaps such trends take a while to percolate.

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