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No smoking on balconys?

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I said you could smoke on your balcony unless someone complained I never offerred an opinion as to right or wrong.


No, you cannot. You sign a contract before you board swearing you will adhere to their policies and you understand the consequences.


However, if what you're trying to say is it's physically possible, then any number of metaphors, such as robbing a bank, would not be a stretch.

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again a reading comprehension problem..

I said you could smoke on your balcony unless someone complained I never offerred an opinion as to right or wrong.


Factually Incorrect!


RCCL's policy does NOT state that you can smoke on your balcony until someone complains.


The policy is clear so I am at a loss to understand your comprehension problem. It states in plain language that smoking is not allowed on balconies. Period... End of story!


Indeed. As yogimax said, the reading comprehension issue is not on my part. It is on yours. What you are stating is incorrect.


It is not ok until you get caught. Whether you agree with it or not, the rule is that it is prohibited.

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1. What if that smoke were causing extreme discomfort to persons on nearby balconies who might not be able to identify the exact source of the annoyance?


2. What if that smoke were causing the occupants of the nearby balconies to remain indoors after they paid for a smoke free environment?


3. What if that cigarette caused a fire?


The point was not to equate bank robbery with violating the rules and regulations of RCCL, but pointing out that BOTH were clear violations of rules, regulations and laws extablished by society or the cruise line.


Holy crap, we get to play what if????


What if the obnoxious perfume that some ladies drown them selves in makes some that is carrying hot coffee sneeze, and they spill that hot coffee on me.


What if the parents that let their perfect little darlings run around and do what ever they want, bumps into someone and causes them to fall and break an arm.


What if one of your magnet decorations are taken off the door by a kid, and he tries to eat it and chokes to death.


What if someone decides to drink too much, gets in the elevator and pukes on someone.


What if someone decides to let their kid in the pool, and he goes to the bathroom in the pool, causing them to close it for the day ruining the cruise for 4000 other people.



What if while charging your cell phone in your room, it explodes and starts a fire.


I get pretty tired of people bashing smokers. Now people trying to use an e cig to try and quit gets bashed because the vapor has nicotine, OH MY GOD, nicotine!!!


For the people that want to sit here and say smoking is a habit, I say why don't you try going caffeine free starting tomorrow. No coffee, no soda with caffeine nothing.


Or if it is a habit, go your whole cruise without having any alcohol. Because maybe your drunk annoying behavior is an annoyance to us trying to enjoy our cruise. And ladies just because you have a couple of drinks, you don't have to raise your voice level by 2 times, and NOT every little thing is funny.


Everyone wants to jump on smokers, but I'm sure if you take a good look at yourself, maybe you or something you do is obnoxious, annoying, irritating to other people on the same cruise as you.


But if you wanna play what if, I can go one for weeks.

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holy crap, we get to play what if????


What if the obnoxious perfume that some ladies drown them selves in makes some that is carrying hot coffee sneeze, and they spill that hot coffee on me.


What if the parents that let their perfect little darlings run around and do what ever they want, bumps into someone and causes them to fall and break an arm.


What if one of your magnet decorations are taken off the door by a kid, and he tries to eat it and chokes to death.


What if someone decides to drink too much, gets in the elevator and pukes on someone.


What if someone decides to let their kid in the pool, and he goes to the bathroom in the pool, causing them to close it for the day ruining the cruise for 4000 other people.



What if while charging your cell phone in your room, it explodes and starts a fire.


I get pretty tired of people bashing smokers. Now people trying to use an e cig to try and quit gets bashed because the vapor has nicotine, oh my god, nicotine!!!


For the people that want to sit here and say smoking is a habit, i say why don't you try going caffeine free starting tomorrow. No coffee, no soda with caffeine nothing.


Or if it is a habit, go your whole cruise without having any alcohol. Because maybe your drunk annoying behavior is an annoyance to us trying to enjoy our cruise. And ladies just because you have a couple of drinks, you don't have to raise your voice level by 2 times, and not every little thing is funny.


Everyone wants to jump on smokers, but i'm sure if you take a good look at yourself, maybe you or something you do is obnoxious, annoying, irritating to other people on the same cruise as you.


But if you wanna play what if, i can go one for weeks.



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No, you cannot. You sign a contract before you board swearing you will adhere to their policies and you understand the consequences.


However, if what you're trying to say is it's physically possible, then any number of metaphors, such as robbing a bank, would not be a stretch.


The consequences for smoking on the balcony are not enforced, so you will continue to have many people smoking on their balcony.

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I agree TommyG74....I am a smoker and I am tired of being bashed also!

I have always booked a balcony room because I love to look at the ocean... and because I am currently still working ....with this being said I have always enjoyed the peace & quiet of my balcony and being able to smoke on it in my pjs & robe without having to get dressed etc before I can enjoy my cigarette in the morning or before I turn in for the night!


I am wondering tho....the cruise that I had already booked for April (before they changed the policy) still has a LOT of vacancies (Balcony, JS & GS) & final payment was made 1/21!! I thought this was kind of unusual (and the prices have not even dropped!). Where are all the non-smokers that said they quit booking balconies because of the smokers? Seems like RCCL would be bombarded with people (especially non-smokers) booking these balcony cabins and this sailing would be sold out by now!


My intentions are not to start a war by posting this, I just think that if RCCL would have sent out a questionnaire to EVERYONE that has cruised with them instead of just reading the comments of the non-smokers only (not stating a fact, just seems this way), they might would have possiblly received opinions from the smokers as well as the non-smokers. I realize that this is where the smoking is heading (ie no more inside anywhere etc) but a balcony......outside....open air???????


The non-smokers are already starting to harp about the casino now (the only place inside the ship a smoker can enjoy a cigarette)!


I am just stating how I personally feel on the issue and am not saying anything against non-smokers (all my cruises are with non-smokers). I wish that this would have been a habit that I never got hooked on and who knows......maybe eventually I will stop smoking!

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I agree TommyG74....I am a smoker and I am tired of being bashed also!

I have always booked a balcony room because I love to look at the ocean... and because I am currently still working ....with this being said I have always enjoyed the peace & quiet of my balcony and being able to smoke on it in my pjs & robe without having to get dressed etc before I can enjoy my cigarette in the morning or before I turn in for the night!


I am wondering tho....the cruise that I had already booked for April (before they changed the policy) still has a LOT of vacancies (Balcony, JS & GS) & final payment was made 1/21!! I thought this was kind of unusual (and the prices have not even dropped!). Where are all the non-smokers that said they quit booking balconies because of the smokers? Seems like RCCL would be bombarded with people (especially non-smokers) booking these balcony cabins and this sailing would be sold out by now!


My intentions are not to start a war by posting this, I just think that if RCCL would have sent out a questionnaire to EVERYONE that has cruised with them instead of just reading the comments of the non-smokers only (not stating a fact, just seems this way), they might would have possiblly received opinions from the smokers as well as the non-smokers. I realize that this is where the smoking is heading (ie no more inside anywhere etc) but a balcony......outside....open air???????


The non-smokers are already starting to harp about the casino now (the only place inside the ship a smoker can enjoy a cigarette)!


I am just stating how I personally feel on the issue and am not saying anything against non-smokers (all my cruises are with non-smokers). I wish that this would have been a habit that I never got hooked on and who knows......maybe eventually I will stop smoking!


Hardest thing I ever did in my life was quit smoking. The second hardest is trying to loose all the weight I gained after quitting. LOL.


I think people complained about smoke coming up to their balcony from smokers below. Why don't they make smoking balcony's on the highest deck and a separate section say the back corner of the ship?

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The consequences for smoking on the balcony are not enforced, so you will continue to have many people smoking on their balcony.


If you think that lax enforcement of the ban is something that will continue as more and more guests become acquainted with the policy and non-smokers register complaints about their neighbors who are ignoring the rule, I believe you are due a rude awakening.

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I am wondering tho....the cruise that I had already booked for April (before they changed the policy) still has a LOT of vacancies (Balcony, JS & GS) & final payment was made 1/21!! I thought this was kind of unusual (and the prices have not even dropped!). Where are all the non-smokers that said they quit booking balconies because of the smokers? Seems like RCCL would be bombarded with people (especially non-smokers) booking these balcony cabins and this sailing would be sold out by now!



You can't come to any sort of rational theory on the basis of one cruise. Too many variables... too little hard data.

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If you think that lax enforcement of the ban is something that will continue as more and more guests become acquainted with the policy and non-smokers register complaints about their neighbors who are ignoring the rule, I believe you are due a rude awakening.


First of all, I am not a smoker so if they enforce the rule I am definitly ok with that. Secondly, if you think honestly that the cruise lines are going to enforce the no smoking rule on the balcony, you will be the one that is in for a rude awakening. If a smoker is smoking out on the balcony at night, it is almost impossible to know where the smoke is coming from.

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Not near me, I won't. I promise that.


I believe if they smoke next to you, you will be able to stop them. Chances are it will be down below or someplace else and you will have no idea where the smoke is coming from. You will smell it but have no idea where it is coming from.

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The water vapor thing is misinformation spread by the e-cig manufacturers. The "vapor" is actually a glycol or glycerin fog, not water vapor.


As for the odorless and 100% safe statement, most aren't odorless due to the added fragrances, which range from mint to buttered popcorn or even tobacco. As far as safety goes, in some cartridges (due to the lack of regulation of the cartridge contents) the vapor contains harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde or diethylene glycol. I agree that they're much less smelly and dangerous than cigarettes, but they're by no means 100% odorless and safe.


Unfortunately, neither is fresh air coming out of the exhaust of the ship. Or a bus/car that drives by. I understand that non-smokers have to be protected of smoke, but the issue of trying to forbid/restrict E-cigarettes (they're electronic, not electric) seems like going a bit overboard, doesn't it?


Or wouldn't it then be consistent to prohibit BBQs (smoke), cars (exhausts), and probably even ships should be forced to switch back to sailing or rowing, for God knows what comes out of their exhausts?

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These same people against E-cigs are the same ones who believe organic food is better for you.

"The alleged superiority of organically grown produce is a separate question. In a 2013 survey 68.9% of people who purchase organic food said they did so because they believed it to be healthier (more than any other reason given). However, fifty years of research has so far not produced convincing evidence that there is any health benefit to consuming organic food. Likewise, systematic reviews of nutritional quality of organic produce also reveals no difference from conventional produce.


The recent review is therefore in agreement with previous reviews – organic produce is not more nutritious or healthful, but it is more expensive".

Edited by repo-cruiser
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These same people against E-cigs are the same ones who believe organic food is better for you.

"The alleged superiority of organically grown produce is a separate question. In a 2013 survey 68.9% of people who purchase organic food said they did so because they believed it to be healthier (more than any other reason given). However, fifty years of research has so far not produced convincing evidence that there is any health benefit to consuming organic food. Likewise, systematic reviews of nutritional quality of organic produce also reveals no difference from conventional produce.


The recent review is therefore in agreement with previous reviews – organic produce is not more nutritious or healthful, but it is more expensive".


Well said, I agree fully

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These same people against E-cigs are the same ones who believe organic food is better for you.

"The alleged superiority of organically grown produce is a separate question. In a 2013 survey 68.9% of people who purchase organic food said they did so because they believed it to be healthier (more than any other reason given). However, fifty years of research has so far not produced convincing evidence that there is any health benefit to consuming organic food. Likewise, systematic reviews of nutritional quality of organic produce also reveals no difference from conventional produce.


The recent review is therefore in agreement with previous reviews – organic produce is not more nutritious or healthful, but it is more expensive".


However, if you read the abstract of the article published in a respected scientific journal that I posted a few entries ago, the vapor from e-cigs is not just water vapor and does negatively impact air quality surrounding the user. Increasing significantly, small particles, organic compounds, and NO. All of which are well known and negatively impact health.


Outside probably not an issue, inside it is an issue.


E-cigs are certainly better then smoking, but they still do yield compounds with known negative health impacts. The research is just starting. The article I posted was published in December, but more is coming. Probably quickly.

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However, if you read the abstract of the article published in a respected scientific journal that I posted a few entries ago, the vapor from e-cigs is not just water vapor and does negatively impact air quality surrounding the user. Increasing significantly, small particles, organic compounds, and NO. All of which are well known and negatively impact health.


Outside probably not an issue, inside it is an issue.


E-cigs are certainly better then smoking, but they still do yield compounds with known negative health impacts. The research is just starting. The article I posted was published in December, but more is coming. Probably quickly.


Yes but to what degree? The article you mentioned said that PAH levels increase by 20% to 148. For comparison, PAH levels in a house using a wood-burning fireplace is around 5000. EPA safe workplace levels are 200. And they're pretty strict.


So technically you may be correct, but we need to have a threshold for these things, else where does it end? Lack of sleep is unhealthy, so what is a loud passenger wakes me up? Obesity is transmitted across social networks (even if a friend of a friend is obese, you are measurably more likely to be obese as well.) What about noise, other pollutants, etc? Or even the aggravation of being cut in line! Stress is bad for you also.


So let's be reasonable. It'd be a tough world to live in if anything that anyone could do to harm you no matter how slightly was banned.

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where else can one get so much amusing entertainment for free... watching the folks with holierthanthouitis on these boards go into meltdown on every smoking and rum runner thread?


RCI has no intention of enforcing the no smoking rule on balconies.


RCI has no intention of enforcing the Rum Rummer rule unless you flaunt your stash in their face.


RCI would have a non-smoking casino if their research showed it would make more money then their current setup.


RCI does not enforce their rules/suggestions for dressing for dinner.

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Not near me, I won't. I promise that.


Nor me! I am just off a week on Adventure of the Seas and I did not smell any smoke at any time on my balcony. Thank you, polite and considerate people. Nor did I make any comments about smokers as I walked through the casino, around the promenade deck or on the starboard side of the pool deck.

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Some of the comments on this thread are amusing, if not sad. To think RCI can't or won't enforce this is idiotic. Go ahead and keep believing that nonsense. Just look at Celebrity and Princess. This same exact debate took place when their policies went into affect. Now, you light up on one of those balconies and staff sees you or you are reported, it's an immediate fine. The same thing will happen on RCI.


To the non smokers, you won. There's no sense arguing with rude smokers who think the policy doesn't apply to them. Their inability to be courteous is exactly why this policy now exists. Why would they act any different on an anonymous website? They can only blame themselves for it. They'll never see it, but we know better. So let's just let it be. Again, we won.

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Some of the comments on this thread are amusing, if not sad. To think RCI can't or won't enforce this is idiotic. Go ahead and keep believing that nonsense. Just look at Celebrity and Princess. This same exact debate took place when their policies went into affect. Now, you light up on one of those balconies and staff sees you or you are reported, it's an immediate fine. The same thing will happen on RCI.


To the non smokers, you won. There's no sense arguing with rude smokers who think the policy doesn't apply to them. Their inability to be courteous is exactly why this policy now exists. Why would they act any different on an anonymous website? They can only blame themselves for it. They'll never see it, but we know better. So let's just let it be. Again, we won.


and if the staff doesn't see you and you are not reported..


smoke 'em if you got 'em

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