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Live from the Explorer - February 16, 2014

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Where did you get that bug. I thought there was one crawling in my phone! Lol.


Subscribing Jonathan. I will be on the Explorer in 38 days with WVUGammy. I can't wait!! I love your writing style, by the way.


Just copied it from a fellow poster. Same thing happened to me and heard similar reactions from my roll call. It has been fun. Copy and paste if you like.


Jonathan: great job on the live review. So enjoying riding along with you.


Happy hump day all!!

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Thanks for the birthday wishes Wezie and thanks for the kind comments MickeyMouse22 and KahliasMom.


We arrived at Port Canaveral yesterday around 12:30 in the afternoon and were tied up at the dock on the button at 1pm. We were greeted by a radiant sun that bathed the decks with warmth. Palm trees swayed in the gentle tropical breezes and it felt amazing to be dressed in shorts and polo shirts and instead of the fifteen layers we've been accustomed to throughout this brutal winter in New York City.


There was an enormous crowd of people waiting in the Di Gamma Dining Room for the shuttle connection to Universal Studios and Walt Disney World. Shortly after 1 pm, a group of people streamed out of the exit onto the deck. Keep you're eyes peeled and make sure you do the same if you are signed up on one of these theme park shuttles. The buses were all lined up at the curb awaiting their passenger payload.


We followed suit and were aboard a bus about ten minutes later. If you've never been to Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal it's really very pristine and modern but, enormous. It's a never-ending labyrinth of passages, escalators and hallways, it's seems as if you just might end up strolling through these corridors the entire day. It reminded us of our mad dash through the Vatican to locate the Sistine Chapel, long corridors, endless, halls, a right turn, up some stairs, you start to feel as if perhaps it's just a myth that's how we felt exiting the terminal yesterday, but, behold we finally emerged into the warm Florida Sun and were bound for Orlando within fifteen minutes.


It took exactly an hour to get to Universal Studios. I was concerned that we wouldn't have enough time as the returning bus left at 8pm, the final bus that is, they start back to the ship at 7:30 pm. I had purchased Park to Park tickets good for admission to both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure home to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. We were able to stroll through both parks but, didn't go on too many rides, if you intend to do all the ride, think about getting an Express Pass it will cut down your waiting time significantly, to around ten minutes instead of half an hour.


I would strongly advise to limiting yourself to one park and have a leisurely stroll around, hit some rides, have a churros, delicious sweet dough toasted and dusted in brown sugar, wow. Watch a parade, see the sights. My wife and I are not thrill ride fans and had no interest in any of the twisting, rattling, discombobulating rides that populate these parks. There are some monster coasters here that catapult from soaring single tracks then careen down at warp speeds underneath a nearby bridge and then scream upwards and curve almost sideways and back down again. Just looking at these things and hearing the rush of sound as they zoomed along the rails was unsettling enough.


I had read the Mummy's Revenge Ride was not too bad. Yea, not too bad compared to being shot from a cannon. Neither of us had ridden a coaster since Space Mountain at Disneyworld back in the 80's. The Mummy ride starts off innocently enough a few animatronic mummy's and tombs creak, beetles swarm from a cracked wall, fireballs explode and seem to singe your sideburns but, next we were hurtling at breakneck speed 0 to 60 in about five seconds along a track that seems to drop out from under you, slammed sideways and scorching straight up down around.


I shut my eyes and hung on for dear life. Poor Elene sustained a horrible bruised elbow during one of the hard banks we took. If you are even the slightest bit squeamish and do not enjoy coasters as a rule steer far from the Mummy it was not enjoyable, it made rush hour on the 6 train in New York seem like a Gondola ride through a Venetian canal.


We most enjoyed the tremendous detail of the buidlings in each of the themed areas. There are full recreations of famous locales like Beverly Hills, the Brown Derby, the Beverly Wilshire, Mocambo Night club. One Spanish styled building caught our eye, it seemed very mysterious, oozed with ambience and was prominently located on the main drag, The Gardens of Allah. The Joni Mitchell song refers to it, "They tore down Paradise and Put Up a Parking Garage". It was a famous hotel in Hollywood with a Who's Who of Halcyon Days Hollywood inhabitants everyone from John Barrymore, to the Marx Brothers, Humphrey Bogart, dozens of famous names. This is the kind of thing that gives me a thrill.


We adored the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. You truly feel as if you've been droped inside one of J.K. Rowling's books and wind up smack in the center of Hogsmeade Village. The snowtopped English house, the funny titled shops, a massive red Hogwarts Express train engine steaming near the entrance. We avoided the castle ride but, did the walk thru instead and marveled at all of the inspired and creative touches, it's all there the talking paintings and three dimensional projections that are so lifelike you would swear that Dumbledore was standing before you.


The highlight was the Butter Beer. The frozen version I had read was the tastier and it is incredibly delicious, a frozen, sweet, creamy elixir that booms with a familiar flavor, it is such a rich bouquet of taste it almost seems to hypnotize you. I won't spoil the surprise but, have some butter beer it is pretty amazing.


I will pick this up later, it's time for lunch and then a snorkeling expedition at Nassau, Bahamas today. Captain Loy has informed we will be docked at 2 pm. We spied the NCL Breakaway headed to Great Stirrup Cay this morning, a few Carnival ships dotted the horizon, a Disney ship steamed south and Majesty of the Seas gleamed white in the tropical sun off our starboard bow. Love ship spotting.



Edited by cruiserking
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Thank you for that absolutely wonderful description of the world of Harry Potter.


Thank You Hansolosmom. We actually took an awesome picture at Universal Studios. My wife and posed for a cut out picture of your son Hans and Princess Leia. The photographer then expertly placed our faces over the famous Stars pair and we have a hilarious memento to feature prominently back home.


The fish and chips at the Three Broomsticks was also very tasty, along with your frozen butter beer of course to wash it down.


We strolled along Islands of Adventure, took a little ride on the Sneetches train at at Dr. Seuss, much more my speed, whimsical and fun with all the strange Seussian characters popping up and around. The train is elevated and gives you a great view of the park and the attractions a glow in light.


We were back aboard ship by 8:45 pm and up in the Windjammer and enjoying a little late night snack of pasta and chicken tamarind. For dessert a modest helping of wonderfully fluffy bread pudding with a thick, creamy sauce that echoed the flavors of that wonderful butter beer.


Another wonderful day aboard, finished off with a few laughs from Comedian Jim Carroll at the Palace theater and a donation at the casino.


It's Good to be the Cruiserking. Tonight we have that rare priviledge and honor of dining at the Captains' Table. We were contacted earlier today and are to meet first for drinks at the Schooner Bar and then on the Magellan Dining Room for dinner with Captain Henrik Loy and some of his officers. We are thrilled and Royal Caribbean continues to grow on more each day. It's easy to see why so many people love it, there is a great youthful vibe aboard, the passengers who travel aboard are some of the nicest we have met at sea and the service is absolutely top notch.


People always say how marvelous it is. Well, for example at lunch today I had finished my Lemonade, I really wanted another but, had an excursion to get ready for and didn't want to give the waiter another chore to do in addition to gathering dessert as well. The next moment the wonderfully effecient and thoughtful waiter Vener had placed a fresh glass of lemonade before me without my having asked for it. That is supreme service, when the waiter anticipates the passengers needs, this is what my the Explorer of the Seas a special ship along with the round robin of greetings from every crew member you pass, from technicians to stewards, waiters to entertainment staff, it goes along way.


Off to prepare for dinner with Captain. Later tonight I'll talk about our adventures in the Bahamas.



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Thank You Hansolosmom. We actually took an awesome picture at Universal Studios. My wife and posed for a cut out picture of your son Hans and Princess Leia. The photographer then expertly placed our faces over the famous Stars pair and we have a hilarious memento to feature prominently back home.


The fish and chips at the Three Broomsticks was also very tasty, along with your frozen butter beer of course to wash it down.


We strolled along Islands of Adventure, took a little ride on the Sneetches train at at Dr. Seuss, much more my speed, whimsical and fun with all the strange Seussian characters popping up and around. The train is elevated and gives you a great view of the park and the attractions a glow in light.


We were back aboard ship by 8:45 pm and up in the Windjammer and enjoying a little late night snack of pasta and chicken tamarind. For dessert a modest helping of wonderfully fluffy bread pudding with a thick, creamy sauce that echoed the flavors of that wonderful butter beer.


What an awesome picture! I'm trying to talk Hansolosdad into going to Universal while on our April cruise. I'm going to show him your review and see if helps. :)

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Cruiserking, thanks so much for the live summaries throughout your journey.


The Explorer will be my first ship and first cruise and I for one, am thrilled to be going, not just on a cruise, but on this particular ship!


Keep the reviews coming and enjoy the rest of your voyage!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to write such wonderful reviews. I will be on the same cruise sailing in a little over a month!! We too are staying in a GS. My husband and I actually got married on The Explorer on May 9, 2008, we had a GS then and loved it. This time we are cruising with our 3 yr old son so it only made sense to have the extra room and amenities to made things a bit easier. I look forward to hearing about the rest of your trip.

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I'm still enjoying this awesome review. I have a question about Cape Liberty though. Have they started any construction yet for the new terminal for the Quantum? I didn't notice anything new started when we cruised on the Explorer in Dec. If they didn't start yet, I have my doubts they will be finished in time for the Quantum in November. Might be a good question for the Captain's Corner, if they didn't already have that.


Thanks, and hope you continue having a great time on my favorite ship.


Gwen :)

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Have you found the movie theater yet. It is on deck 2 and is called the screening room. Your writing is just wonderful, like I was reading a book. Just curious, are you a novelist?


Anyway, keep it coming. So excited about our Oct Bermuda Cruise on EOS!:D


Good to know, Irene. I love movies, and our cabin is on deck 2. Do they print a film schedual in the C & A?

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Well, one and half dessert down and a chorus of servers and Head Waiter Patel converged at our table for a warm hearted rendition of Happy Birthday as a single glowing candle atop a satin soft, shinychocolate sponge cake was bestowed to me. I made a wish and reveled in the moment. It's only eight days out, I believe it's still acceptable to celebrate your birthday less than ten days after the fact according to the Birthday Handbook.


Afternoon Trivia was very well attended yesterday. The only dull chord occured after someone loudly blurted out an answer and were instantly greeted with a round of boos and heckles. Trivia is a serious business to those of us who covet key chains and ship magnets to join the armada floating on our refrigerator doors back home.


Jonathan, thank you so much for your reviews, I look forward to reading them every day.


I am glad you brought up the birthday. I will celebrate my 60th on Oct 3rd but my niece is also being married on that day so DH and I will celebrate my birthday on the cruise starting on Oct 9th. I didn't know whether to let Royal know that or not but I think now I will let them sing to me!!!:D


I love playing trivia on the ships and think it is funny with the responses from others when you have someone that yells out! I too have magnets and pens and yes...even an umbrella from my trivia playing!!!!!!


I don't like to laugh at others but your review of the Mummy's Revenge was over the top!!!!! I hope you bought your picture at the end of the ride!!!!! I would love to see your faces!!!! DH and I loved that ride!! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, I love Universal but you really need a couple of days to enjoy it. When you stay on site, you have an express pass which makes your visit a lot more enjoyable.


Looking forward to your next review!!:D

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I'm still enjoying this awesome review. I have a question about Cape Liberty though. Have they started any construction yet for the new terminal for the Quantum? I didn't notice anything new started when we cruised on the Explorer in Dec. If they didn't start yet, I have my doubts they will be finished in time for the Quantum in November. Might be a good question for the Captain's Corner, if they didn't already have that.


Thanks, and hope you continue having a great time on my favorite ship.


Gwen :)


They have not even broken ground on the new cruise terminal at Cape Liberty so who knows if it will be ready for the Quantum. The current rumor aboard Explorer according to several of the officers I have spoken with is that our beloved Explorer is heading for the Asian market following her dry dock.


We have fallen in love with this ship and will be very sorry to see her go.


The Captain's Table was tremendous. It was hosted by the Food and Beverage Director, there were 12 people in attendance including ourselves. The service was first class. We were seated at a large round table directly underneathe the beautiful star painting of the Magellan Dining Room on deck 3.


Each of the guests names were printed on cards in front of our place settings. Throughout the sumptuous meal waiters liberally poured wine and the special menu consisted of shrimp cocktail with caviar, escargot and soup. Most everyone at the table ordered the Lobster Thermador as for the entree, it was easily the finest lobster I have ever had, tender and sweet with a rich buttery and garlic taste, superb.


We all posed for a photograph before the meal and by the time we were sipping coffee and enjoying a trio of desserts we were presented copies of the photograph listing the names of each guest. In addition each couple received a copy of the Official Royal Caribbean Cookbook signed by the Food and Beverage Director, the Executive Chef and Hotel Director John Denton.


Earlier in the day we enjoyed a very pleasant visit to Nassau, Bahamas. The sun beamed with a high of 78. I have read many negative reviews of Nassau, it's too crowded, it's a terrible stop, well, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit there. On this February day there were only three ships in total at the port the other two smaller vessels the RCCL Enchantment and the Norwegian Sky.


The streets had only a smattering of people, it was enjoyable to walk along the narrow sidewalks and gaze on the pastel colored buildings. One of my favorite things to do in port when we don't have a particular excursion planned is to visit a local resort hotel and have cocktail. Our first stop was the famous British Colonial Hilton, it is the oldest hotel in Nassau dating back to 1964. If you've visited Nassau before you've sailed right past this large pale yellow building shrouded in towering palm trees.


The British Colonial is only a five or ten minute walk from the pier, here we sat outside by the pool and basked in the lovely view of the harbor, the three giant liners and that lovely blue tropical water shimmering in the sun. The Pina Colada's here particularly tasty, refreshing and not too sweet.


Next up we walked up the hill toward the Governor's Mansion toward the Graycliff Hotel. This is a must visit, this historic hotel built by a pirate three hundred years ago simply oozes with ambience, character and style. From the cozy front parlor to the lush grounds to the ornately painted swimming pool, the touches of elegance and detail were fairly mesmering. This is the quintessential tropical oasis your read about in books, a beautiful resort and worthy of your time during your next visit to Nassau. There's even a chocolate store and tour. According to Jeron one of the staff members there Graycliff has the largest wine cellar in the entire Caribbean.


After purchasing a bottle of Ricardo Spiced Rum for a friend of mine back home we made our way back to the ship. Everything has been wonderful during our cruise, the only flaw however are the excursions. I will go into greater detail when I write my review but, it is very surprising for a veteran line like RCCL with a ship that has made this Bahamas run numerous times, that there should be issues.


We continue to be very pleased with the food aboard. I had read multiple unsettling comments about the meals aboard Explorer but, you needn't be concerned because the food aboard this ship is really very good. We haven't had a bad dinner yet. We really enjoy the ability to have breakfast each morning at Portofino's by virtue of our Grand Suite. This is a delighful venue and such a sublime place with it's soothing interior and large windows awash with views of the ocean and ships traversing the horizon's edge.


The Grand Suite is wonderfully spacious, includes numerous perks but, the real wow factor of this cabin grade is the constant invitations to special dinners, cocktail parties aboard and on shore. We have been treated Royally and we have fallen hard for this line and ship. It's 70's night and the strains of "Dance to the Music" are thumping up from the centrum as the Explorer is rocking along the Atlantic bound for Bayonne.


I will talk about our trip to Coco Cay tomorrow. Tomorrow we are expecting temperatures in the high 70's as we savor every last vestive of this tropical weather before we hit reality on Sunday.




It was a very exciting evening

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Loving your review and look forward to your new posts... Jealous about the Captain's dinner. Now if only they will invite lowly OV staterooms in April. :rolleyes:


Not sure if you are planning on it, but if you could scan the compasses upon your return, I would greatly appreciate it (as I am sure others would as well!)

Cannot find any current compasses, and although everything is subject to change, just want an idea of the nightly entertainment.


I would seriously consider a career change to full time journalist or author.

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The current rumor aboard Explorer according to several of the officers I have spoken with is that our beloved Explorer is heading for the Asian market following her dry dock.








Do you know when the dry dock is? Rumor is next February, but there's cruises booked all of February





Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

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CruiserKing, I have to say reading your updates are like reading a "vacation Magazine". Loving your reports and updates. We will be going on the Ex. for our 4th time this June and you are making me feel like its the first time, lol.


Thanks for taking time on vacation to write.;)

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Not sure if you are planning on it, but if you could scan the compasses upon your return, I would greatly appreciate it (as I am sure others would as well!)

Cannot find any current compasses, and although everything is subject to change, just want an idea of the nightly entertainment.


I would also greatly appreciate it if you could scan the Compasses. I have been looking but cannot find any. We sail 4 weeks from today.


Thanks again for taking time out of your vacation to take us all along with you.


Anne Maria

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Love your reviews! Quick question, when you say the Captains Table was hosted by the Food and Beverage Director, does that mean the Captain was not in attendance?

Can't wait for the next installment!


That's correct, the captain was not in attendance. The dinner was hosted by the Food and Beverage Director Werner Zurcher. It was still the Captain's Table and a great honor to be in attendance and receive first class service and a special menu and cook book signed the officers.


Thank You So Much for your really nice comments Sharol Lacey, Trail 46, Laney219, Lady Hudson, Crazybus, Cruizinlady1947, NYhighlands and Kmigrrrl. It gifts such a lift to see that you are enjoy the posts as much as I enjoy writing them.


I have another on the way. I wrote one this morning but, it disappeared into the ether again, which is very upsetting. But, I've rewritten it and will post it soon after trivia and before the great Scavenger Hunt at 4:30 today.


The 2nd Formal Night is on tap for tonight. There has been concern whether it was being dropped but, it is fact in the daily compass.


Off to trivia now. I will be happy to post the Daily Compasses, I've have saved all them Cruisinchick.



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Jonathan, your review is amazing. My sister and I leave on the 23rd and can't wait. This is her first time on the Explorer and a ship this size. Each time she visits us she is in awe looking at all of the pics in my photo book and on my iPad.

I do have to say that I have always Trainman's reviews but your's are inspiring and when I close my eyes they become vivid and enchanting. Can't wait to read your final review. Happy cruising. Maureen

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They have not even broken ground on the new cruise terminal at Cape Liberty so who knows if it will be ready for the Quantum. The current rumor aboard Explorer according to several of the officers I have spoken with is that our beloved Explorer is heading for the Asian market following her dry dock.


We have fallen in love with this ship and will be very sorry to see her go.


The Captain's Table was tremendous. It was hosted by the Food and Beverage Director, there were 12 people in attendance including ourselves. The service was first class. We were seated at a large round table directly underneathe the beautiful star painting of the Magellan Dining Room on deck 3.


Each of the guests names were printed on cards in front of our place settings. Throughout the sumptuous meal waiters liberally poured wine and the special menu consisted of shrimp cocktail with caviar, escargot and soup. Most everyone at the table ordered the Lobster Thermador as for the entree, it was easily the finest lobster I have ever had, tender and sweet with a rich buttery and garlic taste, superb.


We all posed for a photograph before the meal and by the time we were sipping coffee and enjoying a trio of desserts we were presented copies of the photograph listing the names of each guest. In addition each couple received a copy of the Official Royal Caribbean Cookbook signed by the Food and Beverage Director, the Executive Chef and Hotel Director John Denton.


Earlier in the day we enjoyed a very pleasant visit to Nassau, Bahamas. The sun beamed with a high of 78. I have read many negative reviews of Nassau, it's too crowded, it's a terrible stop, well, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit there. On this February day there were only three ships in total at the port the other two smaller vessels the RCCL Enchantment and the Norwegian Sky.


The streets had only a smattering of people, it was enjoyable to walk along the narrow sidewalks and gaze on the pastel colored buildings. One of my favorite things to do in port when we don't have a particular excursion planned is to visit a local resort hotel and have cocktail. Our first stop was the famous British Colonial Hilton, it is the oldest hotel in Nassau dating back to 1964. If you've visited Nassau before you've sailed right past this large pale yellow building shrouded in towering palm trees.


The British Colonial is only a five or ten minute walk from the pier, here we sat outside by the pool and basked in the lovely view of the harbor, the three giant liners and that lovely blue tropical water shimmering in the sun. The Pina Colada's here particularly tasty, refreshing and not too sweet.


Next up we walked up the hill toward the Governor's Mansion toward the Graycliff Hotel. This is a must visit, this historic hotel built by a pirate three hundred years ago simply oozes with ambience, character and style. From the cozy front parlor to the lush grounds to the ornately painted swimming pool, the touches of elegance and detail were fairly mesmering. This is the quintessential tropical oasis your read about in books, a beautiful resort and worthy of your time during your next visit to Nassau. There's even a chocolate store and tour. According to Jeron one of the staff members there Graycliff has the largest wine cellar in the entire Caribbean.


After purchasing a bottle of Ricardo Spiced Rum for a friend of mine back home we made our way back to the ship. Everything has been wonderful during our cruise, the only flaw however are the excursions. I will go into greater detail when I write my review but, it is very surprising for a veteran line like RCCL with a ship that has made this Bahamas run numerous times, that there should be issues.


We continue to be very pleased with the food aboard. I had read multiple unsettling comments about the meals aboard Explorer but, you needn't be concerned because the food aboard this ship is really very good. We haven't had a bad dinner yet. We really enjoy the ability to have breakfast each morning at Portofino's by virtue of our Grand Suite. This is a delighful venue and such a sublime place with it's soothing interior and large windows awash with views of the ocean and ships traversing the horizon's edge.


The Grand Suite is wonderfully spacious, includes numerous perks but, the real wow factor of this cabin grade is the constant invitations to special dinners, cocktail parties aboard and on shore. We have been treated Royally and we have fallen hard for this line and ship. It's 70's night and the strains of "Dance to the Music" are thumping up from the centrum as the Explorer is rocking along the Atlantic bound for Bayonne.


I will talk about our trip to Coco Cay tomorrow. Tomorrow we are expecting temperatures in the high 70's as we savor every last vestive of this tropical weather before we hit reality on Sunday.




It was a very exciting evening


Jonathan: I can't thank you enough for taking the time to share with us your Explorer experiences. I too thoroughly enjoy your writing style and creative descriptions! Your review is my temporary fix to pull me through this unpleasant winter until we sail her the end of March.


We also enjoy Nassau and don't quite understand why so many don't favor that stop. Your descriptions put me right there on the street with you. Thanks for the get away, even if only in my mind.


Continue to enjoy the rest of your cruise. So looking forward to the rest of the story.:)

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Jonathan, your review is amazing. My sister and I leave on the 23rd and can't wait. This is her first time on the Explorer and a ship this size. Each time she visits us she is in awe looking at all of the pics in my photo book and on my iPad.

I do have to say that I have always Trainman's reviews but your's are inspiring and when I close my eyes they become vivid and enchanting. Can't wait to read your final review. Happy cruising. Maureen


There's no Explorer cruise on the 23rd. Wouldn't want you to miss your cruise

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