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Azamazing Evenings - What's The Consensus?


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Anyone gone to an Amazing Evening in Manila Philippines ? We are scheduled for the Fort and a cultural type show. Just wondering? Also wondering how much of a tour to do during the day (8 hours?) with the Evening coming up.

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Anyone gone to an Amazing Evening in Manila Philippines ? We are scheduled for the Fort and a cultural type show. Just wondering? Also wondering how much of a tour to do during the day (8 hours?) with the Evening coming up.


We went to an evening event in Fort Santiago when we visited Manila on Azamara Quest in March 2012. This was organised as a special after-dinner event before the introduction of Azamazing Evenings. We can't remember much about the show, we spent most of our time exploring the Fort and gardens. It was only about a 10 minute drive from the ship and there was plenty of food and drink.


We like to walk, so we spent the day walking the walls around the old city (Intramuros) before ending in Rizal Park. Both the old city and the park were within walking distance of the ship.


Kampol and Lee.

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I have to say we did enjoy our evening in Ephesus - transport was all ok and seemed well organised - well until everyone decided to try and get back at the same time despite the CD asking people to sit down after the classical music performance!


We were advised that there was an early buffet dinner in Discoveries and the normal buffet food in Windows AND there was food served in Windows AFTER the event too!

We had a bite to eat beforehand in Discoveries and the food was tasty and the sushi was utterly delicious! That was good as there was not a lot to eat in Ephesus when we got there on about bus no 8 but we did have our drinks - think a lot of the Ephesus cats were enjoying the cheese actually lol! :) We didn't have goats or dogs with our performance - we had cats walking on the set and listening to the music! Amused most of the audience no end as it happened a few times!


On our return to the Quest, we walked up the stairs to Windows and had a further guilt free snack so no shortage of food for us!



Thanks for your review. We will be enjoying this event on our cruise in November. The cats sound like fun!!! I am a total cat fan, even volunteering at our local stray cat charity, and so an evening of music (another love) will be awesome!!!


Thanks again :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Totally worth it for our last cruise to Italy. Scary bus ride up the mountain in Ravello, to a outdoor opera overlooking the village and ocean. Not much food served, just appetizers and wine, but beautifully plated and served. If you were hungry when you returned, they opened the buffet. We are cruising to Greece next year, looking forward to the Amazing Evening

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We had great time in Georgia. Short coach ride to beautiful theatre all white gold and scarlet. Then a cultural dance show. Proberbly the most energetic and skilful I've ever seen. Think mixture of Cosak dance meets River Dance. Would never be permitted in UK USA as Heath and safety would be concerned especially the dager dance sparks fly and how they manage to dance on their knees I'll never know. It was fantastic. Back to ship to be welcomed back with cocktail and jazz band. As was on b2b did it twice!! Truley an Amazing Evening.

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Amazing evening in Bordeaux was not great.

I love Barcelona. It is a fabulous city.

On our first trip to Barcelona, my spouse was a victim. The pickpockets got him. The next time we went to Barcelona, we had PacSafe Bags. We were fine. The pickpockets are pros. They probably can spot a PacSafe bag. However, we were eating breakfast where we had a window view of Las Ramblas. We watched the pickpockets working. 3 at a time. The key is be aware of your surroundings. Leave valuables home or in a safe place. I wear a money belt which is hard to reach. Even I have a tough time getting money out of it. Put a decoy wallet in your back pocket. If you are targeted, they will take that. Good luck.

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We're on the December 22d Quest itinerary too, and signed up for the Azamazing evening. We have not been on board Azamara since the Azamazing evenings/some free alcohol features came into effect. Based on the poster who shared her experiences about a pre-azamazing event from 2011, it could be a fun evening. We're keeping an open mind.


I asked a couple of my friends about these tour guides (who I found doing a search on Cruise Critic):


"1. Carlos Celdran- He does an old manila tour & an Imelda Marcos tour. He is a very flamboyant tour guide. Worth the show:)



2. Ivan Man Dy- He has a Binondo food tour. Binondo is Manila's Chinatown.



My friends told me that everyone raves about Carlos Celdran, but I'm concerned about his scheduled tour starting at 3pm. The Azamazing evening is set for 6pm. I might write to Mr. Celdran to schedule something for the morning. The Binondo food tour guide offers other tours in addition to the food tour. If I plan anything, I'll post it on the roll call.


Regarding the Azamazing Evenings, I was not thrilled when they were introduced because (1) some of the ports don't have the infrastructure for a 500+ person party unlike a White Nights party on board, and (2) the high penalty fee for cancelling last minute or not showing up (IMO, responsible adults won't sign up for an activity they don't plan to go, and there did not seem to be an allowance for getting sick or feeling exhausted after a hot day of touring). This will be our first, and we're ready to give it a try. If it's not perfect, well, we'll be in Manila for a day and a half so we'll have time to do other things perhaps more of our liking, and it's only one evening out of 13 others on board (some which we hope will be magical).

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Having been to several I have to say that they are not universally popular with regulars. While it is greatly appreciated that Azamara try to give their customers a great evening it is a difficult thing to accomplish. Attendance mostly means you miss the usual dinner experience onboard. After a long day it is delightful to change, relax, shower and enjoy the food and conversation in the wonderful ambience of the dining room or speciality restaurants. Attending an Azamazing evening usually involves snatching a quick snack before departure or on return. A long journey through traffic can be tedious and especially so if the day has been tiring sightseeing or whatever. Not every event involves buses but we have now decided that it is better to stay on the ship and not get involved in all the hassle. This does not mean people should not do it or that we don't appreciate Azamara's efforts. It is just not for us or, we suspect, many who liked the idea but cannot now be bothered with the reality. We love Azamara but wish they had kept the harpist before dinner, only served free wine with meals and not full free bars, not initiated Azamazing evenings and kept the fares a little less. It seemed to suit everyone better and was a real niche product. It is still amongst the best cruise lines but it is the little things which count and the Azamazing evenings must cost a fortune, not only in dollars but also in organizational time.

I think you would find that few would object if they were binned and that fares were trimmed accordingly. It is still true that there is no such thing as a free lunch!

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Having been to several I have to say that they are not universally popular with regulars. While it is greatly appreciated that Azamara try to give their customers a great evening it is a difficult thing to accomplish. Attendance mostly means you miss the usual dinner experience onboard. After a long day it is delightful to change, relax, shower and enjoy the food and conversation in the wonderful ambience of the dining room or speciality restaurants. Attending an Azamazing evening usually involves snatching a quick snack before departure or on return. A long journey through traffic can be tedious and especially so if the day has been tiring sightseeing or whatever. Not every event involves buses but we have now decided that it is better to stay on the ship and not get involved in all the hassle. This does not mean people should not do it or that we don't appreciate Azamara's efforts. It is just not for us or, we suspect, many who liked the idea but cannot now be bothered with the reality. We love Azamara but wish they had kept the harpist before dinner, only served free wine with meals and not full free bars, not initiated Azamazing evenings and kept the fares a little less. It seemed to suit everyone better and was a real niche product. It is still amongst the best cruise lines but it is the little things which count and the Azamazing evenings must cost a fortune, not only in dollars but also in organizational time.

I think you would find that few would object if they were binned and that fares were trimmed accordingly. It is still true that there is no such thing as a free lunch!

Most people have expressed disappointment with the amazing evenings. Once in awhile, the amazing evenings really are amazing. Nobody wants to miss out on a possible amazing event. Besides, the cost of the event is already in your cruise fare. There is nothing on any cruise that is free. It is just included into the cost. I would rather Azamara either include the dinner into their amazing event or not do the amazing event. I was annoyed on my last cruise having to eat a quick buffet dinner on the ship and rushing to get to the bus for a long ride to an unazamazing event. Had they included a truly gourmet dinner including great entertainment, that would have been better. I view the Amazing event as an advertising ploy. It only drives the cruise fare up.

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Most people have expressed disappointment with the amazing evenings.

Do you have statistics to support this? My sense reading here is there have been a few disappointments but the large majority of Azamazing Evenings have been very well-received. Four of the five we've attended have been excellent, and in every instance only a small percentage of passengers chose not to attend.


For those who'd rather just have dinner instead, I'm sure there are other cruise lines that don't offer Azamazing Evenings.

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I loved our evening in Ephesus! Capt. Jose greeted us upon our return to the ship, and asked what I thought. I said then and will say again, the word "magical" is overused but it's the only way to describe how I felt about this event. Yes, we toured the site earlier in the day in the blistering heat, toured hard all day in fact, but somehow found time to eat before the concert : ) Our deck 6 bus delivered us in time for a leisurely stroll to the venue where drinks and some nibbles were waiting, and we quickly found seats.

How to describe classical music under the stars on the Aegean coast, within the ruins of one of the world's most magnificent ancient cities? Can't do it. Must fall back on "magical!" and hope our next Azamazing Evening matches that experience.

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I don't know why some of you think that just because your AzAmazing Evening didn't amaze you that it's a sign that it's a dud program and a waste of time for everybody. Obviously some are not big hits but because of the ones that aren't, they should all be dropped?? I certainly hope not. That would be akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


We've attended three so far and each has been a wonderful evening that greatly enriched our cruise experience. I'm glad Azamara offers these special events. I would even go so far as to say that the choice of AzAmazing Evening figures a lot into which itinerary we choose. Next September we're going to the historic Goldoni Theatre in Livorno to listen to opera. My husband and I are thrilled beyond words to have this opportunity. We haven't even been and we are AzAmazed.


St. Michael's Cave in Gibraltar, scene of my favorite AzAmazing Evening yet. Spectacular venue and awe-inspiring music to match.




The AzAmazing Evening on the Journey in Malta was held in a dramatic medieval hall. We had traditional entertainment and a great buffet.



Our AzAmazing Evening on the Quest in the West Indies featured a Caribbean steel drum band and native dancing. Loads of fun.



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I am not a particular fan of the Azamazing Evenings but the opera at the Goldoni Theatre in Livorno was spectacular. You and Rob will love it.


Thanks Hazel. You and Lottie should come join us for a repeat performance! We'll be on the Quest on the 8th of September. :D:D:D

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Phil and Deirdre, like Hazel said, you will love the magnificent Goldoni Theatre and the Three Tenors Show was fantastic.....and apart from being great tenors, they were also rather funny! A very enjoyable Azamazing Evening.

Deirdre, do remember your camera because I can just imagine the great pics and your blog entries.


Really would like to be joining you on both cruises but Deirdre, who knows what will happen next September? :)

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Hazel, we are doing that this week. I'll be sure not to miss it now.






Glad you have such an excellent Azamazing evening. Know you will enjoy it.


Hope you and the girls have the most fantastic week on Journey with calm seas and warm weather

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I liked our AzAmazing evening on Hvar Island, Croatina cello under the stars. However, I really disliked the inferior rushed buffet which was the only dining on offer on the ship beforehand, with nothing available after and only some sweets and awful wine at the event itself.

Edited by CintiPam
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Really enjoyed our first cruise with Azamara on the Journey. We loved the food and service. The Azamazing Evening was at a Chateau in Bordeaux and unfortunately the rain was non-stop that evening but it was obvious that event planners never took rain into consideration when planning this event.


The buses were at least a 5 minute walk from the gangway so, many of the guest were soaked before reaching the bus, even with umbrellas. Our bus driver got lost and a 30 minute trip took about 50 minutes. We got off the bus for a wine tour at the Chateau. The wine tour lasted 10 minutes then we had to re-board the bus to be driven a few more minutes to the tented venue where wine and cheese was served. For my taste, the wine and cheese we had in the buffet onboard was far superior to that at the Chateau. The entertainment was a girls choir and some trumpeters, and that was it except for the mosquitos that arrived. We would have not bothered to get off the ship, but if you signed up and did not attend, there would be a charge to our account, so off we went to the Unamazing evening.


I cannot imagine the expense, but whatever Azamara paid and ultimately we paid was not worth it. The staff tried their best but we would have had a better time if a tent was set up outside the ship and they served us wine and cheese. It seems the evenings are hit and miss. I would definitely cruise With Azamara again but not for the Azamazing evening.

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but if you signed up and did not attend, there would be a charge to our account, so off we went to the Unamazing evening.


just a query. we understand these events are included in cruise price paid? why are you charged if you do not attend? what do they charge for non attendance?


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but if you signed up and did not attend, there would be a charge to our account, so off we went to the Unamazing evening.


just a query. we understand these events are included in cruise price paid? why are you charged if you do not attend? what do they charge for non attendance?


You are charged only if you don't tell Azamara that you aren't going to attend. And no one has reported being charged.

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thanks for the answer. will need to be very clear about this to avoid unnecessary charges. always a risk to book things in advance, just never know how events can pan out, health, weather etc.

so if we do not book to attend no problem with being charged? only if we book to attend and do not turn up?


just found the clause in t and c,s... $100pp if not cancelled by 10pm night prior.


good to be informed. thanks again.

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