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Just Booked and UPSET! Advice?

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your daughter is beautiful!! And i do hope that if you don't come to a resolution for a full refund that you consider the 5 day cruise without grandma.. And without the nursery. Sure you won't be building any great memories for her... But you'll have a lifetime of memories for yourself in those 5 days.


I don't know what your family situation is, nor do i want you to expose it here, but i do know that when i had a niece and nephew i jumped at the chance to 'keep them' when possible. Sure, i spoiled them rotten. Sure, it took their parents days to get them back into their routine... But we had a blast! I was also happy to help with co-workers and friends children... One of the best things about not having children is borrowing other people's children. I have a dear friend who's daughter stayed with us for a long weekend... So what if we kept her out of school on friday to make it a 3 day weekend at universal! I'm the ever loved aunt to many children. All this is by saying... Consider allowing your blessing to be a blessing to a trusted family or friend. If that isn't an option (and i do understand your concerns) then take her on the cruise and enjoy her. The rest will work out.


Babies, young children rarely experience sea-sickness. Does she get motion sick in a car? You said she loves the swing. A child who has motion sickness doesn't do swings!


And, if you take her... Take her to everything... Sit in the back of the theater and if she fusses, leave. Take her to dinner and see how she does. We have had some delightful children at our dining table over the years. Take her to the 70s party and dance with her! Take her for her first walk on the deck at night... And show her the stars... And the sunsets... And take lots of pictures of her on the pink sand beaches in bermuda. You'll be surprised how your vacation will revolve around her 'firsts' and you'll be telling stories at her wedding about your daughter's first cruise. And... If you can consider it... Consider a night or two with a sitter, in your cabin. You can drop back in any time and check on her. Chances are... She'll be sleeping and the sitter will be reading.


I think what most of us want is to give you options. I know sometimes we come across as all knowing...and insistent that you do something a certain way. I do hope that whatever you decide to do, and whatever rci offers you... Works for you and your lovely family~ thanks for keeping us informed... This is a learning experience for all of us.



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I know this thread is already very long and one might be tempted not to read every reply, but OP mentioned they bought a little blow up pool for baby already.


Yes, this thread is long, and yes I have read every post. I did read about him having bought the little blow up tub, which I immediately thought would be used for a bath since he said blow up tub. He also mentioned about coming back from the kiddie deck, where I think he figured there was a splash area for babies. I could be wrong in my thoughts there.


Regardless, I hope he gets to cancel or goes without the baby, which he already says wife would not. Prices for cruises this time of year are so expensive and it is upsetting to not get what you assumed you would have.


Best of luck to the OP. Whatever you decide, enjoy the little one, time goes by fast.

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Just a quick note on the "bouncing" the payment part. I was a travel agent for about 10 years. It happened a lot more than people would think. I had a lot of clients that would book their cruise and pay their deposit. Then the time would come for final payment, and their card would come up declined. Most of the time, they came up with a different method of payment. But once in a while, I'd have a client that just couldn't come up with the money. After getting extensions for them, eventually the cruise line would cancel their reservation and keep the deposit. Never did any cruise line (and I've dealt with them all) seek any further action to attempt to collect the additional payments or ban any of my clients from future cruises.


The OP paid in full? The funds had not been transferred by the time he swapped the funds to another account. Totally different to paying and loosing a deposit before final payment, He paid for a service and then withdrew the payment! deposit loss is explained in T&C,s :)

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Quick update before bed this time...i'm on fumes today.


Called them twice today 2pm est and just now. Still same old story that they are waiting on an email to see if the call was recorded. I think it's quite ridiculous in this day and age of technology and databases that they can't be a little more efficient with there processes.


Anyways, good night!

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Sad to hear no resolution today. How frustrating. Now you're probably on hold until after the weekend.:mad:


BTW...your daughter is beautiful! Thanks for posting picture. Also enjoyed your website.

Edited by denamo
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Just wanted to drop in and say that,yes, I have read all 11 pages of the thread, and that I wish you all the best. I think you come across as a very nice person who isn't trying to game the system,but rather just wants what they had agreed to (a room, whatever the size/category, near to the promised nursery... that upon further info from those in CC, versus a rep on RCCL who should have known better, doesn't even exist at this point). I think you have taken all the negative comments in stride (and I'm not referring to those that may have "seemed" negative but were just trying to be helpful... I'm talking about the ones that were just down right nasty). Whatever happens and whatever you decide, I wish you all the best!!!!



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Just read through all 11 pages...


I hope the OP gets his money back... I don't think he's trying to game the system, but wants the vacation he was thinking he was buying.


As far as the nursery vs. a babysitter goes, I"m totally with the OP. In a nursery she'd have other kids to play with, presumably there'd be toys and play things, and there would be several adults to interact with. Sitting in a room would be boring in comparison.


I also never got thought that he was saying he wanted to get totally plastered while 'partying' just have a good time and blow off some steam with his woman.


I would encourage you to leave your daughter with grandparents if RCCL doesn't come through. Yes, you'll miss her but you'll have a good time and so will your little one.


Noro - I wouldn't worry about it, but understand where you're coming from. With my first child I literally washed the walls near his crib with bleach since he might touch them and then put his fingers in his mouth. With my second child I found myself saying things like "Take that away from the dog and give it back to the baby!"


Good luck!

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Quick update before bed this time...i'm on fumes today.


Called them twice today 2pm est and just now. Still same old story that they are waiting on an email to see if the call was recorded. I think it's quite ridiculous in this day and age of technology and databases that they can't be a little more efficient with there processes.


Anyways, good night!


arrrgghh..you poor thing..:(

you will need a holiday to get over the phone call stress..how absolutely frustrating!!:mad

( hope they don't blacklist you with other cruiselines though, for pulling the plug on the payment balance:eek:)

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You have a beautiful daughter! Her name is pretty great too. My youngest is named Ellie and she will be one in a couple of weeks. :)


Hope you hear from RCI and have a positive resolution to this mess soon.....

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You have a contract with the cruise line once you have paid whether it's left your account or not I.e. You have agreed to purchase. They will probably still chase you for the money even if you bounce the payment.




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If I didn't do the responsible thing and pay cash (debit), and used my card, I would get every penny back...but you are right, I'm screwed if cancel!


This is the only thing that confused me.


You are an intelligent, educated father. How is paying by cash responsible? I would never risk paying cash for anything. Depending on the card, you often get an extended warranty on just about everything you buy. Plus you always have backing when things go wrong.


Most of all (for me anyway), I would get physically ill if I forfeited points from using our Hilton AMEX and/or Marriott Visa.


We won't even go to an Arco gas station because we wouldn't get points!


Of course we haven't had credit card debt for probably 15 years now, but I'd never go out on limb and pay cash.


I do hope everything works out though....I don't like being told something only to find out someone made promise that didn't actually come through.


Good luck!

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Well, just realized that even though I made the payment online with RCI, it didn't hit my account yet. I just transferred all but 100$ to my other account at same bank! In theory, if RCI doesn't do the honorable thing here, i'd be out of only $336. (300 deposit at booking at 36$ insufficient funds fee).


I will be irate at losing anything, but at least this way I am not out of 3,000$ for a cruise I won't enjoy.


The way I look at it, if I did get stuck on that cruise by any chance, i'd either be going to sleep at 8:30 every night with my Daughter, and/or racking up 400$ in baby sitting charges.


Sorry for what you are going through but I am a little confused. If you booked over the phone why did you make payment online? Normally you have to pay over the phone if you book over the phone:confused:


I am not normally a last minute cruiser, but generally I thought if booked after final payment then payment was due in full. I would be interested to know from last minute bookers if that is the case for my future reference.


I would check the email invoice that they send at time of booking and check what it states is paid. If it is for full amount then the bank would have authorized it, even if you have since removed the funds. Like others have said, they can come back at any time, but I would check the invoice to confirm amount billed. If you don't have I would call and ask for it to be emailed.

Edited by Spurschick
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I hope this comes across in a supporting positive manner & does not get misinterpreted.



While I understand your frustration with the consultant's booking errors... At this point the time, energy & effort for financial resolution will be a pain & will probably go on even after the sailing. I TOTALLY get your frustration RE: the nursery & that is a VERY VALID argument. HUGE Bummer.



RCI does a great job.

Pack n play, take the baby & enjoy this time with your family. Bermuda is a "parked" cruise & the room simply is a place for sleep & restroom. (I would make a big stink if it were a 7 day or longer.) But if a family of 4 & luggage can manage in that space, you can too. You're in a good spot for an inside stateroom, not under the pool or over a music lounge.

**** I took a look & there is another stateroom category K #8367available (at 3am as I'm posting this) & that one is also a prime spot as it's NOT under the windjammer. Plus it has staterooms both above & below you so you won't have any extra noise!***


Yes... It's about the principle... But at this point I would try to clear my head, get into vacation mode, be open to a new line without the tarnished views based on the booking process and...."CELEBRATE" your life events putting all energy into making lasting memories with the family.



P.S. The food is better on RCI & If you are looking for a fun evening be sure not to miss "The Quest" late night adult scavenger hunt! (Sitter suggested, it's usually at 11pm or so & lasts about 2 hrs.) LOTS OF LAUGHS & FUN!



Wishing you smooth sailing!!




Edited by Pack My Bags
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I hope this comes across in a supporting positive manner & does not get misinterpreted.



While I understand your frustration with the consultant's booking errors... At this point the time, energy & effort for financial resolution will be a pain & will probably go on even after the sailing. I TOTALLY get your frustration RE: the nursery & that is a VERY VALID argument. HUGE Bummer.



RCI does a great job.

Pack n play, take the baby & enjoy this time with your family. Bermuda is a "parked" cruise & the room simply is a place for sleep & restroom. (I would make a big stink if it were a 7 day or longer.) But if a family of 4 & luggage can manage in that space, you can too. You're in a good spot for an inside stateroom, not under the pool or over a music lounge.

**** I took a look & there is another stateroom category K #8367available (at 3am as I'm posting this) & that one is also a prime spot as it's NOT under the windjammer. Plus it has staterooms both above & below you so you won't have any extra noise!***


Yes... It's about the principle... But at this point I would try to clear my head, get into vacation mode, be open to a new line without the tarnished views based on the booking process and...."CELEBRATE" your life events putting all energy into making lasting memories with the family.



P.S. The food is better on RCI & If you are looking for a fun evening be sure not to miss "The Quest" late night adult scavenger hunt! (Sitter suggested, it's usually at 11pm or so & lasts about 2 hrs.) LOTS OF LAUGHS & FUN!



Wishing you smooth sailing!!






Agree with your points.


Our DD was 7 months when we first sailed. Back in those days they didn't even have a nursery, it was just in room sitting. We quickly realized that was far better as if we wanted a late night she was already asleep as she was put to bed at her regular bedtime, and didn't need waking to move when we were done with our "night out" . The quality of the sitters were outstanding, and always requested the same sitter for any evenings we wanted a sitter. Some nights we took in turns to stay in the cabin and go wandering individually.

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Quick update before bed this time...i'm on fumes today.


Called them twice today 2pm est and just now. Still same old story that they are waiting on an email to see if the call was recorded. I think it's quite ridiculous in this day and age of technology and databases that they can't be a little more efficient with there processes.


Anyways, good night!


Good luck! We had a security breach in our cabin on a cruise a few years ago (not RCI though) It was fobbed off and treated as not occurring but we demanded CCTV footage be viewed and the security breach was in fact discovered on that CCTV footage. We were refused permission to view that footage and was refused a copy of that footage on privacy grounds so I doubt you will ever get to hear or even get a transcript copy of your recorded conversation anyway:(

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I hope this comes across in a supporting positive manner & does not get misinterpreted.



While I understand your frustration with the consultant's booking errors... At this point the time, energy & effort for financial resolution will be a pain & will probably go on even after the sailing. I TOTALLY get your frustration RE: the nursery & that is a VERY VALID argument. HUGE Bummer.



RCI does a great job.

Pack n play, take the baby & enjoy this time with your family. Bermuda is a "parked" cruise & the room simply is a place for sleep & restroom. (I would make a big stink if it were a 7 day or longer.) But if a family of 4 & luggage can manage in that space, you can too. You're in a good spot for an inside stateroom, not under the pool or over a music lounge.

**** I took a look & there is another stateroom category K #8367available (at 3am as I'm posting this) & that one is also a prime spot as it's NOT under the windjammer. Plus it has staterooms both above & below you so you won't have any extra noise!***


Yes... It's about the principle... But at this point I would try to clear my head, get into vacation mode, be open to a new line without the tarnished views based on the booking process and...."CELEBRATE" your life events putting all energy into making lasting memories with the family.



P.S. The food is better on RCI & If you are looking for a fun evening be sure not to miss "The Quest" late night adult scavenger hunt! (Sitter suggested, it's usually at 11pm or so & lasts about 2 hrs.) LOTS OF LAUGHS & FUN!


Wishing you smooth sailing!!



Quest lasts 1 hr, not 2

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Just woke up to receive notice that my account was overdrawn! They put the payment through anyway and my account is negative.


I filed dispute with my bank, and am not going on this cruise for no matter how long it goes on. I want nothing to do with this cruise line, and though I know some of you are offering support and suggesting that I go on this cruise anyway, this is not an option for me.


I don't like to be ripped off and that is what happened here. I'm done waiting for them to find a resultution. I'm canceling my cruise and not going, and i'll fight all the way to the attorney general on this one. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Just woke up to receive notice that my account was overdrawn! They put the payment through anyway and my account is negative.


I filed dispute with my bank, and am not going on this cruise for no matter how long it goes on. I want nothing to do with this cruise line, and though I know some of you are offering support and suggesting that I go on this cruise anyway, this is not an option for me.


I don't like to be ripped off and that is what happened here. I'm done waiting for them to find a resultution. I'm canceling my cruise and not going, and i'll fight all the way to the attorney general on this one. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

You were told this could happen. Banks do that. You said you knew the financial system so you should have known.

You've just gotten yourself more and more worked up over this since your first post.

This could have happened on any cruise line

Sorry the rep told you wrong information, but they were probably going on the same information that you were reading also


You think you are ripped off? I disagree. You're not getting a nursery and the oversize cabin. Wouldn't like it either, but I'd certainly still go.

It's not the end of the world.

Big deal

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Had a feeling that may happen, especially bc they are giving you the runaround with your issue. Least they could've done is put a hold on the payment because you paid it all upfront while it is being investigated. Was your issue escalated to a supervisor? I've been in the hospitality and retail industry for over 20 years, so I know that your issue will only be taken seriously if you go to the top. Refuse to speak to anyone but a supervisor even if they say they can assist you. They are trained to diffuse the situation and not escalate it. Demand that a supervisor gets on the phone (nicely, of course) or calls you back immediately.


I totally empathize with your situation, and as stated in an earlier post, I also book last-minute cruises in the summer. Don't expect compassion or even basic reading comprehension on CC from some posters. As we know, on many online forums, people jump to conclusions and push their own agendas despite what YOU wrote or even asked for help. You don't have to explain yourself and your personal needs or choices to anyone outside of your family. I just can't with the arrogance of some supposedly knowledgeable posters. Flame away! I'm ready...



Sent from my iPhone using Forums

Edited by trixiegal
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Had a feeling that may happen, especially bc they are giving you the runaround with your issue. Least they could've done is put a hold on the payment because you paid it all upfront while it is being investigated. Was your issue escalated to a supervisor? I've been in the hospitality and retail industry for over 20 years, so I know that your issue will only be taken seriously if you go to the top. Refuse to speak to anyone but a supervisor even if they say they can assist you. They are trained to diffuse the situation and not escalate it. Demand that a supervisor gets on the phone (nicely, of course) or calls you back immediately.


I totally empathize with your situation, and as stated in an earlier post, I also book last-minute cruises in the summer. Don't expect compassion or even basic reading comprehension on CC from some posters. As we know, on many online forums, people jump to conclusions and push their own agendas despite what YOU wrote or even asked for help. You don't have to explain yourself and your personal needs or choices to anyone outside of your family. I just can't with the arrogance of some supposedly knowledgeable posters. Flame away! I'm ready...



Sent from my iPhone using Forums



No flaming here . I totally agree with you . I have followed this thread from the beginning. The problem is that some posters just pick out what they want instead of reading things fully and comprehending what us being said . I figured that the OP's bank account may be overdrawn but was hoping he would luck out. I totally get his frustration. There are done that said he is complaining and he got what he pays for blah blah blah . But if people read carefully he did not get what he paid for . He was mislead. Doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. He was not given correct information therefore could not make an informed decision , it is that simple. He wasn't looking for a particular category, he just wanted a room that could accommodate his needs. He didn't want much . He said the rep suggested the bigger room. He didn't bring it up. He was given a price and told it was near the nursery so agreed to the price. He thought he was making an informed decision. If he was given the correct info he may not have booked and wouldn't be in this situation. I have only sailed in Royal and live it, but some people are so judgmental that they aren't seeing his point.

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No flaming here . I totally agree with you . I have followed this thread from the beginning. The problem is that some posters just pick out what they want instead of reading things fully and comprehending what us being said .


Can't say it any better. I'm not getting what I was promised, and now this is going to be more of a headache. I know what is happening here isn't the norm, and many people have sailed RCI and love it.


In my scenario, this is being handled with the worst customer service possible, and they are holding my money hostage event though I booked two days prior. I mean, it's amazing how technology disconnects us as human beings. If I were sitting in front of them when I came forward with this issue, it would already have been refunded for a 100% refund.

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Regardless of opinions on the overall situation I guess there's one lesson to be learned here: book "last minute" inside final payment and there isn't much room to "negotiate" with RCCL after that regardless of who's "right or wrong".......

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No flaming here . I totally agree with you . I have followed this thread from the beginning. The problem is that some posters just pick out what they want instead of reading things fully and comprehending what us being said . I figured that the OP's bank account may be overdrawn but was hoping he would luck out. I totally get his frustration. There are done that said he is complaining and he got what he pays for blah blah blah . But if people read carefully he did not get what he paid for . He was mislead. Doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. He was not given correct information therefore could not make an informed decision , it is that simple. He wasn't looking for a particular category, he just wanted a room that could accommodate his needs. He didn't want much . He said the rep suggested the bigger room. He didn't bring it up. He was given a price and told it was near the nursery so agreed to the price. He thought he was making an informed decision. If he was given the correct info he may not have booked and wouldn't be in this situation. I have only sailed in Royal and live it, but some people are so judgmental that they aren't seeing his point.


I totally agree with this! I have been working a lot the last couple of day and, just this morning, read thru the entire post. He WAS mislead by RCI and they should refund his money!!

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