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This Thread Is To Be Used For All Discussions About HAL's On Board Smoking Policies

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My comments were not in jest! In 2006, a fire broke out on a passenger balcony of the Star Princess and caused millions of dollars damage over 200 cabins (79 were totally destroyed).



I certainly didn't get the impression that Hiltner was being any less than dead serious when he mentioned shipboard fire. No doubt the most feared potential for a catastrophic event on the high seas. It is most important we and the industry do not gloss over potential hazards such as fire and give the threat utmost consideration. Smoking inebriates staggering about balconies could easily lend credence to the old adage "smoke in bed and the ashes falling on the floor may be your own."


In September we sailed on our largest ship, 141,000 gross tons, Royal Princess.


I've got a lot of professional experience with fire fighting, unfortunately, I do not agree with the life boat drill procedures and arrangements or lack thereof, for both passengers and crew on these SS Gigantics. Leaves too much up to conjecture on the part of the passengers and precise coordination among crew members in the event of a real emergency, in my opinion. Just hope and pray an emergency doesn't involve a large list to port or starboard or an onboard fire. I would think Carnival Corp. would have gone to great lengths to improve emergency drills, facilities and procedure in light of their dismal failure on their Concordia, operated by COSTA, sister line to Princess & HAL.


A few years ago a fellow I worked out with at the gym bought three balcony cabins for his family for their first cruise. Don't remember which line but he was really looking forward to it. When he returned he was not a happy camper. Apparently there were smokers on the balcony above them, who would pitch their cigarettes over their rail, which would in turn suck onto the balconies just below. It wasn't just an occasional butt either, he had to pick dozens up. He became very irritated, reported the situation numerous time to no avail. Being a martial arts and security type he undertook his own investigation. Figured out who the bad guy was for sure then threatened him with bodily harm. No more butts. When he got back to the gym he could hardly talk about it, I asked him if "he had any fun". Said he would never get on another cruise ship as long as he lived.

Edited by kennicott
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Perhaps that's because the smokers are smoking on their balconies where it is allowed, quite different to "lighting up where and when they feel like".


I don't think non-smokers have made many complaints about people smoking where it's not allowed.:cool:


I take it that that is sarcasm, because yes there have been nothing but posts about smokers lighting up where they are allowed. I wish the rant would be more against the policy than the people engaging in their rightful behavior.

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I take it that that is sarcasm, because yes there have been nothing but posts about smokers lighting up where they are allowed. I wish the rant would be more against the policy than the people engaging in their rightful behavior.


Just because something is allowed doesn't make it right.

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Very nice post.

Fortunately the percentage of young people smoking declines with each generation. In my daily life I rarely encounter smoking . I rarely see young people smoke but when I do I am sad for them.


Same can be said for the older folks who smoke. But for a different reason.



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I rarely see young people smoke but when I do I am sad for them.


Same here. I just shake my head in disbelief when, with all the information out there today, some young people still allow themselves to get hooked on something so stupid.

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I take it that that is sarcasm, because yes there have been nothing but posts about smokers lighting up where they are allowed. I wish the rant would be more against the policy than the people engaging in their rightful behavior.

I take it that that is sarcasm, because yes there have been plenty of posts that aren't about smokers lighting up where they are allowed.

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I'm one of those odd ducks who smokes occasionally. This will be the first time we've had a balcony. I imagine I would be able to ask my neighbors if they are bothered by second hand smoke. If so, I wouldn't smoke when they are out on the balcony. I didn't reserve a balcony to smoke, I wanted it for the view. Since this is a first time balcony do they provide ashtrays or some receptacle to dispose of butts and ashes? As I said, I smoke occasionally, am not a hard core smoker. I enjoy smoking occasionally, but the butts and ash I find nasty. :)

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Before booking our April 8th TA cruise, I asked our booking agent about the veranda smoking rule and told her I was very sensitive to it for health reasons. We wanted a balcony to get fresh air for motion sickness. She informed us all balconies were NON smoking as of a year ago. I didn't think anything more about it since we have enjoyed a no smoking balcony on Princess and Celebrity.

I was shocked to find out a few days ago smoking is allowed, we are locked into it now with flights, private shore excursion, hotels for 3 wks after cruise. I do not know if we were "conned" by the cru company, or if it was an honest mistake. However all they are doing is offering a $25 OBC! The Federal Trade Comission recommended Business Bureau, and or speaking with the DA and or a private attorney. Since we have put so much into planning, I would really want to be able to enjoy the trip and not have to deal with canceling the trip or other legal action.

If neighboring balconies are non smokers, below and sides it seems it won't be too much of a problem. But it seems this is now a smoker's ship since the other lines have banned it. If a cigar smoker is next door; motion sickness and cigar smoking do not mix. My system can't handle the stress of a poor environment. I do travel, but not in a smoking environment.

Has anyone ever been given False information and did HAL help, even though they were not the ones to give the false info? Should HAL be helping since the travel agencies are working on their behalf to book the cabins? Has anyone ever had a good outcome from false info?

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........<SNIP>.......do they provide ashtrays or some receptacle to dispose of butts and ashes? ........<SNIP>....... :)

Yes they do. Ask your Stateroom Steward for one and he will get you one. I believe that the ones given to us by the stewards are only available from the Stateroom stewards because I've never seen them anywhere else on any of the HAL Ships we've been on. They are really nice!! Here is a photo I took of one:





Edited by IRL_Joanie
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Before booking our April 8th TA cruise, I asked our booking agent about the veranda smoking rule and told her I was very sensitive to it for health reasons. We wanted a balcony to get fresh air for motion sickness. She informed us all balconies were NON smoking as of a year ago. I didn't think anything more about it since we have enjoyed a no smoking balcony on Princess and Celebrity.

I was shocked to find out a few days ago smoking is allowed, we are locked into it now with flights, private shore excursion, hotels for 3 wks after cruise. I do not know if we were "conned" by the cru company, or if it was an honest mistake. However all they are doing is offering a $25 OBC! The Federal Trade Comission recommended Business Bureau, and or speaking with the DA and or a private attorney. Since we have put so much into planning, I would really want to be able to enjoy the trip and not have to deal with canceling the trip or other legal action.

If neighboring balconies are non smokers, below and sides it seems it won't be too much of a problem. But it seems this is now a smoker's ship since the other lines have banned it. If a cigar smoker is next door; motion sickness and cigar smoking do not mix. My system can't handle the stress of a poor environment. I do travel, but not in a smoking environment.

Has anyone ever been given False information and did HAL help, even though they were not the ones to give the false info? Should HAL be helping since the travel agencies are working on their behalf to book the cabins? Has anyone ever had a good outcome from false info?


I'm sorry this happened to you. I would rebook on another cruise line, pay the fee to change the air dates, etc. if that is not an option change to an ocean view cabin, forget the balcony.

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Jo3….so sorry this has happened to you. A few months ago, I entered a post re the smoking policy on HAL balconies, and received correct, up-to-date information from my fellow CC'ers.


I have four friends (two couples) that are planning their first cruise. They decided to go to an AAA presentation of HAL cruises to Alaska. They specifically asked the presenting TA about HAL smoking policies and the TA was adamant that smoking was prohibited on all balconies and that that had been in effect since last year, just like you were told. I encouraged them to meet one on one with the TA which they did. The TA called HAL and was told that her information was incorrect. My friends described the TA as being in shock that she had the wrong info. The HAL smoking policy was a game changer for them and they ended up booking with Princess. AAA is a huge organization, not an independent TA and I can’t believe that they would peddle misinformation. They are big HAL supporters and my guess is that they get some kick-back for having their clients book with HAL.


My husband and I are with the many others on this thread that we will not return to HAL until the balcony smoking policy changes.


Your TA needs to make things right for you. After that, you need to find a new TA.


Let us know what you work out and best of luck…



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Since we have put so much into planning, I would really want to be able to enjoy the trip and not have to deal with canceling the trip or other legal action...If neighboring balconies are non smokers, below and sides it seems it won't be too much of a problem.


Are you wondering whether HAL will ensure that you have a smoke free cruise? If so, the answer is I highly doubt it. I cannot see HAL suddenly amending its smoking policy and temporarily making a certain block of balconies smoke free.


But it seems this is now a smoker's ship since the other lines have banned it.
There is no evidence whatsoever to support this statement.


Has anyone ever been given False information and did HAL help, even though they were not the ones to give the false info? Should HAL be helping since the travel agencies are working on their behalf to book the cabins? Has anyone ever had a good outcome from false info?
What exactly is it that you would like HAL to do? What are you expecting? HAL cannot be help responsible for incorrect information provided by a third party.
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But it seems this is now a smoker's ship since the other lines have banned it.


There is no evidence whatsoever to support this statement.


If I were a smoker and I wanted to smoke on my balcony, HAL would be about the only choice. It anecdotal evidence, but it seems pretty clear that HAL is bound to attract more smokers.

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But it seems this is now a smoker's ship since the other lines have banned it.


There is no evidence whatsoever to support this statement.


If I were a smoker and I wanted to smoke on my balcony, HAL would be about the only choice. It anecdotal evidence, but it seems pretty clear that HAL is bound to attract more smokers.


It's plain 'old common sense. :)

When one can do an activity in one (or few) places, one is probably going to go to those places. If HAL is about the only remaining mass market cruise line permitting smoking on verandahs, smokers are going to book those verandahs.

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Yes they do. Ask your Stateroom Steward for one and he will get you one. I believe that the ones given to us by the stewards are only available from the Stateroom stewards because I've never seen them anywhere else on any of the HAL Ships we've been on. They are really nice!! Here is a photo I took of one:






Thank you Joanie....LOL I thought for sure people were going to slam me for being an occasional smoker. I'm one of those who can smoke for a few days and not touch them for a year. Smoking relaxes me. Hope that makes sense. The ashtray looks like it'd do the job of keeping stray ashes and butts contained. Thanks again!

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But it seems this is now a smoker's ship since the other lines have banned it.


You received this response to your statement: "There is no evidence whatsoever to support this statement."


I disagree with that rather curt response, particularly because I don't believe it to be entirely correct. "Evidence" depends upon how much convincing one needs. Folks can be pretty stubborn regarding issues at times, on the other hand, getting paranoid over minor inconveniences doesn't really get one anywhere either. Personally, we have experienced enough and heard enough to have serious concerns. Any rate, we watch and wait, and pay attention to posts on this thread as pertinent trends germinate. In the meantime, HAL will be sailing without us.


It is important to realize that this all is a very recent development. All other significant mass market cruise lines have now abolished balcony smoking, leaving HAL the only game in town. The big concern, as one might deduce from many posts on this thread, is what happens if smokers begin to saturate most of HAL's balconies?


Obviously, this circumstance isn't a given. It will take a period of time for repercussions to manifest. Smokers may not flock to HAL as feared, instead remain with their favorite cruise line even though they prohibit balcony smoking. On the other hand, as many have postulated here, HAL ships might become the "Ashtrays of the Seas".


You gave an excellent reason for why you want a balcony. We are spoiled on balconies too. Advice that you should consider retrogressing and take an inside or ocean view stateroom is bunk.


At this time, no one knows for certain what is going to happen on HAL. Perhaps HAL might even join the others in their prohibition. PS, dump your TA.

Edited by kennicott
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Thank you Joanie....LOL I thought for sure people were going to slam me for being an occasional smoker. I'm one of those who can smoke for a few days and not touch them for a year. Smoking relaxes me. Hope that makes sense. The ashtray looks like it'd do the job of keeping stray ashes and butts contained. Thanks again!


No one would slam you for being an occasional smoker - and especially as you are obviously considerate. It is those who spend all day on their balcony smoking that have a negative impact on all those around them.


And to kennicot - there have already been quite a few posts from people who say they have come from other cruise lines just because they can smoke on HAL balconies.

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Thank you Joanie....LOL I thought for sure people were going to slam me for being an occasional smoker. I'm one of those who can smoke for a few days and not touch them for a year. Smoking relaxes me. Hope that makes sense. The ashtray looks like it'd do the job of keeping stray ashes and butts contained. Thanks again!


You are quite welcome:)



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When we took the 42 day Atlantic Adventure cruise, we never had any issues with anyone smoking next to our verandah. I will take issue with the smokers here, who say they are considerate smokers. No, you really are not. Much as you think you are, we still have to smell it. And you can go on about your perfume allergies all you want, but quite frankly, it's ridiculous that you would smoke up a storm and have problems with a bit of perfume. Oh please! Gimme a break.

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I am a non-smoker and will only book a cabin w/ veranda. I dislike the smell of cigarette and cigar smoke. i hope that HAL will stop smoking on balconies but I also understand that right now it is allowed so I deal with it. I still hope though :D.

Edited by freestyling
Meant cabin w/balcony
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I disagree with that rather curt response, particularly because I don't believe it to be entirely correct. "Evidence" depends upon how much convincing one needs.


On this, we shall have to agree to disagree. Evidence is, of course, defined as the body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. As Daniel Patrick Moynihan so famously penned, "You are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts."

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Reality is that smokers are a dirge on everyone. When I go to the casino and sit with smokers, I will now start to be verbally annoying to them as they are to me.

My argument will be that they can get their smoking elsewhere and come back to the table.

Maybe we can be vigilantes, if HAL has no guts for it.

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What HAL/Carnival will hear loudest is telling them the cruises you have booked elsewhere because of their verandah/casino smoking policy.......

It's always about the Money!!! When the large majority of those who prefer no smoking make it known it is a factor in where they spend their vacation dollars, the small percentage of smokers will lose out.


More cruisers not booking because of the policy vs those who do book because of the policy = change of policy.




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