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Flowers, Chocolates, Qtips missing Oh My..


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I certainly understand that those that have cruise as long as I have and longer will lament the old days, but it seems like everything is negative and it really began to fester last Novemver. Prior to that, if someone said a negative thing about Celebrity, some of the posters were all over them like crazy and telling them to go somewhere else and now some posters never post a postive thing about Celebrity.


I would have thought you would get it, but obviously I was wrong. It began to fester then and the mood changed for many long time cruisers and posters because that is when the cuts/changes started happening in earnest. A Capella group? Gone. Activities staff? Slashed. Live music? Cut way back. Specialty restaurant prices? Increased.


Have you experienced them first hand? How many Celebrity cruises have you been on in that time period?

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I would have thought you would get it, but obviously I was wrong. It began to fester then and the mood changed for many long time cruisers and posters because that is when the cuts/changes started happening in earnest. A Capella group? Gone. Activities staff? Slashed. Live music? Cut way back. Specialty restaurant prices? Increased.


Have you experienced them first hand? How many Celebrity cruises have you been on in that time period?

I've experienced all the things that some are complaining about and I've experienced some of the deletions/changes first hand and some I haven't. Since I've experienced the things others have an issue with them being gone, I feel I have certainly earned the right to say if the deletions/changes have or would have an impact to my cruising experience, based on my likes and dislikes and what I value on a cruise. Your opinion might be different and this is fine; if we all like the same things, it would be a really boring world.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Celebrity chooses to eliminate perks and raise prices, and we choose from what's available in the cruise vacation world.

Everything changes.

The CEO of Royal Caribbean recently told CNBC that he's committed to driving revenue and profitability by 10% annually . That's over 50% over the next five years........

There are alternatives to Celebrity. I found Celebrity to be a tremendous value at the 2010-2013 pricing. Not so much any more. At $200 per night in AQ, Blu's menu and food preparation was adequate.

At $500 per night, it isn't......for that I can eat in Oceania's restaurants, and stay in a larger room on a new ship that holds only 1250 people, and the specialty restaurants are included....

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I always value the observations of returning posters who notice the changes from previous voyages. I find most of the attacks come from those who have never or seldom experienced many Celebrity cruises. Celebrity offered small touches superior to NCL and Carnival and Princess and Royal that set them above the others. Each small cut brings X closer to average.

The great majority of cruises are now more expensive than they were last year but the cuts, even minor ones continue. Posters who have never even stepped foot on a Celebrity can only offer ridicule to people who are aware of the changes.


Opinions do not have equal weight. One's cruise history is very important to give a perspective to observations. We all have our own perspective on what enhances our cruising experience. Just because one does not agree there is no need to attack the poster for making an observation.




Here's an observation I made from my cruise on the Silhouette in December and my cruise on Solstice last week. The Silhouette cruise was the first week that the new entertainment model had started where the acts were centered around the Grand Foyer. Last week I noticed that this has become extremely popular. The same groups were singing in that area and all the decks were loaded with people watching them. They were doing quite well in the bars, Café al Bacio., etc. Not as many people in the bars not near the Grand Foyer. Big change from six months ago.


Also, in discussing the OPS original post I don't think anyone mentioned that the items missing, chocolates, q tips, etc. are not items exclusive to Aqua Class, CC or suites. They were items I have had on every cruise prior no matter where we were.


I might also point out that I received everything expected in AQ and they were in my cabin. Did not have to ask for anything. I have seen changes on the ships and some cutbacks but not anything in AQ from my first AQ cruise five years ago.


edit: One other point, different ships 8 months apart, same cruise director.

Edited by dkjretired
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I am both a shareholder AND a long time Celebrity cruiser (1996 should qualify me). I have to say that I have not experienced a significant decline in service, the food always seems about the same to me (banquet food and I'm okay with that for what I'm paying) and the loss of chocolates and qtips means nothing to me.


Cuts in entertainment, not the big theater kind but the small venue kind, are noticeable and don't make me happy, but have only the most minor effect on my cruise enjoyment.


But I am a big bargain shopper and never book the high priced cruises; off season is a much better deal. I guess if I was paying the new significantly higher prices I'f feel more strongly about the cuts than I do

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The point you are missing is that a person who has only cruised Celebrity for a year or 2, may not realize the accumulation of small things that have been eliminated over the past years. It is not any one item, but a trend that, it seems, only those who have cruised Celebrity for years are noticing. Yet you seem to on one hand say that everyone's opinion counts the same , when in this case, that is just not true,& you discount their opinion. You are guilty of the exact thing you rail against! The fact that a new cruiser to Celebrity doesn't care about the changes doesn't negate the changes. Experienced Celebrity cruisers are wondering where it will end, & resent it when those who are ready to make excuses for the changes, say that they are exaggerating, or just want the old ways. If by the old ways, you mean the attention to detail that Celebrity was famous for, then yes, experienced cruisers will lament the loss tof the old ways that drew them to Celebrity in the first place.


Rich is right and that is happening a lot on this board in the last couple of months. Experience does count for something and there is just too much incorrect info being giving out lately. I see many of the older posters not posting as much and these are people who actually posted info that was correct and based on real experiences.

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Strange, I thought the person you were quoting was standing up for the OP's right to express his opinion. It seems there is only one person here who finds it necessary to challenge every post.


Ma Bell - I'm afraid a dead horse is being beaten to death here. :eek: You cannot win this argument/discussion. I do appreciate your observations, however. :)

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Because of this thread I have actually, for the first time in 11 years, added posters to my IGNORE LIST under User CP.


As someone who is still relatively new to CC, this sentiment makes me feel weary. Are all posts like this? I feel like, if I express my opinion in a discussion forum in a healthy and mature way it either somehow doesn't count because I haven't cruised as much as others, or doesn't count because it doesn't agree with others. I also kind of feel like I walked into an ongoing beef with a few rivals or something. Not that I'm pointing fingers at you personally, just saying that this thread has started to make me as a new cruiser feel a bit unwelcome.

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As someone who is still relatively new to CC, this sentiment makes me feel weary. Are all posts like this? I feel like, if I express my opinion in a discussion forum in a healthy and mature way it either somehow doesn't count because I haven't cruised as much as others, or doesn't count because it doesn't agree with others. I also kind of feel like I walked into an ongoing beef with a few rivals or something. Not that I'm pointing fingers at you personally, just saying that this thread has started to make me as a new cruiser feel a bit unwelcome.
Don't feel unwelcomed, the majority of the posters on here are great and love hearing others opinions. Just like life, there are some that if you don't agree with them, say it like it is or post opinions they don't like, you had better have a thick skin. Please, please express your opinion (I certainly do) and as another poster appropriately said "Illegitimi non carborundum". Edited by NLH Arizona
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As someone who is still relatively new to CC, this sentiment makes me feel weary. Are all posts like this? I feel like, if I express my opinion in a discussion forum in a healthy and mature way it either somehow doesn't count because I haven't cruised as much as others, or doesn't count because it doesn't agree with others. I also kind of feel like I walked into an ongoing beef with a few rivals or something. Not that I'm pointing fingers at you personally, just saying that this thread has started to make me as a new cruiser feel a bit unwelcome.


You need to delve into the flow of this thread.


No one is telling anyone else that their opinion is not important. Rather, some of us who have cruised on this line many, many times for many years, and have some issues with changes and cuts that have occurred, largely in the last year, are repeatedly told that the cuts either are so minor as to not merit discussion or that "it doesn't matter to me so if it is a problem with you it means you are nothing but a complainer." This has been told to cruisers and posters on this board who have over 1000 days cruising this line.


Plus, there is the broken record aspect....

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As someone who is still relatively new to CC, this sentiment makes me feel weary. Are all posts like this? I feel like, if I express my opinion in a discussion forum in a healthy and mature way it either somehow doesn't count because I haven't cruised as much as others, or doesn't count because it doesn't agree with others. I also kind of feel like I walked into an ongoing beef with a few rivals or something. Not that I'm pointing fingers at you personally, just saying that this thread has started to make me as a new cruiser feel a bit unwelcome.


Perhaps it's because people are telling you that you should feel that way. Most people on these boards respect other's opinions and answer the questions and remark about the subject without always taking a stab at the people involved, but there are a few who always have to slip in a sly dig at others. Sometimes it gets excessive and then people strike back and make comments they normally wouldn't.

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You need to delve into the flow of this thread.


No one is telling anyone else that their opinion is not important. Rather, some of us who have cruised on this line many, many times for many years, and have some issues with changes and cuts that have occurred, largely in the last year, are repeatedly told that the cuts either are so minor as to not merit discussion or that "it doesn't matter to me so if it is a problem with you it means you are nothing but a complainer." This has been told to cruisers and posters on this board who have over 1000 days cruising this line.


Plus, there is the broken record aspect....

If someone says the cuts don't matter to them or are minor, that is their opinion. So I guess you are saying that their opinion doesn't count unless they have cruised 1000 cays on Celebrity.


And Sperkins921, please go back and read the entire thread and you will see how some question how many cruises you been on, etc. in an effort to nullify others opinions. The thread speaks for itself.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Can you say "last word syndrome".

When I checked the boards today & saw that this thread had finally slipped to the 2nd page I thought that perhaps it would die the death that it deserves because my head hurts from beating it against the wall. Alas, not the case. I humbly succumb.

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As someone who is still relatively new to CC, this sentiment makes me feel weary. Are all posts like this? I feel like, if I express my opinion in a discussion forum in a healthy and mature way it either somehow doesn't count because I haven't cruised as much as others, or doesn't count because it doesn't agree with others. I also kind of feel like I walked into an ongoing beef with a few rivals or something. Not that I'm pointing fingers at you personally, just saying that this thread has started to make me as a new cruiser feel a bit unwelcome.


This was a challenging thread. For me personally the challenging part was being told my concerns of Celebrity's changes meant I was shouting the sky is falling and being negative. Everyone's mileage varied and buttons were pushed, hard. To my knowledge, there was no previous beef between folks, and I consider myself friendly with many who feel cuts have no impact.


That aside I do believe everyone's opinion matters, I said it in one of my deleted before sent posts. I am always interested in what newcomers say and those way surpassing my 33 days this past 16 months. It gives me a perspective beyond my own. Changes are rapidly happening, what Celebrity was in 2011 and 2012 doesn't matter as much as what is different from April.


When I first came over to Celebrity in the olden days of 2011, I could not ask a question without being challenged or considered some sort of spy. I do not see that type of issue here these days. During this time the boards for celebrity were very negative. The food budget had been drastically cut and new menus upset almost everyone. Not me though, I went in with full knowledge that it was not all it had been. CC helped me with my expectation and during those times other lines got new customers. How could I be upset? I had never tasted the amazing food I heard so much about. Now it seems to have declined again and it does matter to me.


Also, there have been historic moments on CC. Once many of us found out that some of the posters were being given benefits for posting positive things about celebrity and challenging all who had issues. It took me a long time to get over the fact some of my beloved CC folks were arms of a marketing ploy. Of course it was innocent to many, but I think it took a lot for some of us to come back to discuss our favorite brands and how we wished to improve them, boast about them and compare them.


Celebrity is cutting for AQ and down in service, food quality, entertainment and small touches. Like we all know now, it matters little to some. I paid a final payment for 14 more nights this December last night. I have to say it was the hardest payment I ever made. I had just received a nice offer from Oceania and it was tempting.


kevinZ is right. Rather than sweating the positions, I should just look at the price per night and be willing to sacrifice some possible future payoff in loyalty. I am looking for a better than mainstream line but not luxury. Celebrity used to be that in the market. I am unsure if it wants to retain that though. What we know for sure is the suites have been given more benefits and the prices are climbing for all.


The ignore button may actually keep threads from getting over heated and it is a good feature to keep people from irritation or feeling like they are being cyber stalked.


I do read all your posts, I appreciate them.


There are some passionate loyalists and I think some of them speak harshly about their favorite line. If they didn't care they wouldn't bother.

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Can you say "last word syndrome".

When I checked the boards today & saw that this thread had finally slipped to the 2nd page I thought that perhaps it would die the death that it deserves because my head hurts from beating it against the wall. Alas, not the case. I humbly succumb.


Rich...my first chuckle of the day. I will now take an aspirin and click no more.

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Also, there have been historic moments on CC. Once many of us found out that some of the posters were being given benefits for posting positive things about celebrity and challenging all who had issues. It took me a long time to get over the fact some of my beloved CC folks were arms of a marketing ploy. Of course it was innocent to many, but I think it took a lot for some of us to come back to discuss our favorite brands and how we wished to improve them, boast about them and compare them.




What, I have been on this board since its inception and that has never been reported as happening on the Celebrity board. Please give some proof of that allegation.

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What, I have been on this board since its inception and that has never been reported as happening on the Celebrity board. Please give some proof of that allegation.


I've never heard that one either.


It definitely occurred with Royal ("Royal Champions), but I can't remember, though, if that happened with Celebrity.


This news story only talks about Royal.

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This was a challenging thread. For me personally the challenging part was being told my concerns of Celebrity's changes meant I was shouting the sky is falling and being negative. Everyone's mileage varied and buttons were pushed, hard. To my knowledge, there was no previous beef between folks, and I consider myself friendly with many who feel cuts have no impact.


That aside I do believe everyone's opinion matters, I said it in one of my deleted before sent posts. I am always interested in what newcomers say and those way surpassing my 33 days this past 16 months. It gives me a perspective beyond my own. Changes are rapidly happening, what Celebrity was in 2011 and 2012 doesn't matter as much as what is different from April.


When I first came over to Celebrity in the olden days of 2011, I could not ask a question without being challenged or considered some sort of spy. I do not see that type of issue here these days. During this time the boards for celebrity were very negative. The food budget had been drastically cut and new menus upset almost everyone. Not me though, I went in with full knowledge that it was not all it had been. CC helped me with my expectation and during those times other lines got new customers. How could I be upset? I had never tasted the amazing food I heard so much about. Now it seems to have declined again and it does matter to me.


Also, there have been historic moments on CC. Once many of us found out that some of the posters were being given benefits for posting positive things about celebrity and challenging all who had issues. It took me a long time to get over the fact some of my beloved CC folks were arms of a marketing ploy. Of course it was innocent to many, but I think it took a lot for some of us to come back to discuss our favorite brands and how we wished to improve them, boast about them and compare them.


Celebrity is cutting for AQ and down in service, food quality, entertainment and small touches. Like we all know now, it matters little to some. I paid a final payment for 14 more nights this December last night. I have to say it was the hardest payment I ever made. I had just received a nice offer from Oceania and it was tempting.


kevinZ is right. Rather than sweating the positions, I should just look at the price per night and be willing to sacrifice some possible future payoff in loyalty. I am looking for a better than mainstream line but not luxury. Celebrity used to be that in the market. I am unsure if it wants to retain that though. What we know for sure is the suites have been given more benefits and the prices are climbing for all.


The ignore button may actually keep threads from getting over heated and it is a good feature to keep people from irritation or feeling like they are being cyber stalked.


I do read all your posts, I appreciate them.


There are some passionate loyalists and I think some of them speak harshly about their favorite line. If they didn't care they wouldn't bother.


What, I have been on this board since its inception and that has never been reported as happening on the Celebrity board. Please give some proof of that allegation.


I have no evidence of this but have wondered about it also. I understand that each of us has his or her own opinion and that things that are important to me may not be important to others but when certain posters always say that every single complaint is unjustified (and this began way before this thread or this issue) and that this (or any other ) cruiseline can basically do no wrong it does appear that, whether or not they are getting it, they are certainly looking for compensation. I even wrote the moderators about that concern last year.

I see CC as a wonderful place to ask questions and share experiences and information but sharing information is not constantly singing Celebrity's praises.

Those of you new to cruising and/or new to Celebrity are certainly as important to the balanced discussion as everyone else.

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I have no evidence of this but have wondered about it also. I understand that each of us has his or her own opinion and that things that are important to me may not be important to others but when certain posters always say that every single complaint is unjustified (and this began way before this thread or this issue) and that this (or any other ) cruiseline can basically do no wrong it does appear that, whether or not they are getting it, they are certainly looking for compensation. I even wrote the moderators about that concern last year.

I see CC as a wonderful place to ask questions and share experiences and information but sharing information is not constantly singing Celebrity's praises.

Those of you new to cruising and/or new to Celebrity are certainly as important to the balanced discussion as everyone else.


I think if you take the time to check you will find that the regulars on this board have posting records which criticize Celebrity also.

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Hi all,


Few things that we wanted to comment on:


1. We still have Qtips on board.


2. We do not pay or reward anyone for posting on Cruise Critic.

Thank you Celebrity, glad to hear you still have q-tips and that you don't reward anyone for being a loyal Celebrity cruiser.
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