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Cruising and Ebola


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The blood draw from the lab supervisor on the Carnival ship has tested negative. This was also day 21.


Yes, she is out of the 21 day period and did not develop it so it was simply a scare. Lets be glad NOW regulations are set so it has less chance of happening on another cruise.


To the poster,leafkeeper, hand sanitizer does not work on viruses, only bacteria. For colds, flu, Ebola, that is not going to help. What does help and I noticed both restaurants I ate at in the last week did in their bathrooms, is cleaning with BLEACH. Bleach does help kill viruses. I was glad to see at least some public restaurants are doing that If we were to have an out break here, I would even wash my hands with that, even if it dried them out,it would be "oh well, I prefer dry hands to Ebola". Especially since I already have a compromised immune system.


to the person mentioning we can get cancer from some sun screen; that is true. Coconut oil is a great sun screen and natural, plus it is antiseptic, buy that and take with you on vacations.

If we have an out break, I think will wash my hands/body with bleach water and then use the coconut oil as body creme.

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to the person mentioning we can get cancer from some sun screen; that is true. Coconut oil is a great sun screen and natural, plus it is antiseptic, buy that and take with you on vacations.

If we have an out break, I think will wash my hands/body with bleach water and then use the coconut oil as body creme.

Bleach is sodium hypochlorite, which is corrosive. It would damage your skin if you washed with it. Coconut oil only has an SPF of 7.11, so I wouldn't consider this the world's best sunscreen.

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Bleach is sodium hypochlorite, which is corrosive. It would damage your skin if you washed with it. Coconut oil only has an SPF of 7.11, so I wouldn't consider this the world's best sunscreen.


Rugrats, not great but it does not cause cancer. People can do other things like wear a T shirt, hats staying out of the sun between 10 and 2.


As far as bleach bad for your skin YES. I am not doing that NOW but Ebola gets out in the US and is not contained, that will be the least of our worries. We will not be worry about it ruining our cruise either for that matter.

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I'm going to be honest - CDC / Government don't care and probably never will especially condidering the locations that it occurred -Africa & Texas. Not too many native West Africans go back and front constantly between the US and there. Regarding Texas; they don't relied on public transportation like NYC; in other words, the CDC got luck it happen in Dallas and there - the moment its found out the infected rode the subway, it will be definitely be mass hysteria for a good reason. Ebola is hard to clean up and can live on surfaces for weeks - subways are rarely cleaned up of trashed during the day, let alone bars and seats scrubbed down; that automatically hundreds, maybe thousands of people sick right there if that was to happen. Count the lucky stars that not more people are sick with it here in the States, and pay attention to here its happening.


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Well you sure called that one. Another know it all doctor who admits he was slightly fatigued Tuesday. Decided to not self quarantine so Wednesday took 3 separate NYC subways. Then went to a crowded bowling alley and took a uber taxis. Before the next morning calling an ambulance since his fever 103 Lets see if your correct about a panic in NYC. I could be wrong but I think the wonderful method of contact tracing works wonders in isolated villages where not much contact can take place. But how could they possibly trace every one this clown came in contact with. I was worried the panic would occur if the nurse on the plane infected a few but I see if a few of the subway riders get it then the cat is out of the bag.

If it's not to late why don't we quarantine people from there for at least 21 days in a mandatory quarantine since its obvious health care workers seem to be unable to do it themselves.

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Well you sure called that one. Another know it all doctor who admits he was slightly fatigued Tuesday. Decided to not self quarantine so Wednesday took 3 separate NYC subways. Then went to a crowded bowling alley and took a uber taxis. Before the next morning calling an ambulance since his fever 103 Lets see if your correct about a panic in NYC. I could be wrong but I think the wonderful method of contact tracing works wonders in isolated villages where not much contact can take place. But how could they possibly trace every one this clown came in contact with. I was worried the panic would occur if the nurse on the plane infected a few but I see if a few of the subway riders get it then the cat is out of the bag.

If it's not to late why don't we quarantine people from there for at least 21 days in a mandatory quarantine since its obvious health care workers seem to be unable to do it themselves.

Just waiting on 2nd person or other people who never went to Africa &/or rode planes before to wind up with Ebola. That's the problem with public transportation in NYC - at least on airplanes and cruises you track down people easily, can't really trace people down on the subways.....Didn't help that he's a dunce of doctor and went to so many different places in Manhattan and probably the outer boroughs as well...


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Have people not "felt sluggish" after a 20+ hour return from another continent??? It's called jet lag, not Ebola. When I came back from Kenya, it took 24 hours and 3 flights. I was "sluggish" for probably a week. The doctor did just what the protocol said to do. Please stop injecting more hysteria where it does not belong.


Sanitary conditions and tribal traditions are a large reason why so many in West Africa contract Ebola. When traditions dictate that the family wash and prepare the body for burial, without proper education, people WILL come in contact with fluids/excrement from the deceased.


As for quarantining everyone who comes off a flight from West Africa: there are no nonstop flights from those area to the US. So, now, you're talking about having to expand your quarantine to every flight that comes from every connecting airport which has a flight from West Africa. It is not scalable - just like the US has the dog-and-pony TSA security because quality security practices a la Ben Gurion (the one international airport in Israel) does not scale to all our US airports.


I got my flu shot - did you?? Or do you want to wander around unprotected and then pass it on to others??? Think globally, ACT locally.

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Have people not "felt sluggish" after a 20+ hour return from another continent??? It's called jet lag, not Ebola. When I came back from Kenya, it took 24 hours and 3 flights. I was "sluggish" for probably a week. The doctor did just what the protocol said to do. Please stop injecting more hysteria where it does not belong.


Sanitary conditions and tribal traditions are a large reason why so many in West Africa contract Ebola. When traditions dictate that the family wash and prepare the body for burial, without proper education, people WILL come in contact with fluids/excrement from the deceased.


As for quarantining everyone who comes off a flight from West Africa: there are no nonstop flights from those area to the US. So, now, you're talking about having to expand your quarantine to every flight that comes from every connecting airport which has a flight from West Africa. It is not scalable - just like the US has the dog-and-pony TSA security because quality security practices a la Ben Gurion (the one international airport in Israel) does not scale to all our US airports.


I got my flu shot - did you?? Or do you want to wander around unprotected and then pass it on to others??? Think globally, ACT locally.


Actually I had the flu shot years ago. Both times I got sick. My dad who lived to 96 never took the shots and never died of the flu. I notice unless you're a rich elite the only flu shot available to the masses is one that still has Hg ( Mercury) though the nurses giving the shots are not informed enough to know. It hard to get honest news and soon the internet will have even less freedom to find alternate view points. So please stop injecting more hysteria where it does not belong. As for a recent liberal magazine post about flu shots for the elderly see:



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Flushot only gives resistance to influenza viruses, not the other flu viruses. However influenza is the one with hard symptoms and even death. The shot does give a 70 procent resistance to influenza so it either prevents it or if you get it, it is not so serious.


so it is a very sensible thing to get it, if you have other illnesses or are in contact with people who have other illnesses or small children, to prevent you to pass the virus to them. If one is otherwise completely healthy and not too old, and dont get seriously ill easily, the shot is probably just waste of money.

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One can find something in all corners of the Internet to support whatever one wants to believe…


I have had the opposite experience of you: I have always received the "influenza vaccination" of the season. Because I work with the public, perhaps my risk of exposure is larger than yours. Last year for the first time in a long time, I totally spaced out on getting the vaccination. I got the flu in a massive way, converted to bronchitis, and was sick for 3 months. 9 months later, I still have a cough that has been linked to being ill last winter.


I did not realize that Scientific American was a "liberal" magazine. The article really had no hard data, but anecdotal. It only referenced that children under 2 and seniors with compromised immune systems weren't likely to benefit from the approved vaccinations. That leaves a very large part of the community. How about we require everyone under 2 and over 65 to remain under self-quarantine and follow a protocol for self-reporting during flu season??? :roll eyes:


I'm defintely NOT a "rich elite" and I do not believe my physician checks my financial status nor my political leanings before reaching for the "poor folks" vaccine or the "rich folks" vaccine for me. As for the mercury - Thimerosal contains some ethyl mercury. If you ever had contact lenses, at one time your eyedrops and solutions had Thimerosal in them. It is the methyl mercury that enters your brain and does nasty things.

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If we are going to be concerned about what could happen to us while on a cruise, let's sped our time worrying about things that have actually happened and not things that never have. Just a thought.


Yes, I am more afraid of an outbreak at home. Not terrified, as we Americans have a better survival rate than those that are malnourished. Even the poorest of us here in the US have indoor plumbing, many in those countries do not; raw sewage is another carrier. Not airborne but flies touching that and then landing on people.


Good hygiene is the best preventative. At home or on a cruise, I wash my hands frequently and try not to touch my face when out in public. As soon as I get home I wash my hands first thing.


As far as the sick doctor, it being normal to feel sluggish/jet lag after a long flight YES that is true, but then I stay home and rest up a day or so. I usually plan ahead to have something in the freezer too for dinner, so I will not need to go to the grocery first thing after coming home from a trip. so, I am not out and about. My husband usually takes an extra vacation day from work to rest up after a long flight. so if anything, all the more reason why he should not been out, he should have been home recuperating from jet lag. As a doctor,he would know exhaustion, weakens your immune system too, so his resting up after such a flight would have protected himself. Now I do not mean eboli, I am thinking colds and flu.


Now, one year I did get the dreaded norovirus the day after coming home from a cruise. Not a long flight but we did drive home 10 hours from Florida. I woke up the next morning not well and by late afternoon those issues were there so I had not been out in public spreading it. Now, if I caught it on ship or a dirty bathroom on the turnpike who knows?


Before I got in the habit of frequently washing my hands, I had norovirus a good many times in my life, Lol! However, I also was bad to get into food after leaving the grocery store before coming home. I had not washed my hands so no wonder! I got smarter though and it had been over 10 years before I got it again after taking a cruise. At least I was back home that last time (November 2008) when it struck me!


Good hygiene is a good preventative for a lot of things. Wash your hands and do not touch your face! if we do have an out break I will be washing in bleach water, as harsh as that is, becasue it has been shown that in these poor countries that those who have done that were not as apt to become ill after contact.

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One can find something in all corners of the Internet to support whatever one wants to believe…


I have had the opposite experience of you: I have always received the "influenza vaccination" of the season. Because I work with the public, perhaps my risk of exposure is larger than yours. Last year for the first time in a long time, I totally spaced out on getting the vaccination. I got the flu in a massive way, converted to bronchitis, and was sick for 3 months. 9 months later, I still have a cough that has been linked to being ill last winter.


I did not realize that Scientific American was a "liberal" magazine. The article really had no hard data, but anecdotal. It only referenced that children under 2 and seniors with compromised immune systems weren't likely to benefit from the approved vaccinations. That leaves a very large part of the community. How about we require everyone under 2 and over 65 to remain under self-quarantine and follow a protocol for self-reporting during flu season??? :roll eyes:


I'm defintely NOT a "rich elite" and I do not believe my physician checks my financial status nor my political leanings before reaching for the "poor folks" vaccine or the "rich folks" vaccine for me. As for the mercury - Thimerosal contains some ethyl mercury. If you ever had contact lenses, at one time your eyedrops and solutions had Thimerosal in them. It is the methyl mercury that enters your brain and does nasty things.


Well I almost got the shot when I found out that many vaccines are Thimerosal free after watching a Doctor Oz show. But I took a closer look. It seems they changed the definition of Thimerosal free.




Like a lot of magazines Scientific American was once a treasure to read when I was in college many years ago. But that changed I realized it now has little regard to real science. They push global warming and it's not real science. I really miss the old days of the magazine.


I would not be surprised if you weakened you immune system somewhat by fears from not getting the shot. Stress has a lot to do with health. I have heard of people dying when they get a vodoo curse the power of power of the human man to heel or sicken ones self is often underestimated.

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I found another site discussing this Ebola thing. It really bothered me the government does not want to admit that roughly 13% of people never get a fever. I hear that repeated even today on the news. You can't get it till people show a fever which is not true. It looks like some members of congress have been told about how serious it can be. A lot of this is from Dr. Steven Hatfill you may remember him for the anthrax thing when he was accused of spreading it. Not sure how many people know he was cleared the media does not like to make many corrections when the truth is found out. I also more afraid of getting bit by mosquitoes and getting Chikungunya. No I am not going to stop cruising but I will be wearing a lot of DEET.





"The World Health Organization classifies the Ebola virus in the highest-risk category of infectious pathogens, Risk Group 4, denoting that infected people should be handled with BSL-4 precautions. But since its outbreak in the United States, Ebola guidelines from the CDC have treated the virus under the much less stringent BSL-3."


"Chikungunya is Swahili for “walks bent over.” It attacks the synovial membranes in your joints. It's agonizing. In fact, you're afraid you won't die. But most people get through it. It was, a hundred years ago, a fairly benign disease. There was a lot of travel between India and Durban in South Africa. Commerce, personnel, people, immigrants, back and forth. And the population density ramped up. It’s an RNA virus—you won't find an RNA virus that has more than about 10 genes or so, because any more than that it's made so many mistakes as it's replicated its genome, it's nonfunctional. So it doesn't get propagated. Some time over the last 100 years, one of these strains had a single mutation that enabled it to replicate to a higher titer inside the mosquito, and now that's the dominant form, which means these patients are getting a higher dose of virus. As with any infectious disease agent, the bigger dose you're exposed to, the quicker and more severe are going to be your symptoms."

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The New England Journal of Medicine stated that colidal silver can be used in the prevention & treatment of Ebola.


I keep hearing about that. Where can you purchase it and what exactly is it? Does it come from a plant (and the name has nothing to do with silver?) or is it a mineral oil?

As far as flu shots I have not taken one since my youth. I would always become ill for a couple of days after them and would have a "mini flu."


I have not had the flu since my daughter now 30 was 3 years old though. I always take echinacea and goldenseal and odorless garlic capsules as soon as I start feeling unwell and that knocks out a lot. I keep taking that for a week or so even after I feel better which is normally within 48 hours. It is great for sore throats and earaches too.


I am going to check into getting that colidal silver as I have heard many good things about it.



BTW, my hubby poo poos me taking those herbs and he is the one that gets strep throat every year sometimes even twice. My daughter and I herb our selves up. She's a teacher's assistant in elementary school. I have the compromised immune system from diabetes and also taking Januvia for my diabetes and she and I do not get the more serious sicknesses like strep throat and ear infections.

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Just came back to this thread, as it seems to still have legs, and see the talk of colloidal silver. Here is a link to a blog about research on this product, and while I cannot vouch for its accuracy or slant, it does seem to look at both sides:




One section I will paste is this:


To be effective, there would need to be systemic uptake of nano silver within the body at doses that are sufficient to inhibit the Ebola virus, but low enough to prevent unacceptable harm. Currently, scientists have no ideas what an appropriate dose is.


Even if they did, it is not clear how the silver nanoparticles would be delivered. Taking the material orally – as would be expected of colloidal silver dietary supplements – is unlikely to be effective as silver nanoparticles dissolve in gastric juices. Nanoparticle uptake from the gut into the body is also very poor. Inhaling silver nanoparticles is likewise unlikely to lead to significant nano-silver distribution through the body. Which leaves direct injection of silver nanoparticles into the bloodstream – not an option to be undertaken lightly with an unproven and untested nanomaterial.



So, it would seem that the colloidal silver products out there, which are predominately ingested, would be ineffective. The article states that the FDA has sent a cease and desist order to a manufacturer to stop claims of curing ebola. Also, all tests to date appear to be in vitro, not in human or other animals, so the true efficacy is still not known.

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Is anyone else afraid that it is only a matter of time before the first case of ebola breaks out on a ship and that is the end of the cruise industry?


Since the US is welcoming 150 travelers a day from W. Africa with open arms, it is only a matter of time before it becomes more of a problem than it already is.


I'm terrified! :eek:



Recommendation: Never leave your home. Avoid contact with the outside world. You'll be very safe. :eek:


Good luck.

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Recommendation: Never leave your home. Avoid contact with the outside world. You'll be very safe. :eek:


Good luck.


Maybe not when EPA tests show that indoor air inside a home can be up to 5 times more polluted than outside air unless HEPA filtration is used. Maybe we should all have oxygen scrubbers and air locks installed in our homes? Nah-the paranoid and conspiracy theorists will then find something else to be afraid of. :cool:


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Colidal silver is supposed to be held under your tongue for maybe 30 seconds. Instructions state the silver particles become absorbed into the bloodstream sublingually. I do not work in the medical field. I was just passing along info I had heard.

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Do not use liquid mercury - it's toxic!


I mentioned using colidal silver, a supplemtnt available from specialty health stores or online. I have several bottles from different manufacturers. The silver is supposed to be in small molecule bits that can be absorbed under the tongue. Holding a silver coin under your tongue would not be the same.


It might turn skin blue if used in high doses. The health food store manager sort of mentioned that.


So paranoid or smurfy, you choose.

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Do not use liquid mercury - it's toxic!


I mentioned using colidal silver, a supplemtnt available from specialty health stores or online. I have several bottles from different manufacturers. The silver is supposed to be in small molecule bits that can be absorbed under the tongue. Holding a silver coin under your tongue would not be the same.


It might turn skin blue if used in high doses. The health food store manager sort of mentioned that.


So paranoid or smurfy, you choose.


Actually, if you can find a silver coin. (not one of the sandwiches with copper in the middle), holding it under your tongue or between your fingers will allow Silver atoms to transfer to your skin. Silver is an element. Colloidal Silver is Silver in a molecular form (combined with another element) then put into a solution that the Silver does not bond with. This allows Silver atoms to be transferred to your system. The question is . . . what other chemicals are in the Colloidal Silver that do not help or can even be harmful.

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