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Quantum- Semi Live, Family Perspective


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The Zoo then next,


but first a sponge bob ice lolly!






I think all the kids were off school as it was the 11th and I think its what we call remembrance day in the UK, however we don't get a holiday and usually commemorate it on the second Sunday in November which we call remembrance Sunday. So there was plenty kids and families about but certainly not over crowded.


I am not sure what to say about the Zoo, I don't think we saw all of it. As far as Zoo's go and the ones we have seen it wasn't great in comparison, but for a Zoo in a park it was good. If you have taken your kids to other larger Zoo's before they may not be impressed and my honest opinion (I hope it doesn't offend anyone) is that I wouldn't put it on your "must do" list for us with 6 days to spare it was fine and we did enjoy it, but if you only had 1 or 2 days then I would give it a miss, there are certainly better things to do in NY.


A lot of the areas indoors you had to leave your stroller outside, it didn't bother us but just thought I should mention it to anyone looking at doing this.


We saw the penguins and birds and a huge Owl, along with a duck that was pretty good at diving, then Diana and I got a bit bored.


I was in "I want to see NY" mode and the Zoo was not fitting into that category I a afraid!


I should also probably tell you at this point that I am a useless tourist and sightseer! I am the kind of bloke that is "ok seen it now, lets move on" we did the harry Potter Studio tour in London last year and was told to allow 3 hours, We did it in 30 minutes! it was great and I enjoyed it, I just don't linger once I have seen something! For Michaela she likes to get her moneys worth! Luckily for me, Diana is just like me :D we both spent most of our time watching this cool duck!







large Eagle Owl, who looked pretty bored.




I think the other problem was I knew FAO Shwarz Toy Store was next on our agenda for the day, and I just couldn't wait to get there!


Although we did do the 4D Rio movie in the Zoo, except that a projector was broke and it was only shown in 2d, but it was fantastic and Diana loved it, in fact the 3 of us loved it!


it had wind blowing at you when the birds where flying and water sprayed you when they got close to the sea , it was great and she was riveted all the way through, they have got to get these on a RCI ship!


I have since also had download both Rio movies which she now watches repeatedly on her iPad!


Off to a HUGE toy store!!

Edited by Peewee14
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I am eagerly reading your trip report. I am a New Yorker who has relocated to Florida but as us New Yorkers say "once a New Yorker always a New Yorker". It is such an exciting city with it's own pulse and it seems to me you figured out it's beat right away. Keep enjoying and I hope to be enjoying my first time in London in January.

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FAO Shwarz!


I was looking forward to this, very very much! I love toy stores! I have a god son and nephews who are older than Diana and I love taking them shopping!


We are only in November but approaching the store you just had to feel some xmas cheer!! it was a huge toy store, in New York at Christmas!! with the people I love most, I felt like a very lucky man :D




The doorman, like all the people we have talked to and bumped into (some times literally) have been really friendly and when I asked could I take his picture I got a huge grin!





we went inside!


Who's the best daddy in the world!






What a fantastic place!!


We had a great time, Diana wasn't too bad, she obviously wanted everything so we explained to her she could have 3 things! which she soon picked, then every time she wanted something else, we said she had to put something back, that way she only ever had 3 things, and it got her to choose which she liked best, there was a lot of swapping of the 3 chosen items but it seemed to work really well and was a compromise of letting her have a few presents while avoiding her having any tantrums about wanting something and us saying no.


I have to admit though, towards the end she was such a good girl I upped it to 5! we got agent Lucy Wilde from Despicable Me 2 complete with "LIP STICK TASER!" which Diana loves to shout, a new doll and a bag thats a dog, so I suppose its a doggie bag, she also wanted a new bag to but everything she had it, oh how i so want to be a kid again!!! We went upstairs to where the huge piano is and generally just messed around and enjoyed it.

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before we left we spotted this, and I couldn't stop laughing, (Michaela thought i was being very childish! especially when i took my phone out to take a picture)





Is this stuff for real????


Maybe that why you see so many of these !!! I am guessing the sewers can't take any more people blowing colons!




We paid and left with a fully loaded stroller!


We decided to head back up 5th Avenue then cut across and down 6th before crossing again and to 7th and out Hotel, we heard Dianas bag which she had been clinging onto for dear life drop to the floor, and when we looked at her we realised why





She never ever does this usually!


We suddenly entered panic mode!! What do we do! if we let her sleep she won't go to bed later! etc etc, bit pathetic really 2 grown adults in , meltdown over their daughter falling asleep! LOL


this was about 5 or 6 pm I think, so we decided back to the hotel for an early night, we were still stuffed after the deli so didn't fancy eating dinner just yet anyway,


We got back to the hotel where we hoped she would wake up and we would go out to dinner, but she really was out for the count. We just put her to bed and decided to have night in, and then we switched on the TV to find we had just walked down 6th Ave 10 mins before an armed robbery!


Michaela and I chilled out on the sofa, and although initially a little disappointed about our unexpected early night, we were very content and happy and with the food being so good in the hotel the night before we ordered room service and a pay movie on TV..... Then at 9pm a cheeky face appeared out of the bedroom door! The monster was awake! wide awake and looking for fun!


I got her dressed and I took her to McDonalds for her favourite chicken nuggets and a chocolate milkshake, then we all cuddled up, watched TV and finally went to sleep at some point.



Wednesday coming up soon with The Empire State Building, Macys and Ellens Stardust Diner!


Hope my posts are not too long winded, I did plan on making it brief and to the point, but I get carried away and don't want to miss out too much! I am enjoying writing it, but I also do hope it proves useful to people in the future, having gained so much benefit myself from reviews and travel reports on this site.


Plus Diana is having a Bath with mummy and I am keeping out the way or I will get dragged in.

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Thank you so much for the wonderful family report! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures in NYC! Next trip to the US, you'll have to come and visit the "other" coast. ;) Much to see and do here too!


Thanks for your reply, we are going to see how the long flight home is on Sunday, we have done quite a few short 3 hour flights around europe but this is going to be our first long one, and the first time we have encountered such a big time zone change, if all goes to plan we hope to do many more trips to the US now, we have fallen for this country big time! and we are going to be back!

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As you have no doubt read, we have a suite booked, its not very luxurious and the word "suite" maybe gives the wrong impression.


Its a bit shabby to be honest but the layout is why we picked it. one living room and a separate bedroom with 2 double beds, that are ok, but nowhere near as comfortable or big as those on the Ship.


On Monday Diana slept in one bed and Michaela and I in the other, on Tuesday night after Dianas nap in the early evening she decided she wanted daddy to sleep with her, she wasn't as sleepy as she usually is due to the nap, and spent 15 mins tweaking my nipples and us both laughing hysterically until mummy got quite annoyed with us and told us both off.


My cold was getting better but I had an awful nights sleep and I have vowed never to sleep with Diana again, in fact Michaela slept with her last night and she has said the same, so tonight we have asked the hotel staff to make up the sofa bed, which we should have done originally. we just have not decided as of yet, which one of us gets the sofa bed!


Wednesday morning, I got us all up early, well actually Diana did, I just remember a small person pulling my eyelids apart, not very gently, and asking in a loud voice "Daddy is it Morning yet!"


we had booked (because I hate Queuing) express tickets for the Empire State Building for both the observation decks on the 86th floor and 102nd floor, unlike other things we have booked there is no set time slot for these tickets.


unfortunately though the weather had changed and It was now quite cloudy and misty and I realised the day before when it was so clear would have been better.


to save any time messing about we decided to try room service breakfast, which was very good, but awfully expensive, the only food I don't like over here is the bacon, its just wrong. However I have learned since, that if you order ham, its great! and more like what we call bacon back home.




We got ready and headed out, I had not had a shave since leaving the ship, having to shave every day for work is tiresome, and with feeling a bit off colour I have decided I am not shaving until I get home now, and i am having a go at growing a beard!




Diana remembered the huge lollipop we had got her from Shwarz and as she had eaten 2 bowls of cheerios for breakfast and 3 sausages, we let her have it to eat on the way.




Even though we had the bus tickets, we just love walking around so much in the city, its the best way to travel around to get the real feeling of the place, we deiced we would just go walking and head roughly south this time towards the Empire State Building and see if the skies cleared a little, we spent some time in Times Square where I spotted this friendly chap and I hate to admit I contributed towards his drug problem!


Its the smile I loved!




And like a big kid I couldn't help but shout "RUN Forrest RUN! when I saw this




We treated Diana to a new Hat which I thought was brill!



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Hope my posts are not too long winded, I did plan on making it brief and to the point, but I get carried away and don't want to miss out too much! I am enjoying writing it, but I also do hope it proves useful to people in the future, having gained so much benefit myself from reviews and travel reports on this site.


Plus Diana is having a Bath with mummy and I am keeping out the way or I will get dragged in.


Oh my goodness your posts could never be too long winded. I am going to be so sad to see your vacation over, I am so enjoying your family and the way you tell a story makes it real for. Can you continue when you go home I have never been there :D.


Thanks so much

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We found ourselves near "Ripleys Believe it or not" and opposite spotted a small deli cafe and we popped in just to get a drink, I can't remember what the place was called. I also saw cupcakes in the counter that looked really good, and cheesecake so even though we had not long had breakfast I went for it.


On getting the cakes and a coffee I turned around and spotted this




I am a huge pizza fan, and at this stage I had not sampled one of New Yorks staples, so I ditched the cakes on a table with the ladies and got in the pizza line. I ordered a stuffed philly steak and a supreme i think. Its probably the best pizza I have every had, and that includes my holidays to Italy. It really was so good. I had also now realised, especially after my visit to the deli, that you didn't particularly need to go to fancy restaurants to get good food in NY.



Once again the people really friendly and despite the hustle bustle most have time to say Hi or pass the time of day with complete strangers walking along!


The skies had started to clear and we headed toward the Empire Building




Few points at this stage, we had been warned about the characters dressed up for pictures, so we just said a polite no thanks, not that many of them and only really around times square, Diana aint into that stuff anyway. We got asked a lot about bus tickets but never hassled, I soon found the easiest thing to say was that you had already bought some. On getting closer to the Empire State Building again we got asked a lot about buying tickets for it, same answer, we have them already so now anytime someone asks me do i want something I tell them I already have it.


Its nothing like some of the ports you visit while cruising or in a lot of med holidays where its uncomfortable down right harassment, this is polite and when you say No they take no for an answer, the only thing Michaela doesn't like, and to be honest I don't either is a few small groups just to the north of the hotel who do their best to give you a free cd and engage you in conversation as best they can, not sure what the scam here is if any, but a free cd?? there must be something to it I am sure.


We have of course been into some of the gift shops, one in particular as we need another suitcase, we just about crammed everything in getting off the ship, but there is no way now, so rather than stress about packing day we bought a cheap case. I noticed here you can haggle with them and not to pay the price on the tag, I got about $60 dollars off a suitcase, and an iPad cover I picked up was put through at $89!!! I told them to put it back, so he dropped it to $40 I was a little bit pissed off by this and told them to put it back and I didn't want it, he then asked me how much I wanted to pay for it, and dropped it to $30, however his attitude had now really got on my nerves so told him firmly i did not now want it!


Every other store has been a pleasure, and also don't be afraid of the legitimate street vendors, I have used a few for bits and pieces and food and drink and they have all been a pleasure to do business with.


Anyway, we were on final approach




It was really quiet around the foot of the building and the doormen who look really smart let us into the wonderful lobby!!



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Hope my posts are not too long winded, I did plan on making it brief and to the point, but I get carried away and don't want to miss out too much! I am enjoying writing it, but I also do hope it proves useful to people in the future, having gained so much benefit myself from reviews and travel reports on this site.


Plus Diana is having a Bath with mummy and I am keeping out the way or I will get dragged in.


Oh my goodness your posts could never be too long winded. I am going to be so sad to see your vacation over, I am so enjoying your family and the way you tell a story makes it real for. Can you continue when you go home I have never been there :D.


Thanks so much


Thanks for that! I just don't want to be like the guy in the room full of friends who pulls out the family photograph album and makes everyone sit though it for hours!

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The inside of the this building is stunning and not what I expected, proper old world with all the staff in great uniforms. It was at this point I realised paying for the express tickets was a real waste of money, no Queues at all we didn't wait once.


We had to go through a security check similar to the one when you get on the ship and there is a bit of meandering along and a couple of different elevators to get up, Diana was in good spirits and we got in the elevator to the 86th floor, the first observation deck, its pram/buggy/stroller friendly, ramps etc and it was really very easy and pleasant, we got out on floor 86 and stepped out in the fresh air and the stunning view across NYC.


Diana at this point decided it was too cold, she didn't like it and wanted to go back inside!! typical! it was tough though, we stuck her in the buggy put a jacket over her and told her to sit and be quiet. We spent a short while looking across NYC from each side, and also using the binoculars provided that took 2 quarters a go, the only slight down side was the skies were not brilliantly clear, we could see as far as liberty just about, I was hoping we might get a glimpse of Quantum but no such luck.














After I had seen it from all 4 sides, as usual I got bored and we headed indoors to go up to 102.

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The last elevator up to 102 was a really old fashioned type with the lever inside to make it work, it was great! the operator took us up!








and the views from 102






To be honest apart from being able to say you did level 102, the extra money probably isn't worth it, the views from 86 are just as good!


We really enjoyed it though, but cranky bum Diana now needed the bathroom so we headed back down

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Just to finish off on our Empire State Building story, we finished off in the gift shop and picked up few little souvenirs, Diana, as usual, had picked up a few small things that we had told her to put back! one in particular was a NY yellow cab key ring.


We paid for our things and made our way out, we got into the elevator for the last bit down, and at this point Diana proudly pulled the key ring out of the bag we had given her to old immediately after paying for the stuff, and announced very loudly in front of everyone in there "Look mummy! I have got that thing you told me to put back" as like a magician she produced the keyring out of her pocket.


Now I know we shouldn't, and I am not proud of what she has done, but the whole elevator fell about laughing, Michaela had tears in her eyes she was laughing so much, I think it was more the way she produced the keyring to a really loud and proud announcement of the fact she had taken it. We knew we had to tell her off but it was so difficult. We eventually stopped laughing and explained what she had done was wrong, and the lip came out! although I suspect she was grinning inside, I had to take a picture.




We really didn't know what to do , and just took it off her and left pretty sharpish!


Its the first time she has done it, she is normally obedient in putting things back and actually does understand that things need to be paid for. We will have to keep an eye out for it now, and now the initial shock is out of the way I am led to hope we will do the right thing next time and not fall about laughing.



Off to Macy's next!!

Edited by Peewee14
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Thanks for that! I just don't want to be like the guy in the room full of friends who pulls out the family photograph album and makes everyone sit though it for hours!


I have just loved your review... the detail, your sense of humor and your adorable family but this made me start laughing out loud...too funny!


I spent three weeks in NYC right off of Times Square and it was three of the best weeks of my life. The people, by and large, were so nice and helpful, the food was fantastic and there was something memorable every where you looked, even when you weren't paying attention. I highly recommend walking everywhere when playing tourist...we just stumbled into so many fun, new adventures.


I will hate to see your trip come to an end. This has been great fun. I just stumbled onto your review by accident as I have no desire to sail on the Quantum but I am following daily and enjoying your vacation vicariously. What a dream vacation you are having. Thanks for taking us along.

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I just wanted to chime in and say that I am really enjoying your reviews. I followed the Quantum review daily and have continued to read your adventures in NY. Your enthusiasm for the city and your trip is fun to read. Safe travels home!



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I am so enjoying your review. We talked camping earlier & now I'd love to follow your delightful family as you embark on that later this year!! And you went to our favorite place to eat, Carnegie Deli!! Yes, you need to go back for cheesecake! We have them shipped to our home in SC since we moved out of the NY area!

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I also am enjoying your continued review, and I find my self checking for updates a couple times a day! Besides being entertaining, you are also passing on a lot of good information, about getting around New York.


Enjoy the rest of your vacation, and have a safe trip home!


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... Really hope u will add in a little piece on your flight home too! Hope all goes well .. flying is always a hassle ... but we went through JFK Airport (assuming that's where you are going from) last month and were surprised at how much better and more smooth things have gotten there.


Enjoy your weekend, have a safe journey home .. and thanks again for sharing with us .. your efforts were much appreciated by all! ;)

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Hi Guys!!


We just came back to the room for a while after a great day, Diana was desperate for McDonalds Nuggets and chocolate milk shake! all this wonderful food and she wants that! We are going to have an hour in the room before we go out for dinner so I thought I would do a quick update.


However before I continue Wednesdays report ...


I went online this morning to print off our tickets for the Radio City Hall Christmas Spectacular, and I realised that I have booked the wrong day! I have booked 3 tickets for Friday 24th November at 2pm (great seats) however I will be home then!


Doh!! After a few phone calls etc, the point is I was unable to change them or get a refund, so I bought 3 more for todays show, and we have just got back


it is incredible! and one of the best shows we have seen!


If anyone in the NY area can make the show next Friday I would like to offer you the 3 tickets I now have spare! they are just over $300 and it would be a shame for them to be wasted. I don't want a penny for them, I just want someone to use them.


All I need is a name and email address as they were booked electronically through Ticketmaster, and I can transfer them free of charge. Let me know asap if you anyone wants them! You will love it!!

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So after Dianas successful shop lifting at the Empire State gift shop, we thought we would go try our luck at Macy's


You can probably accept that this wasn't something I particularly wanted to do, but Michaela was desperate to go.


We arrived and went in to the sound of old christmas music playing, and the atmosphere was just excellent! It really did feel like Christmas! it was pretty busy with people christmas shopping, and a few weirdos lurking about which just added to the fun!




It has really old wooden escalators in it! Diana is a huge fan of escalators and she had started becoming a bit of a handful, Michaela and I were also exhausted, Michaela went for a wander around and I took a seat in the shoe section, and took my jacket off for a while, thats the only problem in this cold weather you wear a big jacket outside to keep warm, then when you go inside your too hot!! Lucky we have the stroller to hang them on! I really don't know what we are going to do when Diana has completely out grown it!


We took some selfies to keep us entertained while we waited for mummy!




Diana soon got bored again and proceeded to bring me various ladies shoes to try on, much to the amusement to all the other ladies shopping! Finally Michaela returned and we decided that Macy's was not a brilliant idea with a shop lifting toddler.


We strapped her in the stroller, made her empty her pockets, sleeves, bags, and generally strip searched her and then we headed off for an early dinner before the big meltdown began we could see brewing in our little monster!

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