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HAL Rotterdam - the rotting dump!


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We thankfully disembarked the Rotterdam on February 17 in Singapore after 17 nights on the worse cruise we have ever been on.


The worst cruise I have ever been on.

1. We were "upgraded" to a cabin, on deck 2, which was under the promenade on Deck 3 (the deck on which were had booked). We heard every step walked above. What we found to be most aggravating is that we have proof that Holland America continued to sell our cabin class, after we were allocated "the upgrade", despite us being told there were none available, when questioning our cabin allocation

2. HAL "attempted" to hold a total of more than $10,000 on my credit card. I had the extreme embarrassment of being informed by bar staff that my account was no good. I went immediately to the front office to investigate, knowing there could not possibly be any problem with my card, or the credit on there (as its only use was by Holland America, and not used by any other retailer). I was told it was just a faulty cabin card, and was issued a new one. Satisfied, although angry about the inconvenience, I continued my day's schedule. Shortly thereafter, I was told by bar staff that my account was blocked. Again I went down to the Front Office, only to be told this time, very condescendingly, that my card won't work, that Holland American had tried to hold funds, but my card would not accept it. I found this extremely unbelievable, and asked for a copy of my account and was told that I had to contact my bank as it wasn't a fault of Holland America. On a 30 minute phone call from my mobile (another expense), to my bank, I was advised that Holland America had attempted to "hold" a total of over $10,000, in 5 (hold) charges. Naturally my bank became suspicious due to fraud reasons, and put a stop to any Holland America charges. Two "hold" amounts had been accepted and their total combined easily covered my current account by $1,000. For a third time, I went to the Front Office. The staff member I dealt with then, seem to have a brain. She could not see or match the amounts that Holland America had charged, or attempted to charge. I supplied all the information I had received from my bank, which she copied. She was courteous enough to reopen my account, until the matter had been resolved. TWO days later, she requested I come to the front office, so that she could take a photo of my bank statement (which she had viewed 2 days prior), so that Seattle could verify it. It took ANOTHER two days for her to inform me that Seattle could not explain what had occurred, but that it was something to do with AMEX (which I find hard to believe), and that they had reversed the 2 "holding" amounts, and reholding a reasonable sum. Overall I sum this experience as Holland America attempting theft.

3. A extremely unpleasant smell was throughout the ship, which at one point woke me up and made me vomit. It lingered in various severities for over 5 days. No one could give us any explanation. It wasn't until the second last night, we were told by the Front Office that it had been sewerage. Can they honestly expect us to enjoy their ships comfortably, when without any exaggeration, the boat smelt worse than our shore ports in India?

4. Food was atrocious, and the menus were not inspiring. ImageUploadedByForums1425110469.475924.jpg.898161b1b397ef408828dc3730b6d515.jpgI would never have served their meals to any guests at my dinner table at home! I have (attached) photos of some examples of that what was served. One night I ordered a Chole Marsala. It came with a serving of rice moulded in the centre of the bowl, two TINY pieces of naan, dry hard chickpeas and such a tiny bit of curry sauce, it's a wonder it covered the bottom of the bowl. I sent it back, and ordered the pasta, thinking they couldn't go wrong with spaghetti, but I was wrong! What was served to me was cold, gluggy and bland! It would have been better used as glue! Needless to say I didn't eat it. It's very sad, when we visit a county like Myanmar, are taken to a restaurant on tour, and are delighted to be finally presented and have GOOD food, that FAR exceeds ANY meal on board. It was disappointing to be served sauces or condiments with meals out of jar. The portions were all inconsistent. Another evening I was served my main after others on the table (as I had to send my French Onion soup back and ask for one WITH onions). What was served (see photo), was half a plate compared to others who had ordered the same. I had one potato! The head chef clearly had a problem.

The schedule of the Lido Restaurant was a joke. More often than not it was closed. Surely it is common sense to have it open all day, and when the need to change of menu is required, to close down one side, whilst leaving the other open, until the new menu is open on the opposite side. As just one example of many, we missed breakfast due to a time change one morning, and had to wait an hour and 15 minutes, before we could get anything to eat.

5. The Sea View Pool. A serious joke. It was a source of banter to all those who sat near it. A COMPLETE waste of space. Disgusting shallow water. Chairs with rust stains, and broken. So many of us commented that I would have been better to build up the sides and put in a sitting pool (if the newly refurbished cabins below that were installed to sacrifice the pool that was there, could handle the weight), or remove it all together, install good sound proofing, and have that as an area to entertain guests with activities and dancing.

6. The atmosphere on board was DEAD. There was absolutely no life on board. Whilst it is my understanding (after being informed on board) that Holland America's targeted demographic is 60 plus, Holland America need to understand that just because passengers are closer to death, they are not dead yet, and some still enjoy life. Apparently music was being played out near the Sea View Pool and The Retreat, but I'm sound of hearing, and I could barely hear it, so how the Seniors could hear it I don't know. When asked about the volume, we were told it couldn't be increased due to the cabins below. Surely this is a bad design feature of the cruise line. Having worked in Radio, I know very well there is such thing as sound proofing insulation.

7. Visas. Were were not informed that photos were required for our Myanmar Visas. We, as did many we spoke to, had photos that we could have brought with us. Instead we were charged, the extraordinary amount for having them taken on board. As we were not informed, this should be a cost Holland America should bear.

8. General Maintenance. When you are not enjoying your cruise, you notice everything. Carpets had stains, with most appearing to have wet stains. Lettering was missing or not painted in the Lido Restaurant. My cabin carpet on the left side of the bed was wet for 3 days. Pool towels were badly stained. The curtain in my shower had mould stains at the bottom. Glasses in restaurant were either not clean, or had chips/cracks, mugs were cracked and plates were chipped.

9. Smoking section. Having no choice but to smoke in The Retreat, smokers are segregated to an area with no entertainment, as there is no music or other entertainment.

10. Staff. In general we would have to say that staff NOT born in the Netherlands, were very courteous. Those from the Netherlands were not.

11. Having a Dutch heritage, I came across a few elderly Dutch passengers, who could not understand ANY English, who shared that they were disappointed that general announcements were not made in Dutch as well as English. I completely understand their point of view, as information in general was poor, let alone them not to understand the little that was announced.


Having sailed numerous time, with Holland American being the fifth LINE, I can honestly say that HAL is FAR from ANY "Signature of Excellence"



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Wow ... what a rant.


The credit card, yep they were in the wrong.


Food is just so subjective I won't even comment on that one. And if one dish was as you say half the size of everyone else why not just ask for 2nds.


The Lido, did you check it's hours before you booked, it's not a secret.


How many languages do you want them to make announcements in, regardless of the name HAL is a US owned company, I know most lines make announcements in multiple languages at certain times, but they can't possibly cover everyone.


Every cruise contract allows them to change your cabin, simple as that I'm sorry.


The smell sounds awful.

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I will say that the credit card incident was unfortunate but to call it theft is extreme and libellous. There is a great difference between incompetence and theft. Since a hold is just that---a hold---and no transfer of money is involved, you can hardly call it theft. Extremely annoying yes, but not theft. You lost me at that point.


I understand that you did not enjoy your cruise and that is a shame. I do hope your next cruise is better.

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You are absolutely right. When someone is unhappy all the problems magnify. That seems to have happened to you to a certain extent.


It's a shame you had such a horrible cruise. hoping your next one is better.

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Really sorry to read of all your problems onboard Rotterdam. It never rains but it pours as the old saying goes.


Respectfully said, you shouldn't feel so bad about your card or your credit being questioned, irritating though it is? Increasingly the banks are alert to possible fraudulent use of cards, especially when outside of (y)our regular areas of use.


I recently had a 2 online air-tickets declined, having originally had them accepted on-line.

I wasn't pleased to received the notification of course, but once in contact with the bank, I learned that it was the bank's fraud team that had cancelled the transaction and any other further card usage until I had contacted them.


Suffice to say I live in Asia, the Bank I used is UK based, and the tickets were for flights within the Scandanavian region, so despite the inconvenience, I felt they were only doing their job and protecting me and my interests in blocking the card.

Once cleared, I was able to call the Airline and have the tickets reinstated within minutes.


I can fully appreciate that whilst at sea and especially within the area that you recently travelled through, it can sometimes be hard to make contact with your bank, but once resolved it would appear that matters were put right.

If HAL continued to 'test' your card, they were surely acting in your own interest in attempting to unlock your onboard credit once again? but once a bank blocks a card, nothing card-wise will unblock that account until personal contact has been made, 'one to one' with the bank.


In such circumstances, on a second onboard credit block, I'd be tempted to ask/demand an immediate meeting with the Hotel Manager, nobody less!


I'm glad it all sorted out in the end, despite the hassle. Likewise with my own little drama too, but I'm grateful to them as last year my bank's fraud team picked up, identified and blocked a cloning scam on my card somewhere in the Philippines, (haven't been there in 8 years now) that saved me a considerable amount of money.


Irritating and annoying, but better than being cyber-robbed. :o


I'm just another cruiser, neither bank related nor HAL related at all, that said it's fair to say that I am quite a big fan of HAL, as a rule.


Here's to your next cruise, and take care!!;)

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I will say that the credit card incident was unfortunate but to call it theft is extreme and libellous. There is a great difference between incompetence and theft. Since a hold is just that---a hold---and no transfer of money is involved, you can hardly call it theft. Extremely annoying yes, but not theft. You lost me at that point.


I understand that you did not enjoy your cruise and that is a shame. I do hope your next cruise is better.


Completely agree with you..It was NOT THEFT! :(It was incompetence! Unfortunately, he lost me at that point also..

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Welcome to the forum. To be honest, I can't help but take a first post with a grain of salt describing nothing but problems using language like "rotting dump, theft, joke, disgusting, dead, etc.


Passengers with grievances do have recourse other than "revenge by internet." Did you first sit down with the hotel manager to address concerns? Perhaps yourstateroom location could have been changed. Did you speak to the dining room managerabout food complaints? I have found them very anxious to please. Did you send a letter after returning to the head office? A sewage smell is most unpleasant, to be sure.


Sometimes, however, things that go wrong are preventable. Did you notify your credit card company before the trip? We do that, and have never had issues with rejection. If you did notify them, and they triggered the problem by rejecting the first hold, I trust you are directing a complaint to Amex? Cruiselines and resorts always put a hold on a card to cover anticipated daily charges to avoid being stiffed at the end. Describing that episode as theft on public media truly could be considered libelous.


Did you ever contact the Myanmar embassy regarding visa requirements? Every cruiseline specifically advises that the burden for proper documentation falls upon the individual passenger. In one minute on the Myanmar website I read the easily-found downloadable tourist visa form which has specific information about the required photographs!


Was there nothing at all you enjoyed or found acceptable? We sailed Rotterdam on a transatlantic and had an opposite experience.

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I believe when one problem arises you find others. I am sorry you had an unfortunate experience, life is what you make it. I agree with others, it was not theft IMO with your account. Always notify your credit card company if that was the concern with up coming vacation/holiday.HAL IMO always tries to rectify concerns with PAXS.

Please try HAL again.

Happy sailings!


Sailing B2B Western/Eastern Caribean Cruise 3/15/2015 Nieuw Amsterdam


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I, too, would have been very displeased with the problem with the onboard account. Not only was it not your fault, it was not resolved in a timely manner. Have smelled sewage on several ships of different lines but didn't have any problem when we were 30 days on the Rotterdam. (Worst was on Legend of the Seas where not only was there a sewage spot in the carpet on our hall (which crew cleaned every day) but the tap water smelled like sewage.) The visa problem is not HAL's fault. Your TA is the one who should have advised you, and ultimately, it is our own responsibility to check online for visas needed. Our online TA sends a "CYA" email with links to where this information and CDC health info can be found. We have just finished with the adventure of getting a Chinese visa and recall an even more difficult process getting the Indian visa. It is just a part of traveling and what those from other countries must do to visit here.

I probably would never have ordered the things you pictured so cannot comment on whether they would be good or not. They don't appeal to me.

I'm sorry you had a bad cruise and hope you enjoy your next one more.

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Sorry your cruise was such a disappointment. We just got off the Rotterdam at the end of Dec.after being on an 83 day cruise. It was our best cruise ever with the best food and staff in the main dining room. Hard to believe things would go down hill in 2 months! Of course, a strong sewer smell could ruin the appeal of any meal.

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Am I the only one that thinks HAL was dead wrong for trying to hold 10 thousand dollars several times? This isn't a credit card issuer being proactive problem but is a merchant making an improper hold.


The OP was owed an apology plus OBC for the phone call expense as well as the time wasted in dealing with HAL's mistake ( mistake not theft)

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Am I the only one that thinks HAL was dead wrong for trying to hold 10 thousand dollars several times? This isn't a credit card issuer being proactive problem but is a merchant making an improper hold.


The OP was owed an apology plus OBC for the phone call expense as well as the time wasted in dealing with HAL's mistake ( mistake not theft)


I agree with you. I would certainly want an explanation as to why HAL was attempting to hold $588 a day for a 17 day cruise. The actions were serious enough that the credit card company blocked the card due to indicators of fraud. If the credit card company was concerned, obviously, I would also be concerned. I would also expect HAL to accept responsibility for the cost and inconvenience of this poor service by providing OBC. This problem was caused by HAL and yet it took the passenger to solve it for HAL.

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Sorry your cruise was such a disappointment. We just got off the Rotterdam at the end of Dec.after being on an 83 day cruise. It was our best cruise ever with the best food and staff in the main dining room. Hard to believe things would go down hill in 2 months! Of course, a strong sewer smell could ruin the appeal of any meal.


I don't find it hard to believe at all. Just recently a passenger was providing a live review of a ship during a B2B and the experience on the second lag of the cruise was so poor that the passenger wrote that you would think that you were on a different ship. Crews can turn around weekly and drastically affect the onboard experience.

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Okay - so a sort of "spin off" to this thread for someone who is a third time around cruiser here is -


"Pre - auths" or "holds" to your credit card are done by HAL before or at the beginning of your cruise (not to be mistaken as actual charges) and there should only be ONE hold made by HAL initially???:confused:


If one or multiple are made to the same card by HAL, the card can have the potential to be frozen by the CC company?


I realize that when we book the cruise and do the final preps that we have to give HAL a CC number etc, but did not have issue the other cruises and this post gave be pause to ask these basic questions. I appreciate your answers. Thanks in advance ;)

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I agree that you had some bad luck, but you still have to try to enjoy the cruise.


You could have had a cup of coffee and pastries in the Explorations cafe to hold you over until lunch, or you could have ordered room service for the missed breakfast. Or do both.


I would say that most of us prefer not to hear loud piped-in music on deck, and if you heard such music filtering into your cabin you probably would have added it to your list of woes.







...we missed breakfast due to a time change one morning, and had to wait an hour and 15 minutes, before we could get anything to eat.


5. The Sea View Pool. ...Apparently music was being played out near the Sea View Pool and The Retreat, but I'm sound of hearing, and I could barely hear it, so how the Seniors could hear it I don't know. When asked about the volume, we were told it couldn't be increased due to the cabins below. Surely this is a bad design feature of the cruise line. ..


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Guess Ill never be taking a world cruise if HAL holds that much on a card. None of my cards have such large limits. What happens if you dont have a card with such a high limit?? If i were taking a 90 day cruise, how much would they want to hold?


From the Know Before You Go, pg 17, cruises longer than 25 days will have a hold of US$30 per day, for each guest 18 years of age and older. This means for 2 people, 90 days x $30 x 2 = $5,400 US.


For a 17 day cruise, the hold, assuming 2 guests in the cabin, both above 18 years of age, should have been 17 days x $60 x 2 = $2,040 US.

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WOW! What a nightmare. We also had some issues with the Rotterdam during a crossing from Rotterrdam to NYC (a few years ago) that really defined HAL's unwillingness to deal with major issues. During that voyage the Maitre d attempted to seat us in the port-aft section of the MDR. Upon getting to that area we immediately smelled the awful odor of mildew (and probably mold) that was strong enough to be sickening. We immediately asked to be seated elsewhere and were accommodated. A couple of days later we were again seated (for lunch) in that same section and the odor was even stronger. At that point we asked to see the Maitre D and again asked to be moved. While being moved the Maitre d explained that there was a leak from the ceiling that was going through the wall and under the carpet where the carpeting had been constantly wet/damp for months. He explained it was a real "mess" and that HAL had plans to repair the problem at sometime in the future (he hoped after the cruise). Meanwhile, HAL staff had no problem seating passengers in that area risking possible illness from mold.


But our "favorite" feature on that ship was the aft end "birdbath" that replaced the aft pool. HAL removed the pool so they could cram in a few extra cabins (underneath) and replaced the pool with a large "people"bath that contained about 6 inches of water. It was a ridiculous waste of space. And having only a single small pool on such a large ship was also a problem as a few teens took over the pool and intimidated most of the older folks by constantly splashing and jumping in the pool. The security folks would stop at the pool every few hours and quietly scold the kids who immediately went back to splashing, diving, jumping, etc.



Edited by Hlitner
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Okay - so a sort of "spin off" to this thread for someone who is a third time around cruiser here is -


"Pre - auths" or "holds" to your credit card are done by HAL before or at the beginning of your cruise (not to be mistaken as actual charges) and there should only be ONE hold made by HAL initially???:confused:


If one or multiple are made to the same card by HAL, the card can have the potential to be frozen by the CC company?


I realize that when we book the cruise and do the final preps that we have to give HAL a CC number etc, but did not have issue the other cruises and this post gave be pause to ask these basic questions. I appreciate your answers. Thanks in advance ;)


In the Know Before You Go, p. 17 - 18, the hold on your credit card is done on the day of sailing. Yes, the hold should be attempted once by HAL. Anyone working with credit cards should understand that repeated attempts within a short time period will immediately be flagged by the credit card company.


Para 2, p. 18 also requests that you contact your credit card company in advance that the card will be used by HAL. This is also to prevent any fraud alerts and potential problems with the card.

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I feel very bad that your cruise vacation was far less than satisfactory. Let me make a few comments about this forum, as you appear to be new to the Holland America boards. For the most part, the people who participate in this forum are long-time members of cruise critic, and are fiercely loyal to the Holland America brand. You will read the term, "cheerleaders" quite frequently when reading various posts. This term is a reasonable approximation of reality. You have some serious concerns about your most recent voyage on the Rotterdam. I can particularly empathize with some of your experiences. The smell of sewage is experienced by many travelers on Holland America's ships. I do think, however, that you need to be "civil" when describing your most recent disappointment. Holland America Line is many things to many people, but it is not a thief. Here's a suggestion for you. Please write a formal letter to the President and CEO of Holland America Line. In this letter, you need to try to match "principle" with civility. I understand your anger, but you need to focus this anger and ask for respect and fair-dealing from Holland America Line. You might be surprised to find that the bureaucracy of HAL will try to make things right for you.

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Oh my, what an awful review and experience. I have seen many reports from people who have a cabin under the promenade deck and who say they do not hear anything. The hold on the account was simple incompetence, it seems. As to the food, well, we all know it is subjective.

The one point I must I agree with is the hours of the Lido buffet. Having cruised on another line, I was very surprised at the limited hours without an alternative, on HAL. Yes, yes I know about room service, but sometimes you needs something quickly.

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I don't find it hard to believe at all. Just recently a passenger was providing a live review of a ship during a B2B and the experience on the second lag of the cruise was so poor that the passenger wrote that you would think that you were on a different ship. Crews can turn around weekly and drastically affect the onboard experience.


I wonder if the hotel director changed. I've found this makes a big difference in a passenger's experience. A ship I've been a cheerleader for was not the same on our fourth cruise on that ship. Another ship which did not always get great reviews was fabulous with a specific hotel director.

And I agree with the poster who said OP should have had onboard credit and an apology for the onboard account fiasco. This seems to have ruined OPs cruise and it might have ruined mine as well.

We do notify our credit card companies when we go out of the country. I've never thought to notify them as to a charge by a cruise company and this has never been a problem. We do have to call Discover sometimes when they put a fraud alert on and our card is rejected out of state.

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