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Mitsugirly takes great PRIDE in bringing her Spring Break extreme review


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Kendra and I decided to head to the shops for a quick visit. I always buy a tee shirt with the name of the place on it at each port (well, until I have one from that port and then I just pack it and take it with me again when cruising) and I also always buy a refrigerator magnet for Sakari.


We hopped from shop to shop looking for that perfect deal, scored some and we were done.


Back to the pool to get the kids and gather out things. Our beautiful day was over and it was almost time to get back on the ship.


Brayden was complaining about his feet being hot and the concrete was burning them. Of course I understand, but there wasn't anything we could do since he no longer had shoes.


We took every route we could find that had shade and out to the beach.


When we made it out to the beach GASP...can you see that line to get back on the ship?




It was crazy long.




Now I had read about this before and knew the plan of action was to hang out at the beach, in the shade, until the line dies down, then head down the pier to the ship before everyone was completely on the ship.


It seemed like others had this plan too.


(video below)





While we were standing there I hear this lady arguing with another lady and her son. We stood around long enough that we got the just of the conversation. The lady who was yelling had her sons sandals stolen back at the pool. The lady she was yelling at had a son that had them on his feet. She swore up and down that she bought those and the lady told her there's no way and gave her the exact size and everything and made the boy take them off. The other mom kept saying "no, my boy no steal em, I bought em for me son. Those my boy shoes" The son was saying "just let her have them mom" and you could TELL that the mom was lying and the son was embarrassed because he had someone else's shoes on.


Well of course this interested Kendra since the same thing happen to her. When the angry mom told her that she had went to the police and filed a report, the mom actually walked away leaving her son there with the shoes on his feet with the angry mom. REALLY? If you are so innocent, why would you leave your son there to deal with it alone? The boy removed them and gave them back and said he was sorry. Sorry? For what? Are you admitting they are not your shoes and you stole them? Of course you are.


Kendra walked over and talked to the mom that got her sons shoes back and told her about Braydens shoes being stolen that day. Kendra knew if she seen another kid with those shoes on, she would be doing the same because not only were these shoes new, they are the style that was just released and she'd know them. But, she had no such luck in finding them before the cruise was over.


At one point the ship sounded the horn. It was past time for the cruisers to be back on the ship. I guess he was angry people were still sitting in the beach chairs. However, getting up and getting in the long line with the hot blazing sun wasn't going to speed things up.


Once things died down, we headed for the pier.




By the time we caught up to the line, it was still long and still waiting out in the sun for a good 15-20 minutes.


We watched people still swimming.








Edited by mitsugirly
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Yep, they were watching us come back. Yes, it was later than what we were supposed to be on the ship, but yet I guess you can't make them check you in any faster...or can you? Hey Carnival, what about having MORE than 1 place to get back on? That's a thought. Having on 1 entrance wasn't the greatest idea. Then my hubby says "What do you want them to do Kim? Have you swim out past the dock to get into that other door?" Ok, so maybe he had a point. So 1 check in spot it is then. Although I was really hot at this point so swimming over past the pier edge to another entrance onto the ship would have been an option I would consider at this point.





Once again, the ships horn sounds. I think they were getting impatient.








We made it back on and up to our room. Our sailaway was to be at 2:30pm and I think we ended up leaving at 3pm.



Goodbye Grand Turk...until next time.









Edited by mitsugirly
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If I was Kendra I would have thrown a fit!!!! That poor boy having to walk on hot cement.


I had read of a lady having her Tory Burch flip flops stolen by the pool on the Allure. I'm now always hiding mine along with the boys crocs deep in my beach bag. The nerve of some people!


Love Grand Turk! Was just there in February with two ships in port. A tad crowded so we took an island tour thru the ship then hit the beach when the other ship left. In two visits, I've still never made it to the conch graveyard or the pool! Need to go back!


For My Time Dining, we discovered if we arrived prior to 7pm, there was never a line. After 7pm is when the beepers come out.


I hope you went to the Dr Suess breakfast on the last sea day. We loved it! Even our 70 year old Aunt enjoyed it!


Anxiously waiting for more!


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As we pull out of Grand Turk, I reflect on my thoughts of this place I had waited years to visit.





I have seen pictures of this place. I had watched a show once talking about it was one of the most gorgeous places in the Caribbean to go. I did not think so.


Yes, it was nice. Yes the water was beautiful and a decent beach, but it did not blow me away that's for sure. I have been to much better and prettier beaches.


Was it because I stayed within the beach area at the compound? Maybe, but I hardly doubt it. Looking down the rest of the beach, it pretty much looked about the same just more spread out and probably less crowded...although I didn't really feel our area was too crowded to begin with. Does a crowd make that much of a difference? Well to some it may, to me, not really. I'm not referring to the people, the crowd, the food or anything of the kind when I talk about how I felt about the place itself. I'm referring to the surroundings, the atmosphere, the beauty of the place. It just wasn't what I thought it would be...that's all. Maybe I hyped it up to be more than what it actually is and I set my expectations too high. I'm really not sure.


The port itself and the pool was extremely nice, but like I've said before, I really don't go to a port for the pool. However, it made for a nice "free" change in things for the day and the kids loved it. So I think having it there was a good thing!


Now since this cruise was a VERY expensive one, one of the things we had decided on very early was we were not going to do anything that required us to spend more money...as in an excursion either by ship or on our own. Maybe that's what it was. Maybe we just didn't get out and see the place to change my mind about it. I know I had originally wanted to head down to Bohio for awhile. I'm not sure if being there would have changed my mind, but I had picked that place for the snorkeling. Maybe another time.


I can say that I LOVED the area to the right (when getting off the ship). Had I actually stayed in that area the entire time, I might have felt different about the place as well. It just seemed prettier over there with more landscaping and such. If I return (which I do hope to do some day) I will probably either 1) get off the compound beach or 2) stay over on the other side and experience it some more.


Would I go back? Absolutely!


I hope you enjoyed my Grand Turk review. Now on to the rest of the day on the ship...:)



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Great review as always!:D




The first Breeze cruise from Galveston is in December of 2016, so there's quite a bit of time before she moves.


Thanks for the comments. Glad you are enjoying it. :)


If I was Kendra I would have thrown a fit!!!! That poor boy having to walk on hot cement.


I had read of a lady having her Tory Burch flip flops stolen by the pool on the Allure. I'm now always hiding mine along with the boys crocs deep in my beach bag. The nerve of some people!


Love Grand Turk! Was just there in February with two ships in port. A tad crowded so we took an island tour thru the ship then hit the beach when the other ship left. In two visits, I've still never made it to the conch graveyard or the pool! Need to go back!


For My Time Dining, we discovered if we arrived prior to 7pm, there was never a line. After 7pm is when the beepers come out.


I hope you went to the Dr Suess breakfast on the last sea day. We loved it! Even our 70 year old Aunt enjoyed it!


Anxiously waiting for more!




Trust me, Kendra was really upset, but nothing she could do because she didn't see anyone with them on. :( Maybe next time she'll keep them in her bag. I don't take anything worth any value when I go to shore, that way if it's stolen, I won't be out much.


As for the my time dining, we found that if you get there right when it opens, you're sure to get a seat. Then any time AFTER 8pm you are good to get a seat right away. Between 6-8 seemed to be the busiest times and we were also told by the staff to wait until after 8pm. Maybe each sailing varies and that's what they discovered on my cruise. :(

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I forgot to mention, while in a Grand Turk I thought of you!


I saw a woman with a beach tote on wheels and thought it was genius! I know you carry around your snorkel gear, this would be perfect!




I had such beach bag envy! My shoulder was breaking shelpping all our stuff.


I asked her where she bought it and she said TJ Maxx carries them all summer for $19.99! I'm now on a hunt for one! Lol

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In my opinion what you see at the cruise compound is what you get of Grand Turk. Now granted the last time I was there was four years ago and it was kind of a rainy day. We ventured into town by cab and was extremely disappointed. We are sailing the pride in 39 days and I honestly can't wait to go back to GT and spend my day the way you did yours. Like you said it's not the best, we all know HMC wins that prize, can't wait to see that portion, makes me even more excited for my trip! Thanks again for the review!!

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We headed back to our rooms, took showers and out to my balcony to "whale watch" LOL. Now I know it's whale season...well the END of whale season at the time we were on the Pride and I know that a good place to spot them is around the Grand Turk area. I looked and I looked and I prayed and.....nothing. Ugh. I had really hoped to see something. To this date I have never seen a THING from my balcony other than some flying fish. How disappointing. Everyone always says they see dolphins from their balcony and so on, but not me. Sigh


We headed upstairs to grab something to eat...once again, nothing open. Double sigh. We were back to picking between pizza or the deli. At this point I was beginning to get a little disappointed in this buffet schedule versus my schedule. It just didn't click.


To satisfy my craving for a variety of foods (buffet) I had both the deli AND pizza! So there!











My first shot at the pizza and it wasn't burnt and it was ok. Not the best, but it would do.


We headed back to the room to rest for awhile. It was a big day of swimming and walking. Then it was time for the Dr Seuss photo session. I knew Sakari wanted her pictures with the characters, however, I hate how they did it. The had, I believe, Thing 1 and Thing 2 and a blank backdrop at 5:15pm. Then you had to wait until 7:15pm for the Cat in the Hat and Sam I Am pictures. Why not just have them all together?? That was a big wait!!!


We headed down for pictures while daddy napped (no rest for me sigh) and they were setting up the backdrops.




Sakari had a few pictures done with the "Things" and another picture done with the plain drop and no character.




Then it hit me...why isn't she dressed up in her Thing 1 outfit for this? I talked to the photographer and ask how long he would be there and we raced back to the room to get her dressed.


All the door slamming, tearing up the place pulling the costume out and getting Sakari dressed and he didn't open an eye...he was OUT!


We headed back down and had her pictures redone.






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We then pretty much had to kill time for about 1 1/2 hours waiting on the rest of the characters to come. (I did see the people with the costumes in the bags head in to get dressed and it was (at least 1) of the girls from Sakari's Camp Carnival kids club. hehe


As we waited....





Sakari with her mini Dr Seuss ears and hat (they provided this along with several different props for the kids and adults to use for the pictures...they had the blue hair, gloves, tiny hats, grinch green beard, cat in the hats hat among other things).




At 7:15pm out came the Cat in the Hat and Sam I Am...picture time was back on.









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Just a few odds and ends here....


When you purchase pictures, you get a card that they punch to earn free "gifts"





For the first gift, you get a halogen Carnival luggage tag. It has the ship on it and when you move it back and forth, there's dolphins that jump out of the water and a postcard...which happens to be the crappiest picture I've ever seen.





The next gift that they advertise is a cup that you can "personalize" they say...but the catch is, THEY don't personalize it...you have to do that on your own...as in buy a picture that would fit it and put it in there.




The next item I was really excited for...A usb flash drive. So cute.




It comes with all the ships preloaded onto it...but of course they are not updated...or at least the Pride wasn't.


I have to say that the pictures on the ship are OUTRAGEOUS in prices. Any of the pictures you buy with a backdrop in it will cost you $21.99 each. For shots they do around the ship (like when eating or hanging out pool side and the photographer stops and snaps a picture) it is $14.99 and this also includes any gangway pictures.


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I noticed that the beach was getting a little more crowded, but there still wasn't anyone really around us and everyone was all spread out. So it was still comfortable and we would remain where we were at.






Now I take my snorkeling equipment with me everywhere I go...even if I'm told that the snorkeling is not good, it's a sandy bottom beach and so on. I have found in the past that there is ALWAYS something to see and honestly, usually those places are the places that I will see my very "first" (as in the first time I've ever seen that fish or animal). I have had great luck with this and I hoped that this would pay off today as well.


Now I do know that others have snorkeled here and found what they called "good snorkeling" in front of the ship. But my definition of "good snorkeling" I think is a little different. None-the-less, I'm snorkeling....and off I went....to encounter this right from the beginning.













The 2nd picture of the ship is AMAZING!!!! Looks like it's half underwater. LOVE it!


Again, KUDOS on the review.

It's one of the BEST, as usual. :D

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It was crazy long.


Now I had read about this before and knew the plan of action was to hang out at the beach, in the shade, until the line dies down, then head down the pier to the ship before everyone was completely on the ship.


It seemed like others had this plan too.


As many times as I have been there, this was the longest line I have seen. You did the right thing by hanging out until the line shortened.


The line to get back on the ship here is usually pretty long, reason being, since the time here is very short, the passengers tend not to go back to the ship early. Everyone goes back at the last minute, thus the back up.


You might have thought the Captain was getting impatient, but really he was not. He had plenty of time to make it to HMC on time. That's why they only had the forward door open. leaving Grand Turk a half hour late is pretty much the norm.


Now Freeport was a different deal. Did you notice that they were also using the mid ship door. He wanted to leave as close to 1:30 as possible to make it back to Baltimore on time.

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Back to the room to wake up daddy and drop this munchkin off at the kids club for the night...well at least until pick up at 9:45pm.


We headed to the casino to donate some more money to the Carnival cause.


We played our "normal" liked games with no luck. Win some, put it back in. Then Kendra decides to go off in the corner and play something new. I sit on the slot beside her. She hits the button twice and says "I don't know what just happened but I won something".


I looked around the corner and the screen is throwing money in the air. We all know how you can win $5 on a penny machine and it will appear like you've hit the jackpot counting pennies as if they were dollars and taking forever. But it kept going and going. I'm trying to figure it out. Gosh Kendra, it looks like you just hit for like $193. No wait, $240 no wait...it says 53200. DOES THAT MEAN YOU JUST WON 53 THOUSAND AND 200 DOLLARS??? No wait, it doesn't. LOL She actually won $532.00. Hey not too shabby and I wouldn't live it down the rest of the cruise either.


Her developed Miley Cyrus face...





We picked Sakari up at 9:45pm and headed up to the buffet to see if we could find anything for a late night "snack" (or should I just call this dinner #2)?


Of course the deli and pizza were our choices and we really didn't want that.


I had read that they were having a Mexican Fiesta at the Blue Iguana that night and I sure could go for some Mexican food about now. We would wait until 10:30pm and go to that instead.


I was really looking forward to that. Then it started and all there was really were different types of chips and salsa. Well, I made a meal out of it!




See that bright read orange nacho cheese on my plate?? WELL IT'S NOT NACHO CHEESE!! It's the fire pit from hell I tell ya. OMG! Like seriously. My mouth was not only on fire, it was flaming like a dragon on a hot summer night. Oh EM GEE! I curse you orange sauce.




Everything else was super delish! All the chips (homemade and all).







I had 2 plates and it hit the spot...except my spot now had a huge hole in it from the fire.


We headed back to the room and this was our towel animal for the night:




Once again, I packed for the following day at Half Moon Cay and off to bed we went.


***Tonight for some reason when we returned to our room, we had no beach towels. Our room steward had taken our wet ones after returning from GT, but didn't leave us any. This would result in a call to housekeeping and a delivery of fresh towel so that I could pack.***


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I forgot to mention, while in a Grand Turk I thought of you!


I saw a woman with a beach tote on wheels and thought it was genius! I know you carry around your snorkel gear, this would be perfect!




I had such beach bag envy! My shoulder was breaking shelpping all our stuff.


I asked her where she bought it and she said TJ Maxx carries them all summer for $19.99! I'm now on a hunt for one! Lol


That's funny because by the time we made it to HMC the following day, my daughter did just that. We both have bags that look like gym bags and they have the Velcro handles but they also have wheels and a handle. We use these for our pop precruise. We pack them in our suitcase on the flight there, then pull them out and buy pop and put it in there for the cruise.


When she showed up to HMC, she has hers with her rolling it around with everything in it. :p Great idea, but I'm not sure I would want to have to roll it around in the sand. Just not my cup of tea. The sand getting all in the wheels and icky. She also looked like she was struggling a bit with it. But I'll still check them out and see. I'm interested in see the size.


Since there's 2 of us, it's usually pretty easy to carry the bags. We just have the 3 beach towels in it and our snorkel bags. No biggie most of the time. :)


In my opinion what you see at the cruise compound is what you get of Grand Turk. Now granted the last time I was there was four years ago and it was kind of a rainy day. We ventured into town by cab and was extremely disappointed. We are sailing the pride in 39 days and I honestly can't wait to go back to GT and spend my day the way you did yours. Like you said it's not the best, we all know HMC wins that prize, can't wait to see that portion, makes me even more excited for my trip! Thanks again for the review!!


See I was thinking this might be the case with this port. I have seen many pictures and reviews of people outside of the compound and doing the golf cart tours and stuff, but it really didn't look like much to me. :confused:

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Finally caught up!! Loooooooove your reviews and this one has me VERY excited for our Pride sailing!!!



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Aww thanks for the compliments. I really appreciate it.


The 2nd picture of the ship is AMAZING!!!! Looks like it's half underwater. LOVE it!


Again, KUDOS on the review.

It's one of the BEST, as usual. :D


Well that was the goal but it didn't turn out that way. Every cruise I always pick a place we go to in order to try to accomplish just that...half above water and half below. You don't know just how hard it is to do this with a little point and shoot camera with an itty bitty lens. As a matter of fact it's almost next to impossible, but I have pulled it off several times. This time, not so much. The water was just moving too much. I must take a good 20-30 pictures each time trying to accomplish this and snap the picture at the right moment. Some times it works, sometimes it don't. But it still turned out kinda neat I think. Thanks though. :)

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Saving my place....[emoji41][emoji227][emoji224][emoji225][emoji223][emoji572]️[emoji568]


What place are you in? First I hope. :p :D


As many times as I have been there, this was the longest line I have seen. You did the right thing by hanging out until the line shortened.


The line to get back on the ship here is usually pretty long, reason being, since the time here is very short, the passengers tend not to go back to the ship early. Everyone goes back at the last minute, thus the back up.


You might have thought the Captain was getting impatient, but really he was not. He had plenty of time to make it to HMC on time. That's why they only had the forward door open. leaving Grand Turk a half hour late is pretty much the norm.


Now Freeport was a different deal. Did you notice that they were also using the mid ship door. He wanted to leave as close to 1:30 as possible to make it back to Baltimore on time.


I only figured he was getting impatient and blowing the horn since I have always been told that it cost them extra if they stay over. So, I wasn't really sure. :)

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Ahhhh. Thanks for the pics of Grand Turk! I can't wait to be back there in a few weeks! We always venture down to Jack's Shack, which in my opinion, is a better atmosphere, but maybe not with kids. We don't have kids, so notmuch help there!


As far as the towels, I've noticed on the heavy beach days (Grand Turk and HMC especially) that laundry sometimes has trouble keeping up with the demand. We didn't get towels on the Fascination after HMC, but had them the next morning. Our steward told us they were behind in getting them clean :)

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The next item I was really excited for...A usb flash drive. So cute.




It comes with all the ships preloaded onto it...but of course they are not updated...or at least the Pride wasn't.


I have to say that the pictures on the ship are OUTRAGEOUS in prices. Any of the pictures you buy with a backdrop in it will cost you $21.99 each. For shots they do around the ship (like when eating or hanging out pool side and the photographer stops and snaps a picture) it is $14.99 and this also includes any gangway pictures.





Please tell me you added your pictures to it?. Once you get the flask drive they will add all your pictures for $1 a picture. We did that on our last cruise and since next one will be DH first cruise I plan on getting some family shots done.

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I really wish I could go on a cruise right now!!


I don't see Bermuda listed in your tag line. I can't wait to read your review when you go. Bermuda is my favorite destination and I don't think I will ever tire of it.

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Great update! I enjoyed seeing a bit more of the Pride, this time with you and your family in the pictures. Sakari was really cute in her Thing 1 outfit. I also enjoyed hearing about your day in Grand Turk. We did not spend any time on the beach or in the pool when we were there. I think we may have to plan some time on the beach in Grand Turk on a future visit. I'm looking forward to hearing about the rest of your cruise.

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I was really looking forward to this port. It was something new for me, a place I had never been to before, a place I had seen shows on the travel channel about, a place I just knew I was going to like and others on the boards raved about.







We met up with Kendra and Brayden, one last photo of the port and we were heading back down to our rooms to grab our beach bags.






Nice pictures. I trust everyone seeing these will understand just how flat and how small the island is. You've captured about 7/8ths of the island here and if you squint or zoom in you can even see the top of the lighthouse.

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