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Room service and to go food


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Yes - a few Oceania and Regent posters are here but certainly not to pass judgment on NCL (you guys do a perfectly job without an outsider telling you what the issues are). Posters have listed the reasons why the new policies are unfair or won't work. What I find something that does work for me, instead of ranting about it, I first think about it and try to figure out if there is a compromise that would work for both parties. That is what I've been trying to do on the NCL board.


Yes -- I have said that Regent has gotten over the pains of changes that occurred 7 years ago but this is certainly no assurance that everything will be great on NCL. It is just bit of positive input. In terms of Oceania, they have had the same management since inception so their customers tend to have a different "take" than Regent customers. Regent customers were devastated with the buy-out, the changes -- just about everything (and were none too pleased to be purchased for a second time).


I'm sorry if my posts have bothered some people. That is not my intention. I have seen some great suggestions on these threads and still hope that NCL management is reading and thinking about those suggestions. I do see NCL, Regent and Oceania as sister companies now and hopefully we can be supportive of each other.

Edited by Travelcat2
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So true.


Honestly I can't recall that scenario on any past cruises. I don't think it is that I didn't notice. Not just NCL either. And, my past 3 cruises were in the past year on mega ships. My neighbors must have been the considerate ones...:)


I am pleased to read this; was beginning to think I was blind. After several cruises, I don't recall seeing any abandoned dirty dishes and/or food in hall areas or otherwise. Of course, I could have missed a bit but I find it hard to believe it's a common occurrence.

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Yes - a few Oceania and Regent posters are here but certainly not to pass judgment on NCL (you guys do a perfectly job without an outsider telling you what the issues are). Posters have listed the reasons why the new policies are unfair or won't work. What I find something that does work for me, instead of ranting about it, I first think about it and try to figure out if there is a compromise that would work for both parties. That is what I've been trying to do on the NCL board.




Yes -- I have said that Regent has gotten over the pains of changes that occurred 7 years ago but this is certainly no assurance that everything will be great on NCL. It is just bit of positive input. In terms of Oceania, they have had the same management since inception so their customers tend to have a different "take" than Regent customers. Regent customers were devastated with the buy-out, the changes -- just about everything (and were none too pleased to be purchased for a second time).




I'm sorry if my posts have bothered some people. That is not my intention. I have seen some great suggestions on these threads and still hope that NCL management is reading and thinking about those suggestions. I do see NCL, Regent and Oceania as sister companies now and hopefully we can be supportive of each other.



Travelcat2, I still think you are FDR in disguise or he is giving you a huge discount on Regent somehow. Lol. Are there any other brands associated with FDR? I just want to make sure not to give them any business in the future. I started cruising NCL because I actually like " cruising like a Norwegian" not Norwegian " next" as their new tag line seems to be. I think " next" is for assembly lines; or "next"victim; or " next sucker" certainly doesn't sound like a fun vacation. What were they thinking; oh wait, that's right, he doesn't think, he blurts the first thing that comes to him.

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We usually cruise in suites. We still complained to corporate. We do not call our butler for every little snack when we are hungry. We run up to the buffet and see what we want. We complained to NCL that cereal or fruit do not make it as a snack for us. We told them if we want a hot dog we will get it. We told them they are turning people away and off Norwegian.

Our cabin went up $600 with the newest promotion. We would not have booked it with the current prices. Higher prices and fewer amenities are going to lead to people not rebooking with Norwegian.

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Travelcat2, I still think you are FDR in disguise or he is giving you a huge discount on Regent somehow. Lol. Are there any other brands associated with FDR? I just want to make sure not to give them any business in the future. I started cruising NCL because I actually like " cruising like a Norwegian" not Norwegian " next" as their new tag line seems to be. I think " next" is for assembly lines; or "next"victim; or " next sucker" certainly doesn't sound like a fun vacation. What were they thinking; oh wait, that's right, he doesn't think, he blurts the first thing that comes to him.


Sorry but I am not affiliated with Regent, Oceania or FDR -- just speaking from experience. No one likes change and many resist it. Life brings about changes all the time. The restaurants you went to 5 years ago are no doubt more expensive than they are now. The same can be said for food at the grocery store. There is very little in life that does not change.


One thing I learned from reading these threads is that the same type of things that are being said about FDR were being said when Sheehan took over. Yet, when Sheehan left, passengers were devastated. The only thing that bothers me is people judging and putting down a person that you have never met. IMO, no one gets anywhere by bullying and that is what it seems like some posters are doing.


Whether you decide to cruise on NCL again or another cruise line, I hope that you find what makes you and your family happy.:o

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Sorry but I am not affiliated with Regent, Oceania or FDR -- just speaking from experience. No one likes change and many resist it. Life brings about changes all the time. The restaurants you went to 5 years ago are no doubt more expensive than they are now. The same can be said for food at the grocery store. There is very little in life that does not change.


One thing I learned from reading these threads is that the same type of things that are being said about FDR were being said when Sheehan took over. Yet, when Sheehan left, passengers were devastated. The only thing that bothers me is people judging and putting down a person that you have never met. IMO, no one gets anywhere by bullying and that is what it seems like some posters are doing.


Whether you decide to cruise on NCL again or another cruise line, I hope that you find what makes you and your family happy.:o

I don't consider myself a bully. I do think your experience with Regent has been different than many that have with NCL. I have sailed with NCL since 2003 (no surprise by my login). I am most upset with lack of communication. I didn't even register with cruise critic until 2012, just as I do not have a Facebook page. (way too much drama) I do not like someone trying to orchestrate how I have a right to spend my vacation dollars after I have already spent them. I, as a consumer have the right to reasonable expectations based on past experiences. I am not disrespectful to others on the cruise ship, (although I have witnessed a few children not being minded by their parents); yet I still sailed NCL. There were no excessive dirty dishes throughout any ships that I sailed on. I tipped extra to our cabin steward as well as restaurant staff , room service and butler as appropriate. I did not leave dirty dishes from my free room service on a room service tray outside my cabin unless instructed by my cabin steward, and have sailed in every cabin class on NCL from an inside cabin to a suite with a butler (shout out to Roland who was great on the Dawn out of Boston). IMO I do find your comments to be condescending as you do not have the same "experience" as you have not sailed on NCL. For the record, I never once complained about Sheehan. Yes, change does happen, which is why I feel the need to explore (change) my vacation options in the future. Only time will time if NCL can weather this storm they have thrust upon themselves.

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I'm trying to understand where you can go on vacation where there are not some kind of rules that must be followed. People cannot simply do whatever they want - whenever they want to do it.


The only point that I strongly agree with is that NCL did not give notice of the changes. I do not agree that a person has the right to expect things to be the same as the last time they were on a cruise ship (or anywhere else).


While I have not had the same experiences as you, neither do other NCL passengers (according to the threads that I've been reading). What some people observe is denied by others. In any case, whether you cruise on NCL, Regent, Carnival or any other cruise line, when there are changes, they are difficult to swallow. My intention is certainly not to be condescending but rather to contribute to the discussion. Hopefully people that typically cruise on other cruise lines are not banned from the NCL board. Are they:confused:

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There are people on here who are trying to sell that the ships halls are full of plates and food when that could not be further from the truth on ships I have sailed on.


What is the big deal if a person decides to eat all of their meals in their room or some.....nothing according to NCL as long as the pay a service fee!


Show me the money!


They have to pay for all the free things that they gave a way some how.

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I think the issue of dishes that may or may not be on the floor outside of the cabin is fairly easy to fix. Now someone needs to figure out how to get food from the restaurants to the room without carrying it or spilling it on the floor.


P.S. LMaxwell: Well, my posts are still here so it seems that non-NCL passengers can post:D

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I'm trying to understand where you can go on vacation where there are not some kind of rules that must be followed. People cannot simply do whatever they want - whenever they want to do it.


The only point that I strongly agree with is that NCL did not give notice of the changes. I do not agree that a person has the right to expect things to be the same as the last time they were on a cruise ship (or anywhere else).


While I have not had the same experiences as you, neither do other NCL passengers (according to the threads that I've been reading). What some people observe is denied by others. In any case, whether you cruise on NCL, Regent, Carnival or any other cruise line, when there are changes, they are difficult to swallow. My intention is certainly not to be condescending but rather to contribute to the discussion. Hopefully people that typically cruise on other cruise lines are not banned from the NCL board. Are they:confused:


For me the thing that bothers me the most is the direction that Del Rio wants to take NCL. I liked the old NCL and have no interest in sailing on the NCL in Del Rio's vision. The recent changes by themselves are pretty much non-starters for the most part when considered by themselves, with the exception of the not taking food from any dining venue rule. Yes, there are rules to follow and yes, the rules may change from one cruise to the next. BUT to institute a charge for a service that used to be free, then change the policy to prevent people from avoiding said fee, and then coming up with some BS rationale after the fact is beyond the pale for most people (and the chain of events really sticks in my craw also). Add to this Del Rio calling us a captive audience and we are pretty much stuck once we are onboard and it all adds up.


Yes, I know that NCL is changing and many will stay with NCL through the changes and enjoy the cruise line that NCL evolve into. NCL will also attract customers to replace the ones they lose. It still saddens me that these events are occurring and it saddens me that I will not be able to sail on NCL (well, unless their price is low enough but I don't see that happening). I have said it before and I'll say it again- I have no interest in sailing on Oceania-lite (or Oceania for that matter).

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The last time DW and I were on the NCL Sun, we nicknamed it "the stinky ship". We most likely won't sail the Sun again.

The hallways smelled pukey, like high school cafeteria.

Keep your dirty plates and rotting food in your cabin, or eat in the dining areas.


That's odd. My wife and I sailed with some friends aboard the Norwegian Sun this past November, and we never saw such a clean, well-run ship (except for our trip on the HAL Veendam in 2011). The few times I saw plates in the passageways, they were on room service trays -- and were usually gone in a couple of hours at most.

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Maybe the new owners could benefit from doing an episode of the Undercover Boss themselves.


If I order room service, open the door and find Frank Del Rio standing there with a tray, I'm getting off at the next port and staying there. :D

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That's odd. My wife and I sailed with some friends aboard the Norwegian Sun this past November, and we never saw such a clean, well-run ship (except for our trip on the HAL Veendam in 2011). The few times I saw plates in the passageways, they were on room service trays -- and were usually gone in a couple of hours at most.
I think experiences differ sailing to sailing. I'm sure on some sailing, one wouldn't see it, but on others they would.
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I think experiences differ sailing to sailing. I'm sure on some sailing, one wouldn't see it, but on others they would.


Maybe there was a problem on the Sun, and people complained to the ship's management, and the problem was fixed on a "local" level -- the way things ought to be done, instead of a top-down corporate directive that creates more problems than it solves.

Edited by CavalierX
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No matter what anyone says I believe this is about money, plane and simple. Not keeping the ship clean or enhancing the experience. FDR has said many times he wants each passenger to spend more on-board and since they are a captive audience he can force them to a point. Doing a quick estimate, if each stateroom in the NCL fleet used room-service once a week it would add 153,000$ a week to earnings and since this is a charge for a service that already exists it would be profit. If they allow you to take your own food back to your room they take away all this found money!!

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No matter what anyone says I believe this is about money, plane and simple. Not keeping the ship clean or enhancing the experience. FDR has said many times he wants each passenger to spend more on-board and since they are a captive audience he can force them to a point. Doing a quick estimate, if each stateroom in the NCL fleet used room-service once a week it would add 153,000$ a week to earnings and since this is a charge for a service that already exists it would be profit. If they allow you to take your own food back to your room they take away all this found money!!


Here's the thing - not every passenger uses room service, that's how NCL was able to do a money grab on it. Most passengers use the other complimentary places more like the buffet or the MDR. Yes, I know on CC most people here use the UDP but they're the minority compare to what actually happens on the cruise ships where most passengers use the MDR for dinner. You only allow a company like a cruise line much control to your wallet as you want and I keep my close to them when it comes to the new room service fee. :cool:

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I'm sure it happens. It's just that some people are making like there's an abundance of dirty dishes all over on every ship.


There's some exaggeration here for sure. It's usually been late at night that I see more in the halls.

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Yes - a few Oceania and Regent posters are here but certainly not to pass judgment on NCL (you guys do a perfectly job without an outsider telling you what the issues are.


I'm sorry if my posts have bothered some people. That is not my intention. I have seen some great suggestions on these threads and still hope that NCL management is reading and thinking about those suggestions. I do see NCL, Regent and Oceania as sister companies now and hopefully we can be supportive of each other.


Sorry but I am not affiliated with Regent, Oceania or FDR -- just speaking from experience.


One thing I learned from reading these threads is that the same type of things that are being said about FDR were being said when Sheehan took over. Yet, when Sheehan left, passengers were devastated. The only thing that bothers me is people judging and putting down a person that you have never met. IMO, no one gets anywhere by bullying and that is what it seems like some posters are doing.


Anyone can post here, yes. But those who do usually have a reason to be here. They are frequent NCL cruisers or are perhaps a potential new customer looking for info. I have absolutely no interest in what is going on with the Oceana or Regent boards because I have no intention of ever sailing on one of those ships. And even if I looked out of idle curiosity, I would not feel I was in any position to comment on issues of which I know nothing. And with your cruise history, I doubt that you will be making the move to NCL, which is a shame, because then maybe you would understand just how much we like the current product that NCL is, and hate to see that experience altered. You commented that it would be nice if NCL could become the top of the mainstream lines. IMO, it already was in terms of price, entertainment and general cruise experience.


So why you are investing so much time here talking about a product you have no knowledge of and probably never will. The only reason I can come up with is that you have been asked to do so by NCL. Either an employee or a close associate of someone in a high position. Put a positive spin on things, so to speak. Tell the folks, "It's OK really, all for your own good. You'll understand someday!" Perhaps you are not, but it sure comes off sounding that way!


As far as FDR and Sheehan are concerned, I have never read a single negative thing about Sheehan. He turned NCL around, and his team came up with ideas that made it the cruise line that other mainstream lines tried to imitate. No one else does Freestyle better, no one has more or better entertainment options, no one has more dining options. This room service fee/take out ban and the trashing of their own image by none other than then the CEO himself in order to justify it would never have happened on his watch, IMO. I do not know FDR, but I have seen what he says, and what he does, and what he does not do in terms of thinking things all the way through. And I think the term "bullying" could be more aptly appled to FDR than his customers. He seems to have little respect for his passengers. In terms of communication and implementation, it seems like the inmates are running the asylum. Very ameteurish. I thought he had better management skills by reputation. It seems to me that his sole focus is in raising revenue by any means so that he can be praised in the board room and by investors.


And yes, it is true that things change. But can we not have the expectation that the product that we have booked will be the same one we get when we board the ships? And I am not sure that FDR has any interest in keeping NCL in it's current niche. Oceana Lite may not be far from the truth down the road. How long before he decides that the Freestyle concept just creates too much confusion and that standard seatings are much more cost effective?


And for those who ask which alternative we'd rather have, an increase in fares, or a room service charge to cover expenses ( or 18% fee on cover charges, or increase in DSC, or increase in drink prices and fees ). Well we already have the fees, and if what others say is true, that cruise fares have gone up substantially for next year, then we actually have both the increased fees AND the increased fares.

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The last time DW and I were on the NCL Sun, we nicknamed it "the stinky ship". We most likely won't sail the Sun again.

The hallways smelled pukey, like high school cafeteria.

Keep your dirty plates and rotting food in your cabin, or eat in the dining areas.


Can you clarify - are you saying it smelled from dirty dishes you saw or just smelled? The reason I ask is there have been reports of a sewage type smell aft on the Sun for a number of years. We even had it on 10 aft back when we sailed on the Sun and all the way down to deck 7 outside where we did the muster. After the first day it went away but others have posted running into the smell on the Sun during their cruise while underway.

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Can you clarify - are you saying it smelled from dirty dishes you saw or just smelled?

The reason I ask is there have been reports of a sewage type smell aft on the Sun for a number of years. We even had it on 10 aft back when we sailed on the Sun and all the way down to deck 7 outside where we did the muster. After the first day it went away but others have posted running into the smell on the Sun during their cruise while underway.

Sorry; misunderstandings. I hope no one thinks I'm addressing them personally:o ...and thanks for the information.

I don't know if the dirty dishes I saw were stinky; I didn't get that close.

The Sun smelled of an accumulation of odors from food in cabin hallways, like the smoke smell in the casino.

The smell seemed like food mixed with wet dog. Maybe it was sewer gas.

At some point, the only way to get rid of the smell is to start over by replacing carpeting.

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