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Gift for room steward


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I also carry a supply of very small pins ( Canadian Maple Leaf as I Am Canadian ) and give them out. Most are very happy to be given one and many pin it on right away or show me next time I see them that they are proud to be wearing it. I have seen others that I may not have had interaction with eyeing the pins when I am giving it out and they are very appreciative when I offer them one too.


With all due respect would you proudly wear a pin from another country? The Philippines, France, China, United States? My husband told me I'd probably be shot wearing a US flag t-shirt when I was in Canada last week.


Let's be honest. You are a proud Canadian so wearing the Canadian Maple Leaf makes sense. The people working on the ship are proud of their country - not yours. I am a dual citizen and couldn't imagine wearing a pin from Canada in the US or vice versa. Of course they act pleased. That is their job. Maybe they weren't "eying" the pins but more just looking at it trying to figure out what exactly it was. Maybe you should look around for pins from their countries if you want to give them out.

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I'm in agreement with those in the "cash only" segment. Once had a very chatty steward who loved giving me the inside scoop on her job - she told very funny stories of the things people gave the crew thinking they were being kind - it almost always went into the trash bin.


What didn't make it in the bin was the alcohol :D - that they were happy to keep but it was against regulations for them to keep it and so they would sneak it back to their cabins. People that made afghans :eek:, gave clothes they didn't want to take home, home made candy - all to the trash - what they all worked for was the cash.


Many crew on HAL ships are from Indonesia and some are Muslim. Would you know which drink alcohol and which would be offended to be given liquor? Cabin stewards are Indonesians and I certainly will not be asking anyone's religion. :eek:




May I please apply for a job as your lady-in-waiting?

I've been telling folks the same thing, for decades now. The best presents you can give your crew are pictures of dead presidents (and, some president wanna-be's ;)).


Ahh, I could use a Lady-in-Waiting. What a nice offer. :D I promise to reward you generously. :)


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With all due respect would you proudly wear a pin from another country? The Philippines, France, China, United States? My husband told me I'd probably be shot wearing a US flag t-shirt when I was in Canada last week.


Let's be honest. You are a proud Canadian so wearing the Canadian Maple Leaf makes sense. The people working on the ship are proud of their country - not yours. I am a dual citizen and couldn't imagine wearing a pin from Canada in the US or vice versa. Of course they act pleased. That is their job. Maybe they weren't "eying" the pins but more just looking at it trying to figure out what exactly it was. Maybe you should look around for pins from their countries if you want to give them out.


Isn't it amazing how some people have convinced themselves that their idea of a gift is the best thing the staff has ever received. Some claim that the recipient "proudly wears", or looks "very happy". Yeah, right! If these so called "gift" givers can be fooled so easily, I need their phone numbers and email addresses because I have many things I would like to convince them they must have. A lifetime supply of Viaggra pills, anyone? How about a large sum of money from a Nigerian bank? Or maybe they'd be proud and thrilled to purchase some of my pins and trinkets? :rolleyes:

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We were chatting with a crew member who was going home soon. He mentioned that he would be looking for particular toys for his kids at the next port.


Unfortunately, he was unable to leave the ship so we checked around and found and bought the toys for him. It was kinda fun since our kids are grown. Anyway, he was happy to get them.


I know I personally prefer $$ or gift cards myself unless the person doing the giving knows exactly what I want.

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With all due respect would you proudly wear a pin from another country? The Philippines, France, China, United States? My husband told me I'd probably be shot wearing a US flag t-shirt when I was in Canada last week.


Let's be honest. You are a proud Canadian so wearing the Canadian Maple Leaf makes sense. The people working on the ship are proud of their country - not yours. I am a dual citizen and couldn't imagine wearing a pin from Canada in the US or vice versa. Of course they act pleased. That is their job. Maybe they weren't "eying" the pins but more just looking at it trying to figure out what exactly it was. Maybe you should look around for pins from their countries if you want to give them out.


Just when is this guy from Indonesia supposed to wear this Canadian pin? They're not supposed to wear anything except their name tag.


When will people get it. They don't want your crap be it pins from Canada, oranges from Florida or Harley tee shirts.


If you have to give tee shirts at least give one that says: "I worked hard all week cleaning my passengers toilets and all I got was this sh...y tee shirt".


Are these people who insist on wasting their time and money so incredibly naive to think the crew wants or needs this junk?

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We were chatting with a crew member who was going home soon. He mentioned that he would be looking for particular toys for his kids at the next port.


Unfortunately, he was unable to leave the ship so we checked around and found and bought the toys for him. It was kinda fun since our kids are grown. Anyway, he was happy to get them.


I know I personally prefer $$ or gift cards myself unless the person doing the giving knows exactly what I want.


Now this is what I call thoughtful:)

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Many crew on HAL ships are from Indonesia and some are Muslim. Would you know which drink alcohol and which would be offended to be given liquor? Cabin stewards are Indonesians and I certainly will not be asking anyone's religion. :eek:



Sorry that I didn't make it clear - the steward was speaking of when cruisers have alcohol in their cabins and just leave it for the room stewards at the end of the cruise. Difficult to fly with these days so many people leave them to the staff.

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They won't dissuade this thick headed Swede. ;)


If some of those who have posted here knew how many of the officers and crew ride Harleys, maybe they would realize that some gifts mean much more to them than money.


I know at least three captains who ride and one takes his bright yellow Harley on the ship with him so he can ride in the ports. He may still be wearing the Harley skull cap I gave him !!


I was bombarded with requests to buy my Lakers shirt on a cruise, so the next time I sailed that ship, I took a supply of Lakers stuff and it lasted a few minutes. They certainly didn't toss it in the trash !!

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Isn't it amazing how some people have convinced themselves that their idea of a gift is the best thing the staff has ever received. Some claim that the recipient "proudly wears", or looks "very happy". Yeah, right! If these so called "gift" givers can be fooled so easily, I need their phone numbers and email addresses because I have many things I would like to convince them they must have. A lifetime supply of Viaggra pills, anyone? How about a large sum of money from a Nigerian bank? Or maybe they'd be proud and thrilled to purchase some of my pins and trinkets? :rolleyes:


Why do you find it necessary to try to belittle others on this forum ??


I will break my own rule and cite an example of my experience. I gave a waitress a butterfly hair clip and she pinned it to her tie. She left and came back with her friend who was wearing a similar one on her tie. She said "You gave me this three years ago and I have worn it every day since. That sort of makes your statements hard to accept for me.

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Why do you find it necessary to try to belittle others on this forum ??


As long as the hard working staff continues to be belittled with silly gifts from people who refuse to understand that what they are working for is money, not useless trinkets, those gift givers have only themselves to blame if they feel belittled when the inappropriateness of such gifts are pointed out. Pointing out the folly of giving such gifts is in no way an act of belittlement. It is just stating the obvious. :rolleyes:

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Wait a minute. The person RiotAct was referencing said they gave the steward a $20 bill, post #71. Is that a reason to be steaming mad or annoyed?:confused:



Ha - I was thinking the same thing - Elaine probably thought my post referred to the people who give the stewards little trinkets, though.

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To everyone that's been bashed, belittled, made out to be cheap and made to feel insensitive to the wants and needs of others.......I APOLOGIZE for ever starting this thread. [emoji17] I will think, rethink and research before ever asking a question like this again. I would never talk to people like some do on here. A teacher once told me, the only stupid question is the one no one ask. Good night to all.

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If some of those who have posted here knew how many of the officers and crew ride Harleys, maybe they would realize that some gifts mean much more to them than money.


I know at least three captains who ride and one takes his bright yellow Harley on the ship with him so he can ride in the ports. He may still be wearing the Harley skull cap I gave him !!


I was bombarded with requests to buy my Lakers shirt on a cruise, so the next time I sailed that ship, I took a supply of Lakers stuff and it lasted a few minutes. They certainly didn't toss it in the trash !!


Here is the problem as I see it with comments like the above. You and biker@sea are pretty quick to tell us you cruise so much that you personally know the crew and several of the captains, even calling them "friends". You tell us that you give them gifts that you know they will like - Harley memorabilia and T-shirts, for example - as a result of getting to know them over time. And then almost in the same breath you berate the rest of us, people who haven't had the opportunities to develop friendships like you have, for suggesting that it is better to give cash and not something personal that they may not like or cannot use. You seem to suggest that we are not very caring people, implying that we don't care enough about the crew to give them things they like rather than impersonal cash.


That is what I find offensive. You are using your level of familiarity with your crew and captain friends to judge those of us who don't have that luxury, implying that we are lesser people for taking the safe approach by giving only cash.


That is not very fair. What you have is a very different relationship with the crew than we have. So enough of your lecturing us about what we think is the only appropriate and safe gift to give crew we have never met before, and will probably never meet again - CASH.

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PTMary, you hit the nail on the head!


It's certainly not fair for those two posters to jump in when they have a different relationship with the crew. It's an injustice to new cruisers when, and if, they don't qualify they are different.

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Here is the problem as I see it with comments like the above. You and biker@sea are pretty quick to tell us you cruise so much that you personally know the crew and several of the captains, even calling them "friends". You tell us that you give them gifts that you know they will like - Harley memorabilia and T-shirts, for example - as a result of getting to know them over time. And then almost in the same breath you berate the rest of us, people who haven't had the opportunities to develop friendships like you have, for suggesting that it is better to give cash and not something personal that they may not like or cannot use. You seem to suggest that we are not very caring people, implying that we don't care enough about the crew to give them things they like rather than impersonal cash.


That is what I find offensive. You are using your level of familiarity with your crew and captain friends to judge those of us who don't have that luxury, implying that we are lesser people for taking the safe approach by giving only cash.


That is not very fair. What you have is a very different relationship with the crew than we have. So enough of your lecturing us about what we think is the only appropriate and safe gift to give crew we have never met before, and will probably never meet again - CASH.





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To everyone that's been bashed, belittled, made out to be cheap and made to feel insensitive to the wants and needs of others.......I APOLOGIZE for ever starting this thread. [emoji17] I will think, rethink and research before ever asking a question like this again. I would never talk to people like some do on here. A teacher once told me, the only stupid question is the one no one ask. Good night to all.


volmoma, there was absolutely nothing wrong with your question. You asked if a "goodie bag" was a good idea. People voiced their concerns that not knowing what the staff likes or can use could create a situation where the staff must feign appreciation and thanks when in reality they find the gift useless. Almost everyone was unanimous on giving cash as the best idea. But, a couple of posters rebuked the cash approach telling us that if we really cared we'd give them something they wanted. In actuality, we simply don't know the staff well enough to know what they want, so we play it safe.


Different suggestions for different relationships. Your question was what an average cruiser should give in appreciation, and we replied. I think it is pretty clear that most think we should only give cash to avoid any discomfort for the crew.


It was a good question. Now all you have to do is decide if the majority has the better idea, or if the minority has.

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I agree I think OP asked the question in good faith and meant well. There was nothing wrong with the question IMO but when you ask, you need to realize people from around the globe come to these forums. You may not like their approach, their opinions etc but as long as they don't violate CC rules, it is part of participating in an internet message forum. Take from the posts what you like and is helpful for you and leave the rest. :)

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We ALWAYS leave our room steward an additional tip. But this time In addition I wanted to leave a goodie bag of things that they would have to spend their own $$$ for. Any suggestions


Don't worry about it.:)


If you feel you want to leave a gift and a cash tip thats wonderful.


Crew members are not charged for trash disposal if they don,t like it.;)

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PTMary, you hit the nail on the head!


It's certainly not fair for those two posters to jump in when they have a different relationship with the crew. It's an injustice to new cruisers when, and if, they don't qualify they are different.


May be you have signatures shut off.


OP has over 20 cruises listed. FAR from a being NEW cruiser.:p

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May be you have signatures shut off.


OP has over 20 cruises listed. FAR from a being NEW cruiser.:p


Which is irrelevant. If every one of the OP's cruises was with a different set of crew members, she, as with most of us, would not have had the opportunity to become "friends" with them as you have with your dozen cruises on the same ship in less than three years. And even if many of those were with the same crew, that still doesn't mean that she has become "friends" with the crew and knows what they like and don't like.


Even more important, many people reading these threads are infrequent cruisers, or are just starting cruising. The suggestions to give personal gifts is inappropriate for these cruisers who don't have your relationships with crew members.


The advice to only give cash is still the safest bet for the majority of readers.

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As long as the hard working staff continues to be belittled with silly gifts from people who refuse to understand that what they are working for is money, not useless trinkets, those gift givers have only themselves to blame if they feel belittled when the inappropriateness of such gifts are pointed out. Pointing out the folly of giving such gifts is in no way an act of belittlement. It is just stating the obvious. :rolleyes:


If belittling people for posting their experiences does you some good, go for it. The fact that you are dead wrong doesn't enter into the picture.


Since so many feel the need to pounce on those who know that money isn't the only thing that appeals to the crew members, it indicates a lack of confidence in your ideas.


Suggestion ---- Since money is the of utmost imprtance, why not dig out some of your old confederate money, or WWII german marks and give that to thecrew. That should make them extremely happy in YOUR OPINION !!

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If belittling people for posting their experiences does you some good, go for it. The fact that you are dead wrong doesn't enter into the picture.


Since so many feel the need to pounce on those who know that money isn't the only thing that appeals to the crew members, it indicates a lack of confidence in your ideas.


Suggestion ---- Since money is the of utmost imprtance, why not dig out some of your old confederate money, or WWII german marks and give that to thecrew. That should make them extremely happy in YOUR OPINION !!


Swedish... can't you at least agree that YOU have a relationship with crew members and not EVERYONE else does? As others have said, your relationship is unique. YOU have said time and time again that you sail with the same people, get to know them personally and are friends with some. Acknowledge the fact that the majority of cruisers do not share your experience. Continuing to BELITTLE others with a lesser experience than you.... well, kind of makes you look like a very small person. Your suggestion was probably the nastiest thing you have ever posted. It does speak volumes about you though.

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Swedish... can't you at least agree that YOU have a relationship with crew members and not EVERYONE else does? As others have said, your relationship is unique. YOU have said time and time again that you sail with the same people, get to know them personally and are friends with some. Acknowledge the fact that the majority of cruisers do not share your experience. Continuing to BELITTLE others with a lesser experience than you.... well, kind of makes you look like a very small person. Your suggestion was probably the nastiest thing you have ever posted. It does speak volumes about you though.


AND --- Someone calling the gifts USELESS TRINKETS is not nasty ????


You are entitled to your opinion, but I don't agree. Why would my money suggestions be any worse ??

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AND --- Someone calling the gifts USELESS TRINKETS is not nasty ????


You are entitled to your opinion, but I don't agree. Why would my money suggestions be any worse ??


Not sure what "money" suggestions you are referring to and not going to go back and read but if you mean what you spend your money on then, again, it reverts back to you sailing and knowing the crew members versus a one time cruiser.


I see you didn't bother to acknowledge that your situation is different then most. It might be time to give it a rest :rolleyes:

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AND --- Someone calling the gifts USELESS TRINKETS is not nasty ????


Since in the majority of the cases they ARE useless trinkets to the staff, why is it nasty to point out the obvious? :confused:

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