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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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J...you absolutely NEED to follow the temptation and do it! It will prevent any further stodginess from setting in! :) Take that as a prescription! Just DO IT!


And did you just "bleedin" apologize????? Heresy!


No M,


I'm too old these days unless I'm offered "tradesman's entrance" passes and sadly not this time. Just the seats. :(



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However, if you are playing "fantasy band" because you are bored....perhaps you need to try something new. Just saying..... Stodginess looms large.....unless of course that is your goal. :) Cantankerous maybe? Not an enviable ambition for an open-minded, open-hearted gentleman.

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However, if you are playing "fantasy band" because you are bored....perhaps you need to try something new. Just saying..... Stodginess looms large.....unless of course that is your goal. :) Cantankerous maybe? Not an enviable ambition for an open-minded, open-hearted gentleman.




The likeness is eerie .....



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OK...stop watching now! This is obviously not healthy for you! Move on...maybe listen to something that brings back fond memories instead of something that will bring on nightmares. :)

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Can we please drop this discussion now on the EU vote.....it's happened and there's nothing we can do about it apart from accepting it.

Time to lighten up on the cooler .....[emoji5]



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Would respectfully request that you have a little patience regarding the EU vote. Cruise Critic (specifically this board) gives information to the rest of the world that we are not able to get through our news channels. We are extremely interested in what is going on (and what will be going on) in the next few months and will try not to monopolize the cooler but there is no where else to go to get the views of the people that actually live in the UK.


Really appreciate your understanding:)

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EU announces new restrictions on tea kettles and toasters. Funny how they waited until after the vote ...


I thought you were joking, but this typifies the crap from this organisation.


I don't even drink tea or coffee (or any hot drinks for that matter), but I really says it all that they shelved plans on this until after the referendum because such rules could influence the Brexit vote.... and quite right it would have.


If they are that worried about the ecology, perhaps they should outlaw high powered German cars.... especially ones that use software to defeat emission tests. I wonder why they won't tackle this!


And on that note.... Silver wind returns to London today... hopefully the weather holds and I can get some good footage with the drone..... before the EU vans them!



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Would respectfully request that you have a little patience regarding the EU vote. Cruise Critic (specifically this board) gives information to the rest of the world that we are not able to get through our news channels. We are extremely interested in what is going on (and what will be going on) in the next few months and will try not to monopolize the cooler but there is no where else to go to get the views of the people that actually live in the UK.


Really appreciate your understanding:)



I would take a lot of the "facts" posted here by otherwise very sensible and well educated people with a grain of salt. The Donald Trump like distortion of facts is mindboggling.... and the split of votes along different age groups and regions is a clear sign of very different opinions.

We have lived 13 years in the UK and now 4 years in Austria and many of the so called "EU regulations" we were confronted in the UK can't be found over here.

Happily buying bananas single, in twos or bunches of three, four and more, plugging in haidryer in the bathroom and able to step on a ladder alone without hard hat, safety glasses and shoes to screw in a warm shining light bulb.....

Many voting "leave" apparently are now flabbergasted as they did not "expect" (!) this to happen and the future will show who got it right. So let's reconnect on June 25, 2019 and see how this saga turns out in reality :rolleyes:.

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Would respectfully request that you have a little patience regarding the EU vote. Cruise Critic (specifically this board) gives information to the rest of the world that we are not able to get through our news channels. We are extremely interested in what is going on (and what will be going on) in the next few months and will try not to monopolize the cooler but there is no where else to go to get the views of the people that actually live in the UK.


Really appreciate your understanding:)



I think Soapy was concerned by the lack of respect some have posted ....


Ask and discuss anything you wish.



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I would take a lot of the "facts" posted here by otherwise very sensible and well educated people with a grain of salt. The Donald Trump like distortion of facts is mindboggling.... and the split of votes along different age groups and regions is a clear sign of very different opinions.

We have lived 13 years in the UK and now 4 years in Austria and many of the so called "EU regulations" we were confronted in the UK can't be found over here.

Happily buying bananas single, in twos or bunches of three, four and more, plugging in haidryer in the bathroom and able to step on a ladder alone without hard hat, safety glasses and shoes to screw in a warm shining light bulb.....

Many voting "leave" apparently are now flabbergasted as they did not "expect" (!) this to happen and the future will show who got it right. So let's reconnect on June 25, 2019 and see how this saga turns out in reality :rolleyes:.


Perhaps, rather than generalising that some of the things that have been said are untrue you would be specific. Otherwise it is simply a general slur on posters without them really having the right of reply. Also, I think you will encounter no problems with doing so if you desist from questioning posters integrity with respect to posting facts or fiction.


There are many quite nonsensical laws that have been introduced and remained, and many have been revoked or changed. Some are coming down the line. Many are as a result of a very unhealthy and far too close system of lobbying by big business. It is estimated that their are more than 30,000 lobbyists in Brussels.


You have mentioned a couple of issues in passing. With respect to light bulbs. On 18th March 2009, a timetable was created by EU states outlining the gradual withdrawal of incandescent bulbs from production. Most of the phase-out has taken place, but latter stages of the schedule have been reviewed. We have had to stock up on these bulbs as have most Brits.


The current chronology is as follows:


1st September 2009 Phase-out of clear 100W and above incandescent bulbs.

Non-clear (frosted/pearl) bulbs require an ‘A’ energy rating (effectively meaning they must be CFL or LED).

1st September 2010 Phase-out of 75W clear incandescent bulbs.

1st September 2011 Phase-out of 60W clear incandescent bulbs.

1st September 2012 Phase-out of all remaining clear incandescent bulbs (i.e. 40W and 25W).

24th February 2016 Phase-out of some bulbs previously defined as special purpose, including incandescent rough service bulbs, high/low temperature bulbs and clear glass decorative filament bulbs (tinted glass models still permitted).

1st September 2016 Phase-out of directional mains-voltage halogen bulbs (i.e. GU10, PAR, R-type).

1st September 2018 Phase-out of non-directional halogen bulbs (i.e. candle, GLS, globe, golf ball).


There is nothing imaginary about this.


To take another inititiative upto a few weeks ago.


The large conglomerate olive oil companies wished to protect their sale of their small table sized olive oil botlles to restaurants. They therefore successfully lobbied the EU for the banning of decanting of larger olive oil bottles into smaller unmarked vessels on the basis that it was a risk to public health. Without any consultation the EU was about to pass that law. This would have effectively dessimated thousands of small artisan olive oil producers as they relied on sales to small restaurants and couldn't afford to manufacture small table sized bottles, which was understood by the conglomerates. This was intended solely as an anti competition inititative by the large companies and almost succeeded if it hadn't been a public outcry. There was not a single piece of evidence provided that anyone had been harmed by the decanting of olive oil. This was only finally nailed a few weeks ago.


As you are well aware there was terrible wastage when the EU said that fruit and vegetables had to reach a set of cosmetic standards. These did include bendy cucumbers. The law was subsequently loosened.


With respect ot vacuum cleaners, those above 1600 watts have been banned from being manufactured or imported into the UK. This has not saved power as you simply have to vacuum for longer. The wattage is to be further reduced in 2017 to 900 watts. Many feel that vacuum cleaners of 900 watts would use more energy overall as they would not be powerful enough. We have had to stockpile a couple of expensive Miele cleaners for two houses. Miele are a well known responsible manufacturer who make efficient expensive products and making some illegal is simply wrong.


These are four of many examples. There is a problem with some countries not complying with the regulations ..... on that we certainly agree.



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Many voting "leave" apparently are now flabbergasted as they did not "expect" (!) this to happen and the future will show who got it right. So let's reconnect on June 25, 2019 and see how this saga turns out in reality :rolleyes:.


You appear to be hoping the UK fails?


Not sure why you chose to educate us on bananas (strangely we can buy them here individually too!) I think I would be more inclined to ask how Austria's open boarder policy is.


The EU needs to reform from these unelected individuals who run the show and making threats like spoilt children. Do you think Merkel was right to slap them down over their instructions to the UK for making a democratic choice on our future. They have made it clear they hope to punish and damage the UK..... Even if by the sounds.... It damages the EU.


Post brexit, the EU stock markets have been hurt more than our own. Now is not the time to let these individuals free reign to cut off their noses to spite their faces because a country decided it doesn't like the direction its being lead.


We wont be pushed by bullies. They need to understand this and its in everyone's interest for an amicable solution. Or do you subscribe to "we cant let them get away with this.. we need to punish them or others will leave too."


Individual countries will not wish to see their own economies damaged by narcissistic unelected individuals on power trips.


That's my views. What's yours?

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...just as you showed respect for the makers and performers of modern music eh Jeff? Oh, it was just an opinion was it? That's OK then.


Was the purpose of this a need to discuss personal musical tastes or just to demonstrate what Jeff said about personalised attacks on individuals?


No wonder he's ignoring an obvious troll account.

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Les, you know I love you like a kindred spirit. But I beg you to express what you say but in an unemotional and unprovocative way otherwise we will simply invite unwanted moderator intervention which we do not want. Also, if there is "attention seeking" the best response to it is to ignore it ie "do not feed trolls". ;)


I'd have preferred to private message you but the system doesn't allow.


Hope you do not mind my request/suggestion but it is with good intentions.


kissy, kissy.





Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Individual countries will not wish to see their own economies damaged by narcissistic unelected individuals on power trips.


That's my views. What's yours?




I think we need to keep in mind that the total population of Austria is around the same as Greater London.


It may be that with respect to regulation compliance that they either do so - unlike say France, or Italy or Spain, or that they are simply small and under the EU compliance radar. That might explain why they are unaware of the regulations in the way that the UK is.



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Good afternoon Coolers!


Well we have lost our Prime Minster and by tommorow night we have probably lost the leader of Her Majesty's opposition having had a number of shadow cabinet resignations this morning. So we wil be without a government and opposition for a while. I am not certain we will notice much of a difference! :D


I've noticed a tremendous amount of interest in these things from our American and other cousins and I have been a bit suprised by the number of views that the thread has generated. I think it really important that all of us are able to make sense of things happening here and where it might all go. I see no issue with discussing these things as long as humour and mututal respect is observed.


I know that these issues in Europe and the UK are utterly perplexing to all of us, and they must also be so in other places relying on headlines, so with the genuinely best intentions I will give a brain dump as to how we got here, and what the current situation seems to me to be, and where it will probably go next. This is a personal set of perspectives and is not intended to be provoking. I'm doing this from an ipad so please indulge typos and spellos.


In essence in the midst of long ago time the UK joined a Common Market in order to improve trade and give a background to a hoped for reduction in conflicts based on trade. What many of our politicians had in mind was a European super state with a single currency and single government. But this was never put to us. Instead it seems that our leaders felt that if they shared that vision with the population it would never be supported, but as they (perhaps you may feel arrogantly) believed that they knew better than us they progressed along that route basically "in secret".


Over time the EU has progressed and has taken in both rich and poor countries. The agreement is that all citizens can go where they want. Some countries like the UK have introduced better working conditions for all and that has had the effect of becoming attractive to countries with lower standards. Additionally our advanced systems of benefits and safety baskets ensure that everyone receives healthcare, housing, minimum earnings etc. The influx of unmanaged immigration means that we cannot select people to live here based on our needs and net immigration numbers but we are at the mercy of the lowest denominator.


There are areas of the UK where this is totally out of control. There has also been clusters og immigrant crime which it has become politically incorrect to discuss. For example an extraordinary amount of street crime and shop crime in London is from a small late EU entrant presumably becauseif you were a criminal it is better to be a criminal in a wealthier country. All of the advanced EU capitals have suffered.


There is a lot more but this is the background flavour.


A few years ago a new party appeared in the UK called UKIP who essentially a one trick pony. It was all about leaving the EU and reestablishing British sovereignty. The politcian classes saw this as an extreme outfit but UKIP struck a chord with ordinary British people and they started to win a very sizeable chunk of what was at the time thought to be Conservative voters. In fact they were across all parts of the spectrum.


David Cameron started to be pressured by British Conservative members who feared losing their seats and he therefore promised a referendum beliving it would kil UKIP and the threat to his MPs but that the British people would never vote to leave the EU. He was badly wrong.


The vote in the UK was not essentially a sign that a large number of British people were deluded. It is my instinct that voters for leaving are fully aware of how this will make our own situation and the world volatile but they felt that this was the last chance to halt the unstoppable progression of an undemocratic super state. It is mys sense that they feel that this incredible pain will be owrth it in the long run.


So what next?


So far as the UK is concerned then we will have a lot of upheavel and name calling. We will hopefully not trigger Clause 50 which is rerally just two years notice of divorce. It is in fact the only lever we have because all the power in negotiating our out terms are with the EU and they are currently behaving badly. So what it seems to me we must do is wait and calm down. They didn't want us to leave but now they cannot wait to get rid of us. That is because the longer we hang around at the party, the loger the unreast in the rest of Europe. So that is the only card we have left. We informally discuss and agree exit terms and when we have all of them we trigger the stopwatch. That is the only lever we have and the only incentive there is for the EU to behave fairly. They will see htis in time.


On the wider front. There is growing unrest in the rest of Europe. For example the EU is even more unpopular in France than it has been in the UK so you can see where that leads.


More and more parties in the EU will offer referenda and thsi will eventually presserurise the reform that there should be.


This is a long post - from an ipad - I'm not going to preview anjd correct. Others will chip in as they want. Hopefuilly constructively.


My motives for posting htis is to give my view of hwo and why we got here, where we currently are and where it might pan out. I hope it is useful.



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Fair summary Jeff.


To draw a parallel to North America. Is there any chance the US would be comfortable with freedom of movement between themselves, Canada and Mexico! There is a huge difference between trade agreements which i think most would be happy with ... and hopefully happens in the future for us in the fashion we originally signed up to.


Personally, i think freedom of movement can work and be desirable between counties of similar standards. How many Americans would settle in Mexico or vice versa?


Obviously this is just one aspect of the issues the UK had problems with. The Eastern block countries understandably are quite happy with the situation.


To be equal partners you need to be equal.


I see that Sturgeon is now kicking and screaming. After being part of the UK referendum she now thinks she can veto the vote she was part of and negotiate with the EU to keep them in it.


Legally, Scotland are not in the EU.... the UK is. i believe the EU cannot possibly consider any approach on this as the UK government is Westminster not Holyrood. And im sure they will advise they could be considered for the future with the Euro as their currency. Of course, Spain have previously said they would object to a devolved Scotland through their own fears over an independant Catalonia.That may be different now of course with the UK leaving.


Why cant we all just be friends!

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Sorry to be posting off topic and ask a cruise ship question! :p


Silver Wind is due into London again today and once more i will at Dartford to film. I normally use marine traffic to see her location.... but for some reason she has no updates from Amsterdam and arriving a day ago.


Anyone else have the same? She should be at Dartford in approx 90 minutes time (at 5.15 GB time)

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Thanks Jeff, for what seems to me a pretty good summary.


As I think we all secretly thought remain would win (well I did), we outers say, I think correctly, that we would not have raised such a stink about losing as the remainers have; it has hit them really hard but I hope in a fairly short time everyone can pull together to get over the hurdles.


It is astonishing how all the cards come tumbling down at the same time - it will be very interesting to see what happens to Labour in the next week or two!


Those of us who can remember joining a Common Market did not sign up to join a European Union, and this is the first and I hope last time we need to be asked. The titles speak for themselves.

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Would respectfully request that you have a little patience regarding the EU vote. Cruise Critic (specifically this board) gives information to the rest of the world that we are not able to get through our news channels. We are extremely interested in what is going on (and what will be going on) in the next few months and will try not to monopolize the cooler but there is no where else to go to get the views of the people that actually live in the UK.




Really appreciate your understanding:)



TC...l do appreciate your comments and have no problem at all with discussing the general issues of the EU vote...what l do however object to is the personal attacks on those of us who chose to vote out...therefore my comment suggesting we all calm down and move on.

I see from recent posts the personal attacks have started yet again and before too long the thread will be closed if we can't behave and also be nice.....we all have our own opinions...l totally respect the disappointment that this vote has brought on ...my own kids included as we discussed this over lunch out today...they voted to remain but totally respected my views....others however have been very nasty and issues have apparently become very tense on various social media sites which quite frankly has appalled me to the point of becoming quite worrying.





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The large conglomerate olive oil companies wished to protect their sale of their small table sized olive oil botlles to restaurants. They therefore successfully lobbied the EU for the banning of decanting of larger olive oil bottles into smaller unmarked vessels on the basis that it was a risk to public health. Without any consultation the EU was about to pass that law. This would have effectively dessimated thousands of small artisan olive oil producers as they relied on sales to small restaurants and couldn't afford to manufacture small table sized bottles, which was understood by the conglomerates. This was intended solely as an anti competition inititative by the large companies and almost succeeded if it hadn't been a public outcry. With respect ot vacuum cleaners, those above 1600 watts have been banned from being manufactured or imported into the UK. This has not saved power as you simply have to vacuum for longer. The wattage is to be further reduced in 2017 to 900 watts. Many feel that vacuum cleaners of 900 watts would use more energy overall as they would not be powerful enough. We have had to stockpile a couple of expensive Miele cleaners for two houses. Miele are a well known responsible manufacturer who make efficient expensive products and making some illegal is simply wrong. Jeff


les37b: Sorry to be posting off topic and ask a cruise ship question! Silver Wind is due into London again today and once more i will at Dartford to film. I normal


lincslady: As I think we all secretly thought remain would win (well I did)' date=' we outers say, I think correctly, that [b']we would not have raised such a stink about losing as the remainers have[/b]; it has hit them really hard but I hope in a fairly short time everyone can pull together to get over the hurdles. It is astonishing how all the cards come tumbling down at the same time - it will be very interesting to see what happens to Labour in the next week or two!


Appreciate Jeff's fascinating details for how the EU folks love to regulate and create rules to solve problems that are not that major for vacuum cleaner sizes, light bulb types, olive oil containers, etc. Very interesting and educational!! No wonder many in the UK wanted to escape from these types of micro-managing legislators.


This UK vote is getting lots of discussions and attention on the Sunday morning political talk shows here in the U.S. Clearly, many people are not happy with the "status quo" and/or "business as usual". BUT, what happens next?? Will share more later.


Very good follow-ups by Les and lincslady. Yes, having a cruise-related comments is always fun and offering up variety compared to the economic and political challenges of Europe and the world.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 199,724 views.


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specialcruisegirl: Now I understand your post a bit better. Thank you for the explanation.:)


Jeff: I just copied two of your posts (on this page) and sent them to my husband. He will definitely find it interesting. Although he has lived in the U.S. for a very long time, his heart remains in England. You give such a great insight of what has been going on for the last few years (I realize that it is just from one person's perspective but I happen to respect your views).


The incandescent bulb issue is very interesting. Although we can still use incandescent bulbs here, almost everyone in the U.S. purchased fluorescent bulbs beginning in the late 1990's. For the past five years or so the transition has been to LED bulbs. Recently the street lights in our city were changed to LED. No one uses halogen due to the amount of electricity it takes. IMO, there is no reason to regulate bulbs - simply show the cost savings and most people decide to change on their own. It sounds like the EU is quite dictatorial - I had no idea.


The news we get in the U.S. is so skewed. I suppose that is the case in many places. Right now our news remains overly focused on the presidential election. I do not know of one person that is happy with what has been going on with this joke of an election. Unlike the U.K., the vote of the people in the U.S. does not count very much in presidential elections. So, what you are seeing in terms of the people running for office is based on a small percentage of voters - not necessarily the majority. Since Trump was mentioned, I want to add the fact that there is a strong movement in the Republican party to block his nomination and put someone else in his place. Whether people support Trump or not, disregarding the vote (as convoluted as it was) should be against the law.


Anyway, Jeff, I didn't apologize but gave my opinion.:)

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TC...l do appreciate your comments and have no problem at all with discussing the general issues of the EU vote...what l do however object to is the personal attacks on those of us who chose to vote out...therefore my comment suggesting we all calm down and move on.

I see from recent posts the personal attacks have started yet again and before too long the thread will be closed if we can't behave and also be nice.....we all have our own opinions...l totally respect the disappointment that this vote has brought on ...my own kids included as we discussed this over lunch out today...they voted to remain but totally respected my views....others however have been very nasty and issues have apparently become very tense on various social media sites which quite frankly has appalled me to the point of becoming quite worrying.






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Totally agree. I'm on a cruise ship at the moment (not Silversea). I walked into one of the shops on Friday morning to hear a man shouting very loudly at one of the shop assistants about the referendum result. She look so shocked:eek:

. I felt sorry for her and tried to defuse the situation, he turned to me and shouted that he would shoot 'name of MP' if he met him.:eek::eek: In view of what happened less than two weeks ago, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Such dangerous words.

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Many thanks for the comments ...... I'm not too proud of the quality of my post ... but simply hoped that some of the background explains a little more and may fill in a few gaps.


TC, thanks ....


We are enormously privileged to be allowed by Dan and the other moderators the lattitude to have a place where we can discuss all sorts of things and that privilide is experimental and possibly temporary by its nature and we are posting at the indulgence of Cruise Critic and at their gift. We should always appreciate them for their indulgence. In return we must respect that and not cause problems and them grief. We must show that it is possible to have such a thread. This means not feeding disharmony and respecting other posters who show respect to the rest of the psters that participate. Some have expressed in the past dissaproval of this thread and may wish to disrail it and subvert it, and it is within our control to ensure it remains healthy.


You mentioned light bulbs! The consequence of this silliness was actually quite huge and shouldn't have been unexpected.


For a period of time most new build houses and many older properties had dimmer switchees and circuits fitted. In the early days of the light bulb ban there were no approved bulbs that could be dimmed. They were also largely cold light rather than warm which people prefer.


So the consequence of the ban was that considerably more unapproved bulbs were manufactured during the purdah period and many people stockpiled them. I have no idea how many I have but it is certainly a lifetimes supply.


So the net effect was the opposite to what was being sought. I add that this is one law amongst thousands.


As I said before, if you employ 50,000 and tell them that their job is to make laws then that is exactly what they will do, day in and day out whether anyone asked for them or not. Idle hands make devils work.


The EU now realises that their whole survival depends on the support of the citizens of Europe. It seems more likely to me, as I have said often before, this is simply the start of the dismantling of the political layer which it is my sense that the majroty of citizens throughout the EU now want. It is really now up to the common sense of the EU plutocracy how painlessly that can be achieved.


So by all means ask all you want and encourage your friends to. Listenening to others whether they agree or not always opensthe opportunity to learn more if one has the capacity too.





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Sorry to be posting off topic and ask a cruise ship question! :p


Silver Wind is due into London again today and once more i will at Dartford to film. I normally use marine traffic to see her location.... but for some reason she has no updates from Amsterdam and arriving a day ago.


Anyone else have the same? She should be at Dartford in approx 90 minutes time (at 5.15 GB time)





Try this site


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