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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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Actually, your memory has been a touch selective and you said rather more than you recall ... you were quite rude weren't you. And you weren't flamed, you were simply asked to be more specific so you could receive response, which you haven't, have you. :D





I posted some examples of laws you implied didn't exist.


I think to be honest you are doing what a lot of people who supported remain choose to do. You are under-estimating the intelligence of the British public who voted to leave and charecterise them as being rather stupid, dumbed and conned. That was sadly the tactics of the remainers during the debate phase and hardened the leavers, anbd that is what they are doing now it's over.


I don't think anyone said that £350m per week would go into the NHS, and if you think they did, I don't think anyone would believe that to be true. What was said at the time and has been repeated .... perhaps you haven't undersood it .... the promise was that any cash saved could be spent in the way that the democraticaly appointed UK government choose to spend it including more on the NHS.


To be honest your post is simply more of the same which is a bit dissapointing. I hope you change your mind and show a bit more respect to those that voted differently to what you though we should have done.






Regarding the intelligence of the British public, I've altered my view somewhat. I'm sure the leave voters have the same IQ demographics as the remain voters, however I think what's different is the level of selfishness and lack of conscience or care about the country's long-term future. Which also explains the lack of embarrassment in the aftermath.... Anyway, as someone else said, it's done now. I guess many leave voters can comfort themselves that they won't be around too much longer to see the outcomes. :D

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Terry, I know you have agreat interest in this issues, but none of this has anything to do with Russia. :confused:

The very sad outcome of this is that the hubris of the EU has led not only to the probable long-term break up of the EU but has triggered a possibly damaging effect on UK unity.

What is another complexity to this is that a British PM (as far as I understand it) cannot trigger article 50 ie the notice of divorce, without an act of parliament. Our PM does not I beleive have that authority. Our MPs are currently against passing such an act.

In the final analysis, the Brexiters are being blamed for all this by those that disagree. What we should have all been doing instead is blaming those in the EU that took us too far along a path and those in national governments who allowed it, of a regime that we had never approved of or agreed to and against our will in the first place and it's failure to respond and adjust to the inevitable. Jeff


mjnvoyager: Terry' date=' you asked about opinions on the leadership of the Conservative Party. Boris has been announced in the media as the front runner. Although he is popular in the country he is not amongst MPs. [b']The party has a habit of rarely electing the favourite at the beginning[/b]. The probable other candidate is Theresa May, our current Home Secretary. She kept a very low profile during the campaign but was officially for Remain. I may have a very suspicious mind but wonder if she was asked to do this in preparation for this very scenario. There is support beginning to build for her in the country. The last two surviving the initial votes by the MPs are subjected to a vote of all party members. My instinct at the moment is that she will emerge the winner and will give Boris and Gove major cabinet posts.


les37b: It's good fun taking food photos!


Appreciate the great' date=' added details from Jeff for these aspects as to how things move forward (or not) on the complex [b']UK vs. EU "divorce"[/b].


To clarify on my reference to Russia and Putin, here is more as to where I am coming from. For Moscow, they would like to gain back, directly or indirectly, some elements/territories from the power/influence that was present during the "good old days" of the Soviet Union. It won't and can't come all of the way back, but, they will push as much as possible. That's why for the invasion in Georgia in 2008, plus the more recent "games" in the Ukraine. My view is that the "Russian Bear" will poke and prod for any signs of opportunity and/or weakness in Eastern Europe to re-gain some power there. As Europe is weakened and/or divided, Putin has more chances to divide and gain added influence/fear. In many ways, Russia did its land-grab in the Ukraine and has not really suffer that much. Now, Germany, the U.S., France, etc., are even more "distracted" and/or less inclined to take any tangible counter-action.


Excellent, MJN!!: Your added info on Boris and his party competition is very helpful in following what will likely be happening during the coming weeks. As Jeff correctly notes, there are lots of "nuances" and small details involved with such politics, etc. The big picture about who is popular and/or colorful to the larger public does not always carry the day within and for such internal party battles. Keep sharing those details from the UK. Am following these events with significant interest.


ISTANBUL BOMBINGS??: Real tragedy there! When we flew out from that airport in late June 2006 after our first cruise, we were impressed that they had security and checking BEFORE we even entered the building. PLUS, the security before getting on the airplane. Clearly, it's needed there in that part of the world.


Loved Les' fun video that was posted. I like to take food/dining pictures, but you should not too carried away and disrupting the enjoyment for others at your table or nearby in a dining location. As always, nice food pix's from Jeff!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 32,226 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.


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Thanks for the nice comments about my tandoori. Wifey said I'd added a touch too much chilli, but all this was cured by some ice cold Paulaner!




Indeed, the news is terrible in Istanbul.


Todays main EU stuff has been that whilst Strurgeon was boasting to the Scottish Parliament that she was off to meet with Donald Tusk the EU President today, he said he had not intention of meeting her. Also today the leader of the opposition has refused to go after an overwhelming vote of no confidence. And so we continue to have no government and no opposition.


To me the saddest part of today was the saddening spectacle of David Cameron's performance at the EU.


What has been overlooked by much of the commentary in the UK imho is that as you know Cameron announced his resignation on the day of the brexit results. The effect of these two factors combined had a terrible impact on all markets. Most of this was clearly due to brexit, but that effect was clearly magnified by the PM announcing his resignation at the same moment. He then said to aids "Why Should I sort out this s**t". He could have managed this far better.


As I've said earlier, I'm fairly sure that a PM doesn't have authority to trigger Article 50 without an act of parliament. What I feel a responsible PM should have done is to explain the referendum result to the EU, and tell his EU colleagues that whilst we continued to be a card carrying full fee paying member of the EU, we expected to still be at the table and be properly consulted on all issues, until article 50 had been invoked and new transition arrangements agreed. He shouldn't have simply indulged himself in what was a "going away party".


In summary, my view is that he failed to consider all other options - and there were and are some other options - before deciding to resign. He then failed to wait for a while to try and minimise the harm to the UK by the way and the timing of his resignation announcement. Finally he has withdrawn from the EU table prematurely when we should be emphasising that we are still members of the EU with rights and privileges that should be respected until we leave. I was a great supporter of Cameron, but this self-indulgent ill-considered behaviour has saddened me.


The show isn't over until the fat lady sings as they say, and there was much much more he could have done.


Anyway ......



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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I am expecting to wake up soon, and find all of this did not actually happen. It was just a nightmare we all had - Brexit, Corbyn, the England football team. You could not make it up, especially the Corbyn bit. I am awaiting my call to join the Shadow Cabinet.

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Seriously interesting reading.. thanks everyone...


Apparently you guys and New Zealand are in a race to be our first trade agreement partners.


For once id happily accept it with the EU terms about freedom of movement.


Stick another shrimp on the barbie mate. :p

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Morning all ....


Abandoned by wifey who has Gone Up to London to have her hair done and raid Marks and Spencers, Selfriges and all the other shops she can pack in in Oxford Street and even more frighteningly Bond Street :( before she hopefully makes her way safely home via South West Trains.


The consequence of this complete abandonment is that I have had a Waitrose meal for one chicken tikka masala because tonight I have been told that I will be ordering a Chinese delivery and opening a bottle of Bredon to celebrate a roots outward recolouring and renewal. :)





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Terry, Indeed, the news is terrible in Istanbul. Todays main EU stuff has been that whilst Strurgeon was boasting to the Scottish Parliament that she was off to meet with Donald Tusk the EU President today, he said he had not intention of meeting her. Also today the leader of the opposition has refused to go after an overwhelming vote of no confidence. And so we continue to have no government and no opposition. To me the saddest part of today was the saddening spectacle of David Cameron's performance at the EU. The show isn't over until the fat lady sings as they say, and there was much much more he could have done. Jeff


Appreciate these added insights and comments from Jeff on the UK versus EU situation. Plus, it is totally fascinating about the internal battles with the Scottish leader, Labor Party, etc., etc. Sadly, at times, politics can be like a combination of "soap opera" and reality TV show.


Enjoying the SS ship pictures by Les, the food pictures by Jeff, etc. Keep the good stuff rolling along. Hope Jeff survives his wife's London shipping trip. That could be costly!!


From the NBC-TV news this morning, their London correspondent has written an analysis with have this headline: "Could Brexit Be Canceled? Here's How Vote Might Be Reversed" with several possible scenarios including: "Will anyone actually trigger Article 50? Could there be a snap election? What about a second referendum?"


This info was also shared in this NBC=TV News reporting: "There are also questions over how Article 50 would actually work. Its text is just 261 words long, leaving the never-tested process open to interpretation. As Britain does not actually have a written constitution, it's not clear who would be responsible for triggering it." Is this somewhat, generally correct?


Full NBC story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 199,818 views.


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Morning all ....


Abandoned by wifey who has Gone Up to London to have her hair done and raid Marks and Spencers, Selfriges and all the other shops she can pack in in Oxford Street and even more frighteningly Bond Street :( before she hopefully makes her way safely home via South West Trains.


The consequence of this complete abandonment is that I have had a Waitrose meal for one chicken tikka masala because tonight I have been told that I will be ordering a Chinese delivery and opening a bottle of Bredon to celebrate a roots outward recolouring and renewal. :)






This does not hold a candle to your meals. So little meat in all of the curry sauce and the rice looks dry to me (perhaps the intent is to put the sauce on the rice -- that would make it better).


Very sad today over the bombings in Istanbul. We were there last October for the forth time -- people even then thought that we were crazy to go (our cruise began and ended in Istanbul).

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Welcome to the world of ready meals Jeffers!! [emoji6] damn awful weather up here and not a good week with Father back in hospital half of which is in lockdown with Noro...[emoji15]

On the good side brilliant match right now on centre court Federer v Willis...crowd are going wild!!



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Welcome to the world of ready meals Jeffers!! [emoji6] damn awful weather up here and not a good week with Father back in hospital half of which is in lockdown with Noro...[emoji15]

On the good side brilliant match right now on centre court Federer v Willis...crowd are going wild!!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Sophia - sorry to hear about father; hope he will be able to come out soon. Enjoyed the Federer match; good to see a 'plucky loser' having fun and actually doing very well, so many games he got to deuce but did not win. I don't think Rog was terribly pleased to be there, not his style of match at all.


Jeff - did you actually serve your Waitrose curry to yourself in the plastic container? I am sure wifey would not approve, but no doubt you have made up for it tonight with something looking more elegant. Hope she has not maxed out her credit card in the smoke.


The Corbyn drama continues.:)

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Good evening all ..... TC, Terry, jane, tgh LL lllll Lola, spins and soapy ... sorry to hear about father:(


Yes lunch was eaten from the container and too be honest it was nice ... here is a piccy of most of this evening's Hong Kong meets Singapore ... there was a few more that didn't make it into the piccy.







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Silver Wind from 2 days ago passing Dartford Bridge on its way to Amsterdam



It takes a while to get all resolutions available (at time of typing its only a 360p image - but glorious 4K will come online. Dont think the embedded image works for some reason....






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Hey Terry , I'm slumming it over to sin for a few days to the garden festival.

Bearing in mind that it was lemon day on the human assembly line so when I came along they only half filled my skull and left out most of the taste buds…. what would you suggest for interesting diversions/activities?


In support of the above : I went to a sin trade fair many years ago and bused out to Changi as my dads brother had been incarcerated there.

Hungry as , I walked among all the dodgy looking unclean un… street stalls and selected a pre packaged sandwich in a nice glass case in a 711 store. By the time the bus got back to town my guts were on fire and I spent the next 12hours….. you can guess the rest...

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Big news. Gove has just declared for leader and will not support Boris. Now that's put the cat amongst the pigeons.



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I was really hoping that Andrea Leadsom would put her hat into the ring. I know she is a compllete outsider but I've been really impressed with her and to be honest we can do with a sensible woman at the helm.


It would be difficult to outrun Boris or May but in my view Gove would be a much more sensible choice than either.




EDITED: Just seen that Andrew has joined the race. Gove and Andrew would be a greta team.

Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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