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Possibly sick child 3 days before cruise.... Help!


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Well written. However I seriously doubt you would cancel your cruise 3 days out and lose hundreds if not thousands of dollars due to a common cold or allergy.


I wouldn't over a common cold, but none of us knows whether that's what this is or not. And since the OP is weighing options, it's better IMO to think not just about how I would react but the OP as well since it's her situation.

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So my son woke up yesterday coughing his little head off. He gets this EVERY year at this time. His cough lasts several weeks. No fever 99.1 when I checked this morning. He has a stuffy/runny nose. I personally think he has allergies and maybe some asthma going on. We are taking him to the dr just to be sure it isn't bronchitis. I'm just so afraid they are going to turn us away! He went to school today because of no fever and he is generally fine... He just sounds gross. No commuting or diarhea either. It could just be a cold for all I know.

If he has no fever bit is coughing and stuffy, will they turn us away? Obviously if he really sick we wouldn't bring him on there but what about just a cold/allergies???


Flying with a cold/runny nose/ allergies can be very uncomfortable to downright painful for ears due to the pressure on ear tubes. An age appropriate nasal decongestant and the EAR PLANES ear plugs will help eliminate the unpleasantness greatly.

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I wouldn't over a common cold, but none of us knows whether that's what this is or not. And since the OP is weighing options, it's better IMO to think not just about how I would react but the OP as well since it's her situation.


Since it was you who wrote, and I quote "If it is something contagious, then no you shouldn't go. Can't compare it to work. Coworkers spread germs all of the time. We have to go to work. Vacation is different, and I wouldn't want to take a chance on infecting a bunch of other people. That's selfish. Not to mention having to care for a sick kid on a ship is no vacation or fun for him. Also, don't send your sick kid to school. Not cool."


I was responding to your rather bold statement that you wouldn't go. Although I do not know you personally, I doublt you would cancel last minute and lose all that money for a cold.. contagious or not. If I'm wrong, then I respectfully apologize.

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Since it was you who wrote, and I quote "If it is something contagious, then no you shouldn't go. Can't compare it to work. Coworkers spread germs all of the time. We have to go to work. Vacation is different, and I wouldn't want to take a chance on infecting a bunch of other people. That's selfish. Not to mention having to care for a sick kid on a ship is no vacation or fun for him. Also, don't send your sick kid to school. Not cool."


I was responding to your rather bold statement that you wouldn't go. Although I do not know you personally, I doublt you would cancel last minute and lose all that money for a cold.. contagious or not. If I'm wrong, then I respectfully apologize.

No need to apologize. I made that statement based on the thought that's it not just a common cold. I also said that only the OP knows the truth. She seems concerned beyond just a cold - referencing a fever several times.


Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk

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My DD gets this every fall and spring....since she was 6 and she is now 19. Our pediatrician calls it a "cough-induced asthma episode" She has an inhaler which she has never needed and a prescription cough medicine Promythizine? w/ codiene to stop the coughing cycle. Just had our Fall episode last week....she is in college and lives in a dorm. As soon as it started, She started her benedryl during the day and cough med at night so she and her room mates could sleep. If I had kept her home every fall and spring with this, she would have never finished public school.


I teach, trust me, I have seen my share of sick kids. I practice good hand-washing and keep hands away from eyes, nose and mouth.


Getting sick is a risk you take...if you stopped at a rest stop, pumped gas, or ate a food establishment on way to cruise terminal how are you so sure the people who touched the door, pump, table, salt and pepper shaker, etc, were healthy???????


Just my two cents.....;) Cruise away.....ocean air may be just what the child needs.

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No need to apologize. I made that statement based on the thought that's it not just a common cold. I also said that only the OP knows the truth. She seems concerned beyond just a cold - referencing a fever several times.


Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk



If it's more than a common cold i e . respiratory infection then you are 100% right and I wouldn't go either . That is why I always purchase travel insurance . Sorry if I came across as snarky .

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OP, IMO, if this is just a common cold, or allergies, by all means, do NOT cancel the cruise.

Just make sure your child covers their mouth and sneezes into their elbow (crook of their arm).

As for others, complaining that they have a compromised immune system, I think YOU should be wearing the mask.


Not just to prevent the common cold, but a TON of other viruses that could be symptom free.


I'm telling you right now, If my DD had a "cold" with no fever, we are boarding.


Not cancelling a cruise because of a "cold". SMH

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3 days before the cruise ?! No problem. Go to the doctor immediately. 48 hours on antibiotics and they're not contagious anymore. Hit it now & by cruise time the kid won't be sick and can enjoy their trip and won't make anyone else sick. 1 day before would be a problem. 3 days is not.



As far as the questions about why send your kid to school when they're sick.....the schools have upped their absentee policies. They lose state money when kids are gone. If you miss too many days, you get turned into Family Services for truancy. At our school, it's 5 days - excused or unexcused. It's ridiculous. What has happened is now people send their kids to school sick and wait for the nurse to send them home. They don't get in trouble that way BUT already infected the class. The OP probably sent their kid to school because you can't stay home every time you don't feel good.

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99.1 is a fever . Normal temp is 98.6 . He does have a fever if temp is 99.1.


My husband was just seen in the medical center on the Magic (sinus infection). He had an elevated temperature, over 99, below 100, but I don't recall what. The form says "no fever". To my touch, he felt like he was on fire. (His regular temperature is below 98.6)


So at least THAT ship doesn't consider 99.1 to be a fever.



As for the OP- go see the Dr. now. Don't lie on your medical form, and make a back up plan. You don't want a sick kid on a cruise anyway, but the kid very well may be better by then.

Edited by skittl1321
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I missed work today because of a cold. I feel horrible. Why would you take a sick kid on a cruise? He won't feel well enough to have fun and he is contagious. What would you say if the situation were reversed? Would you advise someone to go on a cruise knowing they are sick and could expose your family to illness and ruin your cruise?

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I had a worsening cough right before my last cruise with no other symptoms. I knew it wasn't anything contagious but I was dreading coughing the whole time. I brought a bag of cough drops and didn't have to use even 1. It must have been from allergies because as soon as I got away from my environment the cough stopped and I was able to enjoy my cruise cough free. As soon as we got back I began coughing again. Hopefully getting away will help your child as well if it's allergies.

Edited by jacksmycat
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I missed work today because of a cold. I feel horrible. Why would you take a sick kid on a cruise? He won't feel well enough to have fun and he is contagious. What would you say if the situation were reversed? Would you advise someone to go on a cruise knowing they are sick and could expose your family to illness and ruin your cruise?


I'm sorry you aren't feeling well and hope tomorrow is better for you, but where are you getting that the child does have a cold and will feel too bad to have fun? That info isn't in this thread. The OP reported that she/he suspects allergies, or asthma, but it might be a cold. The OP then stated he/she would not take the child on a cruise if he is sick. I hope this doesn't sound snarky, but did you even read the OP's post ?

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I didn't say the child has a cold. The OP wants to take the child on a cruise if he just has a cold. In my world having a cold is being sick. I did assume that it is hard to have fun if you are sick. And I wouldn't want to catch his cold if I were on that ship. I bet OP wouldn't want someone to take their child with a cold and make her son sick.

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Would you stop! A cold is one of the commonest illness anyone can catch and you can catch it absolutely anywhere. I know if I didn't turn up to work because I had a cold I would soon be fired. Good hand hygiene and wiping work surfaces down after use is good practice. I don't know of any business that okays employees absences for a common Cold, except those who work in the medical profession or in clean rooms, and even then it's only at their discretion.

As for kids, they are walking disease vectors, it's how their immune system is built up. I certainly wouldn't be upset if someone gave my kids a cold, it happens all the time. Give the child some cold medicine and keep them hydrated, make sure they wash their hands & cover their mouths.

Anyone would think the child had Ebola , instead of the most common virus in the world!

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Would you stop! A cold is one of the commonest illness anyone can catch and you can catch it absolutely anywhere. I know if I didn't turn up to work because I had a cold I would soon be fired. Good hand hygiene and wiping work surfaces down after use is good practice. I don't know of any business that okays employees absences for a common Cold, except those who work in the medical profession or in clean rooms, and even then it's only at their discretion.

As for kids, they are walking disease vectors, it's how their immune system is built up. I certainly wouldn't be upset if someone gave my kids a cold, it happens all the time. Give the child some cold medicine and keep them hydrated, make sure they wash their hands & cover their mouths.

Anyone would think the child had Ebola , instead of the most common virus in the world!


Please stop injecting logic and common sense into this discussion!;) Don't you find it amusing that some are so quick to suggest others cancel a fairly expensive vacation, with no chance of being reimbursed for it? I have to wonder that if faced with the same situation, those posters would cancel. I HIGHLY doubt it.

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Would you stop! A cold is one of the commonest illness anyone can catch and you can catch it absolutely anywhere. I know if I didn't turn up to work because I had a cold I would soon be fired. Good hand hygiene and wiping work surfaces down after use is good practice. I don't know of any business that okays employees absences for a common Cold, except those who work in the medical profession or in clean rooms, and even then it's only at their discretion.

As for kids, they are walking disease vectors, it's how their immune system is built up. I certainly wouldn't be upset if someone gave my kids a cold, it happens all the time. Give the child some cold medicine and keep them hydrated, make sure they wash their hands & cover their mouths.

Anyone would think the child had Ebola , instead of the most common virus in the world!


LIKE! So glad to see this. So many of these posters are acting like this is the bubonic plague! I made a comment that it was crazy to put a child in a mask for a cold and was called clueless!


I bet if there was a poll on CC asking who would cancel a cruise if they had a cold or if their child had a cold, it would be overwhelming the people who would still cruise. There are so many OTC meds that will help with the symptoms of a cold that no one would even know if the person was sick.

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Folks I hate to burst your self absorbed bubble, but a common cold can indeed be deadly.............................:rolleyes:


My father had a heart transplant and his immune system is basically killed, done, wiped out. His only defense is to stay away from the germ infested people who refuse to stay home..........:mad:


These types of illnesses are mostly transmitted by airborne or hand to hand transmission, to a person whom has a transplant and there are so many people these days, yes this can be deadly and can take the person 30 or so days to get over this basic illness. I read that they should be wearing masks, well I say the germ infested person transmitting should be the one wearing it! Should the people in these conditions stay home, would you, NO! We planned on taking my father and my mother on our/their first cruse but sadly he passed before the sail date, almost 1 year before the scheduled date...........:( We talked with his DR and he told him to got for it but be cautious about "other peoples ways" and to watch out for people like this thread is about, so just because it does not affect you and your family there are lots of other factors to ask this type of question and to be 1000% honest on the questionnaire or asked about being sick, honesty pretty simple if you ask me...................;)

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Folks I hate to burst your self absorbed bubble, but a common cold can indeed be deadly.............................:rolleyes:


My father had a heart transplant and his immune system is basically killed, done, wiped out. His only defense is to stay away from the germ infested people who refuse to stay home..........:mad:


These types of illnesses are mostly transmitted by airborne or hand to hand transmission, to a person whom has a transplant and there are so many people these days, yes this can be deadly and can take the person 30 or so days to get over this basic illness. I read that they should be wearing masks, well I say the germ infested person transmitting should be the one wearing it! Should the people in these conditions stay home, would you, NO! We planned on taking my father and my mother on our/their first cruse but sadly he passed before the sail date, almost 1 year before the scheduled date...........:( We talked with his DR and he told him to got for it but be cautious about "other peoples ways" and to watch out for people like this thread is about, so just because it does not affect you and your family there are lots of other factors to ask this type of question and to be 1000% honest on the questionnaire or asked about being sick, honesty pretty simple if you ask me...................;)


Sorry for your father's passing. While I do understand the situation, the fact is that there are so many germs out there from all sorts of folks that for someone with a compromised immune system a cruise is probably not the best place to vacation just because of being confined with so many people. People who have a cold never stay home. It is just not reasonable to expect that. There are some who get colds several times each year, if they stayed home all the time, they would probably get fired from their job or if they missed school that much, they might be left back.


While it is up to others to be vigilant with hand washing and covering their mouths when they cough or sneeze, it is on the person with the compromised immune system to take their own precautions which might include wearing a mask. It is just unreasonable to expect everyone to stay at home with a common cold.

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The health form is looking for two illnesses ONLY:


Influenza and gastrointestinal issues, it doesn't look for colds, coughs, asthma, sniffles, etc.


I am sitting here looking at the Public Health Questionnaire I just printed out for our upcoming cruise.


Question # 2 is "Do you, or any person listed above, have a Fever or Feverishness Plus any ONE of the following additional symptoms: Cough, Runny Nose or Sore Throat?"


How did you deduce from that question that they are only looking for GI issues or Influenza?


There are many serious upper respiratory illness that are NOT the flu.

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