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Happy HALidays!


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Thanks, all. Next up is Silent Night, but I'm a little busy today. Here's a teaser (barely.)


Gala Night, Casual Night.

Didn't stop, wardrobe fights.

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While we patiently await POA1's next merry composition thought I'd post another. This one is not original (and certain references seem to be for RCCL) it went viral several years ago.


'Twas the night before Christmas and far out at sea

Our vessel was sailing as smooth as could be


The stockings were hung from the balcony chairs

With hope that St. Nicholas would find them out there


The children were nestled all snug in their uppers

Having just settled down from a Christmas Eve supper


And ma and myself, we were covered in aloe

A bit too much sun, in a pool nice and shallow


When up in the sky there arose such a clatter

I leapt from my bed to see what was the matter


To the sliding glass door, I flew like a flash

Well, more like a saunter, and less like a dash


When, what to my skeptical eyes should appear

But a big shiny sleigh and eight flying reindeer


They circled our ship from starboard to port

And the moon lit the driver, a jolly old sort


Who called to his team in a happy retort,

"Now Dasher, now Dancer," so on and so forth


I raced through my cabin and into the hall

To the very top deck, in time for us all


To be awed by the sight of Old Santa's sleigh

As he lightly touched down by the midnight buffet


With a bundle of goodies thrown over his back

He climbed up the side and dropped down the smokestack


From insides to oceanviews, balconies, suites

Santa filled every stocking with toys and with treats


Until all the deliveries had been handled with care

Then he noted he still had a minute to spare


So he surfed the Surf Park, with nary a fall

While Dasher and Dancer scaled the rock-climbing wall


And Prancer, who was actually fond of the cold

Tried the ice-skating rink, a sight to behold


And then with a whistle, Santa summoned his team

And he bade us farewell, silent nights and sweet dreams


And I heard him exclaim as he flew out of view

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good cruise.


Enjoy, Barb

Edited by larsen
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Let me start by apologizing to Franz Xavier Gruber and Joseph Mohr. When I was a wee little shaver... oh about 8 years old, they taught us to play this carol on the autoharp. It was a long time ago, obviously. Schools had music programs for 3rd graders and they were allowed to teach hymns.


Also autoharps. Anyone seen one recently?


So anyway... Apparently the organ at St. Nicholas parish church in Oberndorf froze up on Christmas Eve 1818. Stille Nacht was able to be performed as a carol because it was composed on the guitar. (Which is why it works on the autoharp.)


Without further ado, please allow me to present:


Gala Night


Gala Night, Casual Night

Didn't stop, wardrobe fights.

'Round the cruise ship the atmosphere's strange.

Gowns, jeans, and flip flops, we've got the whole range.

Wish I'd know how to dre-ess...

Please tell me how I should dress.


In olden days, it was sure nice.

Knew what to wear. Didn't think twice.

Suit or a tux, a gown or a dress...

Now it's wide open. Oh what a mess!

Please tell me what I should wear...

They tell me that tuxes are square.


(At this point, I feel that I should pause and tell you how many awesome rhyming opportunities "tux" presets.

Meanwhile back at the carol...)


Gala Night, Casual Night

Can I wear fishnet tights?

If my skirt is below the knee,

Am I dressed appropriately?

Please dress ap-pro-priate-ly.

Please dress ap-pro-priate-ly.







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Inspiring! It almost writes itself.


Apologies to Benjamin Hanby & Gene Autry.


(To the tune of "Up on the House Top")


Up on My Noggin


Up on my noggin sits a cap,

It's got a logo. The bill's turned back.

I'm gonna wear it. I'm the boss!

It looks so cool, and it hides hair loss.




You are my HERO... Well said...

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You definitely should. Go from door to door, singing. Demand figgy pudding. ;)



Hmmm. Maybe I will! But I'll demand something that everyone misses from the menu. Can you come up with something? I'm sure I've seen some laments on these threads about missing favourites!

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It seemed like time to do one that didn't have us singing about Gala Nights.


Apologies to John Henry Hopkins, Jr.


(Sung to the tune of We Three Kings)


We Three Drunks on Oosterdam Are


We three drunks on Oosterdam are

Spending Christmas eve in a bar.

Talking loudly, being rowdy,

We're hated by one and all.


O-oh... Order Wang Wangs, cool and tall.

Order more and drink them all.

Corks are popping, never stopping,

'Til off our stools we fall.


We three drunks on Oosterdam are

Running up huge tabs at the bar

Beer, wine, whiskey, feeling frisky.

Our behavior is quite bizarre.


O-oh... Order Wang Wangs, cool and tall.

Order more and drink them all.

Corks are popping, never stopping,

'Til off our stools we fall.


We three drunks hungover next day

We were loud, or so people say.

Overloading, head's exploding

Make the pain go away.


O-oh... Alka Seltzer bring it on..

Least until the headache's gone.

Too much drinking. Stomach's sinking.

We're looking woebegone.




We'll be taking a short intermission until Monday.

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A little something for the Fort Lauderdale webcam sail away fans:


We're going to miss today's sail away because we're up in Orlando soaking up some Disney Christmas magic, but I thought I'd give you guys a sad, tiny little present of my own.


O Westerdam


(To the tune of O Christmas Tree /O Tannenbaum)


O Westerdam! O Westerdam!

We love to hear you tooting.

O Westerdam! O Westerdam!

Your horn craft we're saluting.

We all tune in whene'er you sail.

You make us smile. It never fails.

O Westerdam! O Westerdam!*

We love to hear you tooting.



O Westerdam! O Westerdam!

Oh, how we love to watch thee.

O Westerdam! O Westerdam!*

One hundred toots not just three.

For all the webcam sail'way fans,

Captain van Eerten is the man!

O Westerdam! O Westerdam!

We love to hear you tooting!

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I started out to write a song for the Monday, December 7, 2015 sail away of the Oosterdam, and then I thought, "That's not very ambitious. Let's write a song for every ship in the current fleet - plus the Konigsdam. That's the kind of determined enthusiasm that makes this country great!" So, like any goal-oriented, self-starting, high-reaching, industrious, go-getter with a thesaurus, I set out to write the Type O-Negative of HALiday tunes.*


One carol, 14 ships in the fleet - and a song for each. It doesn't matter where you're sailing, or which Holland America ship you're on, we've got you covered. Because we care!**


You'll no doubt be tempted to skip to the end after you read the Amsterdam's ballad. Don't. You should - at the very minimum - check out the Veendam's verses.


The National Institute of Cheer presents: Winter Wonderland - Beaten to death.


For reference. here's the song I wrecked, so you can see the meter.


Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,

In the lane, snow is glistening

A beautiful sight,

We're happy tonight.

Walking in a winter wonderland.


Gone away is the bluebird,

Here to stay is a new bird

He sings a love song,

As we go along,

Walking in a winter wonderland.


In the meadow we can build a snowman,

Then pretend that he is Parson Brown


He'll say: Are you married?

We'll say: No man,

But you can do the job

When you're in town.


Later on, we'll conspire,

As we dream by the fire

To face unafraid,

The plans that we've made,

Walking in a winter wonderland.


In the meadow we can build a snowman,

And pretend that he's a circus clown

We'll have lots of fun with mister snowman,

Until the other kids knock him down.


When it snows, ain't it thrilling,

Though your nose gets a chilling

We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way,

Walking in a winter wonderland.



======= 1 =======


For the Amsterdam:


Sailing on the ms Amsterdam

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Cruising on the ms Amsterdam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Cruising on the ms Amsterdam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


To our room, take a shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Cruising on the ms Amsterdam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Dinner on the ms Amsterdam!



======= 2 =======


For the Eurodam:


Sailing on the ms Eurodam

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Sailing on the ms Eurodam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Cruising on the ms Eurodam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


To our room, take a shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Sailing on the ms Eurodam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Dinner time on ms Eurodam!



======= 3 =======


For the Konigsdam:


Cruising on the brand new Konigsdam

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Cruising on the brand new Konigsdam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Cruising on the brand new Konigsdam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


In our stateroom, we'll shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Cruising on the brand new Konigsdam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Time to eat on ms Konigsdam!



======= 4 =======


For the Maasdam:


Sailing on the dear old HAL Maasdam

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Sailing on the dear old HAL Maasdam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Cruising on the good old HAL Maasdam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


To our room, take a shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Sailing on the dear old HAL Maasdam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

It's time for dinner on the HAL Maasdam!.



======= 5 =======


For the Nieuw Amsterdam:


Cruising on the HAL Nieuw Amsterdam

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Cruising on the HAL Nieuw Amsterdam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Sailing on the HAL Nieuw Amsterdam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


To our room, take a shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Cruising on the HAL Nieuw Amsterdam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Evening meal on Nieuw Amsterdam!



======= 6 =======


For the Noordam:


Vacationing on the ms Noordam

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Vacationing on the ms Noor-dam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Vacationing on the ms Noor-dam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


In our stateroom, we'll shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Vacationing on the ms Noor-dam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Time for dinner on the HAL Noordam!



======= 7 =======


For the Oosterdam:


Sailing on the ms Oosterdam

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Sailing on the ms Oosterdam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Cruising on the ms Oosterdam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


In our stateroom, we'll shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Sailing on the ms Oosterdam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Dinner time on ms Oosterdam!.



======= 8 =======



For the Prinsendam:


Cruising on the little Prinsendam

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Cruising on the little Prinsendam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Sailing on the little Prinsendam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


To our room, take a shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Cruising on the little Prinsendam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Dinner time upon the Prinsendam!



======= 9 =======


For the Rotterdam:


Sailing on the ms Rotterdam!

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Sailing on the ms Rotterdam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Cruising on the ms Rotterdam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


In our stateroom, we'll shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Sailing on the ms Rotterdam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Dinner time on ms Rotterdam!.



======= 10 =======


For the Veendam:


Cruising on the HAL's ms Veendam!

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Cruising on the ugly butt Veendam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Sailing on the weird butt HAL Veendam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


To our room, take a shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Sailing on the ugly butt Veendam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Dinner time HAL's ms Veendam!



======= 11 =======


For the Volendam:


Sailing on the ms Volendam!

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Sailing on the ms Volendam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Cruising on the ms Volendam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


In our stateroom, we'll shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Sailing on the ms Volendam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Dinner time on ms Volendam!.



======= 12 =======


For the Westerdam:


Cruising on the ms Westerdam

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Cruising on the ms Westerdam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Sailing on the ms Westerdam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


To our room, take a shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Cruising on the ms Westerdam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Dinner time on ms Westerdam!



======= 13 =======



Sailing on HAL's cruise ship, the Zaandam

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Sailing on HAL's cruise ship, the Zaandam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Riding on HAL's cruise ship, the Zaandam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


To our room, take a shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Sailing on HAL's cruise ship, the Zaandam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Time for dinner on the HAL Zaandam!



======= 14 =======



Sailing on the ms Zuiderdam!

(To the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Ship's horn blows, are you listening?

On the waves, sunlight's glistening.

We're out to sea,

Happy to be

Sailing on the ms Zuiderdam!


Grabbed some lunch in the Lido,

'Cause the bread pudding's neat-o.

Then to the aft pool,

Where breezes are cool,

Cruising on the ms Zuiderdam!


In the Crow's Nest we can have a Wang Wang,

As we watch the scenery go by.

They'll ask, "Have another?"

We'll say "No man.

Gotta make the Ocean Bar at five."


To our room, take a shower.

Ocean Bar, Happy Hour.

For dinner we'll dress,

No time to rest

Sailing on the ms Zuiderdam!


Then we'll sit and sip on our cocktails.

Buy one and the second one's a buck.

Hopefully your spouse drinks just what you do,

Otherwise you'll have to double up.


Yum Yum Man comes a-chiming.

One last sip.

Perfect timing.

We get up and stroll,

Aftward we roll,

Dinner time on ms Zuiderdam!





*I realize that hematologically speaking, the Type O thing is an oversimplification as it doesn't take all the Rh groups into account. However, this is a cruise message board and this particular post is about holiday carols, poorly written ones at that. If you have any questions about blood types, please visit the Red Cross' Blood Types page or ask your doctor. Never take medical advice from a Christmas song parody.



**We don't care enough to write 14 unique carols, one for each ship. We only care enough to write one song and tweak it fourteen different ways.

Edited by POA1
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Awesome but I still need that figgy pudding substitute. Unless I missed it somewhere. Too much talent in this gang!

You didn’t miss it. It should be available before your trip. :)

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I think we're going to surprise our friends who are joining us on the cruise with your Eurodam song at Christmas. Of course, we'll credit you with the lyrics. Is there a specific address where we can send the royalties?:D


Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)


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