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Somewhat live on the Pacific Princess 50th Anniversary Cruise


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Regarding 50th Anniversary merchandise, there isn't much. However there were oven 200 photos taken with the cast and I bet almost all were purchased. We also bought our first ever Reflections DVD after 20 cruises. I also picked one of the brunch menus for a souvenir and I have an embarkation Patter signed by the entire case.

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We had a great time at the Deck Party. Everyone but Gavin MacLeod was there and they were all dancing with the Princess dancers and the crowd! Ted Lange led the crowd in a disco dance. The Princess dancers also did several routines. For a few minutes Lauren Tewes took over the mike from Sammi as CD and said that she was the "Real McCoy!" We stayed up there for over an hour which is a record for us. Lauren has to leave today and Fred is leaving tomorrow so they did the Deck Party early when the whole cast was there. Sammi has been doinging a great job.

Captain Stubbings did not go. I would have enjoyed meeting him.Pleased everyone had a great time.

How about sharing some pictures with us all?:)

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I'm having fun. I have encountered some people here who are still complaining about things. I think that might be as Jeannie says, too high expectations. I also suspect there's some sense of entitlement going on but it's kind of pointless when there are more Elites than anyone else. The people claiming they never complain seem to be complain the

most. Lol. There are lots of people who would love to be on this cruise who probably wouldn't complain that the bathtub is too deep. I'm just going to have some more really good food, best I've had on Princess.

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Today was a great day onboard for me. I'd planned to get off the ship but wound up yakking for an hour here, chatting for an hour there, etc. until the day sped by. I still plan to get to Walmart tomorrow for a few essentials.


Having a GREAT time... this has been the friendliest, most social cruise in my memory. To heck with the small stuff.


Nancy and I are adjusting to sharing the suite. We haven't shared any space in over 50 years. It just takes organization and planning. Not ideal but not awful.


As for the tub in the main bathroom, it really is very deep and while I can manage it, Nancy is having difficulties. I'll post a photo.


I'm reserving judgement on my expectations. As for connecting with old friends and meeting new ones, it's been outstanding and exceeded all my expectations.

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Today was a great day onboard for me. I'd planned to get off the ship but wound up yakking for an hour here, chatting for an hour there, etc. until the day sped by. I still plan to get to Walmart tomorrow for a few essentials.


Having a GREAT time... this has been the friendliest, most social cruise in my memory. To heck with the small stuff.


Nancy and I are adjusting to sharing the suite. We haven't shared any space in over 50 years. It just takes organization and planning. Not ideal but not awful.


As for the tub in the main bathroom, it really is very deep and while I can manage it, Nancy is having difficulties. I'll post a photo.


I'm reserving judgement on my expectations. As for connecting with old friends and meeting new ones, it's been outstanding and exceeded all my expectations.


Pam - sounds like things are going well. Wishing you and Nancy continued fun, good food, with all the nice folks on your cruise.



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Last night they had a reception for local people associated with Princess, some sort of reception not open to us on land near the bow (I could hear Gavin McLeod's voice). They were brought on board and Sammi asked us to make them welcome. There may have been a dinner for them in the steak house (Sabatini's was the open one last night) as they were wandering (the wrong way) down the jogging track with drinks in hand.


Captain Steubing did an announcement the last sea day (Sunday), very humorous. For a splendid moment, I thought there had been a mutiny ...


I'm content to wait until the end of this cruise to judge it as a whole.

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Today was a great day onboard for me. I'd planned to get off the ship but wound up yakking for an hour here, chatting for an hour there, etc. until the day sped by. I still plan to get to Walmart tomorrow for a few essentials.


Having a GREAT time... this has been the friendliest, most social cruise in my memory. To heck with the small stuff.


Nancy and I are adjusting to sharing the suite. We haven't shared any space in over 50 years. It just takes organization and planning. Not ideal but not awful.


As for the tub in the main bathroom, it really is very deep and while I can manage it, Nancy is having difficulties. I'll post a photo.


I'm reserving judgement on my expectations. As for connecting with old friends and meeting new ones, it's been outstanding and exceeded all my expectations.

When my mom and I had the suite with a dedicated king bed, we swapped places in the middle of the cruise. In truth, we sort of ended up "fighting over" who got the fold out couch. It was some type of memory foam and totally comfortable! In the end, my mom won-- as the couch was way lower to the ground than the bed, making it safer for her.

We booked the next door suite on the same ship for another cruise-- and then began to negotiate who would get to sleep on the couch! (Though we never did make that cruise).

Deep tubs were a problem for my mom in the end. If we were on Princess, we had to have a balcony or a suite for this reason. She could not step in and out of that tub with two hip surgeries.

True story: We liked that fold out bed so much, we both went home and purchased memory foam mattresses!

Edited by TracieABD
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This Princess 50th Anniversary cruise has been awesome. The Pacific Princess is a lovely smaller ship (by today's standards) and the cruise experience is totally different. Everyone greets everyone else, whether it's in the elevator or the stairs, you know them or not. If you didn't know them, you do now. :) Lots of Christmas decorations on cabin doors. I ran out to Walmart today to get some for our door.


This is an incredibly social and friendly cruise. Haven't seen or heard a single grump. No rude or pushy people. Nancy wound up having breakfast with "Isaac" this morning. The Love Boat cast is around and about, mingling with passengers.


I'm loving it and having a great time. Tomorrow, we're in Manzanillo and I'm heading to a resort with about 40-50 friends for the day. I'm going back out on my balcony and begging for the rest of the afternoon.

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Today was a great day onboard for me. I'd planned to get off the ship but wound up yakking for an hour here, chatting for an hour there, etc. until the day sped by. I still plan to get to Walmart tomorrow for a few essentials.


Having a GREAT time... this has been the friendliest, most social cruise in my memory. To heck with the small stuff.


Nancy and I are adjusting to sharing the suite. We haven't shared any space in over 50 years. It just takes organization and planning. Not ideal but not awful.


As for the tub in the main bathroom, it really is very deep and while I can manage it, Nancy is having difficulties. I'll post a photo.


I'm reserving judgement on my expectations. As for connecting with old friends and meeting new ones, it's been outstanding and exceeded all my expectations.


Pam, glad your enjoying the cruise and everyone has been friendly. Like your quote the heck with the small stuff.

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Good Morning,


I skipped yesterday because I had some medical issues and was in a terrible mood. I have resolved myself to push past these problems and enjoy this cruise, life is about ups and downs and without the downers, who could recognize the joyous moments. We had two days in Puerto Vallerta, the weather was lovely and warm


The night before last we took the Rhythms of the Night excursion, we were a group of 22! The boat ride over was a blast, filled with energy and fun. As we approached Las Calates, which is where the show is, the boat lights were turned off and all we could see was a fire lit bay! With the most beautiful azure water surrounding the pier. Of course there was a mermaid perched on the rocks above where we disembarked. The walkway up to the theater was lit with individual candles and there was no electricity anywhere just candle and fire light. It was amazing.


The show was incredible, theatre at its best. A cross between Cirque, dance, and acting, with some audience interaction. Wow, this was the best excursion I have ever done. Suffice it to say it is not to be missed.


After the show, we were led to our dinner area, again all candle lit and very engaging, keeping in line with the whole vibe of this place. Thankfully I had my trusty Princess flashlight that I had just won in trivia, it really helped me see the selections of food in the delicious buffet. Besides delicious chicken and steak, we got salads and salsa and guacamole. My favorite part was the home made corn tortillas, they were incredible. I blew my cleanse for those tortillas and it was totally worth it.


The ride back was hilarious, we had the funniest show of our crew dancing and singing, dressed as different characters. We all laughed. Danced and talked about the incredible experience we had. Vallarta Adventures was fantastic, we always enjoy excursions with them anyway because they are top notch. We returned to the ship by 11:30pm. Our friends who are world travelers decided this was he best off ship excursion. They had ever taken, it was that good. Don't miss it if you have an opportunity to see it.


Yesterday we had a lazy day on the ship. We played trivia, walked across the street and shopped at the mall and I did some damage finding some really nice clothing shops. We were looking for our favorite store called Desigual but it was not there. Never mind, I spent way too much anyway!


Dinner was good, no more problems there, and we went to bed early because we have to meet at 6:45 am for our private tour in ManzanIllo to several colonial towns. In fact it is 5 am now as I write. More later.

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We were warned that laundry might take an extra day. After two days of regular service, we're now on a two-days-later schedule. I am sending out my dirty clothes every day to get them in the queue.



I am the queen of sink laundry. LOL I haven't even tried to send anything out. I might go up to the laundromat later. One thing that has been outstanding on this cruise is asparagus. Really. I have had it several times and it's always perfect. They use young stalks and trim off any woody parts. Then it is cooked crisp-tender. It's a small thing, but one thing I'll remember from this cruise.

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I am the queen of sink laundry. LOL I haven't even tried to send anything out. I might go up to the laundromat later.


I remember doing sink laundry in Copenhagen before flying to Venice three years ago to join this ship. I just rewashed everything once on board ...


I didn't bring my laundry kit this time.

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We sent laundry out on the 7th and got it back on the 8th.


Well, that's one with this slightly strange cruise.


Carlos Oscar is doing a show tonight. Both shows are early due to the Rock and Roll party. I don't feel like getting there early so I will probably stand in back.

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Yesterday we went to Colima to see the ancient pyramid site where people lived 2000 years ago. From the site you can see two volcanoes. One of them is active and smoke is rolling out the top. It was fascinating. Then we went for lunch to a cute little town called Colama. They were having a local festival and kept shooting off fireworks (or guns, couldn't tell.) The group in the bus before ours were a bit late in getting to the meeting point so their bus left late. Our bus was then stuck behind the parade going by the church. It was so fun to see the band and 50 dancing horses and these guys (pic) with our bus pulling up the rear! We got back to the ship in time and had another great dinner. ImageUploadedByForums1449761867.784756.jpg.d73471eb5d632eb341a2d88b8f2932a7.jpg

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Good Morning,


The last few days have been packed with activities, friends, and lots of fun. I'm going to wrap up two days in one post, sorry for the length.


Our day in Manzanillo was very fun, we had a private tour with several cruise critic friends, organized by our dear friends from Henderson, Meredith and Bob. Before I tell you about our tour I have to tell you how incredibly sweet and kind these two dear friends are, we enjoy every second we spend with them and if you ever have a chance to meet them you will see how special they are.


On with the day. After piling into a bus that was a bit smallish for all of us, we headed off to visit several colonial towns; Colima and Nogueras. We were sitting in the back of the bus for the first 1.5 hour drive to our first stop in Colima and we were ready to get off the darn bus after being stuck and squished in the back of the bus!


Colima is surrounded by mountains and one very active Volcano which was spewing smoke most of the morning and it was very cool to see this from the town, as well as the botanical gardens close to Colima. Our guide Jupiter told us that during the winter this Volcano was covered in snow yet here is was mid December and not a speck of snow in sight, just warm humid air. We visited a church where they were having services for Christmas or something related to Christmas, and it was quite interesting to see the large group of people gathered in the outdoor center of the church. Also, most of the woman were dressed in adorable Christmas outfits of red and white which I found very beautiful.


The large square in the center of town was all decked out for the holidays, filled with tropical trees with Christmas lights and ornaments. It was beautiful. We learned a few facts about the town and the traditions followed during the holidays, then we had 10 minutes to shop! Hahaha it was hilarious to watch some of the ladies (me included) running in and out of stores bargaining for trinkets and clothing. I got some fabulous mobiles, colorful paper mâché birds perched on rings for incredible prices, 2 for $20! Later in Mazatlan I saw the same birds for $25 each.


We piled back into the van and headed off to the lovely Hacienda De Noguerass. Along the way we passed groves of Mangos and Tamarind, as well as a coffee plantation. Of course the Volcano was ever present In the distance, spewing smoke and making everything look quite magical.


We passed a famous restaurant called La Salas and a hotel called Hacienda De San Antonio which is the location where the movie "10" was filmed. This place is a favorite of the rich and famous. They even have their own coffee roasted exclusively for this place!


When we got to the Hacienda De Nogueras, we got to explore the rooms inside as well as the botanical gardens outside although I was not able to walk the stairs (doctors orders) down to the gardens Ken took plenty of pictures for me so I didn't feel like I missed anything. In the past this place grew sugar cane and one of the more spectacular rooms with 36 arches was used to crush the cane and produce sugar. Today it is used for social events. We saw lots of antiques including an ancient typewriter, old phones, and lots of lovely furniture.


Next we headed back to Colima, interesting to us because this town is where Ken' grandmother grew up, making it more interesting and personal to us. We ate at a so-so place with food that was OK but nothing special (compared to Rhythms of the Night's Las Calates) and had a few minutes to shop. We were directed to a specific shop where I am sure the guide got a kick back, and I noticed the "cruise ship" prices had been placed over the regular prices. Ah it's lovely to be savvy enough to know where not to spend my money, a benefit of years of travel. I bought nothing, much to the surprise of my husband. We piled back into the squishy bus and many snoozed during the 1.5 hour ride back. Of course I talked to my dear friend Gloria the whole way back, we had not seen each other in too long and had a lot to catch up with! Before I knew it we were back at the ship. We went directly back, avoiding the last minute shopping, and rested awhile in our room. Sail away was nothing special, except for a large group of our friends who sat outside singing the love boat song-- or maybe that was as we left PV! Anyway it was hilarious to listen to the group singing the love boat song!!


Carlos Oscar was the entertainer of the evening, he was on the ship for one day only. I missed the show but heard he was fabulous. Yesterday morning as we were eating with friends in the buffet Carlos was walking by and our friend called him over. He was so kind and generous, telling us jokes impromptu and we could not stop laughing. I asked him if he had a DVD and he had one already sighed so I bought it and will watch it when we get home. He was such a nice guy.


We arrived in Mazatlon at noon yesterday, and stayed until 11pm. We had canceled an excursion I booked--Doctors orders-- and spent the day at leisure, getting off the ship to do a little shopping at the port area. There are so many shops at the port, of course the prices seem to be going up as we head north. I bought a few hair clips, a dress which ended up not fitting and that was it. We headed back to the ship to rest, tonight was open sitting so we decided to meet with our friends at 6:30 rather than the 5:40 time we had been regularly eating at.


It seems like I know half the ship. There are two other couples on that we're on the World Cruise segment I was on in 2010, and of course so many cc friends. Anyway we sat for several hours lingering through dinner in no hurry at all and I saw most of my friends as they passed.


One cool thing that happened last night was when the head waiter Nelson told us about how he eats watermelon with cracked pepper. Of course I had to have it and he made the whole table this very special dessert. Wow. We all loved it, I plan on ordering it again. Try it. It's very good.


We had a nice conversation with Pam and Nancy. I have not been reading the anniversary thread because of limited internet minutes, so I was interested in learning about her owners suite. I know Pam is appreciating how special it is to have gotten upgraded to the suite but it also sounds like there is not enough personal space in the room. Live and learn. We went to be fairly early last night, maybe 10, because I stayed up for an hour writing half of this blog while Ken fell asleep. In the background a love boat episode was playing!


This brings me to the present moment. It's Friday the 11th and there is a lot on the agenda today; two different "shall we talk" interviews with Jack Jones (morning) and Gavin Macleod (afternoon), Gavin is also doing a book signing in the afternoon. We have morning and afternoon trivia, Quilling arts and crafts lesson, our cruise critic luncheon at noon, and tonight Danny Most will entertain us. At 9:30 pm there will be a 50th Anniversary balloon party on the open deck, can't wait to enjoy this jam packed day. Wish you were all here with us...

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