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Celebrity Eclipse live observations, 12/13


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First time Celeb cruiser. Somewhat new to cruising in general, but I have now been on three different cruise lines in six months. (When I get interested in something, I go big.)




-I’m going to talk about technology pretty frequently. I’m going to be online and occasionally posting from a cruise ship (if the internet holds out). I work in IT and I’m a writer. The upshot of all this is: if you feel the need to criticize me for using tech while on my cruise, go ahead and get it out of your system. I will either ignore you or make fun of you, depending on my mood. Might be safest to make sure your posting history doesn’t contain anything I can easily make fun of. :)


-I’m an observant person. I’m not going to shy away from reporting negative observations. If you require your trip reports to be 100% upbeat and positive, probably best to click the Back button now.


-Pics will come later, possibly after I’m back on land.


ME: I’m a Gen-X female cruising by myself. I like cruising solo because it gives me time to write. I picked this short X cruise because, due to the fact that I DON’T need a lot of bells and whistles while cruising (since I like to chill out and write while looking at the ocean), Celebrity seemed like it might be an interesting fit.


Arrived in Florida yesterday—spent the evening with friends who fed me too much Cuban food, then drove me to the Port of Miami this morning. I have an AQ2 room, which means I had a separate check in line and waiting area. That said, I was at the port quite early, so there weren’t really check in lines to speak of. Boarding was relatively smooth, but they forgot to take my picture at check in, so had to stop and do it on the gangway. (Or something.)


Initial ship impressions: Ok, going to be honest, after NCL Getaway and the DCL Dream, there was a definite lack of ‘wow’ factor on the Eclipse. That said, I wasn’t actively seeking out the wow factor on this trip. But just know it’s not there. Still, things are clean enough, elevators seem plentiful and fast, crew is reasonably friendly (about on par with NCL, nowhere near DCL). (For those who are worried that X is aiming for younger cruisers, they aren’t going to get it with this product. Just my opinion.)


Spa sales ladies are SERIOUS BUSINESS. I don’t know if I’ll ever make it to the gym since I will have to pass them to get there. They are obviously being forced to do the hard, hard sell. Also more general sales shouting than the other two lines (drinks packages, dinner reservations, spa, please please buy).


I bought the premium NA drink package (have lots of OBC--solo cruiser still gets you $300 OBC), then wandered into the buffet. It was still almost empty. Not much caught my eye, but I wasn’t terribly hungry at that point, and one thing I’m beginning to learn is that I just don’t care for most buffet food. I got a croissant, which was obviously left over from this morning’s breakfast. Then I swung by cafe al bacio to test out my drink package, got an iced tea (very good). Since the ship still felt empty and the cafe was already filling up, I guess that place will be hopping on sea days. That’s fine, I have some other nooks in mind where I can hide.


Went into the iLounge to buy my (horrors) internet package. There was no one there. I sat at one of the iMacs and bought the full cruise package ($149/5 days). I will admit I do not have high hopes for this connection holding out. :) Also, they have iPad mini 4s on board. Let me know if you have any stock check requests.


Then I walked the ship a bit. Casino smells a tiny bit smoky, which seems odd. Bistro on 5 was deserted (this was still quite early). Generally wandered around and got lost. The ‘entertainment’ really does seem schizophrenic, I’m pretty sure I’ve heard both dance music AND live ‘chamber music’ musicians on different occasions going through the atrium. Went up to the pool deck—the solarium looks awesome, the weather in Miami is actually quite nice today, and I think the solarium is exactly what I want for lounging (I’m not a tanner). I hope it doesn’t get too packed. At that time (maybe nearing noon) there were still plenty of loungers, but people had already staked out all the clamshell thingies.


Took pictures, walked some more, noticed that the stateroom door for deck 11 was open, so went to my room. (A few minutes later the room announcement was made). I made another post in another thread about which AQ amenities were present (basically everything including binoculars and umbrellas), I’ll find that at some point and paste it over here. Room is nice enough. It’ll be more than enough for one person. (My prior solo trip was in an NCL studio room, which I really liked but I had to be creative with storage). The only thing I noticed is that the bathroom drawer is stained and dirty on the inside (makeup etc). Not a big deal.


Spent some time exploring the room. One of the crew doors to the luggage area nearby is open, and I spotted my suitcase through that open door. I was extremely tempted to just go get it, but I didn’t want to throw off their system or confuse anyone. So no luggage yet, but at least I know it made it onto the ship. I’m not feeling super inspired to describe the room, maybe later, or feel free to ask questions. The bathroom is quite luxurious after 1) the NCL studio bathroom, 2) the DCL ’split’ bathroom which is nice for families, I’m sure, but which constantly had me opening the wrong door for my intended purpose.


A little after 1, I gradually realized I was actually hungry, and went back to the buffet. It was hopping now. There’s a sandwich station, pasta station (you have to wait and have these things assembled for you), a very small Asian selection, a slightly larger Indian section, an extremely tiny dessert section, a few steamship rounds and hot sides, pizza. I saw someone with what looked like a freshly-grilled steak, but never did figure out where he got it. I got some of the roast beef. The poor carver was really having to hack at it, and indeed I ended up with some inedible bits. But the flavor was fine. Also some au gratin potatoes. Made a small cheese plate (brie, gruyere, crackers, cranberries). I also had a ‘chocolate pot de creme’, which tasted literally identical to the pre-made cups of Jello pudding in the grocery store. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


After food, I wandered over to the Oceanview bar to figure out how I actually get the fancy waters my drinks package entitles me to (answer: just say “got any fancy water?”, this one got me a San Pellegrino).


At this time, I witnessed my first legit Celebrity cruiser meltdown, as a woman who was sure she had a drinks package was told politely but firmly by the bar staff that she did not have a drinks package. She got louder and louder. This did not cause her to have a drinks package. Then she finally said the phrase I never really thought I’d hear in real life, at least not 90 minutes into the cruise: “I’M ELITE YOU KNOW”. I burst out laughing. (Don’t worry, she didn’t notice.) She yelled at the bar staff a little while, then finally realized that she would have to just go to Guest Services.


Oh, dear fellow cruisers. This is why we can’t have nice things.


Otherwise, crowd is just a bit grayer than NCL/DCL, but not by much (I suspect because this cruise is so short). I’ve only spotted one kid so far, but on the other end of the spectrum it’s also not a walker/scooter crowd. I’d say median age about 50? Some younger folks mixed in. Ever so slightly more upscale than the other two lines, but I do sense the increased air of entitlement that goes along with it. (I’M ELITE YOU KNOW.) Also, it’s about 2:40 and my bags just showed up.


Possibly more tonight, unless that drooly cruise relaxation mode (and bonine, and not enough sleep last night) hit me hard after the muster drill. I will likely change and check out the solarium, though. Undecided on what to do about dinner. Probably Blu, we'll see.

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Okay this is a review I can truly enjoy! Honest, funny, and unbiased.....as in...it is what it is! Reminds me of Nelson DeMille's writing! Please keep sending your observations.....we have a cruise coming in April. I am looking forward to it and am going to do my best to not have too high of expectations and not sweat the small stuff. I do find some of the things I overhear while wIting in line ( especially at Guest Services) to be totally comical. I hope your cruise is relaxing and inspires you to write!

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I always giggle whenever anyone pulls the "I am Elite" card. Or the I'm a Diamond member" on RCCL. Like in the history of cruising (or anything else) it's caused someone to stop and give you whatever you want.


Keep up the writing, I think you are hilarious so far. We are going out on Eclipse in 6 weeks, so I am vicariously living through posts until then. :)



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Great report.


That poor Elite soul. Did they do nothing for her? Imagine not getting her free drink. She probably forgot that the free Elite drinks (limited selection) are only offered 5PM - 7PM and never on embarkation day. I wonder if Guest Services were able to console her, maybe with a $300 OBC? I feel sorry for her SR attendant. If only people like that knew what entertainment they provide!


Keep up the great writing, giving us all chuckles.

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As far as Ms. "I am elite" - invoking that is rude but I can understand her frustration.

On our last cruise I, too, was positive I had the Classic package but it took two trips to Guest Services and finally a phone call to my (wonderful!!!) TA (who was thankfully working on a Sunday) to get it straightened out.

It is extremely frustrating to have to prove you are supposed to have something. (Oh , and BTW, I did have a printout of our payments and included amenities because I had read on here of others this had happened to. Guest Services didn't care about that.)

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Enjoying your writing even though I'm a covered up grey hair lady on a scooter. BTW, I would never pull a I am Elite or I need to be admitted to MC. I just enjoy being on the water and watching people.

Have a great cruise and continue the writing.

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Hi again--thank you for the replies!


I want to clarify that I would never have described the Elite Lady situation if it weren't for the fact that she was screaming at the bar folks, who obviously could not fix the problem for her, whatever it was. If she was doing it at Guest Services, I might have just said, "there were some folks stressing out at Guest Services, the usual stuff". (I don't go around actively seeking ways to make fun of people. She was just really loud.)


A brief history of my sail-away locations:


My first cruise, NCL Getaway: having a minor anxiety attack in my studio room, no view of ocean. (I was way outside my comfort zone and committed to a full week, and also worried I would be seasick. I did end up loving that cruise, I think by about 8pm that same night. But I missed sail-away.)


My second cruise, DCL Dream: accidentally ended up in self-service laundry as the ship pulled away. We dashed up to our balcony.


My third cruise, Celebrity Eclipse: standing on the aft lawn watching the Miami sunset.


So that was nicer.


Ahead of sail-away, after the typically exhausting muster drill, I put on my swimsuit and shorts intending to go swim in the solarium. But it was really beautiful weather, and instead I spent about an hour hanging around the aft lawn and stayed there till sail-away. Afterwards, I heard someone say there was sushi in the buffet. This sounded promising and I went to investigate. I found the sushi, but in the process realized that I was the most under-dressed person in the buffet (one-piece bathing suit and denim shorts). There weren’t many people there, but despite my occasionally acerbic tone I don’t actually want to bug anyone, so once I realized I was the unsavory element in the room I grabbed two pieces of sushi and made a retreat. (Note: I can't really keep up with dress code drama, but it's on me for not paying more attention. And on Disney, there were always people in swimsuits in the buffet.) Went back to stateroom, got dressed in real clothes, went to Blu for its opening at 5:45.


I got a table for one (table 47, back in the corner). I liked the food a lot. I had the bleu cheese souffle, a spinach salad wrapped in prosciutto, and a very good filet mignon cooked perfectly, nice beefy flavor and a good jus. For some reason my waiter also brought me a piping hot side of french fries with my steak. I don’t know what that was about. I ate the french fries. Maybe it was some sort of little sign that I was low-class for watching video on my iPad mini while I ate. (I used earbuds. I had my back to a wall and I was watching an innocuous network show (Elementary), so there wasn’t even any chance of someone seeing something objectionable in the reflection of my glasses.) Or maybe he just thought I looked hungry. The portions ARE very small, but I’m not a big eater so this was fine.


That said, it was a full house in Blu for opening, and it took me over an hour for my app, salad, main. I opted out of dessert; I was pretty antsy by this point. Service was fine other than slow courses, and they kept my San Pelligrino full. I was offered sommelier service, which I declined. I went back to Oceanview for dessert (chocolate cupcake. they really do not stock many desserts).


On the way back to the room I walked through the casino. Things are feeling pretty lively. Folks are watching and cheering a football game midship. I fed the slot machines six dollars. The shipboard music selections continue to be mind-boggling, both the recorded/DJ stuff, and the live stuff. At one point I shared an elevator with a large group, and we could hear a strange warbling coming from the atrium. Finally someone said, tentatively, “Is that supposed to be All Night Long?” and we all cracked up. We concluded it would be a short night, if that was the case. At sailaway back at the Sunset bar, the DJ briefly started playing a remix of Depeche Mode’s Enjoy the Silence, which is a song I really like (Gen X, remember), but he quickly faded it into generic club music. Honestly, I think the point is that I can't identify any music that any generation would be enjoying, for the most part. (I listen to lots of music, spanning half a century, so it's not like I was holding out for grunge or Taylor Swift or something.)


Tech stuff, skip if this will bother you!


Another cruise ship television has defeated me; I can’t change the input so I can output video from my laptop. The model of the Samsung is LN32B450C3(H). The Harmony universal remote software can find a LN32B450, but even if I set it up, it can’t control the TV in any way, not even the power. I guess I can do the thing of asking the room steward for the original remote, but this whole lockout concept is annoying. As an aside, DCL lets you change TV inputs, no problem. NCL does not, and they use some super obscure hospitality TV brand, “Sole”.


In most other ways, the lo-tech approach of Celebrity’s website and (lack of) (functional) app are reflected in the ship and rooms. Fewer lighting options, no card-slot to conserve energy, no DND/Make Up Room switches (like the NCL Getaway has), just door hangers, and they even cross your name off a printed list by hand to check you into the muster drill instead of scanning cards. When I purchased the NA Premium package, the entire transaction was done via a 100% handwritten receipt.


That said—the internet seems functional enough, for the moment, meaning it’s no worse than NCL Getaway was on the first night out of Miami for me, possibly even bit better. I’m using a HooToo wireless router to share the connection between multiple devices, but it’s really not worth the effort. My VPN (Private Internet Access) works on the ship connection.


OH: Someone asked me to check for a certain GoPro on board. I know nothing about GoPros, please tell me what model(s) you’re looking for.


Aqua class: I’m already annoyed by the tea, afternoon canapes (no way am I eating room temperature fish dip, sorry), and other odds and ends taking up all available table space, so I left a note for tomorrow that I don’t need the tea or snacks, and I stashed the fizzy wine in the mini fridge. I did like the food at Blu very much, but I don’t have any MDR experience yet to compare it to. Overall I will probably not be a good judge of whether AQ is ‘worth it’. If the dining service had been faster, I might be more positive. My problem is that I want MDR/Blu quality food with buffet-quality speed and anonymity. :) (Which is really not the cruise line's problem to solve. MDR room service may be the answer.)


I’m in for an early night tonight, day one is always very tiring for me (I’m not a people person, if it’s not obvious). Ship is rocking a little, but it’s not too bad. Oh, Christmas decorations are up. The tree in the atrium does look very nice from the overlook on higher decks. Er, I think it’s the atrium. Maybe it’s in the library? I’ll take a picture next time.


Tomorrow is a sea-day. I may join in a cabin crawl in the morning, depending on how much my introversion is acting up, and I hope to spend both some time writing in the Sky lounge (I think that’s the name, the beautiful, seemingly unused space), and some time lounging in the solarium and swimming.

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Enjoying your entertaining live updates.


Steak in the Buffet/ Oceanview Cafe:


If you are at the Pizza station look Aft and the steak area is across the room. Left of the Taco station and pass the sandwich station.

Enjoy your cruise.

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Perditax: thanks for taking the time to post during your cruise. I'm enjoying your writing. We love the Eclipse, she's beautiful and elegant.


BTW: I'm pretty sure Beyond the Podium guest speaker Jim Kennedy is on board with you. He's a former Director of the Kennedy Space Center, and his talks are just wonderful.


Enjoy your cruise!!

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Thanks for the steak heads up. If there's a taco station I also didn't see that. It's possible there's a whole section I'm missing; it would explain why the buffet seems so small. >.>


(Meanwhile, I did indeed just find the note about swimsuits not being allowed in the buffet. All I can say is that I was aware enough to realize I was the odd woman out, and I left!)


Turtles, I literally just highlighted Jim Kennedy's talk tomorrow in my daily planner. Thanks for the additional info.

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I am sailing Eclipse on Friday...loving your review with latest info!!!


Can you post about entertainment/shows/bands? This is my only concern about Celebrity...last cruise (Alaska) there was NOTHING to do after dinner!




Sounds like you didn't have an active CD.

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Thank you for your review. We have sailed on Eclipse four times, the last being a few weeks ago. We love the ship. All our cruises are typically around two weeks long so if I'm adding correctly we have about 52 days aboard her.


The buffet *is* really big on the S class ships. You might have to look at both sides (aft and starboard) and front to back. There are a few semi-duplicate stations but not everything is the same, particularly the ends. Many people rave about the Asian/Indian section. It's next to the Mexican station. Also many people love the homemade ice cream. Long lines will attest to that. I love the fat free sugar free passionfruit type selections. Sooooo good.


Desserts and other things are also always available on Deck 5 at Cafe' al Bacio and they're free. You can just walk by and ask them for a cookie or something. Some of their cakes are really good. We have skipped dessert in the dining room before and have opted instead for the cafe's selections.


The 'everyday' menu at Blu has a chocolate cake which is decadent and wonderful. Qsine has a couple great desserts too. But *do* go with a table full of people. Not nearly the fun with one or two people.


We love the Sky Lounge too. It's a multi-use space. We like to watch sunsets up there. Depending on the number of elites on board, there may or may not be a cocktail party that is exclusive up there. On occasion they keep a part of it open for non-elite members which I think is a good idea. Sometimes they do trivia up there, art classes (on longer cruises), etc.

And you're right, sometimes it's just the perfect spot for curling up with a book, or in your case, your writing equipment. I spent half my cruise up there one transatlantic, either doing my cross stitch or doing art classes and then the elite cocktail in the evenings.


We find that Celebrity ships *do* have the wow factor, but I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. What wows one doesn't wow another. I don't need tinsel and big and shiny and over-the-top blinking lights to wow me. I prefer an understated elegance. We cruise to relax. When we discovered this cruise line in 2001 for our first cruise we knew we had found our perfect ship. Most of our 12 cruises have been in a sky suite, far corner aft. Hope you get a chance to do a cabin crawl. Fun. Great way to see the rooms and meet people. Our most recent cruise in November was in a Celebrity Suite and we had Michael's Club access. (now they've opened it up to all suites). It made for a completely different cruise. We had unlimited internet (we bought with an insane amount of OBC), premium beverage package, gratuities paid, and the cruise was very all-inclusive. Lots of ways to cruise, and all are good.


We do find people very friendly on Celebrity and most cruises we find people to chat with. Seasoned travelers are just fun people to get to know. Hope you find some great conversations on your short cruise. We've seen the melt-downs like you described but it's rare. I always feel like I want to apologize to those hard-working people who don't deserve the scene they just encountered.


One thing I'd suggest that helps staff tremendously: There are attention to detail cards (or they might be called something else). You can get them at Guest Relations if they don't place one in your room. It's where you name specific guests and issues and give compliments or state what could use improvement. About day 3 of a cruise and then the second to last day I ALWAYS fill these out, noting our servers and others who have gone out of their way. In every single case they have come back to me and said they got a bonus of some kind like an extra day off, or a lot of free internet, or a call back home - just because of my review. These are very worthwhile to do. Wish more people took the time, because it really does help the morale and life experience for the hard-working crew. I have never put a negative review. I save those for another day on another form. But I really have no complaints on a cruise. I don't have to clean up or cook, and my biggest decisions all day are what lounge am I going to sit in and drink my free drink while watching the beautiful world go by!!


Enjoy your cruise and if you have time, come back with more on your first X cruise.

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Some hints for you :

The room steward will bring cheese and crackers instead of the canapes if you ask. I like having that little snack as I get dressed for dinner.


Also, if you don't like the prolonged dinners just tell your waiter when you sit down. They really do want to please.


Also try the Aqua Spa Cafe for lunch. There's a different hot item each day. You have to order it from the attendants behind the counter.


I am the one who asked about the GoPro. It's a really small camera and I remember them having them for sale at the photo gallery just above Celebrity Central.

The one I wanted is the new Hero 4.

It's about an inch or so (really tiny).




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One thing since you're a writer. You could ask the captain's club concierge down on deck 3 if you could be on a list to see the bridge and/or the engine room control room. Often it's a perk for those in higher suites but sometimes if you just ask politely it can happen. Mention you're traveling alone and a writer and who knows. You might be interested in those. I'm kind of "eh" on those parts of the ship, but I've been on them several times and my engineer husband loves them.

There are tours of these things that you pay for but we've always been on the longer (free) tours through our butler or randomly through whoever.

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Chamina, I've been in the photo studio, I lounge and through the shops a bit, and all I really see are Vivitar cameras (random, right?) and GoPro *accessories*. If you have a specific place I should be looking, let me know, I really enjoy wandering the ship so I get around a fair amount.


Update later ... Oh, introvert update, I did talk myself into doing the crawl at the last moment , nice folks. :)

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Chamina, I've been in the photo studio, I lounge and through the shops a bit, and all I really see are Vivitar cameras (random, right?) and GoPro *accessories*. If you have a specific place I should be looking, let me know, I really enjoy wandering the ship so I get around a fair amount.


Update later ... Oh, introvert update, I did talk myself into doing the crawl at the last moment , nice folks. :)


Thanks for checking.

It probably would have been with the accessories so that means they don't have it. Maybe they will by February.

Otherwise we'll have to figure out something else to buy with the OBC.

(We originally intended to get cash in the casino for the 5% fee but some are reporting that's no longer possible.)


I'm loving reading your updates.

it's kind of vicarious cruising so thank you! :D

Can't wait to hear about the cabin crawl.

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