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and so it begins.....RTW16


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Thursday, June 30, 2016 Day 180


Today was a gorgeous and very warm day in Key West, Florida. We were cleared very quickly and Mr. Wonderful and I were among the first off the ship.


We were taken to Old Town by the port shuttle and he and I just walked around. We are familiar with Key West so we didn't visit any of the very cool sites that are here but just window shopped.


We met Bruce and Cathi, our friends from Canada, and decided that Sloppy Joe's was a great place for lunch...and it was!


After lunch we walked to another RTWer's house for an end-of-cruise celebration but they were still in town celebrating so we just missed them. Hopefully, next time.... (sorry we missed it Joyce...)


All aboard was 4:30 and we sailed away a few minutes early. Ray Carr did the best he could to clear the pool deck of the segmenters so that the worldlies could have it to ourselves for just a little while.


He and a couple of other guys, standing on deck 10, took pictures of us in front of the pool.


Then the band began playing, Will, Michele, and Eric from the entertainment staff sang, and practically all of us danced...it was truly amazing and very, very sweet.


Then Ray jumped into the pool, followed by at least 20 others--maybe more. The rest of us took pictures of them!!


All too soon, it was time to resume packing....especially for those who had bought another suitcase in town. Let the record show we did not!!! (told you earrings didn't take up much space!!)


We joined Cathi and Bruce and another friend for dinner and partially consumed the last bottle of our champagne. We then shared the rest with 2 other friends at the next table...all worldlies.


None of us realized how close we would become and, as Victor says, how much we would take care of each other.


To the wonderful young men and women who greeted us every day in Terrace, to those who cleaned our rooms, the laundry guys who literally work around the clock, the tender guys, the engineers, the guys who man the ropes, the people who walk around constantly cleaning and painting, the restaurant and bar staff, the entertainment and destination services, Jennifer, Victor, and our beloved Captain Flokos....thank you for taking care of us and for making this cruise the adventure of a lifetime.


Thank you all for your kind comments and encouragement. It is so nice to know that people read what I wrote and enjoyed our pictures.


Please, please take the cruise you are considering--you won't regret it.


I began this thread months ago "and so it begins...RTW2016" so I suppose I must say "and so it ends....RTW2016."

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I just want to add my thanks as well to your wonderful blog and postings. We are fairly new to cruising (and love it!). I'll be sad not to find your latest posting every morning. You have a wonderful lyrical way with words - thank you so much for taking the time to share and educate us! You and Mr. Wonderful have inspired me to shoot for our own RTW when we retire. Thank you again for sharing!

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Not only has the morning reading of these threads inspired the idea of a longer cruise one of these days but also the idea of a perfect and easy to carry souvenir-earrings. I am always looking for something I like that does not take up too much space. Thanks for all the interesting descriptions and comments about this cruise and the places you went.

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Cynthia, you have provided us with such a wonderful resource that I'm sure will continue to be read for years. I know how much time and effort goes in to keeping something like this going. You have done so well! Thank you.




PS. I became quite emotional reading day 180.

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As I noted on Wayentor's thread, I am most grateful for this generous sharing of yourself. Your reflections and notes have been practical and more than a little interesting! I will never take a trip like this, but living it vicariously has been most worthwhile. I wish you and Mr. Wonderful a long and lovely journey through life together!

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Add me to the list of your followers! I never missed a day of reading your adventures. As others have said- you have inspired me to plan for a longer cruise. Having only started cruising 4 years ago, I've discovered a love of the seas that truly surprised me.

I wish you both happiness and contentment wherever your heart takes you.



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We were late leaving the Port of Miami but didn't worry as others did because we did not have a plane to catch.


Since we live within 100 mile radius of the Port, Oceania provided a free town car and driver for us which also took all of the luggage, so we didn't use Luggage Free/Fed Ex offered by O.


Driving up I-95 as fast as the law allowed was quite an experience for us since we hadn't been on any vehicle that drove 70+mph for 6 months!!


There was quite a delay for all of us leaving the ship and Ray Carr announced that everything about our exit had been shut down and Port authorities wouldn't say why.


We were told by several staff that the O guys worked until 2am to get the luggage grouped by passenger and then by color of tag and that was how they were placed in the hold.


I do know that I watched the unloading of luggage and there were 2 forklifts working: the big forklift operator would deliver a red crate, the O men would load the grouped luggage into it, then he backed up and passed the crate off to a small forklift who took it into the Port building and the big forklift would grab another red crate and the process was repeated.


I did not see many red crates stacked ready for use at the pier and again only the 2 fork lift drivers.


There was a long line of passengers at the gangway doors on Deck 5 and according to some passengers, some had already left the ship and were standing outside.


Later Ray announced that everyone who was trying to leave without their color being called was being denied entry and were holding up everyone because their luggage had not been delivered to the port building.


Victor hugged us as we left the ship and said "I apologize, this is not the way I wanted your cruise to end." Poor Victor, he paced and sweated the process (literally).


We would have been glad to have been the last to be called since we were leaving via car and since O had hired it, we knew it was going to be there for us.


When our number/color was called, we walked through the gangway, were directed to the right, found our 6 suitcases side-by side with a very large printed O card with our name on it.


We hugged Luke from Destination Services who was standing there directing passengers to their "luggage line-up" and a porter with a cart came over and loaded 4 of them and we each took 1.


We were directed to Customs, handed him our form, he asked us individually our last name, and said "good bye." No other questions.


We walked out the door into the very hot Miami weather and immediately greeted Trish, the ATW hostess, and our beloved Betsy Horner. We only had 30 seconds to hug Betsy and for her to hand us an envelope each. She looked great!


Our porter quickly found our car, the guys loaded the luggage into it and off we went.


If we had been able to leave as scheduled it would have been glorious--no hassles, no wasted time, O was organized with the luggage...but there was the hold up.


We were repeatedly told, do not leave the ship, do not leave the common areas UNTIL YOUR NUMBER/COLOR IS CALLED.


Amazing, the number of people who cannot hear instructions at the end of the cruise... and if indeed they were the cause of the hold up...then shame on them.


Upon arrival here, the A/C worked, we turned on the water and there was no mail waiting on us. Very little laundry to do since we had it done on board, and most of the suitcases will go to NC to be unpacked there.


All is well in South Florida except we are exhausted! Lots of naps and early to bed for us. However....we're ready to do it all again...2019 Family Reunion Cruise!!!!

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Disembarkation was just about waiting and unfortunately many people just don't like to wait.


Already I find myself thinking "where was I a month ago" or today, for instance, I found myself hurrying up the beach because I thought it was a woman I knew, until I reminded myself, she was now in California and we weren't on the ship!!


actually the cruise has changed me for the better. I am much more patient (and I was THE patient one in the extended family), much less apt to get upset over little things, and remain so very grateful for the lovely life I have.


I hope the lessons stay with me--I'll be a much better person.


ps. I used to semi-enjoy the evening news--now I find it shallow and fatuous. Thank goodness for the public library which Mr. Wonderful and I just visited!!!!

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I finally had time to view your blog. Thank you for all of the beautiful pictures you posted. They certainly brought your cruise to life for all of us land lubbers. I will be a land lubber for a while as the trips planned are land trips, but I just might convince my better half to do another cruise after I show him your pictures.:D

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no fuss travel....


if there is one thing we've learned from RTW is not to put trips off. If they are land trips...go for it and if you want a cruise please encourage him to go with you.


We've learned that there are some things that don't get better with age and traveling is one of them....go go go while you can!


Get him to take his camera with him...and you take one too. Cameras are so easy these days and if you take a bad photo, as we all do, then hit the erase button!!


then go home and have your best pix enlarged and hang them on a wall or put in a frame on a desk or table....what a terrific way to remember an adventure! (and cheap!!!)

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sorry people...didn't mean to come across as preachy...


Don't think it sounded preachy at all. Just the truth.


I have followed as well and will miss the daily updates. You have a gift for writing - as if you were having a personal conversation with each of us.

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Add me to your long list of faithful readers. Would you please post where we can see the pictures you have made available.


Thanks for the wonderful trip. I'm sure it has encouraged others like me who were feeling too old to undertake the adventure. Continued blessings on you and Mr. W

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Add me to your long list of faithful readers. Would you please post where we can see the pictures you have made available.


Thanks for the wonderful trip. I'm sure it has encouraged others like me who were feeling too old to undertake the adventure. Continued blessings on you and Mr. W


Juanita ... the Bradley blog is here ... http://drdavebradley.blogspot.com/

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of course, I don't know how old you are but we had people celebrating 80th birthdays...and older on RTW. Please do this cruise or an extended one if you can.


We had one gentleman who had had some health issues but he gamely took part in the whole adventure. Yes, he was last on the bus but he quickly became the guy we all hope to emulate.


Dude snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef, climbed steps to the Great Wall, and went on safaris and we all kind of watched out for him.


At one of our last parties he was given the "outstanding cruiser" prize--one that was totally made up by some of the passengers but he got a standing ovation from us all and a very cool revolving globe..solar powered!


Mr.W is not happy right now....he's taking on Verizon. He may need a cruise after this "discussion!"

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We have been travelling, but the next trips we want to do all our land tours. WE want to go back to Africa and spend 2 weeks doing safaris at different parks. That is our plan for 2017. This year we still have to complete the building of our retirement home, then sell our current house, move to the retirement house, and then we can travel again. Contractors tend to eat up all your spare time when one is building.:eek::D

We did do a river cruise to Myanmar this year. It was fantastic and we were really glad to have done it and we crossed the one province we had not been to in Canada off our bucket list too. We now want to go back to Newfoundland. Fascinating province and as the locals told us, you do not go to Newfoundland for the weather. We realized how little of the history of Newfoundland is taught in our school systems. If you haven't been there, go, but use a local tour company for your trip. They will teach you the lingo and are much more up to date on the sites, where the good restaurants are, etc.

Again thank you for your blog. It brought back many wonderful memories of the places we have been to and added a few more on to our bucket list. We have decided it is time to do a few more land tours, as we want a more in depth coverage of places that are still on our bucket list. The problem with travelling is that your bucket list keeps getting longer even though you keep crossing things off.

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we have decided that we would like to do what we call a "road trip" which is throw some suitcases and a cooler in the car and take off.


Again there will be vast amounts of research done but we will be going up the eastern seaboard of the US, from Bar Harbor over to Nova Scotia, up to the Cabot Trail, then on to Newfoundland, PEI, back down to Quebec and Montreal and perhaps then into NY, Vermont.


Just beginning to look at it; we were last there over 30 years ago. Will make some reservations at some cool historic inns but as I said....just thinking about it for next September and October.

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we have decided that we would like to do what we call a "road trip" which is throw some suitcases and a cooler in the car and take off.


Again there will be vast amounts of research done but we will be going up the eastern seaboard of the US, from Bar Harbor over to Nova Scotia, up to the Cabot Trail, then on to Newfoundland, PEI, back down to Quebec and Montreal and perhaps then into NY, Vermont.


Just beginning to look at it; we were last there over 30 years ago. Will make some reservations at some cool historic inns but as I said....just thinking about it for next September and October.


Interesting trip for you to do. First time for us to Newfoundland but it has been over 20 years for us since we drove down the eastern seaboard. Lots of history, beautiful scenery, fantastic people and the accolades could go on about the eastern seaboard. That is also on our bucket list, but we are watching our poor dollar and also your upcoming election to decide when we will do that trip. May all your future travels be safe and happy.

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sorry people...didn't mean to come across as preachy...

You are not preachy at all! I have enjoyed your postings and blog so much I am inspired to do ATW someday! My DH was always one to put off vacations because of work until his mother passed. When she was diagnosed with cancer I asked her if there was once thing she really wanted to do. She wanted to cruise the Rhine River. I said ok - I'll go with you lets call cousin P (she's a TA) and set it up. She said no, she had time maybe in the fall. This was in early April and by July she was gone. Since she has passed we've been to Alaska, Machu Picchu and cruised the Panama canal. Next year Norway and Scotland! The Rhine River is on the list.


You have such joy in your writing - I will miss it! Thank you so much for taking us along on your amazing journey!



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cbb, loved reading your posts and got many hints on what to do in some of the ports we will be visiting in the next 2 years.... we've started a thread for Timeless Wonders... Mumbai to Rome in April 2018, on Nautica. Life is amazing!!!!



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