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Experienced winter cruisers, need advice please


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Supposed to drive from NEPA to LaGuardia Saturday morning. Possible Nor'easter headed our way. Yay. 😠


Not sure what step to take, if any, next. Try to reschedule flight? For Friday? Sunday?


Wait a few days, see what the forecast is later in the week?


We're traveling with another couple, who will do what we do, but what if we can change flights and they can't or vice versa?


Everyone has travel ins. 😁 but we'd hate to have to cancel.


Is my brain making this more complicated than it really is? Because right now, it seems awfully complicated.


Advice please?

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No matter what happens always have a plan B and C. Both plans should get you to the port the day before your cruise, either by plane, car, rail or bus. Hopefully you didn't book a same day flight because that would be more difficult to change for free (or cancel) because the airline may want to wait until the very last minute to allow that.


My advice is to start making car rental reservations and prepare to drive to the port at least a day early. You can always cancel if your flight is on time. A few years ago a drove from ATL to Boston during a noreaster and surprisingly I made it in 15 hours with very little traffic.


Good luck!

Edited by ATL_Miami_Cruiser
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Supposed to drive from NEPA to LaGuardia Saturday morning. Possible Nor'easter headed our way. Yay.


Not sure what step to take, if any, next. Try to reschedule flight? For Friday? Sunday?


Wait a few days, see what the forecast is later in the week?


We're traveling with another couple, who will do what we do, but what if we can change flights and they can't or vice versa?


Everyone has travel ins. but we'd hate to have to cancel.


Is my brain making this more complicated than it really is? Because right now, it seems awfully complicated.


Advice please?


Try switching your flights to an earlier date w/o being charged change fees. Depends on your airline and your "status" with them. I just switched my Saturday AM flight to Miami from LGA to Friday w/o a charge since I have over 2 million miles with them.

Some airlines won't allow changes until they issue a weather/travel advisory, but that may be too late. If you cruise Sunday, getting a 6AM flight Sunday morning might be doable this way, land in MIA by 9AM. You'll have the cost of a NY/NJ hotel room for the night too.

Edited by evandbob
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Yes. A friend is supposed to fly to NOLA Friday. She called Delta, our airline too, to change and they wanted to charge to change. The rep did tell her that she may be able to change for free closer to Friday if bad weather seems to be imminent.


Sadly, we are not frequent flyers.


I just don't know whether to change now, and take a financial hit, or wait a few days and hope for a complimentary change.


I wonder if a change would be covered by insurance. I'll have to dig up my paper work.


Thank you!

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If you've read any posts from previous winters you would be on the phone right now making other plans. Some of the most horrendous stories have been posted by people travelling during a bad winter storm. I'd try to go on Friday if you can switch your flight. It may only cost you another hotel room night in Florida. GOOD LUCK and keep us posted. Some of these stories have had thousands of posts in the past.

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One option is to change your outbound flight to leave from another airport (south) that is not in the snow forecast.


Unfortunately, by the time the weather report gets bad enough for the airlines to allow no-charge changes, the phone lines are impossible. Travel insurance should pay if the weather is bad enough that your original flights don't go.


Last year I had a similar situation. Bad weather in Newark, waiting on hold for hours, so I booked a new one way flight from Baltimore on the web and somehow must have contacted the airline to let them know I did that and was going to use my return ticket. (Be careful to communicate so they don't cancel your return.) Parked my car at Newark airport, rented a car and drove to Baltimore. I stayed at a hotel near BWI and returned the car at the airport there. I did fly home to Newark per my original ticket. Travel insurance picked up the extra costs -- save all of your receipts. The insurance company claim process did require a letter from the airline that my NY area flight was canceled.


Good luck!

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Thank you.


Part of the problem is that the couple we're traveling with used points for their flight. It was a royal pain getting us on the same flight since they were somewhat restricted in their choices. Coordinating new flights while not in the same room seems daunting.


I wonder if airlines do 3 way calls?

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I would change to an earlier flight and take the hit. If you wait, flights could be sold out since everyone will be trying to make changes as well. And who knows, the rep who takes your call may not charge you the change fee - I travel frequently for work and very often I've found that things like that just depend on who happens to answer the phone.

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Thank you.




Part of the problem is that the couple we're traveling with used points for their flight. It was a royal pain getting us on the same flight since they were somewhat restricted in their choices. Coordinating new flights while not in the same room seems daunting.




I wonder if airlines do 3 way calls?



Do you have to all be on the same flight? Or just have them change theirs first and then tell you what flight to change to.

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OP, what airline & equipment (aircraft) are your flights booked on - are they nonstop ? Your flight is midday/afternoon on Saturday - going south, if I am reading your post correctly?


LGA has 2 short runway and are basically the hub for lots of small planes, commuter jets & turbo prop's - and regional partners are among the first to ground & cancel. I doubt that there are much unsold/empty seats at this point on alternate flights available to you. How far is your drive from NE to PA ?


If you can rebook flights, even with with fees for change, it would be wise as by the time travel waivers are issued by the airlines (some are faster & better doing it than others, i.e Jetblue @ JFK's hub) - and, get out Friday morning or at least before noon, before flights start cancelling (looking at the current storm track & accumulation range of 5" to 10".) Yes, this will add extra costs to your cruise.


The couples traveling might have to re-deposit their points, for a fee, and, pay the current fares for flights to MIA ... unfortunately, that's one of the givens flying to ports in the winter months.


Or, with travel insurance covering ... stay & enjoy the snow. And, what about Amtrak ??

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Supposed to drive from NEPA to LaGuardia Saturday morning. Possible Nor'easter headed our way. Yay. 😠


Not sure what step to take, if any, next. Try to reschedule flight? For Friday? Sunday?


Wait a few days, see what the forecast is later in the week?


We're traveling with another couple, who will do what we do, but what if we can change flights and they can't or vice versa?


Everyone has travel ins. 😁 but we'd hate to have to cancel.


Is my brain making this more complicated than it really is? Because right now, it seems awfully complicated.


Advice please?



Make plans to drive west to another airport, but be prepared to pay.

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if you cannot change the flights now without a big fee then head to NYC early on Friday

keep checking weather reports ....some airlines will allow you to change flight as stated to an earlier one

If you are already in NYC it might be easier to get on the Friday flight or even try standby

as long as the planes are still flying you have a good chance of getting out

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As of this moment, none of the major carriers (UA, AA, DL or even B6) have issued any travel waivers for this season's first major winter storm, Jonas is going to start impacting travel plans up the mid-Atlantic states on Friday & move up & across into the greater NY metro area by Friday night/Saturday - expect flight cancellations to happen by Friday as airlines will keep their equipments and crews out of the "zone" for better post-storm recovery - depending on the storm tracks forecast (it's not a perfect science) as the clock run down.


As OP surely know, snow will stick to the cold surface with current conditions, windy today - as much as 8" to 10" snow by Saturday evening for NYC. Hopefully, you are confirmed & booked on early/morning flight out of LGA (or, even JFK if there's availability) - otherwise, checkout Pittsburgh or even Buffalo for alternate flight options, as those airports are usually fine handling a moderate snowstorm, as long as it's not going to spin into a major blizzard.


Good luck & please do come back & share with us on your success and outcome. Happy cruising !!

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Yes. Our plan is to arrive in Miami Saturday for a Sunday cruise. Driving is not an option, but thank you!


Actually driving is an option (sort of). Look into the Amtrak Auto Train. Drive to DC (Lorton, VA), put your car on the train, spend the night and wake up in Orlando (Sanford FL), and drive on to Miami.


Not sure if it is a viable alternative in your case, but it is worth a mention.

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Southwest Airlines leading the legacy carriers by issuing travel waivers early today - https://www.southwest.com/html/advisories/swa_travel_advisory_20160201453305294369.html

Delta followed & issued theirs just before 1 PM - http://www.delta.com/content/www/en_US/traveling-with-us/advisories/northeast-winter-weather.html

United came along, after DL (as its major hub ops at EWR and IAD would likely be impacted) - https://www.united.com/CMS/en-US/travel/news/Pages/travelnotices.aspx

American just posted their waivers - https://www.aa.com/i18n/travelInformation/travelAlerts.jsp

Okay - JetBlue ... waiting on yours


One forecast model now calling for the storm to move slower & the snow to not arrive in NYC area until Saturday morning but continuing into early Sunday, less than a foot of snow - depending on storm's track. Windy conditions and blowing snow are going to be a problem with this storm, wind gust in excess of 40 mph and reducing visibility - and, in previous storm, LGA's had to shut down one runway so that they can plow and keep the remaining runway clear & conditions safe for planes to land (and, takeoff - conditions permitting) It's a full moon coming up and urban flash flooding also expected to possibly cause problems for coastal roads.


LGA has limited "parking" space for planes when there are ground stops and once that's reached, other inbounds are delayed, held and/or diverted to other airports if already en route. It wasn't that long ago that one skipped off Rwy 22 landing in a "minor" snow storm with poor visibility and many pax were not given access to their luggage for days.


Best of luck ! Safe travel & happy cruising once onboard - isn't it nice to be sailing into warmer weather ... just remember to pack those gloves & scarves and dress in layers.


P.S. I mentioned Amtrak earlier but without suggesting the Auto Train from VA - as that can be pricey for 2 people but for 4 people, it will lower the costs per person ... and, even the "coach" seats are fairly comfortable for the overnighter. Don't forget those AARP and/or AAA discount for each eligible person.

Edited by mking8288
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Southwest Airlines leading the legacy carriers by issuing travel waivers early today - https://www.southwest.com/html/advisories/swa_travel_advisory_20160201453305294369.html

Delta followed & issued theirs just before 1 PM - http://www.delta.com/content/www/en_US/traveling-with-us/advisories/northeast-winter-weather.html

United came along, after DL (as its major hub ops at EWR and IAD would likely be impacted) - https://www.united.com/CMS/en-US/travel/news/Pages/travelnotices.aspx

American just posted their waivers - https://www.aa.com/i18n/travelInformation/travelAlerts.jsp

Okay - JetBlue ... waiting on yours


One forecast model now calling for the storm to move slower & the snow to not arrive in NYC area until Saturday morning but continuing into early Sunday, less than a foot of snow - depending on storm's track. Windy conditions and blowing snow are going to be a problem with this storm, wind gust in excess of 40 mph and reducing visibility - and, in previous storm, LGA's had to shut down one runway so that they can plow and keep the remaining runway clear & conditions safe for planes to land (and, takeoff - conditions permitting) It's a full moon coming up and urban flash flooding also expected to possibly cause problems for coastal roads.


LGA has limited "parking" space for planes when there are ground stops and once that's reached, other inbounds are delayed, held and/or diverted to other airports if already en route. It wasn't that long ago that one skipped off Rwy 22 landing in a "minor" snow storm with poor visibility and many pax were not given access to their luggage for days.


Best of luck ! Safe travel & happy cruising once onboard - isn't it nice to be sailing into warmer weather ... just remember to pack those gloves & scarves and dress in layers.


P.S. I mentioned Amtrak earlier but without suggesting the Auto Train from VA - as that can be pricey for 2 people but for 4 people, it will lower the costs per person ... and, even the "coach" seats are fairly comfortable for the overnighter. Don't forget those AARP and/or AAA discount for each eligible person.


How do you check this information? I'm sitting on pins and needles about the weather on February 6 for flying Jet Blue to San Juan from Boston. Logan Airport is pretty good about handling snow, but if the plane can't get there, we can't fly out. I have no problem leaving early, but I don't want to spend more than the cost of the cruise to do it.

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How do you check this information? I'm sitting on pins and needles about the weather on February 6 for flying Jet Blue to San Juan from Boston. Logan Airport is pretty good about handling snow, but if the plane can't get there, we can't fly out. I have no problem leaving early, but I don't want to spend more than the cost of the cruise to do it.


You keep an eye on the weather. If a storm is predicted you start stalking your airline's website for travel advisories. It is generally around 48 hours before a storm is predicted to hit. I always print out the schedules for airports near me so I know what some of the options are. If there is any indication there is a problem when I get to the airport, I get on the phone immediately so I can avoid long customer service lines. I make sure everything I need for several days is in my carryon.


One unfortunate story I have is the couple who were supposed to fly direct from Miami to San Juan same day for a cruise. They missed the cruise because the air crew was stuck in NY, so the plane couldn't fly. Miami and San Juan weather were fine.

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How do you check this information? I'm sitting on pins and needles about the weather on February 6 for flying Jet Blue to San Juan from Boston. Logan Airport is pretty good about handling snow, but if the plane can't get there, we can't fly out. I have no problem leaving early, but I don't want to spend more than the cost of the cruise to do it.


Well, both easy & complicated - have all the major/popular travel apps on my smartphone (Android is primary & iOS is backup - between T-Mobile & Project Fi by Google (T-Mo & Sprint) - have data access basically at minimal to low costs at 120+ countries around the world, except while at sea at the mercy of satellite links. Subscribed to the major carrier's twitter feeds and it feed - selectively with "keywords = Travel Waivers" into my mobile email. Apps: Kayak Pro, FlightAware, FlightBoard, Flightradar along with LiveATC give me good to excellent real-time update as necessary, if booked on an upcoming flight or flying on the day - trace the inbound aircraft & look at airport ops, etc.


Then, it's the carrier's online site, register & sign-up for updates (UA, DL and B6, etc.) - with the understanding that they are supposed to alert/notify but NOT always 97.5% or better in accuracy.


As for checking & keeping up with the latest - it's somewhat simply that I have the links above saved as bookmarks on Chrome browsers, which I can access on mobile devices, desktop in Windows and while running Linux OS, so a few click on the hyperlink will usually help scan the landscape for anything unusual or expected (as in upcoming winter storm/blizzard)


Mass transit - subscribed to select # of sites, O.E.M. alerts and locally, "Notify NYC" as it will filter & SMS when there are incidents or disruptions on the registered zones/routes/area or region.


Here's the link for JetBlue - waivers just popped up about 90 minutes ago - up & down the Eastern coastal - https://www.jetblue.com/JetblueAlerts/WeatherUpdate.aspx

This link is for DCA metro area - for current storm only - https://www.jetblue.com/JetblueAlerts/WeatherUpdate.aspx?intcmp=global_travelalert#Winter Storm Jonas | DC Metros and RIC

This link is for NYC (JFK mainly - the "hub") and BOS - for current storm only - https://www.jetblue.com/JetblueAlerts/WeatherUpdate.aspx?intcmp=global_travelalert#Winter Storm Jonas | NY Metros and BOS Metros


Accuweather, Weather Channel & WeatherUnderground - those are resources that the administrative operations used at the office to stay updated, since we run things 24/7/365 and with planned incidents like weather alerts, must put into motions contingency plans for staffing, transportation and if necessary, housing for "sheltering" staff for continuity of operations.


It helps when we have birds eye view of LGA's Rwy 22 from rooftop of the house and got 2 nephews working grounds @ JFK ;) for those "insiders" & up-to-the-minutes info that they "can" share. :p

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Well, both easy & complicated - have all the major/popular travel apps on my smartphone (Android is primary & iOS is backup - between T-Mobile & Project Fi by Google (T-Mo & Sprint) - have data access basically at minimal to low costs at 120+ countries around the world, except while at sea at the mercy of satellite links. Subscribed to the major carrier's twitter feeds and it feed - selectively with "keywords = Travel Waivers" into my mobile email. Apps: Kayak Pro, FlightAware, FlightBoard, Flightradar along with LiveATC give me good to excellent real-time update as necessary, if booked on an upcoming flight or flying on the day - trace the inbound aircraft & look at airport ops, etc.


Then, it's the carrier's online site, register & sign-up for updates (UA, DL and B6, etc.) - with the understanding that they are supposed to alert/notify but NOT always 97.5% or better in accuracy.


As for checking & keeping up with the latest - it's somewhat simply that I have the links above saved as bookmarks on Chrome browsers, which I can access on mobile devices, desktop in Windows and while running Linux OS, so a few click on the hyperlink will usually help scan the landscape for anything unusual or expected (as in upcoming winter storm/blizzard)


Mass transit - subscribed to select # of sites, O.E.M. alerts and locally, "Notify NYC" as it will filter & SMS when there are incidents or disruptions on the registered zones/routes/area or region.


Here's the link for JetBlue - waivers just popped up about 90 minutes ago - up & down the Eastern coastal - https://www.jetblue.com/JetblueAlerts/WeatherUpdate.aspx

This link is for DCA metro area - for current storm only - https://www.jetblue.com/JetblueAlerts/WeatherUpdate.aspx?intcmp=global_travelalert#Winter Storm Jonas | DC Metros and RIC

This link is for NYC (JFK mainly - the "hub") and BOS - for current storm only - https://www.jetblue.com/JetblueAlerts/WeatherUpdate.aspx?intcmp=global_travelalert#Winter Storm Jonas | NY Metros and BOS Metros


Accuweather, Weather Channel & WeatherUnderground - those are resources that the administrative operations used at the office to stay updated, since we run things 24/7/365 and with planned incidents like weather alerts, must put into motions contingency plans for staffing, transportation and if necessary, housing for "sheltering" staff for continuity of operations.


It helps when we have birds eye view of LGA's Rwy 22 from rooftop of the house and got 2 nephews working grounds @ JFK ;) for those "insiders" & up-to-the-minutes info that they "can" share. :p


Thank you! The Jet Blue link looks good to me. If I need to, I have no problem monitoring their web site. Hopefully we will luck out and won't need it.


Typically I'm not flying to cruises in the winter, but this year is an exception. Last Feb I got caught coming back on the Quantum in a major snow storm. Amtrak came through for me. I made it to Boston, but couldn't get to the burbs. Fortunately I had the sense to Hotwire a Back Bay hotel that was accessible indoors from the train, so I was a happy camper and it was covered by insurance.

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